[Objective Complete]
[Mission Updated]
World: Predator
- Investigate what world you are in ✔
- Save the rescue party
- Kill the Predator
- Find the ship and kill the other Predators (Optional)
"Turns out we were right, Amelia."
"Predator? What is that?" asked Guts.
"The Predator universe is a world with different alien species. One of the more prominent species in the universe is a race of hunters called the Yautja. Their entire reason for living is to hunt. They hunt other races across the universe and take trophies from their prey, mostly in the form of skulls." explained Amelia.
"Cool! That means we can fight a proper fight! I've been itching to get some fighting in. Let's go!" said Uzui excited to fight a Predator.
"Wait, hold on Uzui." I said stopping him before he rushes out. "The setting we are in is not from a movie I recognize. That means we are flying blind. Not to mention the Predator is a hunter who stalks his prey. I don't care how strong we are, we need to be cautious. One slip up and we could die, although it isn't likely, again I'd rather be safe than sorry."
"I agree. Not to mention, it says we can find their ship and kill the other Predators. That means there's more than one of them." said Ciri.
"Yes, and if I remember correctly, the ones on the ship are Blooded, members of their species that have killed a Xenomorph before. Xenomorph is considered the ultimate prey for the Yautja, and killing one makes you a Blooded. This means the ones on the ship will be considerably harder to kill than the one still going through its first hunt." I said.
"Don't forget their technology is incredibly advanced." said Amelia.
"Actually, that's what I'm most excited about." I said with a smile.
"Why?" asked Guts.
"My nanites let me communicate with any machine and download the data into my brain. Just by touching their ship, I can take control of it."
"Ahh, that is so not fair! You get nanites and I get a fruit." whined Amelia.
"Don't worry Amelia. I'm sure you'll get something better next time." said Ciri comforting her while also patting her back.
"Ugh, Ciri. You're too bright." joked Amelia while shielding her eyes.
"What?! What do you mean bright? Am I shining?" panicked Ciri.
"Haha. It was a joke Ciri. She meant you're too nice." I explained while chuckling.
"Oh." blushed Ciri.
"So, the plan right now is to find the Predator then we can find the ship. Yoruichi, you stay with Guts. He's the most vulnerable right now."
"What?! I can take care of myself, I don't need help." argued Guts.
"Aww, it's okay cutie. Big sister will protect you." said Yoruichi while hugging him from behind.
"Guts, as much as it pains you to hear, you are the weakest right now. And that's okay, we all know in the future you're going to be much stronger. But right now, Yoruichi will stay near you. She is the strongest right now after all. And Yoruichi, I want to test ourselves a little so unless absolutely necessary try not to intervene, please."
"You got it, handsome." she said with a wink.
"Good. Then let's go."
After walking for an hour or so we hadn't spotted any traces of the Predator yet when suddenly.
"Matt, we're being followed." said Yoruichi.
"By who?"
"The girl from earlier. Seems like she wants to help us, and that explains the second mission. The rescue group is going to come after her."
"We can't let them die, so we wait here for her to catch up." I said.
"What about our weapons? You and I won't be able to use our powers in front of her." said Amelia.
"Shit, I forgot about that. Well, you can turn your hand into a flintlock pistol and make it seem like you were hiding it. I can't do that. Damn, I guess I need to buy a weapon in the shop for now. Note to self for next time."
I opened the Shop and checked the Daily Deals, but found nothing of interest. I remembered I had the Rare Voucher and decided to look for an axe that I might be able to use. Why an axe? Because I think swords are too cliche and I like the idea of just brutally swinging an axe around.
After looking for some axes in the Rare category, I decided it was better to just buy an axe from the Common category. So, I spent 250 points on a standard Steel Axe from Skyrim.
'This will do for now. I want to buy Leviathan from God of War as a backup weapon for situations like this.'
After twenty minutes, we saw her.
"Why'd you follow us?" I asked.
"I want to help you find whatever is hunting in the forest. It was supposed to be part of my initiation ritual, but now that you are here I at least want to see it."
"I'm sorry about taking your chosen prey, but you are free to come along with us."
We then introduced ourselves to her and went on our way with her in the lead.
"Here. This is where I found the snake and there's the footprint." Naru said pointing at the print.
"Phew, that's a big footprint. Clearly not an animal." I said before taking a look around hoping to spot anything else.
