Leng Huan leisurely sat in front of his fire place. He was at the 4th stage of the Qi Consolidation realm. His strongest and most loyal men were kneeling before him. They had important information to share with him. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t be intruding on his alone time right now. His fellow clan members knew just how upset he gets when his personal time is interrupted. Some of the newest members that were accepted into the sect were punished because of it.
“Our fellow clan members are cultivating diligently for the Treasured Plains coming soon. As you ordered, our goal will be to acquire as many resources and take as many magic treasures we can get out hands on to strengthen our clan even more.” Bingwen relayed. He was a 2nd stage Qi Consolidator.
Leng Huan nodded his head. The stronger their clan gets, the easier it will be to become a solid faction within the sect. He can’t afford to give them resources unless he wanted to drain the group’s funds dry and weaken them. Right now, they must acquire resources on their own to advance. But after they take the Plains, he’ll be free to arm his clan members and make them stronger than any other faction regardless of talent. After that they can finally go all out to eliminate those fools that dare to resist against his clan.
“Meihu’s faction has been silent lately. Most of their members are cultivating in their homes or gaining contribution points. Not even willing to start fights with our clan or Jianyu’s group. Even if we taunt them, they run away.” Chaun informed. He was a 1st stage Qi Consolidator.
Leng nodded. That silly woman must be planning something. It’s just like her to be scheming something and hiding away like a mouse. But that’s expected of a woman. No matter what she’s planning, his clan will be able to handle it without any issues. They are the strongest in the Outer Court and after they succeed in strengthening themselves in the Plains, he plans to fully annihilate both of their groups along with the smaller factions wishing to take advantage of their battle and rise from the conflict.
“Elder Ru and Elder Chang have been seen frequently leaving the sect. We suspect that they may be obtaining magic treasures or resources for their disciples to cultivate with. Elder Mo hasn’t left his abode along with his disciples. Their actions are a mystery but we believe they are being trained personally by Elder Mo.” Chun shared. He was a 3rd stage Qi Consolidator and the second strongest within their clan.
The Head Elder’s disciples are going to be the biggest obstacles to his clan’s rise to power. For now, they should avoid making enemies with them. They have too many powerful cultivators that could squash his clan at its current strength.
“Tell this to the rest of our clan, do not make enemies with the Head Elders’ disciples under any circumstance. Even if they insult our clan and lineage, we cannot afford to go head to head with them. Or it will spell the end for our clan at the Golden Serpent Sect.” Leng told them.
“Yes!” They responded simultaneously.
“Is there any other information that needs my attention?”
“Librarian Zhong has gotten a disciple recently and Elder Ru has taken in a male disciple. They are both still in the Qi Gatherer realm so, I didn’t believe they were worthy of attention.” Bingwen said.
“Elder Ru taking in a male disciple? Everyone knows she only accepts girls as disciples. Investigate that male disciple under Elder Ru. He must have found some secret about Elder Ru to have her not reject him.”
“Hu Tao has recently been accepted into the Inner Court. All the factions in the Inner Court is trying to recruit the Fighting Maniac to their side or kill him before he becomes too strong of a threat.” Chun told him.
“Oh, that so-called combat genius from the Outer Court? He’s reached the 2nd realm already?”
“Both him and Manchu have.”
“Is there anything we need to be wary of from these two or are you suggesting we ally with them?”
“Both Manchu and Hu Tao have impressive potential, I suggest we try and get on good terms with them rather than trying to kill them.”
“Hmph. Afraid of a few commoners Chun? I expected more out of my brother. What can two commoners do against our clan? No matter how good their talent is, our clan is known for producing talented cultivators! Chun, you have to learn to see things for what they really are. Both Hu Tao and Manchu don’t have the right mindset to become truly strong cultivators. Both are too arrogant for their own good. You can only climb up in this world with the right connections.”
“Yes brother...” He replied weakly.
Chun may not understand it now but he will see that those two are nothing to worry about. One is a crazed beast that bares his fangs at everyone. The other has too much pride to truly get ahead in life. Neither have the brains to even see what kind of battlefield this sect truly is in the first place.
“You’re dismissed.” His fellow clan members left his home.
“How are our preparations?” Meihu asked.
Three of her strongest followers were bowed in front of her. Each one was dressed in extravagant robes that highlighted their alluring and attractive figures. These three young women were one of the most attractive ladies in the Outer Court and among the strongest as well. They all followed under Meihu’s leadership. Her faction was called the Fearsome Garden and they were the dangerous Roses under her.
