Chapter 23: Chapter 11: Birthday

Almost two years have passed, and we’re now nearly 12 years old. I’ve discovered a lot about magic, but I still haven’t used or done anything practically in a while. I’ve only studied it. Sage has been studying how to fight with the sword from Dad. And Vira’s been learning Noble etiquette from Mom, and Territory management from Dad. Stella also learns with us, and she’s about to turn 10 tomorrow.


In our world, every tenth birthday is important. Because it signifies that we’re becoming adults. So, Stella for the first time will have her birthday with us. Of course in these two years Vira and Stella have become even closer, honestly I’m proud of Vira. He helped her get through her trauma, and now she doesn’t struggle with talking and is really happy. And for that, I’m happy. 


And because all of my relatives missed our tenth birthday, dad invited them this time for Stella’s birthday, which is also celebrated as my birthday. So the two of us are sharing it! Which is pretty fun. 


Although I want to make sure that I don’t hog all the attention... Since I want Stella to be the spotlight. Not to mention she didn’t really remember her birthday, so we just decided that it’d be the day she moved in with us!


Either way though, we were a happy family. It almost feels like a fever dream. 


Of course, as the birthday was tomorrow, all of our relatives would arrive here today.


And apparently one of our relatives had already come here. I still hadn’t seen the person yet, but mom and dad should return soon after welcoming them here.


And even though Stella doesn’t know, me and mom have planned to give her a surprise dress today. I hope she’ll like it. Of course we had disagreements when deciding what type of dress with Vira and the Sage. But in the end, we decided upon something with Mom and sent the letter to the seamstress a few months ago.


Of course it goes without saying that most products are still made by hand, since we don’t have many advanced machines. 


Mom’s been secretly keeping the dress in her wardrobe, so that Stella doesn’t find out.


“Vira! I’m here!” I could hear the voice of an old man. I went out to check with Stella behind me. He was an old man wearing a brown suit. A sword hung from his hips, and he had stripes of brown within his white hair. He was old, but he didn’t look weak. But his physique still wasn’t as good as the sage. Although the sage is not a standard I should compare by, if I’m being honest.


“Father, how would he even remember you...” It was mom who said so. I guess he’s my grandfather then? Well, I don’t exactly remember when he came by to see me, but I do remember seeing him.


“Oh right. Anyway, Vira, I'm your grandfather!”


He opened his arms up expecting me to jump into them... But I don’t even really know him... But, I don’t really wanna make him seem stupid. So, I played along.


“Yay! Grandpa!”


But it was then that I noticed that dad was nowhere to be seen.


“Mom, where’s dad?”


Mom didn’t answer, she was biting her lips and didn’t know what to say.


I think I understand what’s going on. Is it because gramps hates my dad for some reason? Because he’s making a weird-looking face, and staring into me.


Dad came in anyway, although he looked a bit disheartened. I didn’t really know what to do. It was like both son-in-law and father-in-law didn’t want to talk to each other.


[Uncle, can I take over?]


[Uh.. Sure.]


“Grandpa, do you not like dad?”


DID HE JUST SERIOUSLY ASK THAT TO HIS FACE NONETHELESS?! I really should teach Vira not to say these things so easily. He’s always been honest, until now it hasn’t been a problem... But of course there’d be people who take it in the wrong way.


He struggled a bit, but he mumbled “I.. don’t hate him.. It’s just.. That..”


“Then Dad, do you have any problems?”


It was almost like he wasn’t expecting it, his eyes went wide and he stuttered. It was the first time I saw such a reaction from him, “N-no. O-of course not.”


“Then the both of you are friends, okay?!”


Grandpa smiled a bit, “Alright... I’ll do as you say.”


Mom teared up a bitm, wiping it, and she gave us a kiss. 


Dad was awkwardly laughing. Even though I know that conflict wouldn’t solve itself easily. It was of course impossible for them to refuse and fight while we’re here! So it worked for now.


And then Vira indicated that he wanted to get down from Gramps’ arms. Once he did, he turned to Stella, and said, “Okay grandpa, this is my friend, her name is Stella.”


