Chapter 7: Chapter 6

Crown Prince Aleksander, Priest of Athos, a little lord from the Macrian seas, heir to the ducal Throne of the Nerzhi people, was perhaps the rudest, most callow, ungenerous, and arrogant youth ever to ride the stormy seas of the Empire of the Macrian isles.

 Foremost people, he was an absolute pain in the ass. But for some reason, they loved him, respected, protected even though everyone else feared him, even his closest confidantes, no matter how much they hated him or despised him, they always kept his secrets.

Prince Aleksander had inherited the intelligence and strength of a royal family that had ruled a constantly expanding Duchy for five hundred years and had been clever enough not to diminish itself through inbreeding or internal mayhem that was a constant cause of strife for the Dorosians and their elk.

The Older Macrian noble families and their retainers who were desperately trying to regain their lost power despised his lack of respect even while shoving marriageable daughters into his path.

The younger nobility, they well They were of no significant consequence they themselves had no paragons of virtue, named him a fine fellow on the basis of the lavish entertainments he permitted them to share, though that opinion often changed when they ran afoul of the Prince’s whims and irritability.

The Nerzhi military commanders that obeyed him like pet dogs judged him fit, as his heritage demanded, though rumor had it that they drew lots among themselves, the loser forced to serve the rash and stubborn Prince as a military aide.


The common folk were, of course, not allowed an opinion on the issue.


And the slaves were no exception, for although he despised them so dearly, they too obeyed him and served him without complaint, even though they knew there was nothing he would ever give them in return.

When Aleksander first arrived in the city of Arken to rule, all the city slave owners eagerly rushed to serve him with their best effort, in order to gain his favor,most of all to confirm one crucial rumor

'The Prince did nothing for Himself, That included shiting'

That was confirmed when his sided found out that the princeling couldn't even read, So the tyranny and mayhem of the rule of the fool began

 soon enough his demand for work grew insupportable, and he began demanding more money from the merchants that brought tribute to his home, and even when that request was granted in the form of more salves,

It did little to alleviate the growing burden of the city, and it did nothing for the merchants themselves the more they obeyed him the more he became unbearable,

his demands escalated until eventually, he ordered the slaves of the city to work day and night in order to satisfy his greedy demands of gold.

Even with his estate fell into financial ruin the man still ordered that every slave working in his household should be branded by a mark to show him he wasn’t a free man, for that marking would determine whether or not he would be able to work in the palace.

But the slaves did not mind, they were used to the harsh treatment and abuse they received from the Prince,

they were used to the fact that they were never given anything in return, and they were used to the fact that they were treated like animals, slaves, nothing more than livestock, and they never minded that.

As long as they got food from the Prince and were not starved to death they were content.

And they continued to work diligently to earn their daily bread.

So, The Prince was an ungrateful ingrate who only cared about himself and the wealth he would get by selling the poor slave.

He was selfish, cruel, and unfeeling, But I didn't know any of this when I first met him. 

Crown Prince Aleksander, Palatine of Marsala, High Priest of Athos, Overlord of, Thryce, the captain of red Kraken, and another dozen namesakes and monikers that the knight blurted out for the flamboyant man were at first amusing then they quickly became annoying, and the plainly dressed woman was his sister who's name Tarina.

 the idiotic flamboyant idiot The next Hier to the duchy of Nerzh was a Buffon according to me the instant of our first meeting I judged him so, all though it could be said that I was prejudiced.

When one is standing naked in a wind cold enough to freeze a wooly mammoth, one is unlikely to have a fair impression of anyone. Especially if the man was wearing bright-colored clothes and continuously played with my ball sack whilst he contemplated whether to buy me or not.

"Oh my! What's that you've got there, a cute puppy?"

It took everything within me to refrain from screaming, I tried to ignore his mocking tone,

I turned to see the tall man behind me smirking evilly at me. 

“You say this one can read and write?” said the Prince in surprise for the third time,

The fact that I could read and write seemed to surprise everyone more than anything else

. Before the knight could answer the prince's obvious query a new arrival arrived.

