The principal had managed to stop the fight from over 50 feet away faster than one could blink. This was inconceivable for most of the students.
Ors came back to his senses just after Alynn. "Principal, I demand compensation for this! If I didn't have such good defenses, she could have killed me with that hit!"
"And you could have killed my with that flying type energy!" She roared back.
"It's self defense, idiot! You started both of the battles, not me." Ors glared her down, normal type aura spewing out.
The principal stroked his waist length beard in thought. "I believe you are both in the wrong here. No student of mine should ever try to kill another student. That being said, the disregard you showed for your pokemon in this battle demonstrates that you're overall not ready to be a trainer. That's for both of you."
"POLI, POLIWAG!" Rena broke through her pokeball to come out. "I'm the one who listened to his order! If I didn't do that, we would have lost!"
"Oho? Apparently I was wrong about one of you. But I stand behind my decision for you, girly. You ordered your pokemon to attack after taking a hard hit when it was already near fainting from the earlier part of the battle. Unless your pokemon is still willing to defend you after its healed, I'll hold you back another year." Spenser hit his blue scaly staff on the ground, turning to the crowd. "What are you all looking at? Get to training!"
"Could you let us down from here, master? I'm starting to freeze." Ors bowed his head.
"Haha, oops. Sure." He let them down. "Now, to make up for your idiocy, I want you to run sixty laps around the field. And girly, you heal your pokemon, but I forbid you from being healed yourself. Then you may meet your trainer."
The twitch of a teenager's eyes made an audible sound. "Um, sir... That's fifteen miles, right?"
"Indeed. But I will allow you to heal at the end of it. That is the price to keep your early graduation." Spenser said.
Ors nodded, beginning his long race, before turning back around. Alynn was now gone. "Sir, that Machop... I could tell by its hide. That wasn't a normal Machop, right?"
"So you could tell. You aren't Rank 1 for nothing. That Machop comes from a distant land that we can't reach even through airplanes, called the Orachi Region. Only extensive journeys by boat do the trick, or planes that carry extra fuel onboard, though refueling during flight is to dangerous to have done often. There are many things you don't yet know, and this world is far bigger than you think. Tens of regions, evolutions of legendary pokemon, abilities that warp reality itself... AHEM. I got carried away. Sorry about that." The tirade ended when the old man realized he had said too much without thinking. "Now, back to your run!"
Even the great Orthus couldn't sprint at over 30 miles an hour for half an hour, so he instead ran at 20 miles an hour for around 45 minutes, still finishing the challenge in astonishing speed.
His trainer was watching, gripping the top of an ice spike between his feet. "Now, heal yourself before returning. The tournament will be here before you know it, and we have much to do before then."
After healing himself with Nurse Coco, Rena having been taken by Spenser when Ors began running, the latter walked back outside, a Poliwag atop his head.
Species: Poliwag
Type: Water
Potential: Green
Ability: Swift Swim
Level: 4
Learned Moves: Hypnosis, Water Gun, Pound
Egg Moves: Mud Shot, Aqua Jet (B), Rain Dance (B)
Unfortunately, there wasn't exactly a huge shift in Poliwag's status, as the two moves now at beginner level were already practiced quite a bit by Poliwag before she joined Ors.
Species: Human IV
Type: Aura (Coding:Flying)
Potential: Yellow
You are reading story Pokemon: Regulus at
Abilities: Reincarnator, ???
Level: 6
Moves: [Expand}
New Move! Flying Punch!
'Makes sense. I punched with flying energy.' Ors added his points to Attack.
Finally back at the field, Spenser was holding himself up by one finger on his pole, which rested atop the ice spike.
"You finished your training rather quickly, boy. Well done. Now, let's get into the fun stuff, shall we? What is it exactly that you want to learn from me?" The old man finally jumped down, the ice spike disappearing.
"Primarily three things, one each day or a third of each, daily. I want to teach Poliwag Icy Wind and help her level up her use of Mud Shot and Water Gun."Ors nodded, deciding on these things for certain.
But his master's brows furrowed. "Why don't I hear a physical attack in there with them?"
"I find it unnecessary. I myself am spec'd for close combat already, and Rena can use Rain Dance/Aqua Jet in order to escape close combat, or to attack, either one. I chose the three things I did in order to have a better chance against super effective pokemon of electric or grass typing. Unless a Snover or Emolga show up, we should be set." Ors calmly went over his choices, as the principal's eyes widened more and more.
He laughed boisterously, "You've sure thought a lot about this, haven't you? There's only one problem. Thunder. If any of the electric types you come up against can use thunder, I doubt your pokemon will be able to dodge."
Biting his lips, Ors realized he was right. "I don't have a single counter against thunder, do I?"
"Well, there's one singular thing I can think of. Have you ever heard of the move Hidden Power?"
The boy nodded. "I mean, I know about it, but I won't risk it all on a 25% chance that Poliwag's typing suppresses flying."
'Wait, is it possible to...?' Ors focused a ton of aura onto his eye, trying to use his Inspect skill to see the typing of his pokemon's hidden power. Tons of other information came up. Rena's stats, a bloodline and parentage, current emotions, next move, possible egg moves unlocked after raising potential, but Ors skipped through them without looking.
He'd check all of them out some other time. Finally, skipping all that information, he... nearly passed out. The hidden power type wasn't there. He also realized he couldn't actually see any of those other things yet. When he tried to, he realized they were all locked.
'Of course I can't actually access it.' After finally looking up, he realized his teacher was lost in thought. "Umm, master?"
"Well, I actually have a litmus paper that can determine someone's type of hidden power, but I was going to give it to my grandson. Let's make a deal. I'll give it to you, and if you win the tournament, I want you to pay for a replacement out of the money you get, which will be quite a bit. Of course, I won't charge you for it if the hidden power doesn't suppress electric type, I at least have that much money." He said, mouth forming a slight frown as if he didn't want to complete this deal.
Ors gritted his teeth before finally replying, "No, I want to win this battle without using a single outside item or power source. I won't be like those rich shits who throw money at their problems to fix them, Rena's own power will be enough to win. I just need your help teaching her icy wind, and I can handle the rest on my own."
A wild grin slowly crept on Spenser's face. "You're the kind of person I like the most, boyo! Fine, we'll go with your plan. In three days, your pokemon will be able to use icy wind. I can't promise it will be at Basic level, but if you both put in the effort, I am positive she can learn it!"
Rena bowed her head, "Poli. Poli. Wag, Wag, Poli."
"She said, 'I humbly thank Master Spenser for his gracious promise.'" Ors translated.
"My blood bond allows me to understand other pokemon as well. I see that you two have already made one as well; this is a skill you should develop within the coming week at some point. I believe that's enough talking. Come, let's get you all trained up."
And so, for the next 72 hours, the duo trained, only taking breaks to eat and sleep. Before too long, the time for the tournament was finally here. Both Rena and Ors were shaking in their boots in sheer excitement.
"Well done, you two. You went above and beyond my expectations. I only have one warning. Watch out for the boy with the green mohawk. I don't know what pokemon he has, but I've heard that it's utterly terrifying. In fact, I have a mission for you. If you can disable it, I will reward you. Chop off a limb, put it in a coma, I don't care. But it isn't something that should exist. Now, good luck, I have faith in you!"