Move. Walk. Run. Hide. Steal and move on. Only once had it been possible for him to stay in onespot — with a woman, or a family — for longer than a few months. That once was almost twoyears with a weaver lady in Delaware, the meanest place for Negroes he had ever seen outsidePulaski County, Kentucky, and of course the prison camp in Georgia.
From all those Negroes, Beloved was different. Her shining, her new shoes. It bothered him.
Maybe it was just the fact that he didn't bother her. Or it could be timing. She had appeared andbeen taken in on the very day Sethe and he had patched up their quarrel, gone out in public and hada right good time — like a family. Denver had come around, so to speak; Sethe was laughing; hehad a promise of steady work, 124 was cleared up from spirits. It had begun to look like a life. Anddamn! a water-drinking woman fell sick, got took in, healed, and hadn't moved a peg since.
He wanted her out, but Sethe had let her in and he couldn't put her out of a house that wasn't his. Itwas one thing to beat up a ghost, quite another to throw a helpless coloredgirl out in territoryinfected by the Klan. Desperately thirsty for black blood, without which it could not live, thedragon swam the Ohio at will.
Sitting at table, chewing on his after-supper broom straw, Paul D decided to place her. Consultwith the Negroes in town and find her her own place.
No sooner did he have the thought than Beloved strangled on one of the raisins she had picked outof the bread pudding. She fell backward and off the chair and thrashed around holding her throat.
Sethe knocked her on the back while Denver pried her hands away from her neck. Beloved, on herhands and knees, vomited up her food and struggled for breath.
When she was quiet and Denver had wiped up the mess, she said, "Go to sleep now.""Come in my room," said Denver. "I can watch out for you up there."No moment could have been better. Denver had worried herself sick trying to think of a way to getBeloved to share her room. It was hard sleeping above her, wondering if she was going to be sickagain, fall asleep and not wake, or (God, please don't) get up and wander out of the yard just theway she wandered in. They could have their talks easier there: at night when Sethe and Paul Dwere asleep; or in the daytime before either came home. Sweet, crazy conversations full of halfsentences, daydreams and misunderstandings more thrilling than understanding could ever be.
When the girls left, Sethe began to clear the table. She stacked the plates near a basin of water.
"What is it about her vex you so?"Paul D frowned, but said nothing.
"We had one good fight about Denver. Do we need one about her too?" asked Sethe.
"I just don't understand what the hold is. It's clear why she holds on to you, but just can't see whyyou holding on to her."Sethe turned away from the plates toward him. "what you care who's holding on to who? Feedingher is no trouble. I pick up a little extra from the restaurant is all. And she's nice girl company forDenver. You know that and I know you know it, so what is it got your teeth on edge?""I can't place it. It's a feeling in me.""Well, feel this, why don't you? Feel how it feels to have a bed to sleep in and somebody there notworrying you to death about what you got to do each day to deserve it. Feel how that feels. And ifthat don't get it, feel how it feels to be a coloredwoman roaming the roads with anything God madeliable to jump on you. Feel that." "I know every bit of that, Sethe. I wasn't born yesterday and Inever mistreated a woman in my life.""That makes one in the world," Sethe answered.
"Not two?""No. Not two.""What Halle ever do to you? Halle stood by you. He never left you.""What'd he leave then if not me?""I don't know, but it wasn't you. That's a fact.""Then he did worse; he left his children.""You don't know that.""He wasn't there. He wasn't where he said he would be.""He was there.""Then why didn't he show himself? Why did I have to pack my babies off and stay behind to lookfor him?""He couldn't get out the loft.""Loft? What loft?""The one over your head. In the barn."Slowly, slowly, taking all the time allowed, Sethe moved toward the table.
"He saw?""He saw.""He told you?""You told me.""What?""The day I came in here. You said they stole your milk. I never knew what it was that messed himup. That was it, I guess. All I knew was that something broke him. Not a one of them years ofSaturdays, Sundays and nighttime extra never touched him. But whatever he saw go on in that barnthat day broke him like a twig." "He saw?" Sethe was gripping her elbows as though to keep themfrom flying away.
"He saw. Must have.""He saw them boys do that to me and let them keep on breathing air? He saw? He saw? He saw?""Hey! Hey! Listen up. Let me tell you something. A man ain't a goddamn ax. Chopping, hacking,busting every goddamn minute of the day. Things get to him. Things he can't chop down becausethey're inside."Sethe was pacing up and down, up and down in the lamplight. "The underground agent said, BySunday. They took my milk and he saw it and didn't come down? Sunday came and he didn't.
