Chapter 4: Extensive Use of Identify

It took 25 minutes to use Identify on every single pokemon, around 30 seconds on each. Brandon was already getting annoyed at how long his top student was taking to choose, but didn't yell yet as this was an important decision.

Finally, just as Brandon was ready to tell Ors to hurry up, the boy grinned and pointed. "That one."

Ors pointed to a Poliwag.

Brandon just facepalmed. "All of that trouble to get something that only has one mediocre evolution? Could I recommend that you-"

"No, I want to choose this Poliwag." Ors and Brandon stared at each other, Ors rather confused at the problem, until he realized the problem. 'Most people probably don't know about Poliwrath or Politoed as Water Stones and King's Rocks are kept secret.'

Brandon finally relented, telling Ors that it at least had a Green Potential, but nothing else. Ors disagreed with that last bit.

Species: Poliwag

Type: Water

Potential: Green

Ability: Swift Swim

Level: 2

Learned Moves: Hypnosis, Water Gun, Pound

Egg Moves: Mud Shot, Aqua Jet, Rain Dance

While machines could certainly measure potential, they couldn't measure moves. This Poliwag probably never used many of its moves before as it was only level 2.

Ors focused a massive amount of aura into his eyes, and the potential suddenly showed Deep Green and "Nature: Modest" appeared. 'Perfect.'

Leaning down over the Poliwag, Ors grinned. "Yo, Poliwag, my name's Orthus Regulus! I'll be your trainer from here on out, ok?"

Unfortunately, Poliwag replied with a Water Gun. This world wasn't like the anime, where a thundershock would just make you transracial; it would leave you hospitalized. Likewise, a water gun would tear skin from Ors' face if it hit.

Raising an arm, Ors punched the blast of water, sending small droplets through the air. "Nice hit! You can call me Ors."

The Poliwag stared in shock as the attack it had used to fight off even a Houndour in the past, was easily dispatched. It still had one more thing to try before it gave up against this monster. Shooting a large glowing ball of water into the air, Poliwag gathered the now falling raindrops into a coat of water around it, using a rain dance powered aqua jet.

Before even a split second had passed, a massive torrent of water was jutting two inches inside of Ors' belly. Although speed and attack are different stats, because of the laws of physics, the two are directly proportional.

Now that there wasn't a large level difference, the move had even further effect. Swift swim rose Poliwag's speed to around 180 and using aqua jet increased that even more.

Flying back, Ors ragdolled on the ground nearly twenty feet before coming to a stop. He stood, bleeding and vomiting from his mouth while covered in lacerations. This combo took a lot out of Poliwag, who was still a baby pokemon.

Ors slowly walked toward Poliwag. Releasing his full normal type aura, Ors growled, "KNEEL."

In accordance with its modest nature, the tadpole did so, closing both eyes and leaving itself to the mercy of its-as if.

Merely pretending to bow, Poliwag was actually preparing another aqua jet. But the rain had already stopped. With his incredible flexibility, Ors kicked upward, hitting the Poliwag right in the center of its spiral belly.

It shot over ten feet straight up into the air, only weighing about 20 pounds, and fifteen feet back, landing in a small lake. The surrounding area was a rainforest biome for grass, water, flying, and bug types.

With one last ditch effort, it used aqua jet again, only to be caught in its tracks by Ors. "Ah, you're female. Interesting."

The pokemon blushed, turning its eyes away. Ors shook his head, taking a pokeball from Brandon and catching the Poliwag, who didn't put up any more resistance seeing how strong its catcher was.

However, there was a problem. 'She doesn't like me in the slightest. I'll need to figure out some way for her to obey or care for me a little, otherwise she'll just run as soon as she can. Ah well, I'm no stranger to emotional manipulation. I had plenty of practice in the foster care program.'

You are reading story Pokemon: Regulus at

"Good job handling that pokemon, Orthus. Especially tanking that strong of an attack! Please head to Nurse Coco to get you and your pokemon fixed up, then return to the field. Once you get there, feel free to talk to your pokemon, train, read, wait, talk, whatever you want. It's been my honor to have you as a student this year."