“Hello little lady,” he looked at her, but because she didn’t know what to call him, she was struggling, but then Gramps said, “You can call me Grandpa too. You’re family too, little lady.”


Stella, although a bit shy, confidently said “T-thank you, grandpa!”


She then bowed, and grandpa bowed back. It was a formal greeting. Mom was teaching this to us of course.


Either way though, for now it was peaceful.


Soon however, everyone had come by, but they’d visit home tomorrow for the birthday party.


Stella was on her bed, and Vira got up and got the dress we’d prepared. Once it seemed like it hit midnight, Vira came back in to find that she’d been sleeping. 


Slightly poking her cheeks, Vira woke her up.


“What... is it Vira..?” She was really tired and she could barely open her eyes.


Vira put the box in front of her, and said, “Happy birthday!”


“Huh? What? Huh?”


“It’s a gift from me and mom, to you!”




“No ‘buts’! You have to take it!”


She wanted to smile, but holding it back she reluctantly opened the box. And in it was a pretty dress. A shirt that was puffed up at the shoulders that reached her elbows, a skirt that touched her ankles, and a hat that seemed to fit her just right.


In the box there was also another letter, with a necklace and a ring in it.


It seemed that the letter was from mom, but Stella read it and didn’t let us read it! Quite disappointing, but I’ll let it slide.


The necklace was simple, but the pendant had a sapphire stone, it almost seemed to draw us near it.


And as she was trying to put on a ring, it wouldn’t go in, so she said, “Vira... can you help me with this..?”


She silently sat on the bed, while Vira held the ring in his one hand, and her hand on his other. Although Vira looked normal right now. There was a slight problem... It seemed his head wasn’t.


Although I’ve forgotten to mention, we can hear each other's emotions, when they become unbearable to us. That was happening with Vira and me. It only seems to happen with the two of us.


While Stella waited, and Vira slowly put the ring on her hand, he thought, 


“Wait! Wait! Wait! Hold on! Isn’t this what couples do?! Isn’t this how they marry!? Does she not know?! What should I say?! AHHHHH!!”


The sad thing was, Vira didn’t know I could hear his thoughts right now. And suddenly he blurted out something, “Haha...! Isn’t this what couples do? Hahaha...ha...


The mood had become awkward. Stella’s face turned red. And Vira turned his head away. To be honest, I thought that both of them became mature, but I’m glad I was wrong.


Stella, sensing the atmosphere said, “M-mhm r-right...”


The ring went onto her right hand, and now the two of them sat on the bed without saying much. 


In all honesty, I’ve known for a long time that Vira sees her as more than a friend. But I never really knew what Stella felt like. Of course I wanted to see Vira happy. But that didn’t mean I didn’t want Stella to be happy either. I just felt like a guardian for both of them. I must keep them safe.


Stella got up, and said “Vira... do I look good?”


She almost seemed unreal. Her posture made her seem small and shy, but she looked confident. And her eyes almost glew in the darkness. Her hair flew in the breeze that came through the window. 


Vira then said, “You look beautiful...”


Stella then said, “Thank you for this Vira... I’ve never celebrated my birth... So thank you.”


Vira then hugged her, and she hugged us back. 


I almost felt sad at the thought. What would’ve happened to her if we decided not to help her? Although we helped her for our own self-satisfaction... It still makes me feel so frustrated that there’d be other people like her. 


Though there were orphanages, most weren’t in the best of conditions. It was a situation that I knew of immediately after coming here. The infrastructure for public services is bad, laughably bad. 


Soon however, she kept her dress and the necklace back into the box, hoping to wear them the next day. But she didn’t put the ring back in.


Vira asked, “What about the ring?”


“I don’t want to... remove it,” I wasn’t even an expert on the matters of the heart, but even I knew why she wasn’t taking it off. Her face had a smile that she was trying to cover up, of course Vira couldn’t see her face because she was facing down, but I have no such limitations when I’m outside the body! 


But Vira seemed a bit dense. I honestly don't understand this boy... How can he be so..? You know what, nevermind. He is Vira afterall, what did I expect?


Vira replied, “Okay...”


The two of them then went to sleep. 


