“Give me a minute, let me wash first!”
Hopping out of bed, I said as I rushed into the bathroom. My clothes were dirty and my face was a little bloody so I didn’t want Mary to find out until I came up with a good excuse.
“Ah, damn, this shit hurts.”
After taking off all my clothes and jumping into the shower, I said with a painful expression as I touched my bruised ribs. When I pressed down on them, I found the few that were broken and started using the [Revitalization] technique. Using mana to stimulate cell regeneration within my bones and muscles, it helps speed up the healing process.
This is even more so since I’m taking an ice-cold shower. I took one every day when I was back in prison so it didn’t feel uncomfortable.
“Master Marcus, because you’ve only got one pair of clothes from your homeworld here’s you a new pair of clothes.”
While I was still in the shower, I heard Mary say as she opened the door to bring me a new set of clothes and take my dirty ones. My back was turned to her so I couldn’t see her. It’s a good thing the shower door was opaque.
If she saw me, I don’t think I could’ve got married.
“Eh? Why are your clothes so dirty?”
From outside the bathroom, I heard Mary’s exclamation. Stepping out of the shower with a towel on my head, I hollered through the door and said.
“That’s because I was walking around in the training yard. Last night, I had a little bit too much alcohol and fell a few times.”
“Alcohol? Where’d you find that?!”
“In the kitchen.”
“I-In the kitchen? Aren’t there supposed to be guards patrolling the hallways at night? How'd you get in and out of there?”
“Well, let’s just say I have a whole lot of experience of sneaking in and around places.”
I snuck into forts, mansions, slave markets, caravans, houses….I’ve snuck into so many places that if I wanted, I could be a professional thief!
...That’s something I shouldn’t be proud of.
“Despite having so many questions, my maid senses tell me that I won't gain anything by asking them. Sigh, these dirt stains look like they'll be hard to get out."
Hearing Mary's sigh about how hard it's going to be to get out the stains, I felt a little guilty and said apologetically.
"I'm sorry about that. I won't drink as much next time. Where's Alice and Kari?"
"They're currently having breakfast. Want me to lead you there?"
"No, I got it. I remembered the way to get there."
Leaving the bathroom in my new clothes I said. They weren't on the level of Earth's fashion but they felt nice and comfortable.
"Do you have a piece of string or anything?"
Suddenly, I asked Mary.
"No. Why?"
Tilting her head sideways, she inquired.
"The rubber band that I used to hold my hair up broke and I was wondering if you had anything else I could use to tie it up."
Pointing at my hair that was let down, I said with a smile. When I went to put my hair up in the bathroom, I pulled the rubber band a bit too much and it snapped.
"I got a ribbon here. Would that help?"
Pulling out a red ribbon from the pocket in her maid dress, Mary shows it to me and asks.
"Yeah, this is fine. As long as I can get my hair up."
Taking the ribbon out of her hand, I said as I tied my hair up into a ponytail.
I would cut my hair but I'm too lazy to cut it at the moment. I'm not one to worry about these things until they become a hassle.
The same goes for my facial hair too. I'm starting to feel some stubble around my mouth and jawline but I won't shave until I have a good bit on there. I've low-key been wanting a mountain man beard.
My goal is to grow it as long as the Robertsons family!
"It's no problem...Well, I'll be going now Master Marcus."
Walking towards the door with the dirty clothes in her hand, Mary said. But before she left…
"Wait a moment."
I called out to her. Walking up to her, I dug into the breast pocket of my denim jacket and brought out my lighter.
"Almost forgot this."
"What's that?"
"A lighter."
Under Mary's curious gaze, I flip the lid and strike the lighter, showing her the flame.
"It's usually used to light cigarettes but it has other uses as well. Such as lighting fires when you're lost in the woods."
"I see. So it's like a magic tool?"
"Yes, but less magic and more tool...I’ll be headed to breakfast then. I hope that the food is still warm.”
“Okay, have a nice day Master Marcus.”
“You too.”
Putting the lighter into my pocket, I said as I headed out of the room and straight to the dining room. That fight yesterday left me hungry.
“Woah, what happened to you?”
“Are you sick or anything?”
The moment, I sat down at the large dinner table filled with delectable foods, these were the first two questions, Kari and Alice asked.
“Nah, I’m fine. I just stayed up a little late that’s all.”
