Chapter 82: Learning haki

Once all of the former slaves were sent home including a slightly more than reluctant black haired girl , alastair stayed on an uninhabited island near amazon lily. this was the same island that luffy would have learned haki on much later. the first form of haki alastair was taught was observation haki since according to rayleigh it made training the rest easier. the method that rayleigh used was to blindfold alastair before sneak attacking him over the next two weeks. alastair proved his monstrous talent once more by picking the haki up in the first week.

Rayleigh was so astounded by alastairs talent that he couldn't help calling him "little monster". the next training was armament haki and the training method for that was borderline torture. rayleigh first taught alastair how to activate the haki and once he grasped it then proceeded to attack alastair to make its use instinctual. needless to same alastair got quite a few bruises before he could harden up fast enough. according to rayleigh armament was the easiest to train since clashing with others using it strengthens it. alastair grudgingly agreed since he noticeably improved with it under Rayleigh's attacks.

Conquerors haki however was much trickier to train for alastair due to one of the things that actually gave him the biggest advantage , his magic. you see erdrean magic worked by exerting ones will on the world while burning a certain amount of mana but conquerors haki worked almost the exact same way just with a different source powering it. this meant that alastair had experience exerting his will however he needed to stop himself from using mana in order to use his haki. this proved difficult since magic was literally ingrained in his blood at this point.

Rayleigh noticed this problem but didn't know how to fix it so he could only force alastairs haki out with his own until alastair could do it on his own. this took an entire month before alastair could summon wild surges of conquerors haki on his own after which he needed to learn how to control who was targeted by it which took another month. rayleigh left after this final piece of training was done since he thought it was best for alastair to learn the rest on his own. alastair knew from the anime that each form of haki had advanced uses that he began working on.

The first thing alastair tried learning was emission so he could coat his sword with haki like all the good swordsmen. this took him another month to figure out but the second and final use of armament took him even longer since he had no teacher unlike luffy. unlike luffys ryou alastairs was purple in color but still looked like fire. learning precognition using observation haki took alastair the same two months it took to learn ryou. interestingly enough after learning the basic form of each of the haki type alastair got a perk called haki trained.

This perk apparently worked like the power armor perk in the fallout games that served no purpose other than allowing the use of power armor. the haki trained perk simply stated that he could use haki and that was all making it rather disappointing for alastair. with the advanced forms of haki mastered alastair and his group who had also learned the forms of haki available to them in their basic forms set sail to catch up to whitebeard. there were a few places between amazon lily an whitebeards territory of fishman island.

The group made a few stops along the way to sabaody such as water seven and san faldo as well as an island not in the show called flow island that looked suspiciously like venice from alastairs first life. spider was in love with the place because of the vast amount of new recipes he learned while they were there. the marines as well as a few pirate crews harassed them on the way to sabaody but despite this alastair refused to fly a pirate flag. this refusal to do so was giving the world government a headache since the only things that alastair and his group had done was always started by either the marines or the pirates. this meant they had no realistic way to slander the crew leaving the only charge they had as refusal to comply to authority which made most people reading the absurdly high bounty laugh.

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