Alastair obtained two perks from the two newest members of the party the first of which was obviously from rab. (Ages wisdom): rab has been alive for a long time and has seen and learned much in his time. +10 knowledge while rab is in the party. the second perk caused alastair to raise an eyebrow subconsciously. (Deceptive charm): jade has a great deal of strength hidden behind a gorgeous visage that she uses to get her way. +10 speech and unarmed while jade is in the party. alastair couldn't disagree with the description since jade is indeed quite beautiful.
Rab turned over the reinbow after the party escaped their pursuers and despite what they had hoped for it didn't seem to do anything when alastair held it. that changed while they were on the move back to the ship however as it suddenly activated. it showed the scene of six orbs attached to a dais below the world tree it self. it then showed a bridge made of six colors leading directly to the tree after the orbs were placed. after the vision ended the party discussed it and narrowed down their next steps after returning to the ship.
"There's somethings that's been bothering me lad." rab said to alastair as they traveled. "oh? and what might that be?" alastair asked curious. "from what i kin tell yer far stronger than someone yer age has any business to be , i mean according to jade ye manhandled hendrick himself and that boy is far from a slouch." rab paused "what a'm asking is how'd you get like this?" he asked seriously. alastair then explained to both rab and jade about how he trained since young as well as how when he kills monsters and helps people he seems to grow more perfect in some way.
Alastair then had the rest of the party confirm what he was saying as well as having them give their input on the subject. "honestly i am amazed that no one knows about something like this." jade said honestly. "probably for the same reason no one outside of us will likely know in the future." alastair said with a shrug. "what do you mean?" jade asked curiously. "because if any of you tell someone else you may just doom the world in the future." alastair said seriously. "i don't understand what you mean?" jade said confused.
"To put it simply if the wrong individuals learn about the abilities of the luminary then they can plan around them , for example removing all the rogue monsters would make it near impossible for the luminary to grow stronger quickly making them too weak to face the big bad." alastair explained and watched the expressions on everyone face change. the party then changed the subject to what rab and jade have been up to since the fall of dundrasil. apparently they saw how that night seemed to change king carnelian so they spent this time searching for the cause.
They had learned of a great evil that had destroyed an entire kingdom long ago known as mordegan. but even just learning that name took this long much less any information on the monster in question. the party traveled and rested as needed until they could reach the shore where the helmsman of sylvando's ship waited for them were they boarded it. they sailed to puerto valor under the direction of rab who mentioned knowing the person who could open the Seagate for them. alastair noticed sylvando acting a bit odd as they got closer to the town in question but ignored it.
Sylvando decided to wait on the ship while they went into town which seemed odd but no one seemed to mind. the town was built in a spanish style with white painted buildings as well as wooden hanging gardens all over the place covered in vines and flowers. the party split up with rab heading off to go talk to the person in charge of the seagate while everyone else did whatever they wished in the meantime. alastair went about completing the few quest he could find along with jade who refused to leave his side.
Apparently she had felt obligated to keep him safe as she had promised his mother at the night of the fall of dundrasil. alastair tried pointing out that he was far stronger than she was but she simply shrugged it off while continuing to shadow him. giving up alastair went about his business with his eye-catching stalker following along while occasionally asking questions. alastair decided to to mess with jade a bit while doing a quest for old man who wanted to see her in a bunny outfit. alastair purchased enough tokens from the local casino to buy the recipe for the costume.
Using the fun sized forge alastair created the bunny suit with a size enchantment before he asked jade to put on the outfit including the ears. alastair was surprised to learn that the old man sure knew how to pick them as jade was jaw droppingly attractive in that outfit. even alastair with his self control couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva after seeing her in that outfit. alastair failed to bother jade with their walk through the town with her in that outfits as she seemed to enjoy the attention instead. he knew that she was onto his act when she hugged his arm with her chest and looked at him with a flirtacious smile.
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