Monday came and no Halle. I thought he was dead, that's why; then I thought they caught him,that's why. Then I thought, No, he's not dead because if he was I'd know it, and then you comehere after all this time and you didn't say he was dead, because you didn't know either, so Ithought, Well, he just found him another better way to live. Because if he was anywhere near here,he'd come to Baby Suggs, if not to me. But I never knew he saw.""What does that matter now?""If he is alive, and saw that, he won't step foot in my door. Not Halle.""It broke him, Sethe." Paul D looked up at her and sighed. "You may as well know it all. Last timeI saw him he was sitting by the chum. He had butter all over his face."Nothing happened, and she was grateful for that. Usually she could see the picture right away ofwhat she heard. But she could not picture what Paul D said. Nothing came to mind. Carefully,carefully, she passed on to a reasonable question.
"What did he say?""Nothing.""Not a word?""Not a word.""Did you speak to him? Didn't you say anything to him? Something!""I couldn't, Sethe. I just.., couldn't.""Why!""I had a bit in my mouth."Sethe opened the front door and sat down on the porch steps. The day had gone blue without itssun, but she could still make out the black silhouettes of trees in the meadow beyond. She shookher head from side to side, resigned to her rebellious brain. Why was there nothing it reused? Nomisery, no regret, no hateful picture too rotten to accept? Like a greedy child it snatched upeverything. Just once, could it say, No thank you? I just ate and can't hold another bite? I am fullGod damn it of two boys with mossy teeth, one sucking on my breast the other holding me down,their book-reading teacher watching and writing it up. I am still full of that, God damn it, I can't goback and add more. Add my husband to it, watching, above me in the loft — hiding close by — theone place he thought no one would look for him, looking down on what I couldn't look at at all.
And not stopping them — looking and letting it happen. But my greedy brain says, Oh thanks, I'dlove more — so I add more. And no sooner than I do, there is no stopping. There is also myhusband squatting by the churn smearing the butter as well as its clabber all over his face becausethe milk they took is on his mind. And as far as he is concerned, the world may as well know it.
And if he was that broken then, then he is also and certainly dead now. And if Paul D saw him andcould not save or comfort him because the iron bit was in his mouth, then there is still more thatPaul D could tell me and my brain would go right ahead and take it and never say, No thank you. Idon't want to know or have to remember that. I have other things to do: worry, for example, abouttomorrow, about Denver, about Beloved, about age and sickness not to speak of love.
But her brain was not interested in the future. Loaded with the past and hungry for more, it left herno room to imagine, let alone plan for, the next day. Exactly like that afternoon in the wild onions— when one more step was the most she could see of the future. Other people went crazy, whycouldn't she? Other people's brains stopped, turned around and went on to something new, which iswhat must have happened to Halle. And how sweet that would have been: the two of them back bythe milk shed, squatting by the churn, smashing cold, lumpy butter into their faces with not a carein the world. Feeling it slippery, sticky — rubbing it in their hair, watching it squeeze through theirfingers. What a relief to stop it right there. Close. Shut. Squeeze the butter. But her three childrenwere chewing sugar teat under a blanket on their way to Ohio and no butter play would changethat.
Paul D stepped through the door and touched her shoulder.
"I didn't plan on telling you that.""I didn't plan on hearing it.""I can't take it back, but I can leave it alone," Paul D said.
同所有这些黑人相比,宠儿大不一样。她的光芒,她的新鞋,都令他烦恼。也许只是他没有烦扰她的事实令他烦恼。要么就是巧合。她现身了,而且恰好发生在那天,塞丝和他结束了争吵,一 起去公共场合玩得很开心———好像一家人似的。可以这么说,丹芙已经回心转意;塞丝在开心地笑;他得到了许诺,会有一份固定的工作;124号除净了鬼魂。已经开始像一种生活了。可是他妈的!一个能喝水的女人病倒了,给带进屋来,康复了,然后就再没挪过窝儿。
可是她的大脑对未来不感兴趣。它满载着过去,而且渴望着更多的过去,但不给她留下一点空间,让她去想象,甚至去计划下一天。浑似那个野葱地里的午后———那时她能看见的最远的未来仅仅是一步之遥。别的人都发疯了,她为什么不能?别人的大脑都停了下来,掉转身去找新的东 西,黑尔肯定就是这样。那该有多么甜蜜啊:他们两个,背靠牛奶棚,蹲在搅乳机旁,心不在焉地往脸上猛扔冰凉的、疙疙瘩瘩的牛油。感觉牛油的滑腻和黏稠———揉进头发,看着它从手指缝中挤出。就停在那里