The phenomena ended before alastair could realize it had happened so he walked of the ship oblivious to the ramification of his actions. meanwhile there were five old men sitting around a table in mary geoise , these are the world elders. "we have a problem." an old man with a sword in front of him says seriously. "indeed , this event is outside the worlds trajectory." another old man with dreadlocks says with a nod. "how do we respond ,we lack any information on whoever it is that bares this new supreme sword?" the sword elder asked calmly.
"First we must ascertain who has the weapon as well as their intentions before we act rashly." the youngest looking elder says to which the rest agree. alastair went through the customs area of the harbor where he and the girls got their marks of passage. from there the group entered the kingdom proper and it was quite the sight for the group as the entire kingdom was actually a massive walled off area with multiple parts. the closest was the town center that was comprised of three huge many storied buildings that served as the hub of the kingdom.
The inside of the buildings had various different floors dedicated to different things such as produce , weapons ,clothes etc. alastair was mostly interested in the unique things in the area so he went to the food floor which was filled with stalls cooking various things. the girls each split up and went their own ways in the building after agreeing to meet up at the ship by the end of the day. alastair learned that there was a type of spice that was the specialty of the kingdom and tried various dishes with it in it. his favorite were the skewers made of a type of common bird that had a tender texture and rich juices when bit into.
After satisfying his hunger alastair bought a good supply of the spice to sock in his kitchen which he stored in his inventory. alastair and his wives spent the week playing tourist and visiting the famous landmarks and places. the biggest event for alastair was when he met the two three year old boys who raise all kinds of hell in the future portgas d. ace and sabo. they were a rambunctious pair of kids no doubt making them a headache to deal with.
Funnily enough the two boys took an immediate shine to alastair when they met him and gave him a fair headache as they seemed to sneak onto his ship whenever they could. the group didn't mind the two at all as they seemed to brighten up wherever they went with their antics. alastairs wives all decided to stick around here for a few years to really acclimate to the world since they had been on the move since they got here. alastair went bounty hunting the local area before frequently returning to the goa kingdom.
Four years pass in which alastair has earned a reputation as a powerful bounty hunter while training the three boys sabo and ace. ace and sabo had started saving money for a boat so they could become pirates while alastair and garp met at fushia village and became friends.. alastair had leveled up six times during this time since he was taking it relatively easy. with his seventy eight skill points alastair maxed his unarmed skill before putting the remaining points into his strength stat raising it by thirty points , these changes allowed alastair to match even garp skill wise.
Alastair also got a couple of perks he could choose from when he leveled up but decided that he didn't want them since they were just things he could learn on his own. using his six points alastair tossed them into his natures voice maxing it out at which point it changed to the voice of all things. the women didn't slack off during this time as they trained on their own and grew a good deal stronger just like alastair if not in a less noticeable way since they also learned this worlds ways.
Finally the day came when alastair and the girls decided to continue their journey after learning as much of the world as they felt they needed. the two boys were sad to see them leave but alastair told them to look for him in the future before giving both of them a gift. for sabo he gave a necklace that was enchanted to keep him out of a sea kings stomach. while ace got a history altering gift in the form of a bracelet that saved him from a single life ending attack. alastair had prevented aces death in several years from now with this and set the world on an unusual direction.
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