Chapter 2: 0001 Chapter 1: Back to the Past 2

In an unknown black space, a little soul flame was traveling in a specific direction. It didn't seem to move of its own volition but as if a higher power was guiding it.


Dark Crimson groaned. He had groggily woken up, his soul still shaken by his premature demise. Little by little, he was getting more aware of his surroundings.


Dying is not a simple matter. The shock to the soul was immense. If not for the help of this mysterious force, he would have been over.

“ I...traveled...the first...time”.Every sentence was excruciatingly painful for him to say.

Seconds, minutes, hours, days… he didn’t know how much time had passed, but it felt like a lot. Even with that much time, the state of the soul did not improve. He continued to travel in the same direction.

All of a sudden, an intense light illuminated the space. A basketball-size light ball emitted warm heath and the small-size soul of Dark Crimson was heading towards it.

The basketball-size light ball was a soul, and Dark Crimson had previously fused with it.

“Finally...I will…succeed...this...time” Dark Crimson said with resolution. In his mind, as the “Son of Heaven,” it was his right to do as he pleased to accomplish his objectives.

Thinking like this he happily headed to the warm light where he would be fused with the soul again.

Dark Crimson was a transported individual from a different world. He had taken over Cain Archer, a boy who was a victim of an assassination attempt.

Dark Crimson looked happy to be able to live again. To continue his “saga” of obtaining power. The power he had always craved in his previous life.

As Dark Crimson was getting closer and closer, a sense of dread came over him. From within, a different color soul flame suddenly appeared, it forcefully separated from him and accelerated towards the warm basketball-size soul flame.

As this new soul flame was getting closer to the bright light, an overpowering pressure came over it. It was as if gravity itself was stalling his path.

“Aahhhhhhhh…!!!!!!!!!” a desperate voice shouted. The soul flame pushed forward with all its might. Its speed was severely reduced and the path felt like mire.

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“Ha...ha...ha...ha...ha...ha” Dark Crimson laughed in a broken voice. “That……” He said to the screaming soul flame.

“No! It belongs to me!!!!!!!!!” The soul flame shouted back at Dark Crimson. “Long ago you took it from me and now I come collecting. Don’t you remember, LONG TIAN!!!!!!”

“…!” Long Tian said. Cain stopped going forward and looked back at Long Tian. “Do you really think that I handed my body willingly? No, something much more powerful forced me to.” Cain was left panting, it was too painful to remember. “When we fuse together, I thought it was the end, but for some reason, I didn’t die back then. Somehow I survived, so I hide deep inside your soul, hoping you will never find me”

Flashbacks flashed through Cain's mind, remembering those moments when time didn’t exist. How long had he been there begin for that higher power to help him up. However, no matter how much he begged, nothing ever happen. He was going insane all alone in that place. He started wandering aimlessly but always hiding.

While wandering he appeared in front of a majestic Jade Palace. Long columns supported the ceiling, drawings of ethereal beasts were carved on the Palace walls and mysterious energy was being released from the inside.

Cain, without thinking, went inside. He had nothing to lose anyway. Inside, thousands of bookshelf filled the interior. Each of them was packed with books. Cain got close to one of the bookshelf and pick up one of the books in it. When he opened it up, nothing happened, there were words written in the book. With nothing else to do, he began reading the book. That’s when things took a different turn, as he read the sentences in the pages of the book images started to flash in his mind, just like a movie. Startled, he dropped the book and moved back.

Thinking for a moment he decided to pick up the book and read. He was surprised since the story told the tale of a man named Cain who looked just like him and what he did on a specific day. He didn’t know what to think about it, so he picked up another book and read it again. To his surprise, Cain was the protagonist again but this time it was a different day. He threw the book away and picked up a different one but the protagonist was the same.

In every book he took the protagonist was always Cain. As he was going deeper into the palace, the stories in the books seemed to resemble memories of his childhood. Why? How? He asked himself since he didn’t understand the situation he was in. Were his memories stored in this palace? So many questions but few answers.

He looked back and realized that all the books he had thrown to the floor were magically in their place on the bookshelves. He got closer to the bookshelves and studied them. He saw some marks on them and realized that they were in some kind of chronological order. He stood up and followed the marking on the bookshelves trying to find the origin. He passed rows and rows of bookshelves and, finally, he found the first book. He decided to read the books to maybe, in that way, get some answers.

The first book told the “tale” of a baby named Long Tian. Not much information he got from that one since babies just eat, sleep and shit all the time. He soldiered through the books, reading them no matter how mundane they seemed.

Little by little he began to know who Long Tian was, and in what type of world he grew in. A world different from that of Cain. He saw his first day of preschool, friends he had made, mistakes, and successes he had. Every moment in Long Tian's life was read by Cain.

He was reading Long Tian's life events day by day. Trying to get answers to how they were connected. It was until one book in which, chronologically, Long Tian was 18 years old. The book started like any other one. He woke up, had an abundant breakfast of junk food, and went to his computer to surf the net. He logs in on one of the many forums he hangs around. On this particular day, he got into a massive discussion defending the “playboy lifestyle” he liked to talk about on the internet. He wrote a large rant on his forum about the tens of women he had slept with, his 12-inch long “cannon” and how everyone else was jealous of him.

With a red face filled with anger, he was abusing his keyboard with how hard he was pressing the keys on it. Before he could continue his rant, he felt a piercing pain in his heath, his left arm felt numb, and had trouble breathing. His face went pale white, he tried to reach for his phone to call the emergency number but it was too late as his heart had literally exploded. This was the end result of being overweight with zero exercise and eating a massive amount of junk food.

His eyesight was getting blurry as he was losing consciousness. The last thing he saw was the blinking cursor on the screen.