Chapter 3: I choose you part 3

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To Austin's surprise, Delia-er Mom wasn't in front of the Ranch with the group of people from the Anime.

'Well that's one thing that's different.' Austin thought knowing it would take awhile to force himself to call Delia 'Mom', but he didn't want to make her worry about what happened to the real 'Ash'.

"So come on Pikachu." Austin said only for Pikachu to turn his head from him.

"Pikachu. Pika Pi." Pikachu said not even paying him any attention.

'Right, Ash gain Pikachu's friendship because of the Spearow mess.' Austin thought to himself as he wondered if he should instigate it to gain Pikachu's trust before shaking his head. 'No, I'm not going to pull that stunt.'

Giving a sigh, Austin looked at Pikachu. "Come on, don't I get the benefit of doubt due to not putting you in the Pokeball."

Pikachu just gave him a blank stare. "Pika Pi."

Now he wasn't sure what Pikachu said but the tone sounded like an insult.

Then again, there's no way Pikachu would take him seriously in his Pajamas.

Giving a sigh, Austin walked back to Prof. Oak's lab as Pikachu scratched his head with his foot before coming out wearing rubber gloves and he picked Pikachu up causing the Electric Mouse to try and electrocute him and yet nothing was happening.

"I'll put you down in a few minutes, but I just want to go home and change out of these Pajamas." Austin said to Pikachu as the Mouse was giving him a death glare.

On making it to the house, Austin put Pikachu down who growled at him. "Hey you were the one that didn't want to go anywhere." He snapped as Pikachu's cheeks were sparking. "Look can't we just have a compromise?"

Pikachu raised an eyebrow.

"We go through Route 1 and if you still don't like me by the time we get to Viridian you can go your own way." Austin offered holding out his hand. "Deal?"

Pikachu however frowned as he was expecting for Austin to break the deal even if he agreed. "Pika Pi Chu Pika!"

"Ash, is that you?" Delia came out only to see Austin talking with Pikachu. "I was wondering when you would come back to get your stuff."

"Uh yeah, I panicked when I woke up Mrs-er Mom." Austin said hoping that she didn't notice the slip-up.

Pikachu however gave Austin a curious glance wondering what he was about to say. "Pika?"

"Oh is that your Pokemon?" Delia bent down to pick him up as Austin panicked.

"Wait D-er-Mom-."

Pikachu was about to electrocute her only for Delia to rub a spot in between his ears and his mind thought of nothing but bliss as he smiled. "Chaa."

Austin stared in pure disbelief at that. 'Now that's not fair.'

"Your clothes are out on your bed." Delia said as Pikachu was enjoying the head rub.

"R-Right." Austin walked in and up the stairs feeling a sense of familiarity for some odd reason as he made it to his-... Ash's room to see the clothes from the first three seasons on the bed.

In a few moments, he was dressed in the black shirt as the blue vest was worn over it, blue jeans, black and white sneakers and a red and white hat over the dark hair.

Pulling the fingerless green gloves on, Austin was a little unnerved in how he looked like Ash more than ever now.

Turning around as he grabbed the Backpack, Austin walked down to see Delia had a thing of breakfast ready.

Now Austin was feeling extreme guilt.

Here he was pretending to be her son when in truth he was trying to find out how this happened in the first place.

Not only that but he was about to 'steal' Ash's journey from him.

Pikachu was eating some Pokemon food that Delia kept, usually to feed the Pokemon that were with the trainers in the Restaurant she runs.

He looked pretty happy.

"Hey Pikachu." Austin tried but Pikachu looked away from him. 'Yeah… Still a dick.'

"Eat up, you'll need your strength before your journey." Delia said as Austin managed a weak smile.

"Got it M-Mom." He said trying not to be suspicious as Delia gave him a worried look before he got to eating.

Delia however was surprised because 'Ash' was eating differently.

Usually he stuffed his mouth but here he was eating slowly and using manners.

Sure it was a nice change, but now that she thought about it, Ash was acting differently since he woke up.


Austin was very grateful that he managed to leave after an hour of Delia telling him to be careful, changing his underwear and the awkward hug that she gave him.

But now he was in Route 1 with Pikachu who actually walked with him to avoid being carried again because he knew Austin still had the rubber gloves.

"Well here we are." Austin said not sure where to go before deciding to stay on the path. "Our Journey awaits."

"Pika Pi?" Pikachu asked and Austin was pretty sure he said something like 'Our' journey?

Breathing in slowly, Austin began to walk as he saw various Pidgey's flying around.

There were no trainers on Route 1, but Austin kept moving as Pikachu just followed behind him before taking off and running up a tree.

"Seriously Pikachu?" Austin asked as Pikachu sat on it sticking his tongue out.

Pinching his nose, Austin just sat down. "Well you'll have to come down eventually." He said with a smirk.

