Chapter 1: 1 – Death and Transmigration

Greetings, my name is A'kuh, one of the few Ancient Yautja apart of the Council of Ancients.

I am one of the oldest members of the Council and the most active. I am over 1,500 years old and still hunt and gather trophies.

I have gathered so many trophies from my hunts that I have the most extensive collection of trophies of all the Ancients and have been undefeated in battle.

And although other Yautja held great respect for my achievements, I was still despised by most due to my...beliefs and practices.

You see, I was probably the only bisexual Yautja to exist, something considered appalling and disgusting to my peers.

The Yautja are quite the serious people, and due to my way of thinking, beliefs, and knowledge, I was one of the most hated but respected Yautja on the Council of Ancients.

Now, how did I become Bisexual, you may ask?

It all started when, during one of my many hunts on a small backwater world, the inhabitants called 'Earth,' which translated to 'Dirt' in my language. Why would they call a planet such a thing was beyond me, but I just put it up as one of their quirks as a species.

The Humans, the intelligent species that lived on the planet, are on the 'third world war' they called it. I had participated in the previous 'world wars,' and this war was even dangerous to the few Yautja that participated in it, even me.

Humanity was one of the most intelligent and cunning races I have ever faced and one of the fastest-growing.

Within a few centuries, this short-lived species advanced from fighting with cold metal weaponry such as swords to industrialization and crafting primitive firearms that fired propelled objects at fast speeds.

They even discovered Nuclear Weaponry early on in this civilization, which is possibly why they knew the dangers of the weaponry and only used it as a deterrent to ensure their survival.

While Humanity was rapidly improving in technology and culture, they still fought and waged wars over simple and irrelevant things.

During the third world war, they used primitive energy-based weaponry and simple energy shields and armor. During this war, I hunted both sides of the war and came across an unusual scene.

A lone human soldier was fighting against hundreds of other humans in a jungle.

For days this lone human fought against the other side all by himself, killing dozens and showing great skill that would put many Yautja to shame.

For the first time in my life, I felt arousal for the same gender, something which perplexed me at the time since, in all my years of existence, I have only felt attraction towards females of my kind.

With this human male stuck behind enemy lines and fighting for his survival, I ended up helping him, giving him food, medical supplies, and help every once in a while.

The longer I watched, protected, and helped this human, the more I noticed I started becoming attached.

To stop this, I got on my ship and decided to leave, but when I flew over his camp in the dead of night, I noticed he was surrounded and fighting for his life with what little he had to use against his enemies.

Feeling worried, my feelings overcame my beliefs. I landed my ship without active camouflage and started killing the soldiers attacking the male left and right with my Combistick and plasma cannon.

The enemy was afraid, their weapons did nothing to me, and I killed scores of them without them being able to retaliate with my energy shield active. Eventually, all were dead except the lone male and me.

He saw me, and I saw him.

He was covered in injuries, minor and significant, and in my worry, he collapsed.

I rushed over to him, brought him onto my ship, and placed him in my med station.

He survived, and I watched over him for many hours until he eventually awoke.

At first, he was scared, but with time he grew more accustomed to my presence and the fact that I was not human and that we were in my ship floating above the planet.

Eventually, he asked questions about me, my race, and what laid out in the Universe.

And I answered.

We grew closer until I eventually took off my armor and let him see what I looked like beneath my helmet.

And to my utter surprise, he didn't seem all others of his species have been when they looked upon my face.

Eventually, he asked to leave my ship and return home.

And I followed.

He was awarded a 'Medal of Honor,' some token that symbolized that he went far above what was expected of their soldiers.

He soon retired and returned to his home in a country called 'The United States of America.'

When he saw that I followed him home, he welcomed me, started showing me what Earth had to offer, and I found I started enjoying myself and my time with him.

Humanity was an incredibly creative species, creating technology and entertainment that put the entertainment of my species to shame.

He showed me 'Games,' 'Movies,' and so much more that kept raising my view on Humanity.

And a few months after I met him, we made love.

It was awkward initially, but Tobias, the name of the Male Human, guided me along the process of mating with a male, something I found as pleasurable as mating with a female.

From there, Tobias continued teaching me the ways of pleasure and Earth's culture.

By the time five years had passed since I met Tobias, I decided to gift him my blood.

By now, he knew that I would live much longer than him and the ways of my people.