The woman barged into the tent as if she owned  everything,

she was dressed elegantly, yet very modestly.

\She had raven black hair which was gathered into a loose bun at the back of her head.

Her lips were painted a pale pink and the light reflecting off of her teeth was white and gleaming.

she held a small bundle of fabric in the other she looked over at me with a wide smirk that exposed her sharp set of canine teeth, and I could tell she was trying to intimidate me despite her small size, and that scared me immensely.

this woman was no human that much was obvious from her flawless skin and sharp animalist teeth.

"Hello my dear, how are you today?" her voice oozed with sweet honey as she addressed The prince her hair jingled with jewels adorning her golden blonde hair, which was adorned in two braids tied together behind her shoulders.

She wore tight black pants that clung to her curves tightly revealing her full chest, and a sleeveless top adorned in an intricate design. She wore a deep crimson vest made from a soft woolen cloth that was intricately embroidered and adorned with diamonds and rubies that sparkled brightly in the light.

The Prince didn't seem to notice her beauty and her blatant attempt to intimidate me and instead spoke.

"Taris I thought we agreed not to meet again for another week," he said as he approached her slowly and stroked her face

"But I have come to collect my payment my Prince" she purred at the Prince

"Your payment?"

"Yes, Payment for this one," she said as she caressed my face delicately with one hand, her eyes shining with desire, she leaned forward and kissed me deeply.

I Stood ram rock straight trying to move a muscle, it wasn't a conscious effort my body automatically moved on its own like  a puppet that has been wound to perfection by a master puppeteer

She backed away giggling at my reaction.

Then she handed the bundle to the knight and gestured for him to leave, which the man promptly did so.

"You'll like this one" she said as she turned and faced the prince

“And yes,Of course My lord I think everyone knows this one is literati,” said the elegant woman with an arrogant voice and a sneer plastered on her lips, the arrogance oozing out of her skin like oil. She looked down upon on everyone contemptuously while glancing at the crowd surrounding me.

“Well well,” laughed the Prince sarcastically “that doesn’t sound promising, does it?” he laughed while he walked around the circle staring at me.

“How old are you? You certainly don’t seem to be a man yet”

“Thirteen” the woman answered for me even though I was not sure she was correct or wrong my memories were a bit fuzzy on that matter, but either way it didn’t matter

“Why do you ask your Highness?” She added.

"Because you're far too old to be having affairs with men of such age," the prince scoffed and laughed

she laughed "You're a fool your Highness," she smiled

the Prince sighed before saying "Well let’s see if you’re worth your money."

He reached out towards me and lifted my face to kiss me roughly. I resisted for what felt like hours but in reality, was merely a few seconds, however, my resistance was futile.

he smiled after kissing my lips “Not bad.” he said softly,

then he nodded at the woman and gestured toward me with his chin and spoke

You are reading story The Tale Of A Dancing Fate at

“But he’s been put through the rites,correct? None of the sorcery nonsense hanging about in his head?”

“None. He’s been in service since the conquest. Went through the rites on his first day, I’d say. The Guild always makes sure of that. Got nothing left of witchery inside him.”


I felt my heart skin as if I had just been slapped across my face repeatedly, I couldn't breathe, my whole body tensed in horror, I struggled to understand the meaning of what they were saying, what was going on...

What’s The Guild?! What does Witchery have to do with anything, and why were they so sure I had no magic?

My mind reeled in shock and confusion.

It didn't make sense!!

I couldn’t find words. I didn't even try. I stared blankly at the three people in front of me, completely shocked, confused, angry, embarrassed, frightened..but most of all betrayed.

That was the only thing that was keeping me sane the very fact I could do magic could escape was the thing that kept me from collapsing onto the ground and letting myself become one with the dirt underneath my feet.

The Woman noticed my expression, I suppose she saw something in my eyes that was akin to despair because she gave her best

'I will eat" smile.

My mind went blank as fear and panic coursed through my veins making them ache painfully.

It was the same feeling I experienced when I first came here,

I was so terrified that I didn't even flinch when the ornately dressed woman came up to me and began to rub my cock  between her fingers but I did notice when I got an erection, it was not natural.