“All is going to plan my lady.” Lam replied sweetly. Lam was an 8th stage Qi Gatherer.
“Good. By now those two should be worrying and trying to investigate our plan. Make sure none of the Petals are taken advantage of and continue to strengthen yourselves. The Treasured Plains is our biggest chance of finally getting ahead of those two.”
“Yes, my lady. I will inform the Petals to stay alert and stay together if they go out.” Ruo replied seriously. Ruo was a 9th stage Qi Gatherer like herself but weaker.
“What of the Head Elder’s disciples? Any new information regarding them?”
“Shang Zhai is rumored to have fallen in love with a beast master. Xun Liuxian has reached the 9th stage. Xiao Hong and Liu Lan have reached the 8th stage. Gong Jun has entered the 9th stage and Tang Wuying has reached the 8th stage.” Song relayed. Song was the 3rd 9th stage Qi Gatherer within the Fearsome Garden.
“Who is the beast master that he’s fallen in love with? Can we somehow get her on our side?”
“Not much is known about her but I could find out a few things. Her name is Jing and she is an apprentice spellmaster, has a spirit beast at the 9th stage, and has recently joined the sect a couple months ago. She doesn’t seem to have any connections with anyone but my investigation has just started. It’s too early to decide if she has any allies.”
“Recruit this Jing into our faction and treat her well. If she really does have Shang Zhai around her finger, then she’ll be useful to keep around. We may even be able to get on good terms with Elder Chang’s other disciples...”
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“As you wish my lady.” The Roses gracefully exited her home.
The loud moaning of the female disciple bouncing on his dick nearly distracted Jianyu from what he just heard from one of his men. He thrusted his hips up once and caused her to start convulsing on his dick. This shut her up and let him hear what the fuck his men wanted to tell him. In his large grand bedroom, laid multiple naked young women lying in exhaustion after being fucked senseless by him. He threw the dumb bitch that was on top of him off and stuck his thick long rod inside another woman.
“Ahn! Please Jianyu, I can’t handle anymore! Ahn! Ahn! Ahn!” He looked at his men to tell them to continue telling him whatever the fuck they wanted to tell him.
“What are we going to do for the Treasured Plains?” Dong asked. Dong was one of his strongest men but also the dumbest. He was an 8th ranked Qi Gatherer and one of the most brutal fighters in his gang.
“We’re going to do what we always do, you fucking idiot. Take what we want, kill what we want, and do what we want.”
“With everyone hiding in their homes to prepare for the Plains, what should we do in the meantime Jianyu?” Wenling asked him. This slut was a 9th stage Qi Gatherer like him but weaker. She just broke into the 9th stage and was one sick twisted bitch.
“Go fucking do some tasks for the sect or break into some of those fuckers' homes if you’re so bored. I don’t care what you do just don’t bring any trouble to the rest, you hear? No fucking with weaklings who got connections with people stronger than us and don’t fuck with anyone stronger than me.” The slut Jianyu was plowing just dropped unconscious from pleasure. He didn’t even get to cum before she decided to stop moving like a dead fish.
“I will be training the others until it's time for the Treasured Plains to open. I’m not satisfied with how we’re progressing as a group. The newbies don’t seem to really understand what the Wolfeng Gang is really about. I’m gonna crack some skulls open till they get what we’re about and get a little muscle on their bodies while I'm at it.” Guotin said. Guotin was like a brother to Jianyu. He was his right-hand man and they’ve been together ever since they became cultivators. He was a 9th stage Qi Gatherer and almost equal to himself in power.
“It’s fine to kill a few of them if they can’t handle it. We don’t need any weaklings in the gang.” Jianyu grinned as one of the beautiful girls climbed on top of him and lowered themselves onto his hard cock.
“Don’t worry Brother Jianyu. I’ll turn them inside out just to see their insides squirming.”
Jing was on her way back home after leaving Teacher Lang’s place. In front of her was a bunch of girls that didn’t look like they had good intentions but then again no one ever had good intentions in this sect from what she’s seen. They were glaring at her like she was their worst enemy or something. She wasn’t worried about her safety but was curious to why they decided to stop her of all people. She hesitantly walked forward with a weak demeanor.
“Hey ugly!” The possible leader called out to her. “I don’t know what kind of trick you used to get Shang Zhai’s attention but stay away from him or else!” She balled her fist.