But well, I only said went to sleep, not sleep. 


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Neither of them could actually close their eyes. Both of them were making weird expressions and faces. Even though I was right in front of Vira, he didn’t notice and was embarrassed.


These two are way too hopeless.


And like this, another day had passed.


Today was the day that both ours and Stella’s birthday would be celebrated. Honestly I was pretty tired... Although that’s because someone in this body wouldn’t sleep at all! I wonder who it could be.


Because there were a lot of people, the party would be held in dad’s office’s lobby. And so, before the party starts, it’s tradition to greet all those who’ll be coming. And so... we had to get dressed.


Honestly the three of us never agree on anything but if we did agree on something it’s that we absolutely despise the dresses. They’re tight, uncomfortable, get sweaty easily, and they take way too long to put on.


But nonetheless we were ready to go... Or so we thought.


“Vira, you should tie it like this.”


It was dad who was tying our bowtie since it was crooked apparently. After he tied it, the two of us got on Marcus and went to the office. Where a bunch of people were there.


In particular I noticed something, there was only one person who had the same features as my dad. I’ve only been seeing mom’s family. When my dad saw him, he got excited, but he didn’t greet him. 


And the one person I saw had a scar over his right eye that spanned from his forehead down to his cheeks. He had a dark tone to his skin, and his muscles were built out, unlike our dad, I’d say he’s buff. He also had eyes the color of leaves just like dad. He had a greatsword on his back and he looked pretty moody.


I approached him first in the lobby since Dad was greeting the others. And he opened his eyes and looked at me. It was like he was scanning me. 


“You’re Mavi’s son, aren’t you?”


Vira answered, “Yes mister!”


He then shook his hand and said, “I’m Vira Tanykorvus. What about you?”


“I’m Zuve Euyin Tanykorvus. You don’t have [The Eyes], do you?”


“The eyes?”


“Nevermind. Anyway look at your dad, he never greets me first.”


“Well... It’s probably not that he doesn’t want to...”


“Why’d you say that? Wouldn’t you pay attention to someone you know first?”


“I’m going to tell you a little secret~ Dad was excited when he saw you.”


Suddenly the expressionless man showed an expression, though he tried his best to cover it up, I could see that he had a smile on his face. 


“Happy late birthday, Vira. Tell Stella I wished her too.”


Wait hold on... Didn’t he say the exact same last name as dad? Does that mean he’s related to dad?


“Mister...?” When Vira turned to look at the man, he wasn’t there.


Then dad came up to us, “Did he leave already?”


“Dad, who was he?” I asked.


“Oh... Well, he’s my er... elder brother.”


“So he’s my uncle?!” Vira said excitedly.


Dad seemed a bit nervous but he was happy, “Y-yep...”


The three of us saw a variety of people, but none of them truly stuck with me. They were family, yes. However they weren’t close family like Zuve or grandfather.


In all honesty I don’t even think many of the people here genuinely care. But I can’t be the judge of this and I don’t want to cause trouble for mom and dad.


Either way night approached, and everyone was now sitting on their chairs and having a few drinks before the party started. Many of the gifts from our families were piled up in one corner of the room so that it’d be convenient for them to give it to me.


It’s been three years since me and Mavira decided to take in Stella because of Vira. But I can’t say that I regret it. In all honesty I don’t think I would’ve helped this girl. I know that both father and son are kind-hearted. But I wasn’t like that. However I did care for my family, and now this girl was part of our family as well.


It took quite a while for her to even speak her thoughts. She was like a doll, always obedient and never misbehaving. I didn’t have the heart to see her like that. 


The only person she really opened up to was Vira. She’d always talk about him to me, so I knew just how much he meant to her. I knew that this girl hadn’t come from a place of happiness. So I’d hoped that I’d be able to give her the happiness she missed the best I can while she’s here.


Because she was a daughter to me. As I combed her silk-like hair, she spoke, “M-mother.. Do I look good?”


Intentionally or unintentionally, she started calling me mother. 


“Of course you do, you silly thing~”




She seemed a bit shy right now, but she looked happy. The skirt seemed perfect, and so did her shirt. And once I combed her hair, I put her hat on her, and she looked adorable.


