Chapter 44: Surprise Visit

'Gold coins?' I thought before picking one of them up with my tk. 'They look familiar. I can't remember from where though. Oh well, they look cool and I'm sure they won't mind if I take a few.'

Putting a few of the gold coins into my inventory, I quickly peeked at the rest of the things they were loading into the truck. Some files, some drugs, and some weapons were the only things of interest in the truck. Going into the other truck, I realized that it had the same things. Thankfully there were no people being held captive here.

'Smoke.' I called through the link we have.


'Bring those two from outside to where I'm at. And don't harm them too much.'

'Tch, I'm not an errand boy.'

'Don't tell me you don't prefer a life of leisure rather than a life of constant slaughter.'

'A life of slaughter is more exhilarating than anything else.'

'Alright, alright just bring them in.' I said to him before cutting off the telepathy.

A minute later a giant wolf came in with two bodies being brought over like a mother cat lifting her kitten by the scruff. He dropped them on the floor before jumping into my shadow.

'Thanks, bud.'


'Okay, now that all of the criminals are here, I'll just tie them up and then wait on the roof for the cops to get here before I go back to my hotel room.'

Levitating a rope over, I rounded up all of the criminals in a group so I could tie them all together.

'Good, now to wait.' I thought, before exiting the warehouse and lying in wait on the roof.

Taking out one of the gold coins from my inventory, I was playing around with it while staring up at the sky. Looking closer for any distinguishing marks, one side had a lion in front of a shield emblazoned with a sun as beams of light surrounded the lion. On the top, it had what I'm assuming is Latin with the phrase "Ens Causa Sui." The other side of the coin had a person with a shield emblazoned with a cross and laurel below the person. It also had Latin with the phrase "Ex Unitae Vires."

'This is a pretty intricately designed coin for some criminals to have. Not to mention it weighs a pretty decent amount. This has to be worth a pretty penny. But if they're smuggling gold, why do it in coins? Gold bars would be much more efficient not to mention they don't have to be so intricate. Well as long as I don't run into it, I won't dwell on it too much.' I thought, before flipping the coin into the air and catching it.


'There's the cavalry.' I thought, standing up and making sure my stealth suit is still on before I walked to the edge of the warehouse to take a look.

'Hmm, seems like they wanted to check and verify the info before bringing in the rest of the calvary.'

Looking at the two cars that stopped in front of the warehouse, I could see the two detectives from earlier.

'Well, my work here is done.' Seeing the SVU squad show up, I started to head back to my hotel room.

After landing on the balcony and going back inside my room, I turned off the television and promptly went to sleep.


Opening my eyes to see the sun shining in my room, I remembered I forgot to draw the curtains. Hearing someone breathing beside me I turn to look at a familiar face lying next to me. Confused at them being there, I rub my eyes and shake my head to make sure I'm not hallucinating. Seeing them lying there still, I go to poke them to make sure they're there.

"Ugh, what are you doing?" she said swatting away my hand while continuing to keep her eyes closed.

"Why are you in my bed Ciri?" I asked the aforementioned familiar face.

"I was sleeping soundly until you woke me." she said sitting up to stretch and yawn.

You are reading story Chronicles of a Telekinetic with a Group Chat at

"I see that. I meant why are you in my world? Actually, why are you in my bed?"

"I know that's what you meant and I'm in your bed because a lady doesn't sleep on the floor." she responded glaring at me a little to which I gave her a deadpan look before going to wash up.

"Where are you going?"

"To wash up. Don't make any noise and don't answer the door. You didn't come in through the front door and if I show up with you who appeared out of thin air, literally, they'll question me." I said before shutting the bathroom door.

'Smoke, you didn't think to warn me that an intruder popped up in my bed?' I asked him telepathically.

'I sensed no bloodlust nor malintent from her. And she was looking at you as if she knew you. I assumed it was another one of your paramours. Besides, I'm not your guard dog.'

'Paramour? How old are you? Anyways, I know you're not my guard dog, but a little heads up would've been nice.'

Done talking to Smoke, I hopped in the shower. After showering I put on the hotel bathrobe, and I have to say it's nice. Then I brushed my teeth. Looking at myself in the mirror, I began to think about a beard.

"Should I grow a beard? I've always wanted to grow one." I mumbled to myself.

"I'd think you'd look nice with a beard." said Ciri who had magically appeared in the bathroom.

"What are you doing in the bathroom? Couldn't wait your turn?" I said looking at her through the mirror.

"Eh, got bored."

"You still haven't answered my question." I said turning around to look at her.

"I told you I'm bored."

"Not about the bathroom. About why you're in my world."

"I told you I'm bored."

Not believing her, I stared until she relented.

"I couldn't stop thinking about the future. I needed to escape. You said if we ever were in need of a vacation, we could come to your world. So, here I am." she said with arms crossed and head down.

"A little heads up would've been nice."

"I'm sorry."

"Well, I guess it's fine. Not like I have much to do right now."

"Are you sure it's fine?" she asked.

"Yeah. But before we do anything, you should buy an item called [ID] in the shop. It creates an identity for the world you're in so no troubles occur." I told her.

"Okay. Well, I'll leave you be." she said before reaching for the door. As she was stepping out.

"Wait, do you really think I'd look good with a beard?" I asked.

"Yes." she said turning and smiling at me before she walked out.