Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Doll Of Destruction

"How?The fuck are you moving and having a conversation with me without your crystal and battery? "

Kyle asked in a confused tone 

"Do you really believe that the crystal between my breasts is my lifeline?"

Aila's laughing while Kyle is starting to get pissed.

" You said it yourself that the crystal is the fastest way to kill a doll."

Aila burst out laughing at Kyle 

"Hahahahhah, you really don't know anything about dolls."

Aila asked the questions to Kyle 

"Now you have said it. I have been reading books that I have salvaged a couple years ago and the book stated that dolls are made to assist humans in their daily lives. Some dolls are created specifically for hard labor so humans don't have to do all that heavy labor."

As Kyle explains the history of the dolls, Aila places her right hand at her chin as if she's thinking carefully 

" You know, Kyle, the book that you have read is 50% correct and 50% wrong."

Kyle's confused upon hearing what Aila said 

"So enlightened me."

Aila then stands up and removes the straps of the armor she has been wearing since their meeting, revealing her two breasts.

"Place your hand on my left breast" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Aila said as her cheeks started to turn red Kyles turns around, showing his back to Aila, showing he's embarrassed 

"Hurry up, I do feel cold in this situation."

Kyle immediately goes to Dave Aila and places his right hand at her left breast 


Aila let out  soft moan as she felt Kyle's hand in her bosom 

" Feel it; it's the warmest part of my body because that's where my nuclear reactor is located."

Aila then puts on her armor again.

" Reactor? "There's no doll that can be powered by a nuclear reactor."

Kyle then asked Aila with a curious face 

" You see, the purpose of that crystal is to limit or amplify the energy generated by the small reactor. By removing the crystal, my body temporarily shuts down and goes into a system reboot. If an emergency occurs, the body will startup in a safe mode with the sole purpose of protecting the host."

Kyle's curious face slowly faded, but he kept on asking questions 

"So your power source is not the crystal but the reactor."

Kyle then grabs an old book that is covered in dust under his bed 

"I've read that dolls with either a nuclear reactor or an arc reactor invented by a mad scientist generate free clean energy."

The information piqued her interest. She took a peak at the book that Kyle was holding 

" That book may have been written by scientists that joined the first collaboration project between the two largest countries. As a result, they first created the doll of humanity that is tasked to care for and solve problems of humanity and their health care."

Aila proudly explains the first doll to be created, then Kyle raises another question 

"So, what year was the first doll released, and why the fuck do you have skin on your doll and the structures of dolls are made of metallic materials?"

Aila then patted Kyle's head and explained

" After the creation of the first doll, these scientists are tasked with creating their own dolls with specific tasks to help humanity. They are tasked with helping the human race, and soon, out of 45 scientists that are part of the collaboration, only 6 dolls have been created and only 3 dolls have been picked to be put on commission. The rest of the not picked dolls are locked away inside their laboratories. "

So how about the skin? The skin! "

Kyle insists on knowing the truth  

"So you want to know the truth, ha?"

Kyle replied with a serious tone 

" I need the truth."

Aila then sat on the bed beside Kyle and spoke 

"The three dolls that were created were used in an experiment in which they tried to transfer the memories of a selected human into the selected doll. Because the human subject has a disease or is bound to die after a successful transfer, they changed the three dolls' structure to make them look more human than dolls, giving the five senses of human to be more humans I don't know how they made it, but it's just there. "

After Aila explains, Kyle starts to write notes on his bed 

You are reading story I Found A Doll In The Old World And I Brought It With Me But It Turns Out She’s A Rare One at

So you're one of the 3 dolls that have been created, so how come you have consciousness and emotions?"

Kyle asks one question after another 

"I have emotions because of her memories. I might have inherited how she speaks, what she likes and dislikes, and how she walks, and many more. That's why I'm different from my sisters, though they might have inherited the same manner from the memories of their human"

After explaining, Aila then swipes in the air and accesses an information terminal that only she can see 

"What are you doing? Did you become some sort of wizard?"

Aila keeps on swiping up, down, left, and right to write and type in the air like she's typing on a keyboard 

If you own a pair of VR lenses, you can see what I am doing. I am searching for information on the remaining radio towers that survived the nuclear blast.

Kyle then opens his small compact terminal to access the radio towers 

I don't know how it works, but why can I access information inside the radio tower information bank?" " 

Aila then enters a combat stance while Kyle is still in the terminal reading old papers 

"Get down now!"

Countless bullets pierced the doors and walls, landing on Aila's body, acting as a shield to protect Kyle 


Kyle screamed and faced Aila 

"Don't worry, the bullets they are using are just small caliber and not even well made. It won't hurt me at all. "

Kyle looked confused as he tried to hide behind Aila's back 

"Small? You call that small ! A bullet that can pierce the concrete walls"

Kyla then flips the iron bed like it's nothing and asks Kyle to hide behind it 

"Hide behind that bed. I'll handle this human. "

Kyle's then moves behind the bed, which acts as a wall for protection Aila then walks to the door and waits.

"Moving in!"

As the first humans to enter  Aila punched the first man in the neck, pulled his rifle, and proceeded to finish off the first man by breaking his neck 

After the small fight with Aila A few more humans enter the room, clearing angles like a soldier. Three humans look around the room and find the dead human that entered first. Aila then appears at the side of the three soldiers, pulling the trigger. A bullet is fired, piercing the human's head.

"Two standing humans left"

Aila murmurs, then the two humans adjust their aim to Aila, who then fires three consecutive shots  Aila tanks the bullets. The remaining humans are shocked at what they see.

"Tsk, she's not human; shoot her!"

As the person shouted, Aila quickly palm struck the shouting human in the chest, breaking some of the rib cage 


Aila then hits the man in the head, causing his head to be separated from the body, splashing blood all over the room 


When the last human saw his ally being beheaded, he threw his rifle to the ground and ran away from them.

Aila then checked Kyle's situation and picked up her rifle 

"Kyle, stay here. I'm just going to take out that runner. "

Kyle nods in response, and Aila then stands next to the window and aims at the man who tried to assassinate Kyle 

"There you are, you little shit."

Aila pulls the trigger, causing the gun to fire the 7.62 caliber bullet straight at the man's head 

The bullet Aila shot pierced the man's head like butter. The man fell down in the streets, then blood splattered around the streets.

"Aila, are you really a doll created to help human life? Because you just brutally killed three people. "

As trembling Kyle asked in a scared tone, Aila replied 

" I am the 3rd doll that has been created, the doll of destruction."