The Prince laughed, his laughter was high-pitched and irritating sounding "See Taris?" He said.

"You're right your highness" replied the lady, still rubbing me  between her fingers "he is a virgin." She finished

I gasped  It was all so sudden

“It would be decent to have a house slave who had some semblance of intelligence—even barbarian intelligence.” The princed mused as rubbed his smooth chin.

"I like him, I want him" Tarina declared as if her's was the final order 

The Woman glared at me in warning,

 I shivered and closed my eyes

I was shaking so badly I could barely stand I wanted to fall;

I wanted to crawl away but I knew I had nowhere to go.

"But what’s this?” The Prince shrieked in annoyance that brought me out of the dark pitted that was my mind right now.

 I tried not to jump when the riding crop touched the lacerations on my back.

“I thought you told me he was well behaved. Why the stripes if he’s so virtuous? And why is his owner getting rid of him?”

“I’ve papers, Your Highness, where the Baron D'arthgan swears this one is as fine and obedient a slave as can be found, with all the accomplishments I’ve said. He’s only getting rid of him to settle his financial affairs and says the marks were a mistake and should not tell against the slave. I don’t understand it, but you can see the lord’s seal on his papers.”

The Lady said proudly.

I looked over at her, she looked happy. She was smiling a beautiful smile that made the Prince’s eyes go a little weak.

I felt like vomiting.

There was a moment of silence

The Prince turned to look at me and studied me while the riding crop rested on his chin,

I wanted to scream as the memories came pouring in.

most of these lacerations I had gotten were fresh, and I had gotten them on the god dammed ship, and others came from a cruel insane woman

The old warrior baron I had served for the past two months after I was given to him from the labor camp was a kind old dying man who had treated me nicely and kindly and had decided he would sell me rather than allow me to become the property of his only daughter—a woman who took a singular pleasure in abusing those she could command.

“If he doesn’t suit you, perhaps one of the others ...” the Woman spoke

"may...." the prince began

“No” Tarina spoke curtly cutting the Prince off abruptly

“Absolutely not,” she added looking at him coldly “he is mine and nobody else's. He's mine and no other’s” she growled.

The prince raised his eyebrows but didn’t argue with her.

“Twenty Puranas. Have him delivered to my slave master at the caravan campsite.”

The slave merchant Woman was horrified. “But, Your Highness, he’s worth at least sixty!”

The Prince gave the Woman such a look of strained patience as would make a sensible person check his back for daggers.

“I’m reducing it to Ten because he’s damaged. With scars on his back, I’ll have to keep him better clothed. But I’m giving you ten extra because he can read and write. Is it not fair?”

He said sternly

The lady looked down ashamed.

"Fine" She begrudgingly admitted

Then the someone grabbed my arm, forcing me into a standing position I didn't resist.

It was time for me to leave I was literally dragged to some sort closed off the compound area and we went through another set of gates and entered through another corridor. There was someone waiting for us in there, a tall man with short grey hair in a black cloak. 

He eyed me curiously.

His face seemed familiar, but he was also unfamiliar as well...They threw into a tub filled with icy cold water, washed me thoroughly, and dressed me in a new set of clothes that fitted me perfectly.

“This will be all there is for today” he declared and left the room without saying another word.

I was taken out into a large circular garden surrounded by thick hedges which prevented anyone from seeing inside.Then I was handed over to the two men who had accompanied the prince.

Those two were dressed like gaudy birds, in bright-colored silks and satins with gold linked belts, and carried daggers and swords so ornately wrought and crusted with jewels that the things would be absolutely useless.

From the soft look of the pair and the way their eyes were set so close together, I wondered if they were a couple or if maybe they weren't. Their behavior was very different compared to the servants that usually surrounded me but I couldn’t think much about that.

  All that mattered now was what the prince had said.

even when they led me through places until they finally stopped outside of a carriage and then they ushered me inside.

I was barely conscious of my surrounding

All the while my mind was elsewhere fixedly thinking about the one thing that mattered to me.