It would be a disgrace to call her just beautiful. She was much more than that. A kind hearted soul who couldn’t even hurt an ant if she tried. That truly was what she was like. 


And once I felt like she was ready. The two of us got on Mishia, a beautiful horse, she had black fur, and was a friendly little animal. 


Hak was still serving drinks. Even though I think all of them can get it themselves. And well, I only had apple juice to drink... Because I’m still not allowed to drink. Right now I had control since Vira had gone too tired from talking to a few of them and left the rest to me.


Although I don’t know how it’s gonna go, seeing as how there are many gifts, I can’t wait to see what types of things they’d give me and Stella. I’m sure this is the first time she’s celebrating, so I want her to have a good time.


Nonetheless, we were waiting on the seat. Since I greeted most of the people and we’d start the party soon. I left control to Vira and stood next to him. And suddenly two people came through the door, it was Mom and Stella. Vira’s eyes widened and he didn’t look away once. His cheeks turned a bit red, but he looked happy. 


It’d be an understatement to say that Stella was beautiful. Vira immediately went towards them and hugged the two of them. 


Even though he didn’t want to talk to anyone before, he didn’t mind introducing her to everyone else, the rascal!


Everything felt so nice. It felt like a dream, like all this could end in less than a second. Never to be seen or experienced again. Lost within time.


But right now, I could still feel it. And so I’ll live it.


And so, dad then called everyone and made an announcement.


“Hello everyone... Though it’s been quite a while since we last met. I’d like to introduce our newest family member. Her name is Stella, and she’s been living with us for a few years now,” he ruffled Stella’s hair. 


“Anyway, to Stella! To our family! Cheers!”


It’s been two hours. That’s the time it’s been since the last time that Stella got a gift from someone. It seemed like no one cared. She was being ignored at her own party. I mean it made sense, but I don’t know what to do. And some of them seem to not even care about her, and she tried talking to them, which made it worse.


She was sitting next to us on the couch, and she looked so disheartened. Her face was so gloomy and it felt suffocating for me. I didn’t know what to do. Afterall, these people are relatives and nobles, I can’t misbehave here. That’ll only cause trouble for mom and dad. Mom and Dad didn’t know what to do either. And soon, everyone gave their gifts. I received a variety of different things, from books, to clothes, to swords. Although mostly books and clothes. I received three swords in total. And apparently two of them were from my uncle.


Stella didn’t say anything and quietly went outside. And everyone was talking to their family and friends, enjoying their time.


I didn’t know what to do. A few seconds passed, then 30, then 60, then two minutes passed. Vira didn’t say anything, he just silently stood in front of the door.


That’s when Vira suddenly took control and went outside. Stella was sitting on the stairs outside, just closing herself off. We could hear little sniffles. 




She twitched, got up and wiped her tears. “V-vira?”


“Why’re you crying..?”


“It’s n-nothing...” She tried to smile, but her mouth twitched, wanting to not pretend.


“You can tell me, Stella,” Vira hugged her, and said “Because I’ll be there for you.”


She buried her face into our shoulders and cried. There wasn’t any noise, just sniffles. I could feel what Vira felt, at first I didn’t notice, but over the days it had increased, and now I could fully feel what he felt and vice versa. It was an immense emptiness hearing her cries. 


“I j-just remembered my old- home.. Seeing everyone... i-it made me...” She said while sobbing.


“You don’t need to say more. I know what they did. And they aren’t people I like,” she nodded her head.


“No matter what, we’re your family. And we’ll always care for you. So it’s okay. It’ll be okay.”


It was like a whisper, but we heard it “W-what if you guys start hating me...”


“No matter what you do. No matter how much everyone hates you. I’ll always be there. I won’t ever leave you be. Because I like you Stella. I always have. And always will.”


I could sense one thing while he said all those words, it was sincerity... And love. It truly came from his heart and nowhere else. 


She said, “Thank you...”


Slowly she stopped sobbing, and the day had come to a close. 


Stella was tired and we put her to sleep. Soon the party was over, and everyone would leave in the morning.