Chapter 26: Yellow’s First Battle

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" So without further ado, are you ready to begin the tournament?" Hennessy asked.

 Yellow nodded.

"Wonderful! In that case, please follow me to the battle hall where you will face your first opponent. There will be ten other trainers participating in this tournament. It will be played out like a standard tournament. Each trainer will face one other opponent. The winner gets to move on to the next round while the loser is out. This goes on until only two trainers are left. The winner gets to move up to the next rank. Do you understand?" Hennessy asked, receiving a nod.

The battle hall was a very large room with a deep red carpet across the whole room. Unlike the rest of the Battle Chateau, however, the room was pretty bare. The only decorations were the various pictures that aligned the wall. Austin assumed it was because of the intense Pokemon battles that took place in this room and the staff didn't want to risk anything being broken.

Hennessy then turned to Yellow. "Madam, you will be part of the first tier so you will be battling first in our single battle. Your opponent will be a boy by the name of Joshua. Good luck with your match."

" Do we stay here to watch her battle?" Brock asked .

"Of course, sir." Hennessy answered. He then gave a bow and left the room.

Seeing Yellow nervously fiddling with her hand , Austin said ," Don't worry Yellow , just stay calm and have trust in your Pokémon and you'll do great ." 

Brock nodded along as yellow just smiled and said , "Thanks, guys ! " 

"I think that must be your opponent, yellow " Brock said, pointing to the other end of the room.

Austin and Yellow turned, and sure enough, a young boy around their age was walking into the room. He had short, neatly combed brown hair and had a determined look on his face. He definitely didn't look prepared to lose.

"Go get 'em, yellow " Austin said as he, Brock and Pikachu went to the edge of the room to watch.

The judge then stood in the center of the room. "This is an official match of the Battle Chateau tournament. The match shall be one-on-one. Whoever wins shall advance further in the tournament. Whoever loses shall be eliminated. Before the match begins, may the beau bow and the dame curtsey to one another," he informed

Yellow smiled at the boy opposite of her and did a light curtsey. The boy gave a smile back and bowed.

"Now please choose your Pokemon," the judge called out.

Yellow took a deep breath before exhaling. "Here I go," she thought. She then reached and grabbed her pokeball. " Dody , come on out!" she said as she threw it.

The ball landed on the floor and opened to reveal the flying-type Pokemon. "Do ! Do !" it said once it came up. It seemed ready for its first battle despite its lack of experience.

The opposing trainer also threw his pokeball. "Nidoran! I choose you!

The pokeball opened to reveal a small pink rabbit-like pokemon with a large horn on its forehead.

" Ah, a male Nidoran," Austin said as he opened her pokedex to scan it.

"Nidoran, the poison pin Pokemon, it has large poisonous horn on its forehead," the pokedex said.

Hearing the voice of the Pokédex , Yellow called out to Doduo .

"Be careful of the horn, Dody ! " 

In response dody nodded.

"This match between Yellow and Joshua will now start! There will be no time limit! Begin!" the judge yelled waving down both of his flags.

"Nidoran! Use horn attack! Go!" Joshua immediately said.

The Nidoran charged forward at full speed ready to attack Charla.

Yellow was incredibly surprised at how quickly the boy had called out to Nidoran and how quickly it responded.

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"Yellow, say a command!" Austin exclaimed 

"Oh, uh, right! Dody , dodge it!" she called, but it was too late.

Doduo was hit by the horn dead on and sent flying backwards. It landed on the ground in pain.

"Dody ! Are you okay?!" Yellow asked as Doduo slowly rose back to its feet. It then nodded its head, signifying it could still fight.

"That's great, Nidoran. Now use poison sting!" Joshua commanded. Nidoran then leaped into the air and shot several glowing needles from its horn right at Dody .

"Dodge it Dody !" Yellow called. Doduo then leaped out of the way.

"She's not going to win if all she is doing is dodging," Austin said to himself.

" Charge straight at Doduo and use Horn Attack, Nidoran!" the male trainer called out.

Nidoran leaned back a little and charged straight at Doduo again.

"Now's my chance," Yellow thought. " Dody , use Peak !"

The beaks of Doduo shines with a white light as the two heads thrust forward in hopes of hitting the Nidoran.

Joshua smiled. "That's exactly what I wanted you to do. Leap into the air, Nidoran!"

Nidoran leaped into the air high above Dody , completely dodging the peak attack.

"What?!" cried Yellow

"Now use Poison Sting!" the other trainer called.

"Nidoran then pointed its head downward while in midair so its head was pointing straight at Doduo. It then let loose a barrage of needles.

Due to the proximity of the attack, Dody was unable to dodge and hit with almost every needle. It then began to cough and look sick. Doduo had been poisoned.

"Oh no! Dody ! " said Yellow with worry.

"Finish this off with Tackle!" Joshua called.

"Try a quick attack!" called Yellow frantically.

Doduo took a deep breath to use quick attack, but Nidoran collided with it before it had a chance to let loose its attack. Doduo was sent flying backwards and landed on its back, this time not getting up.

"Dody ! Are you okay?! Yellow asked.

"Doooo….." it muttered weakly.

" Doduo is unable to battle! The winner is Joshua! Yellow is eliminated from today's tournament!" the judge called out, waving the flag in his left hand and pointing to Joshua.

"Way to go, Nidoran!" Joshua said as he went over to pet it before returning it to its pokeball. He then looked over at Yellow and gave a short nod before leaving the room.

Yellow sank to her knees. She couldn't believe it. She never even landed a hit. It had ended so quickly. "Return, Dody. Good job," she said sadly as she returned Doduo to its pokeball.

Hearing footsteps behind her , Yellow just clenched the pokeball and without looking at her friends , she ran away from the room .

Austin could see tears escaping her eyes as Brock called out .

" Yellow , wait ! " 

Austin sighed as he knew something like this would happen . Yellow had not trained at all and this was her first battle while her opponent was somewhat experienced . She was bound to lose .

" Ash , go talk to her ." Brock turned and exclaimed .

Austin nodded as he knew that Brock knew that Yellow had known him for a much longer time and his words would hold a lot more weight to her .