Chapter 7: Chapter 6 – Rat Mayhem

[Charge] [Fireball]


It was a direct hit. The boss received it head on and was stunned for a few seconds but then the sound of splashing waters was heard from behind. Its partner, stepped out of the shadows and attacked me with its tail. My HP was immediately down to 50% so I looked back to face the attacker but it disappeared  almost immediately. The boss recovered from being stunned and then spewed out a toxic fog.

[Wind Gust]

A HP potion was consumed as I was trying to analyze my situation. The Sewer Rat King will face me while its partner will attack me from my blind spot. If my assumption was right, the moment my attention is on the monster in front of me- -

[Frost Wall]!

The boss ran through the fog it created and continued it's charge towards me. With no time to think, I immediately placed my [Frost Wall] in between us before it could lessen its distance. It immediately shattered but the boss was once again stunned. Sure enough, the splashing sounds came again. I didn't have time to predict what's going to happen so I had to move as soon as possible. Then, when I felt its presence approaching me...

[Frost Bolt]!

It evaded my attack but at the same time lost it's momentum trying to land not far from me. Even with that, it tried to change the direction of its tail to attack me which caught me by surprise. Its attack shaved off 30% off my HP which nullified the HP I recovered from the potion I took earlier. The [Wind Wall] that was protecting me was also gone making everything worse. The boss also recovered and didn't wait for me to react as it prepared for another charge to close our distance. I immediately jumped out of my spot and consumed my potions leaving its partner free as I try to create as much distance as I can.

As if predicting it's movements, the boss' partner didn't go back to the canals but instead, it also rushed towards me. With no time to think, I aimed at the nearest monster, the partner. It was very wet and one thing is effective against a wet monster.

[Chain Lightning]!

It was a direct hit that immediately paralyzed the partner. Another lighting then continued on to the nearing boss which just made it flinched for a moment and continued its charge. Another MP potion was taken as my MP was already low.

[Frost Spike]

[Earth Spike]

My [Frost Spike] surprised the boss. It managed to dodge it barely but what was waiting for it was my [Earth Spike] pointing towards its stomach. Thanks to its momentum, and it's body size, it failed to dodge my second spike. It released a loud squeal, which honestly sounds like a howl, in pain. It struggled and tried to pull itself out of the [Earth Spike] but it only made it worse. More blood came out of its body as it kept on struggling.

Taking another batch of potions, I took a breather and looked at my current situation. The boss is impaled but will be free after struggling for a time while its partner was still paralyzed. It was soaking wet so I don't expect it to be free from paralysis soon. Then this is my chance.


[Fire Wall]!

[Fire Ball]!

[Flame Spear]!

The [Fire Wall] was erected right where the boss is damaging it every second followed by [Fire Ball] and [Flame Spear] which looked like overkill. The boss was burning all over and it looked intimidating honestly. But even with that, its HP was still at 30% at most. The [Earth Spike] was destroyed and the boss was struggling to stand up. I can see it already preparing its next charge. My MP was very low not but I can still squeeze in another spell.

[Wind Barrier]!

Instead of using it on me, I used it on the boss surrounding it with wind. In no time, the flames that was burning the boss quickly raged wildly engulfing almost half of the boss room. It was so hot that I immediately ran towards the other side to keep myself from burning. My HP quickly decreased at every second. I looked back and it released a louder howl. In the sea of flames, the silhouette of the boss was rushing towards me. A large fireball in the shape of the boss came out of the inferno and was nearing me.


"Gah! I hate this place!"

'You have defeated the dungeon boss, 'The Sewer Rat King'!


I took a deep breathe and covered my nose as I jumped onto the canal which was very deep, surprising me. A strong quake was felt above me so I moved away as much as possible. The boss' body also fell on the canal making a small wave pushing me away from it. My body ached as I was pushed on the walls and floor of the canal. When the waters calmed down I immediately got out of it and took a breathe of not so fresh air. With only 5% HP left, I immediately drank the potions that I have.


[Wind Barrier]!


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"Ahhhh! The stink is gonna stick on me for a while! The only thing that I have to blame is already dead! Damn it!"


Yes, it was totally uselsess. As I sigh to myself, the boss' partner was twitching when I turned to look at its direction. The paralysis is about to disappear, huh. After drinking some potions, I made my way to the remaining monster.


'The Stalker Lvl.15'


It was the same level as The Sewer Rat King. But unlike it's partner, The Stalker is smaller and is focused on agile and sneak attacks. It feels like it is an assassin or something. Even though the paralysis is slowly fading, it was still wet.

[Frost Breath]

[Icy Mist]

With this, it should freeze to death right? I do hope it does. I could feel the mental fatigue catching up to me but just in case.

[Frost Wall]

There, this should be enough to kill the partner. The [Frost Wall] was placed like [Fire Wall], piercing The Stalker. I watched as it HP fell from 90% to 30% in a few moments. I fell down to my back and watched the ceiling which was only illuminated by the torch. After a few moments, another notification appeared.


'You have defeated the secret dungeon boss, 'The Stalker'!

'The Sewer Dungeon has been cleared. Exiting in 30s...'


"Wait? Secret dungeon boss? It was that special?"


I only thought of it as an extra servant that helps the dungeon boss. After all, it's appearance were just the same with normal sewer rats. The size was the only thing that was different.


"Wouldn't it be better if it has more distinct appearance? Same goes to the Sewer Rat King. The only thing that made these two different were the sizes and their attacks!"


Aahhh. A rant came out of my mouth. As I realized that, I walked on the two corpse of the boss and looted lazily. I didn't even looked at the loots I got because I wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible. A warm bath would be nice right now. My eyes closed as I imagined bathing myself in my hot tub. Yeap, I'm gonna take one in real life.




Yeap! 2 chapters because, why not?

Also, hi! Did you enjoy Tyr's first dungeon clear? No? Well, I'd be glad to hear some feedbacks so please tell me if there are some mistakes. Both on the plot and the grammar.

Anyways, thanks for reading ~

More to come.