I asked if he would be my bondmate, and he agreed.

I gave him my blood, greatly enhancing his vitality, strength, and lifespan.

But in the end, my blood was not enough to save him...he died to another human who broke into our home.

I killed the intruder but could not save Tobias before he succumbed to his injuries...

I gave him a proper burial and mourned for several months.

After that, I left Earth and returned to Yautja Prime, where I had to explain why I went missing, and from there, the truth was revealed as they had magic to pry the truth from my lips, whether I wished or not.

Something I was an expert in, as were the other Ancients.

It didn't take long for most Yautja to know about my time on Earth, and while I received a lot of ridicule, I answered in kind by dueling with anyone who dared to ridicule me to my face, even the other Ancients.

I was soon feared and respected by the other Ancients, and time passed.

Two centuries passed in the span of an eye as I never once mated with a female or male since my time with Tobias, which perplexed many Yautja, young and old.

Depressed and lonely, I made the solemn decision to do one last hunt, one which I was destined to die from.

I informed my peers and ignored their outcries against my decision.

While they hated and felt disgusted by me, they couldn't get rid of me, seeing as I was the best of the Techmasters, a group of Yautja responsible for building our race's weapons, armor, ships, and so much more.

To make problems even worse, I was also one of the best Enchanters and Magicians of our Race, with less than a dozen above me.

I gathered months of supplies, weapons, and medicine. Then, I embarked on the homeworld of the Xenomorphs, one filled with countless Hives, Queens, and even the elusive and most dangerous prey my kind has ever encountered, the Xenomorph Empress, a Xenomorph that could control other Queens.

From there, I landed my ship on the surface and started fighting against the countless Xenomorphs that rushed towards my ship.

Having placed down plasma cannon turrets around the ship's perimeter and using my weapons, I began laying waste to the Xenomorphs.

It didn't take long for the Queens to join the fun. Focusing on the Queens, I started taking them down from afar while the turrets took out anything that got too close.

But as the time passed, the horde only got more significant in size, with more Xenomorphs joining the horde charging at me.

It didn't take long for the turrets to overheat and stop firing, leaving me alone and being overrun by Xenomorphs. Still, any that got close to me was killed within moments by either my combistick, my plasma cannon on my shoulder, or the magic I wielded in my free hand.

I laughed with glee as their acid blood fell upon my armor and burned through it.

Tossing my ceremonial armor to the side, I fought for what felt like hours as injuries quickly covered my body.

And just as I was about to kill another group of Xenomprhs lunging towards me, I felt the ground quake and a queen's tail pierce through the ground and into my chest.

Coughing out blood, I smiled and clicked my mandibles in a mocking laughing manner as I heard the familiar beeping of my wrist gauntlet's self-destruct activating.

With my laugh echoing the surroundings, the Xenomorphs seemed to sense the danger as my ship began beeping along with my wrist gauntlet. Within 10 seconds, an atomic explosion so large that the explosion instantly vaporized anything with thousands of miles came from my gauntlet and ship. Countless Xenomorphs died, taking out thousands of small nests and dozens of Queens, but with the size of the Xenomorph's planet, it was barely any damage to the population, and it would soon be replenished.

Awakening with a severe headache, I found I couldn't move my body and could barely feel anything other than a cold surface on the back of my body.

Opening my eyes, I found myself lying on a cold metal bed in an empty room with two doors, one at the side of the room in a corner and another at the other side of the room.

But that's not where my attention was focused. Instead, I gazed upon my body.

I quickly knew when I awoke that I felt smaller, weaker, and slower, and it's what concerned me the most when I awoke in this empty room.

"I am I here? What's happened to my body? Did I regress in age and become a Young Blood again?

No...I am confident that I died...

Perhaps I am with Paya on his hunting grounds?

No... it's said to be a Jungle, not...wherever this is.

Mabye...Mabye it's the 'Reincarnation,' or 'Transmigration' Tobias spoke of so much in our time together?

A situation in which a person is placed in a new world or reality by a Divine Being in the same body or a new one.

Although, if it were reincarnation, I would have to be a baby, and currently, I am not.

So, Transmigration, what do I remember of it...

Tobias said that Transmigration would be when a person is placed in a new place with the same body, sometimes younger or of the same age.

And I seemed to have regressed in age to a Young Blood.

And something that both situations had in common was that the person typically had something called a 'System.'

