“For many years, we have been hidden,” she spoke in a soft voice, but her eyes showed something different. It was as though the endless void in her eyes were trying to engulf me.
“We wish to keep it that way, but recently unfortunate events have unfolded. For the safety of our society and lifestyle, we request that you do not use the gifts given to you in the outside world. Doesn’t matter how small the use is, as who ignores will receive punishment,” she said, despite saying it so monotone it felt as though as though she was annoyed. She made her way to the exit quickly not bothering to even gaze at the reactions of the crowd.
Gifts? Punishment? Hidden? All the words' meanings seemed foreign to me as I wrapped my head around them. My classmates gossiped back and forth. “One group ruins it for all of us,” I overheard the kid next to me say exasperatedly to his friend. “All mine basically does is charge a phone too,” he says in a tone that indicated that he was agitated. In fact, everyone in the classroom seemed either mad or annoyed.
Maybe I was missing something when I was reading the forums. EXCEPT I have read the forums at least 10 times, where there was anything about whatever gifts are. Yeah right, why else would they make this huge announcement about it.
One thing at a time, what could these “gifts” be? Maybe some sort of item given from the school? Then why have I not gotten any. This should be everyone's first day here too, that would imply they have gotten one before me. Again I am left dumbfounded as I scrunch my forehead thinking about all the possibilities.
“Ahem,” the teacher said loudly, and almost instantly everyone stopped talking and complaining. Did she really have this sort of authority immediately? It's normal for all teachers to have some control of the classroom, but not a single soul made a sound as soon as it got quiet.
“I will be going around handing out your schedules for the year. You may notice a few blanks as those classes will be chosen by you among a variety of options,” she finished while starting to pick up the papers and go down the rows.
My seat at the back of the room near the window was seemingly going to be the last on her path. So I put my elbow on the desk and rested my head, but the second I put down my elbow I noticed a piece of paper.
When did she get over to my seat, she was ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM? She was already on the chalkboard writing down her name. Somehow not even a single other soul in the room looked surprised. Might as well check my schedule...
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