The ship sailed for three days before the group came across a group of small islands that each seemed to be created by highly active volcanos. there were a few species of highly hardy plants that had made themselves at home along the ground. alastair anchored the ship in the waters nearby since both he and erisa wanted to relax here for a few days. marina took to the sea since the dry air was uncomfortable for her while jade went exploring the nearby islands in a dingy. this turned out to be a good idea since she came back a day later with a devil fruit.
Alastair had mixed feelings about this fruit after identifying it with the system due to the name it had. this fruit was a deep purple color with the swirls turning green towards the center of them. according to the system this fruit was called the plague plague no mi , this greatly bothered alastair because it didn't take a genius to realize what the fruit might do. alastair and the girls all sat around a table that had the fruit sitting in the center. "i know they are called devil fruits but this is crazy."
It was marina who spoke first breaking the ice and the rest looked at her to continue. "from what i gather not a single devil fruit is evil in itself but plagues? that might be entirely negative no matter how you see it." she said seriously. "i know what you mean , but you said it yourself none of the fruits are inherently evil." jade said calmly. "the real question is what do we do with it , i mean we can't destroy it since it would just pop up somewhere else we won't know." alastair said with a vexed sigh.
After much discussion the group decided on three possible things they could do with the fruit. first they could seal it away in the vault behind thick defenses. second one of them could eat it and use its powers wisely. the final option was to open a portal to the moon and leave it there far away from anyone. none of the four could break the majority so alastair got spider involved and the cook simply said to eat the thing. when asked why he chose that option spider said that unless one of them was planning to die or turn evil that would ensure the fruits powers were not in the wrong hands for a long time.
After much discussion between the girls because alastair wanted nothing to do with the fruit it was decided that jade would eat it. she cut it in half and sliced off a thin layer of the fruits white flesh before putting it in her mouth and chewing. immediately she looked like she was going to throw up as the foul flavor filled her mouth. but she powered through it and swallowed and after that she had a sort of innate understanding of how her new powers worked.
The rest of the group were thankful when they learned that she was in control of her abilities. according the jade she was immune to disease as well as able to "devour" the diseases that were in other people. this actually gave alastair an idea that would terrify most people if they learned of it. alastair remembered that at the moment whitebeard was suffering under a disease that made him much weaker. with this in mind alastair wondered what would happen if he was cured and made a full recovery.
The group sailed out again after a couple of days with the kingdom of arabasta as the new goal. the trip was fairly uninteresting as besides a crew of paradise pirates with a captain with a devil fruit power that was some sort of dog zoan nothing happened. the weather got colder and colder as they drew near the next island the log pose lead to ,drum island. this place was renowned for having the best doctors in the world and if whitebeard was looking for treatment methods his crew would definitely have members here.
After docking the group went through the area scoping out the people to try to find some whitebeard members. despite looking closely they couldn't find any of the well hidden pirates but alastair had a plan for this situation and set up a stall with magic with a sign that read "disease removal services only 100 berry a consultation". this was bound to draw the attention of the whitebeard pirates once it got out that it wasn't a scam. the only problem with this plan was that it may also draw the attention of the world government but alastair knew he would likely clash with them eventually anyways.
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