Chapter 14: New Members

['Do-Gooder' (Admin) has joined the chat.]

['Child of Death' has joined the chat.]

['Zireael' has joined the chat.]

['Flamboyant Hashira' has joined the chat.]

['Feline Princess' has joined the chat.]

['Gremlin Detective' has joined the chat.]

'Why is my name Do-Gooder? Actually, I guess it makes sense considering Matt was the one to suggest they use their powers for good in the movie. Anyways, of the other five names, I'm 100% sure of two of them. Zireael is most likely Ciri from The Witcher and Flamboyant Hashira is most likely Uzui Tengen from Demon Slayer.

Feline Princess could be just about any anime girl while Child of Death is too vague as well. Gremlin Detective, on the other hand, is very unique. The name sounds vaguely familiar but I can't remember.'

My phone chimed at my thoughts of trying to figure out who the members were.

[Welcome members to the Dimensional Group Chat!]

[Members have been randomly chosen to participate in the DGC]

[The rules of the DGC are as follows]

- Members are not allowed to tell others, except those invited, about the DGC

- Members are not allowed to bring harm or have malintent to fellow members

[Have fun]

'Short and sweet. I think I should introduce myself first since I am the one who's been with the DGC the longest.'

At my thoughts of being first, I heard a chime.

Gremlin Detective: Uhh, does anyone know what the hell this is? And why is my name Gremlin Detective? I'm a normal detective you know.

Zireael: So it seems you know nothing of this either. I've never seen magic like this. I'm using my thoughts to control this thing, its' unheard of.

Child of Death: Magic? Magic's not real. And also how am I talking here? I'm not writing anything on the scroll.

Flamboyant Hashira: Of course magic's real! How else do you explain demons?

Zireael: Indeed, magic is real stranger. I personally know some of the greatest sorceresses that live. Not to mention, I can wield magic to a certain extent. And to answer your question, you talk with your mind.

Feline Princess: Haha, yeah yeah. We can get to know each other in a bit, right now I want to know what the hell we've been invited to.

Do-Gooder: I can provide an explanation there. At least partially.

Gremlin Detective: Ooh, the admin appears.

Zireael: Admin? As in administrator? So they're the one behind this whole thing? Explain yourself.

Do-Gooder: Well, I am the admin, but unfortunately even I don't know who or what is behind the DGC.

Feline Princess: DGC? It sounds as if you're acquainted with the thing.

Do-Gooder: Good eye. I've been using the DGC longer than you have. I was chosen as the admin in my past life, but I died before I could use it. The DGC decided to transmigrate me and I had to do a mission before I could invite everyone else.

Zireael: Surely you jest? Transmigration? You're saying that this thing that invited us has the power of gods?

Child of Death: Transmigration? What's that?

Flamboyant Hashira: I was about to ask the same thing.

Gremlin Detective: Transmigration is when the soul of one person inhabits the body of another person, the latter usually being dead.

Child of Death: Are you serious? You actually transmigrated?

Do-Gooder: I did. I still don't believe it myself sometimes. Back to the topic, the DGC is a group chat that allows people from different realities to speak to each other. It also has a shop and some other functions.

Feline Princess: Different realities? Does that mean none of you are from Earth?

Do-Gooder: I am, but not the same one as you. And not the same one as other people here, if they're from Earth at all.

['Gremlin Detective' has changed name to 'Amelia Watson']

'Holy shit. Amelia Watson! As in Amelia Watson from Hololive! Of course, that's why Gremlin Detective sounded so familiar. So the invitation isn't limited to anime or tv shows. Even people from worlds like Hololive are able to be invited. Awesome.'

You are reading story Chronicles of a Telekinetic with a Group Chat at

Amelia Watson: There we go. I was starting to hate that name.

Do-Gooder: Wait, how did you do that?

Amelia Watson: There's a gear icon on the top right that lets you personalize some of the chat.

Do-Gooder: I see, thank you.

['Do-Gooder' has changed name to 'Matt']

['Feline Princess' has changed name to 'Yoruichi']

['Child of Death' has changed name to 'Guts']

['Flamboyant Hashira' has changed name to 'Uzui']

['Zireael' has changed name to 'Ciri']

'Holy shit. Again. I know all of these people! Yoruichi from Bleach and Guts from Berserk. Guts said he didn't know magic was real. In the manga, magic becomes a pretty big part of the story so I'm assuming it's before the Eclipse. Wait, I need to know how long before the Eclipse. If it's before he gets r****d, I definitely need to tell him.'

Matt: Guts, what year is it?

Guts: 1210, why?

'Shit, I only know the timeline as BE, Before the Eclipse, and AD, Age of Darkness. I need to find another way to figure it out.'

Matt: What happened to you today?

Guts: I raided a castle.

'Need something more specific. Wait, Guts almost gets killed by a big mercenary with a morning star but then Gambino saves him.'

Matt: During the raid, did you almost get killed by a mercenary with a morning star but then someone saved you?

Guts: Yeah I did! How do you know that?

Matt: I'll tell you later. Is it almost dark?

Guts: It got dark a little while ago.

'Good, I can stop what happened to him from happening. No one deserves that.'

Matt: Okay, I need you to listen to what I'm about to say. Later in the night, someone will come to your tent and try to r**e you.

Guts: What?!

Matt: Listen! You can do one of two things. You can either run and hide for the night, or you can sneak attack him when he gets there.

Guts: Wait, wait, wait. Why do you think someone going to r**e me? Besides, I can defend myself from anyone!

Matt: I know it's hard to believe, but I'll explain later. So you can believe me I'll say this, Gambino cut you in the nose after you nicked him in the chin three years ago.

Guts: What? How do you know that? Who are you?

Matt: Listen kid, there's something horrible about to happen to you and I'm trying to help you.


<Guts POV>

'Tch, what does he know. Nothing's gonna happen to me.'

But then I got to thinking.

'He knows a lot about me and about my life. Maybe he is right. I mean I'm talking to people through a scroll with my mind.'


'Footsteps? And it sounds like they're coming to my tent. Shit, he was right. It's too late to run, I need to sneak attack him.'

I decided to lay down and cover myself with a blanket to hide my knife.

'As soon as he reaches for me, I'll cut his throat.'