Not more than five minutes away from the shack was the bridge the two needed to cross in order to get to the second half of the manglegrove. "how the hell are we supposed to get over there when the bridge is trashed like this?" erik asked frustrated. alastair shook his head "no clue , i did see a side path back by the shack maybe that is the way?" he speculated. the two the backtracked to the shack and walked down a side path next to the shack where they met a dog who seemed to want to show them something.
Having no better ideas the two followed the dog to an odd vine that was a foot thick at its base and tapered down significantly as it went up. on the top of this strange vine was a clear orb that looked like a drop of water stuck to a leaf except this orb was about the size of a pool ball. before erik and alastair could ask what this vine was the mark on alastairs left hand began to shine and they both saw a glimpse of the past and how a woodcutter was going about his business.
When the woodcutter came across the busted up bridge and and fumed about it a devil type monster showed up startling him. the monster that introduced itself as tricky devil then struck the woodcutter with a beam of pink that was apparently called the tricky beam and turned the woodcutter into a dog. after changing the woodcutter tricky devil then found an empty chest off a side path that went nowhere and the vision ended. as the glow left alastair both he and erik turned to look at the dog who whined as if acknowledging the truth of the vision.
Erik said he had heard about things like this with the visions being apparently sent by Yggdrasil to certain people. after promising to get the woodcutter changed back alastair and erik set out to find the chest that tricky devil was supposedly hiding in. after searching for a couple of hours the duo found the chest and walked towards it calmly. suddenly the chest burst open and tricky devil popped out with a yell of "ta da!" before looking stumped at the lack of surprise from the two. "no matter , how about this!" he yelled launching a pink beam.
The two dodged the beam by side stepping and drawing their weapons finally having enough of this monsters antics. alastair charged the monster with metalbane held at the ready to stab it. tricky devil quickly somersaulted over alastair where erik was bringing up the rear and unable to dodge the thrust of erik's dagger since it was in midair tricky devil created a small explosion in front of it that scorched it slightly but also redirected it away from erik's attack. alastair decided magic might be a better choice against tricky devil and threw a small fireball.
Predictably tricky devil jumped out of the way and right into erik who had developed a solid teamwork with alastair after all the monster slaughtering they did. with a terrified screech tricky devil was impaled through the forehead by erik's dagger before dying and dispersing in a haze of purple mana. "that was surprisingly tricky." erik said before realizing it and looked embarrassed at his unintentional pun. alastair laughed at erik before patting his shoulder and walking back to the woodcutters shack. the return trip to the shack was uneventful with the exception that alastair finally leveled up to level seven.
Alastair put his thirteen points into fitness bringing it to fifty three as for the perk alastair took the fortune finder perk for that sweet extra ten percent drop rate. after leaving the system menu alastair felt his muscles expand slightly with a sensation of intense heat before the feeling left as soon as it appeared. thankfully erik didn't seem to notice the change in alastair but he did notice that alastair looked slightly uncomfortable in his clothes as if they were just a pinch too tight. after getting back to the shack alastair borrowed it to modify his clothes slightly making them roomier.
The woodcutter didn't mind lending his shack to alastair since he was so grateful and even set about repairing the bridge for them so it was no big deal. a couple hours later and the woodcutter finished repairing the bridge and even said it was stronger than ever. after wishing the woodcutter well alastair and erik continued towards cobblestone by crossing the bridge and entering the second part of the manglegrove. the second part of the manglegrove was the same as the first part with the exception of a different type of monster.
That monster was hilarious as it was a small pig creature no more than a foot long with a massive pointed hat that sat on top of it. this monster was call a sham hatwitch and it specialized in magic as alastair and erik found out the hard way. after a brief bout of rage fueled genocide both erik and alastair agreed to never speak of this embarrassing episode again before they finally reached the exit to the manglegrove. once again alastair notice how the climate outside the manglegrove was far different than inside it but quickly ignored that thought when he smelled a thick scent of burnt wood and other things.
Author note: this is the part of this fanfic were the story massively deviates from the events of dragon quest 11. these changes will be based on how a normal person would act based on the circumstances around them rather than the dq11 story were the mc is practically a saint. i will be adding characters who were not in the original story including someone of a race that completely doesn't exist in the game so you can look forward to that.
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