“I’ll walk from here. Don’t want anyone to find out that we’re working together.”
As we got closer to the castle entrance, I said as I hopped down from a roof and into a sparsely populated street. I got some stares from a few passersby due to my sudden appearance but they ignored me and continued about their day.
While trying to guess the thoughts of the passersby as they walked away, I headed towards the castle.
“‘Sup, guys. Miss me?”
Upon seeing the guards who were guarding the castle, I waved with a smile as I walked up towards them.
Their response to my greeting was silence while staring straight ahead, they didn’t even glance at me.
“Ignoring me huh? Talk about ouch. Welp, see you later.”
Shrugging my shoulders at their blatant hate towards me, I walked into the castle. Once I entered, I noticed that there was a peculiar atmosphere in the air. It was heavy and solemn.
“P-please let me go! I can explain this.”
“Unhand me!”
“I-I knew it was a mistake.”
Once I got near the throne room, I saw three people being carried away by guards. Going by their appearance, they must be nobles.
I wonder what’s going on? I should ask Mary, she knows more about the inner workings of the castle than I do. Speaking of Mary...
“I’ll also have her give me a haircut.”
Since it seems that I gotta look nice for the queen and princess when they come.
Hearing a voice call out to me, I turn around and spot Prince Leonard.
“Hey, don’t call me that here. Are you trying to get me into more trouble than I already am?”
I told him with an admonishing look. Bad enough I’m labeled as a freeloader (which I wholeheartedly am) but if word gets out that I’m being called ‘master’ by the prince of Talius, all hell would break loose. My relatively peaceful life of living in luxury would be gone.
“Sorry… Marcus, where have you been? Alice was worried about you, asking around about which inn you were staying at.”
“Was she now? Well, I didn’t know which inn I was staying at. I was just trying to get out of the castle for a few days. It’s somewhat stifling living here, you know?”
I said with a small smile. While I may have told them that I was going to stay in an inn for a couple of days, I didn’t necessarily tell them where or what I was going to do there.
After all, I am planning to assassinate somebody. It’s a secret operation that only a select few are supposed to know. So if Alice, Kari, or Prince Leonard were to go to the place where I was staying, they might bring unwanted attention towards the whole operation. It may not be possible but Fatass could have some people secretly tailing them. And if they find out what me and King Paul are trying to do, a scandal could happen and make things ten times harder.
Therefore, I can’t risk taking any chances in getting information out.
"I know how you feel. The duties of being the crown prince can be suffocating so there are times where I'd sneak out into the forest late at night to train."
Oblivious to the thoughts in my head, Prince Leonard said with a nod.
"Now that you mention it, do have duties to attend to. I completely forgot about that."
"W-what else do you think I've been doing during the day?"
"I don't know, training with the Royal Guards? That's where I always see you."
When I'm strolling around the castle to pass time until Alice is done with classes, I usually see him crossing swords with the guards of the castle.
"That's because, by that time, I'm finished with all my work! I try to complete the authoritative tasks given to me by my father before noon. So, I work extra hard to do that. "
"Oh, so it turns out our prince isn't all brawn.."
I said wide-eyed and shocked. Who would've thought other than swords, this guy would have talents dealing with government matters.
Color me surprised.
"...Is that what you think of me? I'm hurt."
"Now, now, I was only joking. Anyways, since you're here I'll ask you instead. What's happening here? Something happened?"
Nudging my head towards the throne room where the three nobles were taken out of, I asked. The whole time I've been staying in this castle, this is the first time I saw such a commotion happen.
"Father was notified that there were a few people in both the financial and logistics departments embezzling money to line their own pockets. While the amount they embezzled each time was small, under the guise of purchasing supplies, the years of repeatedly doing this caused the combined money stolen altogether to be immense. We're talking millions… What were they thinking? We're in the middle of a war, for crying out loud! How much of that money could've been spent towards actual supplies to help our soldiers? The people? How many lives were lost because of this greed?"
The more Prince Leonard went on, the madder he got. It was to the point where he was almost shouting. Which drew stares from the servants cleaning the area and the guards patrolling the hallway.
...Oi, don't look at me like I caused this! I didn't make him angry! Huh, why are some of you nodding your heads in agreement? I sense an incongruity with what you heard and what are you agreeing with?!
"Shh! Keep it down! Let's walk to my room. I'm getting holes bored into me standing in this hallway with you."
You are reading story The Return of an Unlikely Hero at novel35.com
"M-my apologies. I let my emotions get the best of me."
Unable to take the gradually increasing stares that were landing on us, I told Prince Leonard in a hurry.
...I wonder what rumor is going to form this time. Sigh, the life of a freeloader sure is tough.
"Hey, can you please ask that maid out there to summon Mary? If I did it, she'd only scoff at me… Damn, this feels good."
After entering my room and plopping myself into a chair, I said to Prince Leonard. Having been awake for two days straight, this chair feels like I'm on cloud nine right now.
"Sure. I can do that."
Prince Leonard then reaches for the door. But before he could open it, I remembered to tell him this.
"Oh and tell her to bring a pair of scissors and a razor. I need her help to cut my hair."
Prince Leonard then left the room for a couple of seconds before coming back in.
After taking a seat on the couch across from me, I gave my thanks.
"I'm sure it must feel a little weird for a prince to follow the orders of a little ole commoner like me."
"Nonsense. If you're a commoner then I'm nothing but a homeless person living in the slums. Your status is close to mine."
"Huh, what do you mean?"
Status as close as his? Last I checked, my parents weren't royalty. They were drug addicts.
"You didn't know? After a hero has finished their duty, one of their rewards is being granted the title of duke, making you just underneath royalty."
"That's complete bullshit! That fucking old lady never told me about this!"
Well, it's probably because back then all I wanted to do is return home as soon as possible. But that's not the point right now, at the moment, it's her fault.
"Sh-should I retake my title as a former hero?"
My general image would be shit but I'll have the power of a duke! And with power, comes various ways to make money! And with money, my plan of traveling the world would be set!
"I wouldn't advise that, Master. You may not know this but technically, you're dead."
"...Eh? For real?"
Does that mean no Duke title for me?
"Yes. Except for a select few people, most of the world thinks you died due to serious injuries after killing Demon Lord Wilbert. Also…"
Prince Leonard starts to get hesitant at the end of his sentence. Feeling curious as to what he wanted to say, I pressed him for answers. And the result was…
"...There seem to be places that celebrate your death. Albeit, not in a good way."
"... Is that so?"
A very bitter one. I expected to be hated but damn, it's to this extent? Aren't heroes beloved by all?
I'm not going to lie, it hurts a little thinking about it.
"Sigh, c'est la vie, I suppose...Well, as long as the children are happy at the celebrations then I guess it's alright."
Letting out a sigh to disperse the heavy feelings in my chest, I told Prince Leonard with a wry smile.
"And who knows, I might attend one of these celebrations whenever I get the chance to. My feelings may be hurt a little but it can't hurt to experience it for once."
The dead guy the people are antagonistically celebrating is going to attend the celebrations they're holding. Talk about irony.
"Just to be sure, you guys don't celebrate it do you?"
With a raised eyebrow in mock suspicion, I asked the prince who then shook his head vigorously from side to side and said.
"No! Of course not! We'd never do such a thing to our world's savior!"
"Haha, I was only joking. No need to be serious."
It was at this time...
"Master Marcus, I'm coming in."
I saw Mary entering my room pushing a small cart carrying a pair of scissors, a straight razor, a mirror, some sort of container, and a towel on top of it.
It was time for my much-needed haircut!