And what made me think that I had this 'System' was the floating screen before me.

Either I was still in the last throws of life, and my brain conjured something to distract me from pain, or this was real.

I looked to find that I had only the clothes on my body, no weapon, no armor, nothing.

I first walked over to the door in the corner of the room, trying to get used to my new senses and body.

The room was incredibly dark, with the light above the room being incredibly dim as if it wasn't getting much power.

Opening the door revealed a small bathroom. Searching it, I found a few things, some unknown medicine, a white strapped bag with what looked to have some more unknown medicine, bandages, and vials of unknown contents next to what looked to be a...device fitted with a syringe.

Stuffing all the medicine in the bag, I tossed the strap under my arm and over my head before slinging it behind my back.

Moving over to the other door, I noticed a panel next to the door and clicked one of the three buttons, each button was dim, but I could see that they had symbols engraved on their surface.

On the middle button was a symbol of a lock, on the left button was a symbol of an open door, and on the last button was a symbol of a closed door.

Sliding open, the door suddenly stopped as the panel by the door seemed to short circuit and popped with a few sparks.

Not wanting to get locked inside if the door closed, I quickly dashed into the hall.

And what was revealed worried me.

A long hall with dozens of doors on either side of me, and wherever I was, was clearly falling apart!

Ceiling panels on the ground, something leaking from the ceiling, sparking wires hung from the ceiling, rubble littering the floor, and to my worry, were skeletons wearing very old clothes with obvious damage from time.

However, what worried me, were the weapons lying next to their hands.

You are reading story Rise of a Yautja in Star Wars at

Some seemed to be hilts with no blades, and others were rifles and pistols of unknown design.

I should also mention some of these people wore robes and others armor.

It was clear some battle took place here and left heavy damage to this structure.

Grabbing one of the strange metallic hilts, I looked over it, seeing a button on its side.

Pressing it, I jumped as a glowing blade of blue energy was edited from the hilt before suddenly fizzling out.

I examined the hilt and wanted to take it apart but found that I would need some tools before I could disassemble it and examine its inner workings.

I then moved over to one of the firearms to see if they would work, but as it turned out, the firearms were damaged from time, making them inoperable.

With no functioning weapon, I kept one of the firearms and decided to use it as a club.

With the hallway leading further into the structure both ways, I ended up choosing one direction and walking.

As I walked for a few minutes, all I found were more corridors of rooms that I assumed were quarters and more signs of a battle taking place here.

I also started noticing what looked to be...some robotic warbots scattered across the hallways, along with skeletal remains wearing a different style of armor.

It seemed that these people were the ones the robes figures were fighting against, and what confused me was that the opposing side had their own robed soldiers with their own energy blades, except these ones seemed to use different colors for their blades, from what I found they mainly had red energy blades, with a few purples.

But just like before, these weapons were also too damaged for use.

As I traveled through the many corridors, I eventually started questioning. Why were all of the bodies left? Were there any survivors that managed to escape? How large was this facility? Are there any other dangers hiding away within these halls? What was this place used as?

As I walked and walked, I found more doors that led to more quarters, and I also found a few supply closets, which I used to fashion a makeshift spear from a broom handle, electrical wire, and some sharp metal I managed to peel off of a chunk of metal from one of the warbots.

I also found some small robots that appeared to be a small metallic box with wheels. Each was hooked up to a charging pod built into the wall and seemed fully charged, just waiting to be activated.

Venturing deeper into the structure, I soon came across an elevator and a flight of stairs, and with the power of the structure, as is, I took the stairs, which led up and down the structure.

When I stepped closer to the stairs and turned around, I noticed a sign above the door that read 'Residential Floor 1.'

Going down to the floor below, this one read 'Residential Floor 2.'

And on the floor above the first residential floor was 'Reactor/Maintenance.'

Deciding to continue going up, I began trekking up the stairs, stopping at a particular floor with a sign that caught my attention.

'Hangar Bay.'

"Fuck...I may be on a space station..."

With the current condition of the structure, I was in, if it happened to be a Space Station and the hangar bay was empty, I may very well be stuck here.

And with how old the station may be, I will more than likely starve or die of dehydration before I can escape...

Venturing into the Hangar Bay, I felt relief flood my body as I noticed multiple old ships sitting in the hangar bay, and I also now knew for sure that I was on a Space Station.

How did I know?

