In the other world called Tierra, a great great great meeting of all time have been conducted secretly in the Citadel of the Witch. The messages were relay for a few days, and it took immediate responses by the participants.
The four Overlords of Tierra step foot inside the meeting venue, which was conducted in the same white void of the previous meeting by the Witch Council.
No matter how much power they bear, they could never enter the Witch Council’s space of white void by their own. It was too sacred and hidden even to their all-seeing eyes.
This is not insinuating that their magic aptitudes are below of those in Witch Council. Quite contrary, they actually held much greater power from the witches. However, the white void within the citadel of the Witch Council was something that they could not enter by themselves.
A simple analogy to explain the space of void; it is a room with a door, and the Witch Council’s member are the only ones who possess the key to enter it.
For The Witch Council to bring them in, this meeting have must be of highest importance value that they didn’t want anyone to catch wind off. Nevermind that, the four witches themselves have brought the ‘invitation’ on their own.
In the vast white space, there are a long wide dark red wood table with three equally wood chairs on each sides, and one on each of the head oval corner sides. On top of it was a light blue table cloth with gold lining draped over the surface.
All of the participants took their seat, which involved the four Overlords and the four witches. The four witches however, did not sit together. They each sat between the Overlords, whereas Sol and Eiz sat in the middle of the two sides, while Weiss and Noir sat at each of the head sides.
This sitting arrangement was inevitable. It was designed to prevent any of the Overlords from trying to go at each other throat at moment notice. Despite their façade bonds in public, they already hated each other since centuries ago. Who knows what will happen behind a close white space of void?
The Witch Council just hope for today close meeting for the Overlords to continue uphold their charade as if they are still infront the eyes of the world.
“Skip the stupid pleasantries. I can’t stand to be around these ‘dusts’ any longer,” the one who said this rather harshly, was the Overlord of the North Continent, Gelaro of the Crystelloom. His alluring exotic face twisted to an annoyed sneer at everyone around the table.
He have a dark ashen skin, and a long platinum hair with blue tint and darker roots. The long slightly flowing hair actually make him look elegant if not for his feral look and rough attitude. His pupils were bloody red in black scleras. A pair of horn-like antler like charred wood adorned the side of his head.
For an occasion regarded as an important revere meeting, he dressed rather sloppily; wearing a robe with furred hood draped over his exposed shoulders and opened chest to be seen. A long sarong-like cloth tucked at his waist. That supposedly paramount leader looked like he just came to lounge around.
Gelaro was once the last of the extinct demon ice beasts, still is, that used to terrorized the coldest artic dungeon of the world. Now, he was one of the Overlords that protect the world in his ice crystal shield.
Albeit going into seclusion for the past centuries in an unknown snowstorm area.
“I don’t want to stay here any longer than necessary too. You all reek of filthy mud, especially the one sitting by my side right now. Even thousand winter *fenrir (a type of canine beast-like wolf in Tierra) can’t die enough to cover his already stench of a poor excuse for an Overlord,” the one who retorted this, was the Overlord of the East Continent, Lelang, son of Tenrir. His words betray the gentle smile on his face.
He had a fair white skin, and a straight shoulder-length midnight indigo hair, which is the same colour as his feline-like ears. He have a single braid pulled over with some hair strands that tucked under the ears to the back. Both his eyes are pitch black.
Lelang also dressed informally, but more mindful than his ice beast peer; he loosely wore a robe with an intricate pattern, over a tight black turtleneck undergarment. Around his neck there is a choker with a symbolic emblem hanging on it.
The feline-eared man being have a very gentle features, but those that familiar with him enough, knew that it was only a front. This man is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Or a fenrir (wolf equivalent in Tierra) in shoop (sheep equivalent in Tierra)’s clothing.
During his lifetime, Lelang was regarded as a genius prodigy of the feline-folks’s realm. He also came from the Tenrir’s clan, one of the most respected clan in their world. And now, the only living legend of the Tenrir’s clansman.
As of now, he leave all of his domain’s affair to the governing members, and went spending the last centuries in his hidden personal sanctuary.
“You have a fucking problem with my fur coat?” Gelaro simpered, barely glanced at the feline-eared man.
“Yeah, that you still a dunderhead even after all this years, and your intelligence actually never went up as your furs collection.” The smile on Lelang’s face pulled up like a fox.
“My Overlords, Your Highrule..” Eiz breathed out, in attempt to reprimand them from provoking each other. It had not even been ten minutes since all of them arrive.