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"Uzui, do you hear anything?" asked Amelia.
"No, nothing but animals."
"Okay, since it's a hunter and it takes trophies, we can assume it's going after bigger prey. We need to find a water source frequented by bigger animals like bears. Do you know of a place like that?" I asked Naru.
"Yes, there is a river not far from here. If you're looking for bigger animals, they will frequent there."
"Good, let's go. Uzui keep your ears peeled."
On our way to the river, I felt something.
"What's going on Matt?" asked Ciri.
"We're being hunted. We're being watched, I can feel it."
At my words, everyone but Guts and Yoruichi readied their weapons.
"Just one?" asked Amelia.
"Yes. Let's continue towards the river, but make sure to watch your step. We don't know what kind of tactics are being used. Keep an eye on the tree tops also, don't want to get jumped on."
We continued walking towards the river when Uzui stopped us.
"It's near. I can hear some clicking noises coming from our right."
"That's it alright."
"What's the plan, Matt?" asked Ciri.
"We should lure it, and give it a false sense of security. Once it's close enough, Amelia can shoot it while Uzui and Ciri rush toward it."
"Give me a chance to fight it alone." asked Uzui.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes. I want to test myself against it."
"Okay, but be careful. They train their entire lives to hunt."
"Guess we're the same then." replied Uzui.
"Okay, let's keep moving. As soon as it's near enough, say the word Uzui."
Five minutes later, I could feel where the stare was coming from. It seems the closer they are the easier it is for me to pinpoint the direction and distance.
Uzui gave me a look with his eyes, which meant he would act soon. At this, I pretended to look at something on the ground while grabbing a handful of mud.
"Now!" yelled Uzui while rushing towards the Predator while I threw the mud at it to mark him.
As soon as the mud hit it, Amelia turned her hands into two flintlock pistols and shot at the predator. Caught by surprise, the Predator wasn't able to use its shield in time but was still camouflaged enough for Amelia to only graze its arms.
"Let Uzui fight it but surround it so it can't escape. Keep an eye on our surroundings for any third parties." I said.
The Predator seeing Uzui rush it wasn't able to divert its attention to us. Blocking Uzui's initial overhead strike with its shield, it pushed Uzui away giving it time to deploy its wrist blades.
"Come on! Let me have some fun!" said Uzui before getting into a stance that clearly meant he was about to use his Sound Breathing.
"Uzui, don't use your explosives. Rely only on your swordsmanship for this fight. We can provide backup if anything goes wrong." I told him.
"HAHA! You got it! First Form: Roar!"
The Predator seeing the overhead strike mistakenly tried to use its wrist blades to block it, believing itself to be physically stronger than a human. Unfortunately, it was fighting no ordinary human.
The strike connected with the wrist blades with enough strength to force it onto its knees. At this, the Predator rolled backward trying to create some distance with Uzui. Uzui not wanting to let him, rushed him.
"Fourth Form: Constant Resounding Slashes"
The Predator having experienced Uzuis's strength, decided to try to dodge his slashes while using his shield against those it couldn't dodge. Being pushed back by Uzui, the Predator was getting angry.
'I know there are different clans within the Predator species. This particular one seems to be a more savage variant. It doesn't use a plasma caster and it seems to be particularly aggressive. The ones in the movies were clearly more cunning than this.' I observed from the fight.
Roaring in anger, the Predator created an opening by allowing himself to be cut by Uzuis's sword in exchange for kicking him away.
"Come on, don't tell me that's all you have." taunted Uzui.
As if being able to understand what Uzui said, the Predator roared in anger before pointing at Uzui with it's wrist. The iconic three laser dots appeared pointed at Uzui while on the wrist what appeared to be an arrow started hovering.
"Careful, he's going to shoot you with that!" I yelled at Uzui.
The projectile now in midair was dodged by Uzui who then taunted the Predator. The projectile then turned back around and was about to hit Uzui when he cut it down right on time.
"Cunning little bastard aren't you." said Uzui.
"Okay, that's enough playing around." said Uzui before breathing in while sparks started appearing around him.
Rushing the Predator faster than before, Uzui used the First Form to cut off the Predator's left arm.
The Predator with his arm cut off saw that it was hopeless and tried to camouflage to escape. Amelia seeing this shot it in the kneecaps causing it to stumble and fall. At this, I ran to it and cut off its other arm so it wouldn't be able to self-destruct.