Chapter 29: Paul?!

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Austin grinned as the small orb slammed into Mankey causing him to collapse, knocked out as Ethan sighed and returned the Pig Monkey.

"Man you are a machine." Ethan commented as he did see the other battles. "We barely did anything to you."

"It was still great training for my team." Austin said with a smile. 'Especially since they all learned new moves and Spearow evolved.'

Unknown to all of them, someone was watching from a distance as he was given a gold nugget for winning.

"Five strong Pokemon and most likely has some good money." A female voice muttered as the binoculars came down to show a brunette eleven year old girl wearing a black dress as she smirked. "Easy pickings."


Brock was sulking as he made his way to the Pokemart.

His plan to watch the Sensational Sisters Swimshow was denied due to them being out of tickets for the next few weeks.

Yes , he did know the sisters personally due to them being fellow Gym Leaders and he has tried asking them out on multiple occasions whenever there was a meeting between Leaders with little to no success, but he's never seen any of their shows before and now he wouldn't since their next show would be after they're gone.

'Might as well get some supplies.' Brock thought as he entered the Pokemart only to pause as a poster caught his attention.

Kanto's 1st Regional Breeder Competition. Must obtain three medals from various breeder centers.

There was a list of towns as that showed where these medals must be obtained as Brock shakily looked it over.

It would be a major step to his dream of becoming a Breeder if he could do this and the closest one was in Vermillion City in one month.


Austin and Yellow turned around to from bridge to got back to the Pokémon center to have their Pokémon healed but along the way they came face to face with a trainer .

The duo took in the boy's appearance. He had thick light purple hair and was wearing a black and purple jacket over a gray t-shirt and also wearing dark gray pants. There was also something about his eyes that made Yellow uneasy. They seemed so cold.But Austin was shell shocked as he immediately recognised one of his most favourite characters in the anime.

Paul ! 

The boy said nothing and resumed his walking. 

" Hey , did you compete in the Nugget Bridge Challenge ?" the boy replied rather coldly, finally stopping to look at Ash.

Yellow was surprised by the boy's rudeness. "Yes , Ash here defeated everyone with ease " Austin snapped out his daze as he heard Yellow's words and turned to Paul expecting him to be challenged to a battle .

The boy glared at Ash and resumed walking. "Fine. Whatever," he replied.

Austin was surprised as Paul didn't do anything . 

You are reading story Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey at

" Can you be any ruder ? " Yellow huffed as Austin chuckled .

Austin and Yellow entered the Pokémon center as they handed their Pokémon to be checked out and healed .

After a few minutes, Nurse Joy returned with a set of pokeballs and a Weepinbell. Nurse Joy set the pokeballs and Weepinbell down and called out, "Paul, your Pokemon are healed and are ready to go."

The duo turned to where she was looking and got a surprised look on their face. It was the purple-haired boy from earlier. 

The boy known as Paul walked up to Nurse Joy. He did not even spare the group a glance despite them staring at him. He gave no indication he even met them before.

"Thank you, Nurse Joy," Paul said and gave a bow before Nurse Joy returned to the back room.

Paul took his pokeballs and glared at his Weepinbell. "What's wrong with you? You couldn't even knock out a single of his Pokemon, and the worst part is you were knocked out after only one attack. There's no excuse why you lost with your type advantage," he said rather harshly.

Paul's Weepinbell looked down shamefully before Paul sighed and continued, "I captured you in the wild because you seemed like a strong Pokemon, but you have yet to show me any real power since you haven't won a single match yet. You are going to have to battle a lot better if you want to stay with me."

The Weepinbell looked deeply hurt and was on the verge of tears before yellow stepped in. "Hold on a second. Don't be so hard on it. Weepinbell tried its best, didn't it? As its trainer, that should be good enough for you," she said.

Paul turned to yellow and glared. "I would appreciate it if you mind your own business," he said.

"All I'm saying is that Pokemon always try their best for their trainers. Scolding them like that after every loss doesn't do them any favours," yellow said with a hint of anger in her voice.

" That's all fine, but this Weepinbell has such low stats that it should be thankful that I'm training it in the first place," Paul scowled with disdain.

"What do you mean by low stats?" Austin asked curiously .

"Seriously? Didn't you know that you can scan a Pokemon with your Pokedex after you capture it to learn what moves it knows as well as its stats? That's the only way to get the best type of Pokemon around. You capture a few types of the same Pokemon and scan their stats. Keep the best one and release the others. That's how I train," Paul said.

Hearing this Austin was shell shocked that he had missed so many things with the Pokédex but why didn't he ever see those stats displayed .

' I have got to have a word with professor oak about this ' 

Yellow grit her teeth. She couldn't believe this guy. "Well, you know what I say? Any Pokemon that you train can be strong! No matter what their stats are!" she said angrily.

Paul put his hands in his pockets and smirked.

" What's so funny?" Yellow asked.

"You and your naïve way of training Pokemon. If you always capture the strongest type of Pokemon around, it saves a lot of headache later on if they are already strong enough," he said.

Austin frowned while he found Paul's attitude entertaining when he watched the anime but in real life his attitude was extremely annoying and his ideals of training while he understood them , now as a trainer himself he found those ideals revolting .

"How long have you been a trainer?" Paul asked Yellow .

"About eleven days," Yellow responded.

"You should have at least captured four Pokemon by now. Why don't we have a Pokemon battle to figure out who's right?" Paul suggested.

"You're on!" Yellow said with fire in her eyes, but it died down quickly. "But I, uh, only have two Pokemon right now instead of four."

"Are you kidding me? Forget the battle. I'm out of here," Paul said with contempt. He then returned his Weepinbell to its pokeball and walked out of the Pokemon Center, not even giving the duo another glance.