“Oooh~! Not even the winter of *Zslacicv (The coldest place in their world) can heal that!” whistled Weiss at the two exchange.
“Weiss, don’t encourage them!” scolded Eiz making the blue eyes teen gestured apologetically. Even Sol frowned at him.
Despite that, the two Overlords are still going at each other, passive aggressively.
Unaffected by the insult, Gelaro only snorted, “Well damn, maybe I should rip up your fur and hung it inside my hound’s house.” Then flashed his fangs. “That is what you worth in your domain anyway. A dust collecting relic that could never die.”
“Speak to yourself. I actually involved in the politics sometime, unlike a certain someone,” Lelang huffed playfully, but then leering his dark eyes to the front. “You know.. that certain someone.”
Gelaro followed that leered gaze, and snorted. “We don’t speak of that certain someone because he’s already dead long ago.”
“Oh my, I just found out about this! Did no one ever held a funeral for that certain someone? Is he that much of a useless space that his domain just want to clear out from their storage and be done for?”
“I heard they used his body as an armor knight guard decoration thingy.”
“Aren’t he already did that in his rundown castle when he’s alive?”
“Fuck, you right, hahaha!”
That certain someone they so shameless sarcastically referred to upfront is, the Overlord of the West Continent, Decimus of the Viserzales. Stoic and unmoving, masked by his demon-like helm. The darkness of his armor put a prominence to the white void around them.
Not a demon or any creature, Decimus is just a normal human being, but born under the curse of a cult. The dark armor he constantly wore is the remnant of the ancient demon who used to possess his psyche.
Calmly but hollow, Decimus released his black smoke. Immediately, dark dusty ashes and smokes filled the white room in alarm. This is his way of inviting them to fight. Decimus is not one to talk smack, when he can smack down.
Gelaro just sneered in respond, while Lelang feigned a mocking gasp.
Away from the brewing argument, sat the Overlord of the South Continent, Helios, son of Griffon. He looked as though he didn’t want to be there with his forlorn expression staring at the flat surface infront.
He have golden blonde hair that was pulled into a low pony tailed draped over his shoulder. A hair clip with decorated rhinestones was bedecked on the side of his head, while some of the bang swept over a pair of orange eyes, that used to shine brightly before dulling over the years.
From all of them, Helios was the only one who had the decency to dress formally for this sacred meeting.
He wore the royal formal attires with the back expose, where a single light cream coloured wing folded neatly. A medium scar was on the side where the other wing should had been.
A royalty from the still existing monarch, Helios used to be the proud prince from the land above the sky, and the pride of the winged-folks. Well, used to and still are, but as of now, he, himself didn’t feel that he’s worthy of that anymore. Lately, he had been feeling more and more misery with himself, to the point of dissociation.
Regardless of his state, Helios was the most involve in his domain’s affair than all of his peers had been since the past centuries, despite also went into retreat.
However right now, he really didn’t want to be in this meeting.
“No one will be fighting no one. This is an important meeting done in The Great White Void, please show some respect,” Sol quickly intervene before it became worse.
Eiz sent a grateful look to his oranges eyes colleague. He should have reprimanded them earlier, but then again he also the one who suggested them to exchange pleasantries before they begin the meeting.
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After all, the Overlords had not met each other for a very long long long time. However, it seems like they still harboured deep hatred towards each other.
“To be fair.. you guys right now is just a figurehead. Over the years, your position had, albeit unofficially, relegated to a constitutional monarch. Just like a powerless ruler.”
All of the animosity glares, even Helios, were now pointed straight at Weiss, for he the one who said it rather nonchalantly.
Before any fight could break up, the boy who been glared at continued, “Oh, that got you guy’s attention? Okay, we can start the meeting now. Before that, please put away your black smoke, Overlord D. It’s making me asthma.”
Decimus did so, only after the blue eyes boy faking uncontrollable wheeze and cough.
“Eh-hek, eh-hek.” Weiss then stood up from his seat at the end of the table, clearing his throat as he did so. “Good.. uh.. evening? Uh.. Good evening to all being. Our Overlords of Tierra, His Highrule, the Overlord of the East, the North, the South and the West, and also to all my fellow council members, My holiness of the Witch’s Council. Today, we gathered here to address an important issue-“
“-Just fucking start already. Cut all the formalities shit,” Gelaro interrupted impatiently.
“-regarding the uh.. Okay, okay, fine.” Weiss cleared his throat again, then presented them all with a serious face. “We are going to discuss about the premonition that Noir received recently.”
The Overlords raised their eyebrows, then some of them turned to look at the aforementioned witch.