“What do you mean?” Jing asked weakly, making the girls sneer.
“Shang Zhai is interested in you for some unknown reason. We’re warning you to stay away from him. Shang doesn’t like plain girls like you.” She flared her 6th stage Qi Gatherer qi.
“But I didn’t do anything...”
“And we’re saying to make sure it stays that way! Don’t even look in his direction or you can say goodbye to your peaceful life in the sect ugly.”
“I’m sorry...”
Jing tried to walk past them without any conflict coming to pass but one of the girls stuck her leg out and caused Jing to trip and fall on the ground. She coughed from the dust on the ground getting in her mouth and all over her clothes. She heard the girls laughing at her while walking away.
“Can’t believe we were worried about that pathetic girl.”
“Maybe Zhai likes weak girls...”
“You think so?”
“Well it's not like she has anything else that could catch his attention. That disgusting color of skin and she looks like a boy from the front and the back!”
Jing heard a few more unsavory comments about her but they have traveled pretty far away from her by now. She got up and continued her way home covered in dirt. She could sense one of Shang Zhai’s servants watching her. It took her a while to finally identify his servants but once she realized who they were, she made sure to be careful in her actions. If he wasn’t watching her, she would’ve took out her leaf fan to clean herself off.
But that can wait till she gets home. A little bit of dust and falling on the ground isn’t really much to handle. Jing walked back home looking as miserable as she could. Not too miserable but miserable enough that anyone could see that she wasn’t having a good day. Of course, no one would care in the Golden Serpent Sect. Most of the disciples are selfish and wouldn’t even think about helping someone unless they could benefit from the situation themselves. Jing wouldn’t even put it past her fellow disciples to join in of bullying of another just because they saw someone weak being taken advantage of.
Jing made it back home and as soon as she locked her door, she pulled out her leaf fan and cleaned herself. Any dirt, dust, and anything of the like were erased from her body and she was as clean as she could ever be. It was now time to start a little fun and chaos throughout the sect. She grabbed her refined mask that only showed her eyeballs along with SCP-154. The mask effectively erased all traces of her. As far as she knows, the only possibility of someone spotting her is if she wants them to notice her while wearing the mask. It hides her cultivation realm as well now. After her fight with Hu Tao, she refined it again on very fine to hide all traces of qi as well. Even when she was using a martial art technique, her opponent wouldn’t know how powerful it was until it hit them.
Jing waited until it was dark out before she went to set her plan into motion. She opened her door and started running into the Immortal Forest. None of the dangerous spirit beasts even noticed her passing by. Not even the spirit beasts known for their excellent hearing, vision, or smell could notice her. Jing made it to the middle area of the Immortal Forest. The area where spirit beasts of the Qi Consolidation stage and Core Preparation realm hunted. She started looking around for the perfect spot to place these two bracelets.
The ground beneath her feet started to grumble and shake at the footsteps of some powerful beast. A grin found itself on her face as she sensed the qi of that spirit beast. Perhaps this was a bit much of her to do but the Golden Serpent Sect disciples are all tough young men and women, aren’t they? Surely, they can handle a little Golden Panda that’s an 8th stage Qi Consolidator, right? It may be a mutant version of the Giant Panda spirit beast species but who cares? Just because it’s highly attuned with yang qi and has a powerful body that most spirit beasts can’t harm in the middle area doesn’t mean the Golden Serpent disciples can’t handle it. And because it’s a mutant it can most likely fight with spirit beasts one stage above it without an issue. With her sect’s disciples having courageous and stubborn personalities, taking these two bracelets from the cave where its golden cubs are laying won’t be an issue.
After placing the bracelets in the Golden Panda’s den, Jing returned back home without any issues. Neither the mother panda nor her cubs could sense her while she was near them. Now the only thing she has to do is spread the rumor of a powerful spirit weapon inhabiting the middle area. She’ll have to give little hints that will pinpoint the location of the bracelets or those idiots will be dying for nothing. She wondered what rank SCP-154 would even classify as. Would it be an earth-rank, sky-rank, or heaven-ranked spirit weapon? If she ignored the downsides and only focused on the positives, she would say it would be around a high or peak sky-rank. Possible heaven-rank if they could get lucky with a complete chemical or physical change that is beneficial to cultivating.
“Well. Let’s have a little enjoyment before the Plains begin next month.”