Chapter 18: The attack 2

Well that was anti climatic.

The powerful warrior that we have struggled against was had his head lobed off by a single swing.

After the silence, the room became cheerful. Many in this room were unsure, whether they would survive this fight but they were saved by the the clan head Mordo.

The clean up of the remaining enemies finished in 10 minutes. It seems the Rizer clan troop that went to the vault were hacked to death by Mordo.

I looked at the people who joined to help the injured. I too joined them and helped them transfer them to med bay. It took an hour to transfer every injured.

I was tired, not because it was tough to carry them, it's because it was overwhelming to take part in the battle that just occurred. I looked around to find that komiko and Arora are coming towards me.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Asked komiko while came to my right side near the pillar where I was sitting to take a seat. After her Arora also made herself comfortable.

"I'm not going to do anything. I need a drink and I'm going to get one." I said.

"And where will get it, as you could see-" To which Komiko pointed at the destroyed bar. I can see she had the same plan but it was temporarily impossible.

"Well, I have some in my office, I can get it there. If you guys want some I'll gladly offer you some."

Komiko and Arora just stood up and started walking toward the elevator.

"You are welcome?"

Damn, these guys have zero manners, atleast reply something to me if you are not gonna thank me for it. As I also did the same.

We took the elevator and reached the 2nd underground floor. Then I guided them towards the winery. I went into office and grabbed some bottles and glasses.

"It's not appropriate to drink in the office. Let's go to my room guys, there you can even get cleaned up if you want." I proposed, and they also accepted.

I went ahead and opened the room and invited them in. I took the bottle and prepared the drink, the girls went and made themselves comfortable, one in a sofa and another in the kitchen countertop.

I poured them glass f drinks and poured myself some. I'll limit myself to a small quantity this time. I had some questions to ask, and I did.

"Hey guys, do you know the reason for the attack? The Rizer guy was demanding that Mordo give him some weapon. Can you clarify me what's going on?"

Arora looked at me as I asked. She then proceeded to answer my question.

"Yeah, we know. And most of the people in our clan now know. It's about a rumour that suddenly spread in the outer city. It was a year ago, that our clan head found a legendary weapon forged by the dwarfs.

Most thought it was just a rumour. There was some probing here and there for some months after that from some clans here. But it slowly stopped. We all thought it was just a rumour that enemy clans speed to create disputes."

I looked at her and asked her

"If it's just that, I don't think that would cause them to attack our clan with an all out attack like this."

Arora nodded her head and continued,

"Yeah, it would have but it seems that it was true. And one of the captain knew about the secret and got greedy and sold the clan head out. And this is the result."

Hmm, that makes sense. In this universe, the dwarfs and the weapons made my them are a legend. The weapons they make are the best in this universe but it's not sold much outside. There are lot of people out there would kill others to make a weapon such as this, theirs. Prime example was what happened today.

"Oh, if you are wondering what the weapon was, you don't have to." As I was contemplating Arora suddenly interrupted my thoughts. I already have a guess what that weapon could be.

"It was the weapon used to behead Rizer. The giant battle axe."

I just nodded my head. I already guessed. The thick skin of Rizer was only scratched by most of the hot weapons. The biggest blow he received was from Kobe, when he slashed Rizer in the back. Other than that nothing got past the skin and muscle layer.

But the axe just cleaved his head off like it was straw doll. There was no resistance whatsoever. It might be considered as the strength of Mordo. But no way in hell that Rizer would pick a fight if he knew that Mordo was that stronger.

It didn't seemed like it was their first time to duke it out. They were enemies for a reason. If it's possible I want that weapon but without strength it's just a hot potato.

I don't want myself to face death that soon. But with sufficient strength and planning that may fall into my hands. Who knows, it's all in the future. Now my main priority is to increase my strength.

As I was thinking about all this Komiko suddenly grabbed a bottle of wine and went to the bathroom.

"Justin, I'll be taking bath, if you don't mind."

"It's fine. There are towels and robes in the drawer. If you want to wash your clothes the washer is in the room right besides the bathroom." She nodded and smiled. She then took off to bathroom with a bottle in hand.

Arora then refilled her glass and started roaming in the room. It seemed like she was looking around the room. It's spacious to be called a room but I do it anyways.

She then headed towards the gym. Looking at that I followed her to the gym.

As she headed inside she looked around with interest. She then approached each and single equipment and looked at it.