Ors nodded to his teacher in respect before taking his pokeball and himself to Nurse Coco.

She quickly fixed both of them up with the help of a Clefairy's heal pulse, sending both back into the field. As he left, Sylvester sprinted in, holding his intestines in with his arms while screaming in agony. "What? The fuck?" In Sylvester's hands was a pokeball. "He actually caught it with those wounds?"

While Ors didn't get along too well with Sylvester since a training incident a year prior, he held  a great deal of respect for someone who could fight with such grievous, nearly mortal cuts.

Returning to the field, Ors distanced himself from the rest of the group, even sending Doto away, to release his pokemon. "Come on out, Poliwag."

A white flash brought a small frog into the world. The two stared into each other's eyes. 'First, I need trust.' Ors changed his body language to denote that he was relaxed and unworried, despite being very concerned for his life. He sat down, laying on his stomach and looking up into Poliwag's eyes.


Ors grinned. His "partner" hadn't attacked yet.

"Hey bud, like I said, the name's Ors. I can tell you aren't the biggest fan of me, but I really need your help." Poliwag's eyes narrowed in distaste.

"Maybe further introduction would help. I'm aiming to become the strongest, and I need your help to do that. I'm he strongest person under 20 on this campus, and I can help you more than anyone else here." Ors rolled over someone, drawing Poliwag's attention to his movements to make his words more appealing.

"Poli. Wag, Wag, Poliwag." Ors didn't have a method to understand the pokemon, as he didn't have psychic powers, nor had the two undergone a blood bond yet.

Blood bonds were pacts between people and pokemon that gave some of the powers of each one to the other, while allowing the human to speak to other pokemon as long as their bonds were near them.

"I know you might not think you need my help, but trust me, in this world- WHAM!" Poliwag used a very weak pound on Ors' face.

Ors looked into Poliwag's unimpressed eyes. "Wait, you agree? Why?"

Poliwag shook its head, then paused in thought.

The water type raised its tail to its mouth, biting it to draw a bit of blood. Ors' eyes widened in shock as he bit his thumb open and touched it to his partner's tail.

Both cringed in pain as their blood flowed into each other.

But before long, Ors heard a childish, monotone voice. "Can-can you understand me?"

Ors grinned. "Loud and clear. You got a name?"

"Indeed. I am Princess Rena Polituminous of the Poli Fennel Tribe. It is nice to make your acquaintance, Orthus Regulus." Her voice, while melodic, contained multiple croaks and ribbits, making a rather comedic blend of regal sincerity and hiccups.

"I've gotta ask, Rena... Why are you so willing to accept joining me?" Ors nearly said 'becoming my pokemon' but realized that could end badly.

Rena smiled, inasmuch as a frog can smile. "Why indeed? A few reasons. First, because I need your help as well. My tribe is dying out because we're being hunted by large groups of Pikachu, led by some stronger form, and a good trainer is the best chance I can get to fight back. Second, I can feel how sincerely you want to become the strongest, and that means I'll be strong too."

'So basically a water type wants to fight a Raichu. Got it.' Ors laughed, "I won't go easy on you, ya know? I'll be holding you to the same standard as I hold myself." His partner replied with a nod.

"Now, I wouldn't say it's absolutely necessary to be friends, but I'd like that a lot, since we'll be seeing each other quite a bit. Why not talk about ourselves?"

Thus the two began talking, quickly hitting it off. Ors told stories from his past life about princesses, while Rena talked about her experience in her... one month plus one week of life. Most pokemon spend their first month of life growing and learning, their aura not unlocking until the month of development ends.

It was after nearly three hours of just chatting and walking together that all 43 others had already chosen. Many returned without a pokemon. They would have the last three days to tame their pokemon or be forced to repeat the grade. Everyone the year prior either succeeded or died.

"Now that everyone has had some time with their pokemon or to themselves, I will explain what the next three days will consist of for those of you who succeeded in catching a pokemon." The principal of the school, Spenser, walked out onto the field, followed by Brandon.