Biting a piece of bacon, I looked at them and said. I didn’t notice it earlier but when I saw myself in the reflection of one of the serving trays, I saw that my eyes were slightly bloodshot.
This combined with my shabby appearance makes me look like a man who’s going through a divorce.
“You sure? You look a little sick to me.”
Alice asked with eyes full of concern. At this, I smiled at her and said.
“Yeah, I’m sure. I’ve been through worse things before…”
Broken femur, broken neck, fractured skull, a hole in your gut, severed fingers, barbed arrows lodged in the ass, I’ve been through things that hurt way worse than a few broken ribs and tiredness.
However, just because I've been through worse doesn’t mean I won’t complain about it!
My fucking side hurts!
“But enough about me. What about you guys? Have you come to a decision yet?”
At my question, the two suddenly became silent.
“Yes, we’ve decided.”
After a while, Alice said.
“So, what’s the answer?”
I asked back while biting a piece of egg. They glanced at each other for a few seconds before turning to me.
“We’re going to be heroes.”
“Are you sure? There’s no walking away after this.”
“Yes. We've thought about it all night and this is what we’ve decided. We’re willing to take on the hardships of what it means to become a hero.”
Kari said with eyes full of determination. Alice was the same as well. It looks like they’ve thought deeply about what they were getting into.
“Okay. That’s all I needed to know. Starting next week, alongside what the palace people are going to be teaching, I’ll be teaching you what I know. But be warned, my teaching style is going to be arduous. I’m not going to let you quit half-way.”
“Don’t worry. I’m sure we can handle it. Ain’t that right Alice?”
“No matter what you throw at us, we’ll get through it!”
“Haha, I’ll remember those words.”
You are reading story The Return of an Unlikely Hero at novel35.com
I said with a smile. For these girls to survive, I’ll teach them everything I learned. From how to take down an enemy, how to set traps, and how to craft healing potions, I’ll teach them everything. I’m even going to teach them a bit of the [Heavenly Annihilation Arts].
I’ll make these two the best damn heroes out there!
But to do that, the training I’ll have them go through will be intense. Like the saying goes, no pain, no gain.
“Master Marcus, Prince Leonard would like to see you.”
Entering the room, Sebastian said as he bowed.
“Oh, I guess it’s time to collect my winnings! Lead the way, Sebastian.”
“...My name is Bartholomew, sir.”
“That’s too much of a mouthful so I’m going to call you Sebastian. Therefore, lead the way!”
Getting up from the table, I said happily as I practically skipped towards Sebastian. Ah, I can’t wait to get my hands on me gold!
“Wait! I want to come too. I want to see what Marcus won.”
“Same here, I wanna go too.”
Along with Alice and Kari, we follow Sebastian (aka Bartholomew) to where Prince Leonard was.
When we entered Prince Leonard’s quarters…
“Damn, your face is more swollen than I thought it’d be.”
These were the first words that leaked out of my mouth. Sitting on the couch drinking tea, was Prince Leonard. He had a black eye, a swollen nose, and bandages wrapped around his body.
He looks like someone who got the shit beat out of him.
...Oh wait, he did.
“Because I’m not a healer, casting healing magic on yourself can only work so much. I’ve got to go to the castle’s head doctor today so that I can properly recover...here.”
Prince Leonard then tosses a pouch to me. Catching it, I noticed it made *chink* sounds every time I moved it. Knowing what it was, I instantly felt excited.
It’s me gold!
“Since it’s my loss, I’ll honor the bet and give you my coin pouch. Are you happy?”
Prince Leonard said begrudgingly. It seems that the L he took made him a bit bitter. Let’s tease him a little.
“Happy? I’m more than happy. I beat your ass and I got paid for doing it. Haha, life is good!”
I then open the coin pouch and pour some of the contents into my hand. It was straight gold! There were no hints of silver or copper coins in this pouch! Watching this, a huge smile crept up on my face.
Haha! I feel like I died and went to heaven!
“...Although, father told me to apologize to you. I’m finding it very hard to do so.”
Prince Leonard said with an expression as if he swallowed a bug.
“Uh, can you explain what is going on?”
Snapping me out of my money-grubber daze, an angelic voice asks. It was now that I realized that Alice and Kari were here.
Shit! I forgot about them!
“Don’t ‘eh’ me. Why is the prince beaten and battered? And why is he giving money to you...? C-could it be that you're extorting him?!”
