Chapter 4: 0003 Chapter 3: An opportunity

Cain kept repeating the cycle, getting more and more corporeal each time. After every cycle the information he could access in the books increased.

When a person reads a book he gets a sense of the book but he is incapable of remembering every word. What happen is that all the information is stored in the memory of the person but he could only access the surface area of that information. Cain, after every iteration, was obtaining more access to that part of the memory. Not only that as he could meticulously examine every aspect of a moment in Long Tian’s life. If we compared Long Tian's life to a movie, then Cain could access more and more frames of that movie.

Like a machine, Cain continued repeating the process.

He spent thousands of years doing this. And, in the end, he knew every word, how many steps, how many breaths of air Long Tian had taken. He memorized everything and not on a surfaced level. No, after repeating the process millions of times, he had gained complete access to his own memory.

Cain's soul flame had grown so powerful without him realizing it. He now could see what Long Tian was doing if he wanted to. Although doing this, the time dilatation was reduced to 1:1 instead of 1:365 seconds. Cain decided to watch Long Tian's life in real-time and cut the connection when the book was created in the palace.

In the beginning, it was hard for Cain to see some of the things Long Tian was doing. But as time went by, Cain became numb to it. The bloodshed, the rapes he committed, and the goofy act Long Tian presented to the world... in the end, Cain was fed up with Long Tian.

Not everything was that bad. Every time Long Tian read a book, Cain was able to read it as well. When Long Tian started the path of a Rune Master, Cain was the happiest. He had too much time on his hands and studying to become a Rune Master was a good time to pass the time.

Cain became a very proficient Rune Master and if he took the test, he could easily reach the Advanced Rank, he was a little short to reach the Expert Rank.

Cain was watching live when Long Tian got himself in Blaine’s trap. Cain wished for a slow and painful death even if it caused his own. But the satisfaction he would get for the bastard dying was more desirable than living. If what he had done to that point could be called living.

The Jade Palace started to crumble, and cracks began to appear on the walls and ceiling. Chunks of rocks started to fall. Cain laugh maniacally while Long Tian was slowly perishing and the Jade Palace was crumbling. Then everything went black. Cain lost consciousness. Maybe that was the sweet release of death, or so he thought.

To Cain's surprise, when he regained consciousness the Palace was intact. Nothing seemed out of order. Even all the books were accounted for. He decided to connect with Long Tian and see what was happening.

'Did this bastard survive miraculously again?' Cain asked himself. How many opportunities did this asshole have?? He simply could not understand how someone so evil was so lucky. Life was really unfair sometimes.

When Cain saw what Long Tian was seeing he was shocked. He recognizance the place instantly. Somehow Long Tian had returned to the time when Long Tian had forcefully fused with Cains's soul flame. But something was different this time, Cain realized that Long Tian's soul flame was badly damaged. Perhaps from the attack he received. The Why didn’t matter to Cain since he took this situation as an opportunity. Maybe, just maybe, he could free himself from Long Tian's clutches and fuse with his past self.

Cain kept watching carefully how Long Tian traveled through the void. When Long Tian got close to the soul flame and began to fuse again, Cain cut the connection to give himself some time and depart from the Jade Palace. He didn't look back. Even though he knew that some higher power was helping Long Tian, and he could die in the process, he still decided to do it anyway. The thought of living in that palace watching Long Tian again would be unbearable, dying was a much better option.

Cain took off rapidly, but still hid to not alarm Long Tian. On the outside, Long Tian was getting closer to the soul flame. Instinctively, Cain knew it was time to be separated once again. It felt like a kind and warm hand was guiding him in the right direction.

When Cain, guided by this mysterious power, separated himself from Long Tian, he sped up towards his past self. But as he was getting closer he felt that gravity was pushing him away. He still felt the guiding hand and how it was protecting him from this other power.

Cain decided to give his all to accomplish what he wanted or die trying.

“AAHHHHHHH…” Cain screamed trying to keep going forward, but the space surrounding him felt like mire. No matter how much he tried there was something in his way. It was maddening.

“Hahaha...hahaha” Cain heard Long Tian laughing.

“That……”After hearing that broken sentence from Long Tian he couldn’t take it anymore. Everything he had kept hidden in his hearth broke loose.

“No. It belongs to me!!!!!!!!!” shouted Cain back “You took it long ago from me! Don’t you remember, Long Tian!!!” Every word was filled with hatred.

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“…” Long Tian said panicking. How could HE still be alive??? How was HE here??? Long Tian couldn’t comprehend how Cain was still alive after he had consumed him. He thought Cain had died the first time.

“Do you really think that I handed my body willingly? No, something much more powerful forced me to.” Cain said, feeling the kind hand protecting him. He discovered that the reason that he had survived that time was probably because of this powerful being.

“When we fuse together, I thought I was dead, but for some reason, I didn’t die back then. Somehow I survived, so I hid deep within your soul, hoping you never found me”

Long Tian was shocked by it. Was Cain hiding within his soul?? He shivered at the thought of having a reaper waiting for the right moment to strike and kill him.

Cain remembered how much he had lived in that Jade Palace. All the painful memories but he rapidly snapped out of them. This was not the time to go through memory lane. He needed to figure out a way to fuse with his past self.

“No...o...o...o...o” Long Tian tried to shout back but his soul flame was too broken to inspire any kind of commanding tone.

“What? You thought that this was your "heavenly luck". Your second chance to correct your mistakes.” Cain said mockingly. He had already studied Long Tian's personality. He knew what buttons to push.

“You were trash on your first life and were trash on the second one. And guess what??? No matter how many lives you live, you would still be trash! I mean, Who confuses reality with fantasy novel plots” Cain said mockingly. “What kind of idiot thinks that the way to a woman's heart was to rape first and woo later” He kept saying snickering “Who knew you would live your life by following the tags of a novel to the tee” Cain laugh at Long Tian. “Is that what you thought your life was???? A f*cking novel???”

Cain laughs a Long Tian. He wanted to cause as much psychological pain as he could. Why not use the most embarrassing thoughts Long Tian had to mock him?

"What was the name again... I can't seem to remember. You know the word they use to describe your type of people"

"Let me see, it was chuniiiii....something right?" Cain says mockingly.

Long Tian was going insane. How did he know all of that? Due to Long Tian’s broken form, he had forgotten that Cain had been living inside his soul flame.

Cain without any thought threw himself towards Long Tian. He wanted to rip him apart, but with a second thought, why not fuse with him? Long Tian did it the first time and it kinda works. So, with the new plan in mind, Cain accelerated, he felt some resistance but the guiding power was protecting him.

Long Tian saw Cain coming toward him and tried to move out of the way but a powerful force kept him in place. Although the force that was directing him was still present, a different power was interfering.

Cain and Long Tian collided in the void as if they were two stars, bright lights filled the void as the two soul flames tried to one-up each other. Long Tian tried to resist but his soul flame was too damaged to do it. Cain took advantage of Long Tian's wounded state and began to absorb him.

“N...o...o...o...I...a...m…” Long Tian shouted in his broken voice. Resistance was futile and little by little, Long Tian's soul flame was being consumed by Cain. After a couple of minutes, Long Tian's soul flame was gone. Cain laugh in the void, he was so happy to have won in the end that everything he went through was worth it.

The guiding power delicately touched him and directed him towards his past self. Cain felt so grateful to the higher power for helping and said.

“I don't know why you help me but I assure you I will pay you back”

Cain flew unto his past self and easily fused with it. Then he opened his eyes and looked at the nostalgic ceiling, tears fell from his eyes as he realized he was back.