The Witch of Sight, is the title given to the girl with the pink eyes. Up till now, she had been silent like a mute, just giving them all a hard gaze from her seat at the end of the table.
“Premonition?” Helios opened his mouth for the first time he been there, “You mean like..” But his words stuck in his throat.
Besides him, the other Overlords also look warily, despite still keeping a calm face.
“Noir, could you please explain what you saw?” Weiss gestured to the girl, and sat back on his chair.
Noir promptly stood up, pulling the entire focus on her petite self.
A pause of silence before she opened her mouth, “A few days ago, I received a premonition in the form of a vision set in what to be the future of Tierra, although the ‘situations’ held similarity as those during the past Dark Calamity.”
At this, each of the Overlord’s eyes hardened in slit. The mentioned of the past event, dubbed as the ‘Dark Calamity’, brought back unpleasant memories. It was the climatic events that built up the Evil Wizard’s Conquest.
“I saw a burning house, a burning village, a burning town, a burning castle, a burning-“ She sucked in her breath. “The world seems to be in engulfed in flame.”
The mentioned of burning and flame cut deep inside the grim memories that the Overlords had tried so hard to repressed. Something dark and ugly brewing inside of them.
“There are mist everywhere.. I saw dark vines or was it roots? Regardless, they had taken over a place. The beings there..” Noir started struggling to recollect the vision, but held it strong. “I saw.. blood, blood of our people, some of which had been devoured by ravaging monsters. Monsters of which we once fought during that wicked time. It was exactly the same.. I.. Beings are dying. Everything is- I-“
“That’s enough, Noir,” Weiss cut her off, “Thank you for that. You may sit down now.”
The girl sat back down, as Weiss stood up again. Cutting the attention away from the disrupt girl.
“We had received a grim premonition in what seems to be a repeat of the dark calamity-“
“-I don’t want to get involve.”
Everyone turned to stare at Gelaro. His hand cupping his forehead, as his eyes close shut as if in pain. “I don’t want to get involve again.” A breathe in. “Let me be.”
“I.. also don’t want too,” Then, Helios spoke out, keeping his eyes away from them. His gazes downwards, staring into nothingness.
“I also refuse,” Lelang also spoke out, though his are more like declaration. His face was unreadable cold. “I don’t want to get caught up with any of this.. again.” The last word seem to choke up despite the icy tone.
Only Decimus who still remain silent in his seat. But behind the helm, no one knows what he’s thinking.
“My Overlords..” Eiz looked very displeased, fists clenched tight by his side. “How could you said that for you all are the former protectors of this world? And you still are, even how many years had passed!”
None of the Overlord said anything to refute.
“Don’t you care about your people? Your domain? Your world?” The green eyes boy added, their silence were starting to irk him.
“Spare me your speech,” Gelaro said, amidst of still shutting his eyes, “I’m only doing this protector thing because of..”
‘.. ‘her,’ was left unsaid. But the others knew, for they are the same.
“Then.. you all going to let the world ‘she’ worked so hard to protect just waste away?” asked Eiz harshly, something very unusual for his normally reserved nature. Eyes bloodshot, like he about to snap. His teeth gritted. “Just like.. Just like her life?!”
Eiz’s word finally pierced through the stone cold heart of the Overlords. All of them bristled, but none said anything in rebuttal.
Gelaro just dug his forehead further to his hand. Helios casted his head downward in shame. Lelang turned his cold face away. While Decimus still in the same stoic position.
“You guys never changed since that-“
Weiss stopped Eiz with a stern look. The green eyes boy didn’t even realize he had stood up from his seat.
Eiz quickly sat back down, and gesture for the other boy to continue. He knew he got carried away, and now berating himself silently for it.
Weiss cleared his throat, and acted like nothing happened before. “We had received a dark premonition in what seems to be a repeat of the Dark Calamity. Which is why we thought, no, sure, that the premonition was in line with a sign we also recently received.”
The Overlords paid him no mind as each of them battling with their own inner turmoil. What the green eyes boy had said earlier have truly hurt the heart they have left.
“The sign of life. The life sign of.. the Witch.”
It’s not like they didn’t care about their world. But with their current state of mind, could they still be the protectors of Tierra? Could they-
“The Witch had been reincarnated.”
All the Overlords snapped their head at Weiss. Their eyes went wide instantly.
“We already sense her presence, her life force, The Witch have truly been reincarnated.”
Before any of the Overlord could burst.
“We want you all to go to another dimension, and find the reincarnated self of The Witch, our beloved Aradia.”