“Oi, don’t go spouting lies like that! That could kill me!”
I said in response to Kari’s wild speculation.
“Nobody in this world or on Earth had the balls big enough to try and extort royalty so why should I try?”
“Then why is he, the crown prince, giving you money? Given your background is the only reason why I would think so. No disrespect, by the way.”
“None taken. There’s a reason why he looks like that and why he’s giving me money. Give me a chance to explain.”
“I agree. I would like to hear his explanation. I want to know why the prince’s appearance is looking like that and I want to know why he, one of the highest-ranking people in this country, is giving him money. There has to be a logical reason behind this. Isn’t there, Marcus?”
Off to the side, Alice said to Kari as she stared at me with a smile...
And it caused shivers to creep down my spine. There was a mysterious pressure behind that smile that warned me that if I were to lie under any circumstances, my life would be forfeit!
“F-first off it went like this…”
With cold sweat dripping down my back, I slowly start to explain all of what transpired last night.
“B-but I won it fair and square!”
When I was done, I sat in one of Prince Leonard’s chairs with a sad expression. After I finished telling the story, judgment was passed down to me.
I was to give all of the money, which in total, amounted to 300 gold coins, back to Prince Leonard since it wouldn’t be right for him to be beaten and get his money taken away.
“Here you go, your majesty. I’m sorry for the trouble my brother caused you.”
Handing him back the coin pouch, Judge Alice said apologetically.
“W-why am I the one who’s made out to be the bad guy? He started it first!”
“Marcus, be quiet.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
At Judge Alice’s cold stare, I whimpered. Ooh, it seems that she’s super pissed.
...Looking back on it, I may have gone a tad overboard. There probably wasn’t a need to send him to Suplex City or give him the Attitude Adjustment.
“I appreciate it Ms. Alice but there’s no need to do this. I’ve lost the bet fair and square. He can have the coin pouch.”
“But the injuries he caused you…”
“They aren’t anything worth mentioning. The injuries Marcus gave me weren’t life-threatening. During the whole time we were fighting, I noticed that he made sure to hurt me badly enough that I'd be able to recover within a few days...And besides, I started it first. I insulted him because he didn’t want to be a hero despite not knowing what his circumstances were. It was insensitive on my part. Therefore, Marcus...”
Prince Leonard then turns towards me…
“I’m sorry.”
And bows his head. I could tell it hurt him a great deal in doing so because I can see him trembling slightly.
“...Sigh, even if I wanted to. I can’t stay mad at you. Apology accepted. Also, I’d like to say that I was in the wrong as well. I shouldn’t have done what I did to you, it was immature on my part, and for that, I’m sorry.”
After seeing him bow his head and apologize with complete sincerity. I apologized with a smile. I was right about this guy. It takes a certain type of person to outright say he’s sorry. He could’ve taken the gold and not apologize whatsoever but he didn’t. Whether it’s because he didn’t want to smear his family’s name or if it’s because he was taught by knights, he stuck to his honor and apologized.
From this characteristic, I know that he’s going to be a great king in the future.
“Apology accepted.”
“Okay, now with that over with, can you hand me my gold.”
While saying this, I reached for the coin pouch.
“I can but in return, I want you to teach me!”
But before I could grab it, Prince Leonard pulled it towards himself and said with a weird gleam in his eyes.
I have a bad feeling about this.
“...Teach you what?”
With my bad feeling getting worse as time goes on, I ask.
“Teach me how to fight like you!”
“I fucking knew it! The answer is no.”
“Come on, please!”
“What happened to that noble and honorable front that you showed a few seconds ago. Why are you suddenly begging for me to teach you?”
“My pride has been completely crushed after apologizing to you, a person who uses cheap tricks to win a fight! So what harm should it do to have the person who defeated me give me a few pointers? I’ve been dying to have a sparring partner who doesn’t take it easy on me just because I’m royalty!”
Prince Leonard said with extreme vigor as he closed the distance on me. The look in his eyes as he stared at me was as if he found a lost treasure.
It’s creepy as hell!
“You know what, although it pains me to do this, you can have the gold. I-I don’t want it anymore. *Sniff*!”
“Come back here, teacher. No, master!”
With tears in my eyes due to having to give up the gold, I couldn’t withstand the prince’s enthusiasm and ran out of the room at full speed.