You are reading story Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey at

"Pi?" Pikachu looked a little surprised that Austin wasn't going to try and use the Pokeball to force him to come down.

'Alright so not the best start.' Austin thought to himself before he looked up. 'But if I'm ever going to find out what happened I need to continue on and to do that I need to gain Pikachu's trust.'

Again he was considering instigating the Spearow incident before stubbornly shaking his head.

He wasn't going to risk his or Pikachu's life like that, plus if Pikachu ever found out he did instigate it for that reason it would make things worse.

'But it was a major part in the series and if I don't do that there could be a butterfly effect-... Or is it Butterfree effect now?' Austin randomly thought.

Giving a sigh, Austin looked up to see Pikachu eating an apple that was hanging from the tree. 'Well catching a Pokemon all comes down to luck so if I try to catch a Pokemon that isn't a Spearow I should be fine.'

Austin looked up to see Pikachu eating an apple that was hanging from the tree. 'Well catching a Pokemon all comes down to luck so if I try to catch a Pokemon that isn't a Spearow I should be fine.'

Opening his backpack, Austin took an empty Pokeball that Prof. Oak gave him out and stood up.

"I don't suppose you'll help me catch a Pokemon?" Austin tried only for Pikachu to laugh as if he told a joke. "... Yeah, didn't think so."

With that he looked around for a bit as he walked away from the tree.

Pikachu watched him leave before smirking.

Now was his chance to get away.

With that done, he ran down the tree and began to run off before colliding with something.

Shaking his head, Pikachu glared only for it to be a Spearow as it glared back at him.

"Spear!" Spearow took to the air as it was about to attack Pikachu, something that caused Austin to turn and notice as Pikachu ducked.

'Oh come on!' Austin thought running towards the scene. 'I didn't even throw the damn rock!'

"Pikachu use Thundershock!" Austin ordered as Spearow went to try again and Pikachu didn't hesitate as it electrocuted the Spearow causing it to cry out loudly before Austin threw the Pokeball.

As it was sucked in, Austin approached before the ball dinged, signifying the capture.

"Are you alright Pikachu?" Austin asked as Pikachu was about to answer before they heard a few more cries and both turned to see the flock of Spearow's flying towards them.

Eyes widening, Austin grabbed the Pokeball containing the newly caught Spearow and he grabbed Pikachu before taking off running, surprising the Pokemon as he nearly electrocuted Austin to get him to let go.

"Too many for you to fight." Austin panted out as he was running. 'And I'm way out of shape!'

He nearly saw stars as a Spearow slammed into the back of his head with the flock catching up.

"Pikachu get in your Pokeball." Austin told him as he felt more adrenaline from the hit and tried to run faster.

"Pi?!" Pikachu glared.

"Listen to me, I'm not going to let you get hurt." Austin told him.

'Plus I can run faster without carrying him.'

A Spearow jabbed at his arm as he was carrying Pikachu before Austin used his vest to keep Pikachu from being pecked and tried to fish around for his Pokeball before he realized one error.

He left it at Prof. Oak's lab.

"Crap." Austin muttered before another Spearow hit his head and this time he tripped over a rock and was sent rolling across the ground as Pikachu cried out in surprise.

Pushing himself up, Austin saw that the Spearows were circling around. "Pikachu get out of here." He told him.

Pikachu gave him a shocked look as Austin grabbed a rock and threw it, nailing a Spearow causing the flock to focus on him.

"Over here!" Austin shouted as they forgot about the Pikachu and flew at him.

Feeling a bead of sweat drip down his face, Austin began to book it.

Pikachu stared as Austin was getting further away in shock that a human just did that for him.

A human that he spent most of the day ignoring and electrocuted one time.

And now he was in danger because he ran into that Spearow.

Eyes narrowing Pikachu came to a decision.


'Regret!' Austin thought running with his arms flailing as he tried to pick up speed. 'Regret! Major regret!'

He had to be suicidal.

That's probably why he did this.

Looking back to see if the flock was still following him, he ran faster at seeing how close they were.

'Irony.' Austin thought to himself. 'I didn't throw the rock that caused this and it happened anyways.'

His lungs were burning from the running he was doing before he tripped and was sent rolling again.

This time the Spearow surrounded him and they pecked and clawed at him as he cried out in pain.

'Not good.' Austin thought as he tried to get them to go away.

"CHU!" A Thundershock caused them to disperse as Pikachu ran up in front of him and glared at the flock.

Lifting his head, Austin was surprised by this as Pikachu had his cheeks sparking with the Spearows around.

"Pikachu, there's too many." Austin told him as he tried to get up wincing. "Get out of here."

"Pika." Pikachu shook his head as he wasn't going to just leave the kid after what the kid just did to try and save him.

Austin felt light headed as the Spearows got closer and the last thing he heard before blacking out was . "Staryu, use Water Gun!"