Well, some transparent energy shield that somehow was still powered was protecting the hangar from the vacuum of space.

Walking closer to the shield allowed me to get a good look at the station's surroundings, which revealed that the station was hidden within an asteroid field that was orbiting a gas giant.

Knowing that if I wanted to leave before I died of dehydration or starvation, I motioned over to the space crafts, examining each one to see which would be my best bet in escaping this station.

First, I looked at the options I had available to me.

They were mostly all in good condition, but due to their smile sizes, I doubt I would be able to go very far.

And if I could, I would have used my magic to create a portal, but ever since I awoke in this station, I found that my entire Magic Foundation was reset, meaning I would have to cultivate my magic all over again!

So, my only option was to try to repair and use one of these starcrafts to escape the station, and I could only hope that whoever made these ships was at least competent enough to make them capable of long-distance flight.

I've lived long enough to know many ways of traveling the Universe, and based on the engine I managed to gain access to on one of the ships with some tools in a supply depot on the other side of the hanger, I felt much resentment for the incompetent person that made this ship.

The engine, even if it did work, would only have worked at 45% capacity!

And it also seemed that most of these ships had hyperdrive engines, a type of FTL engine that allowed ships to travel faster than light, and for some reason unknown to me, those people decided to use an incredibly risky FTL method!

Hyperdrives essentially allowed a ship and everyone inside to travel through another dimension, vastly increasing the ship's speed, allowing the ship and everyone on the ship to reach a specific destination in days or slightly over a week!

If I remember correctly, some ships would be able to travel the lengths of entire Galaxies within a matter of days!

However, this is the only good thing about this way of traveling, and the dangers were much greater...

If the engine failed, the ship was likely to be stranded in space, trap the ship in Hyperspace, or crash into a gravitational object such as a planet, blackhole, star, etc.

It also had a chance of slowing down time around the ship, meaning when the ship exited the dimension and returned, they could be hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years into the future.

There was also a high chance of being attacked by a shadow eater when traveling in the Hyperspace...

So why in the hell would these people use this type of FTL?!

I could name multiple FTL types that were much better than this!

Like a Wormhole Drive, a warp drive, or a jump drive, even an Aether drive is better than FTL!

Trying to calm myself and frustrate myself even more, I took  deep breaths and let out loud sighs.

I had around half a month to an entire month before I starved or die of dehydration. I may be able to prolong this time if there are some sources of food and water hiding away in the asteroids.

But first, I have to get one of these ships flight capable.

After examining each ship, I found that the ship easiest to repair and make operable was the last ship[The last pic], a starfighter with no FTL engine.

Not wanting to waste time, I immediately began fixing the starfighter's engine and, using the parts from the other ships, modifying the engine into a Rosen-Bridge Engine. Essentially, the engine would shoot out a beam of energy in front of the ship that would create a wormhole to another location, allowing the ship to travel a considerable distance at the cost of a lot of energy and no time.

However, there is a downside to the Wormhole drive, wherever the ship is pointing is the direction in which the wormholes opens up, and the exit wormhole will be a straight path from the first wormhole and the nose of the ship.

I had an idea on how to fuel the ship, but it required I make a Dark Matter attractor and a storage device to hold it.

By the time six days passed, I had a flyable starship, left the station and gathered some ice from some asteroids, brought it back to the station, and melted them for water.

I was also lucky enough to find some asteroid bugs and captured them for food.

Their meat was horrid, but it would help me last a bit longer, and with the water, I should have enough time to finish constructing the Wormhole drive and gather enough Dark Matter to get me a good distance.

I should also mention I have only gotten a few hours of sleep in all this time and have been working hard so that I could at least make it to a habitual planet.

If I had the time and resources, I might have strayed on this station and modified it to suit my needs, but with the station's current condition, I did not want to stay and see how long it would last before the station's life support and reactor shut down.

And while I could not stay here at this time, that doesn't mean I couldn't come back at another time and repair this station, molding it to suit my purposes in the future.


Sitting down in the ship's cockpit, I began flipping several switches in quick succession before starting the engine.

'Fuel Capacity at 34%.'

Noting my fuel meter, I grasped the joystick, gently lifted the ship off the ground, and began using a small amount of fuel in my front thrusters to help reverse the ship out of the hangar. 