"You know, if you want to try it, you can. I don't mind."As I said that she looked at me and asked for affirmation.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead." She gulped the remaining drink in her glass and started trying out every equipment in the room.

I asked her.

"I know you have been working here for a long time, but have you never been here?"

She just shook her head.

"Nope, this is a private gym used by Brawler. There is an advanced gym in the 3rd floor but it's only for scavengers of the clan. I can't use it."

"You can use it anytime you want." I said to her. To which she looked at me with doubt filled eyes and asked,

"And what do you want in return?" That sentence came as distrustfully as they come. 'What in the-'

"Do you really think that badly of me?"

You are reading story Why am I in Marvel? at

"So you don't want anything in return and I can workout here all I can?" She asked doubtfully. Then I reassured her her doubts-

"I wouldn't say nothing, just a favour would be nice."

She then stopped using the machine and looked at me with spite,

"I knew it, you were after my body weren't you?" She asked me.

I just smirked and got closer to her face and put my index finger under her chin and propped it up and asked in a whisper,

"If I did ask that would you do it?"

She was visibly flustered. She looked at me and her eyes didn't look into mine. It was just moving here and there.

"Wha- what are you talking about?. I would never do that."

I just got even closer looking at her frustrated face and whispered,

"Are you sure. You don't look that confident. If I insisted would you have s*x with me?"

She just looked flustered. I found her cute like this. Soon I separated from her and started laughing.

"Hahahaha" I couldn't stop myself from laughing. She looked bewildered as I laughed.

"I was just kidding. Do you think I would ask for that. I was just teasing you. Hahaha."

Yes! Take that Arora. It's for all the time you teased me. It was komiko most of the time but it's just my first step. It does feel good to be on this side.

As I done gloating in my head, I looked at her looking angry. Oops did I go too far?

"Why would you do that?" She just shouted and punched me in my stomach. I was caught off guard and it landed on me.

I felt like someone stuck me in my stomach with a hammer. I was out of breath. I wheezed for a second to catch my breath. And I was successful in doing so.

Looking at my miserable appearance, Arora was flustered. She approached me and helped me stand up.

"I'm sorry Justin. I just got angry momentarily and did that without thinking."

I don't know what to say. I just got punched because I teased her a little. So, lesson learned. Don't tease people that are stronger than you. If not you are asking for a beatdown.

"It's fine, I'm sorry too. Maybe I went too far. I just wanted to ask you to spar with me and teach me how to fight in your free time."

She looked at me puzzled,

"You just want to learn how to fight and not my body. Are you sure about this?"

She asked me puzzled and a little disappointment. 'What's wrong with her?'

"Yeah, can you please teach me?"

She nodded immediately,

"Yeah sure. I'll teach you how to fight."

I was delighted. I just accomplished one of the things I was planning. I really wanted a sparring partner to experience fighting. She was far stronger than me in both strength and skill at the moment.

"Thank you Arora. Thank you so much. You can use the gym whenever you want."

"It's fine. And I'm sorry for hitting you hard."

I just shook my head and replied,

"It's okay. It was partially my fault anyway. But thanks."

As we just finished talking, a slightly drunk komiko exited the bathroom and went straight to bed and got cozy under the bed. I was shocked at her frankness. It's not even the evening. I think she just wants to take a nap.

Looking at komiko, Arora picked up her pace and went towards the bathroom.

"I'll take the bath now."

As she finished saying that she shut the bathroom door.

Why is she in a hurry?

Wait a minute. It seems odd, according to the Arora I got to know, she would have been just pissed off to my teasing, she is all kinds of stubborn. She would not be flustered by just me teasing her,

Wait- no way! Is this for real? No it might just be my imagination. But if it's true-

I just stopped my thought. I don't have time to indulge in my fantasy now. Even if she liked me I don't know how I feel about her. I'm not over Tiera. And I'm not ready for a commitment right now. I should focus on getting stronger for now.

I decisively made the decision.

*Arora Pov*

As soon as I closed the bathroom door, I just slid down the door and covered my face with my hands.

I don't know what happened to me when Justin asked me that question.

But I do know one thing. I was seriously contemplating whether I would sleep with him or not. It was not particularly about the gym. I can't believe this is happening.

I didn't mind him asking me to sleep with him but when he said it was a joke, it was like my brain just short circuited and anger got the better of me and punched him hard.

"Damn, what's going on with me?"