Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Nose day

Lilith looked at all her present subjects and her smile stretched into a wide grin, her blue eyes glowed red for a moment and said “Prepare for war!”

Upon hearing so, both soldiers and scientists froze as they guessed that what she heard differed from what they heard from the world’s voice? Those that faced Lilith however were still for a different reason as one of them held out his finger pointing at Lilith and stuttered out “M- M-Majesty..yo-your nose is-is”

Lilith looked at the soldier, her grin gone as her face went cold, her teeth gritted as she barked at him “OUT WITH IT!”

“yournoseisbleeding” the soldier said all at once.

But it got the message through, as Lilith held her fingers to her nose, when she took a look she saw blood, confused. and as if her brain picked up on it, her vision started getting blurry, as she looked at those around her, she stepped back, she noticed them also having a nose bleed, panic rose as Lilith was first one to pass out, soon others followed.

The capital Unity faced the same, those who were awake got a nose bleed and passed out while those that were asleep had it in a peaceful manner without any nose bleeding.

The Voice of the Overworld, whatever it is.

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