Once the ship passed the hangar barrier, I began turning the ship's noise away from the hanger before redirecting the fuel to the back thrusters to the lowest setting and piloting the starfighter away from the station.

Carefully going around the asteroids surrounding the station, I flew deeper toward space before activating the Dark Matter attractor and opening the container I attached to the top of my ship.

Dark Matter was one of the easiest and best energy sources in the Universe, with large amounts of Dark Matter existing almost everywhere in space and Dark Matter being rich in energy.

The only problem was that it was incredibly hard to detect and even harder to gather, requiring a specialized machine to gather the Dark Matter.

The one I managed to build from what I could gather from the station was primitive compared to the Machines I was used to using, but it would fulfill its purpose with great inefficiency.

Once I was a decent distance away from the gas giant and its asteroid belt, I deactivated the thrusters, slowed the starfighter with my frontal thrusters, and activated the Dark Matter attractor.

'Dark Matter - 0.001%'

I turned off all nonvital parts of the ship and let the ship drift into space at a slow speed.

Thirty minutes later, I looked upon the console again.

'Dark Matter - 7.82%.'

Scoffing in annoyance, I just lied back and waited.

Hours later, and feeling hungry and thirsty, I again looked at the Dark Mater meter.

'Dark Matter - 79.31%.'

Deciding that's enough for now, I restarted the ship's engine, directed the power to the back thrusters, and began flying back to the station.

Once back, I slowly landed the old ship, unloading the Dark Matter attractor, and began transferring the Dark Matter into a small container while separating it from all foreign Matter.

From there, I connected the battery to the Wormhole drive on the starfighter.

With the amount of Dark Matter I currently had, I should be able to make a single jump, then use the rest of the energy as fuel to fly the ship to a planet.

The problem is that I would not know what lies in whatever system I make my jump to and may not even have a habitual planet...

So, while I would have much preferred to stock up on supplies and make the jump, I knew I had to stay at least a couple more days and hope I find more food while I gathered more Dark Matter and made another battery.

While usually any Yautja could survive weeks without food or water, that's only when the Yautja in question is healthy and an adult, neither of which I currently am.

So, I had to work hard for the next few days in order to get as much Dark Matter as possible for my W-Drive, and I had to make sure the ship was strong enough to be able to make the journey.

Due to my limited tools and time, the ship looked horrid. Across its surface were many hastily welded metal plates that I pried off other ships, three large box-like containers attached to the bottom of the vessel, and several more modifications that made the initially nice, yet ancient, ship look horrendous.

And while it may look horrid, these modifications were required.

The metal plates around welded onto the ship's surface would help the ship if I were to enter an atmosphere, the containers stored all the Dark Matter I have gathered, and the other modifications I have made to this ship were to its electronics, scanners, and controls, allowing me better control and maneuvering of the ship.

It's been 11 days since I arrived at this station, and while I did luck out and find several small asteroid bugs, they were few in number and not very nutritious, but they did allow me to work for another day before my weakened state progressed.

Once I was sure I had everything I needed and triple-checked, I got into the drastically changed ship and ignited the engine, now fueled with Dark Matter.

Now, I should inform you why not many use Dark Matter even though it's so plentiful and full of energy, and that's because of its behavior.

You see, when made into energy, Dark Matter is quite...volatile, and if anything were to go wrong, your ship could spontaneously combust and explode.

Also, if a living organism were to be exposed to the Dark Matter, it would die a very gruesome death, where their entire bodies would stop holding together and fall apart, typically causing what I referred to as a 'Meat Explosion' in which everything that made up a person, would explode into a bloody mist of guts, blood, flesh, waste, and everything else that made up the organism, and dissolve until nothing was left.

And as far as I knew, Yautja and very few other races ever used Dark Matter, and it's because of this that my race has been able to stand atop countless Galactic Civilizations without any danger or repercussion to our species or planets, even with how much hatred we sowed across the Galaxy.

Shaking my head from my thoughts, I focused back on reality and smiled when I felt the power of Dark Matter power and fuel the ship.

Setting the ship at moderate speeds, I looked back to the end o the ship, making sure everything was alright, before focusing in front of me and flipping a newly installed switch and dial.

Turning the dial halfway, I watched as a beam of energy shot out in front of my ship and into space before a crack suddenly opened in space, revealing the star closest to this system.

And focusing more power on the thrusters, the ship flew straight through the crack before the wormhole closed behind it.