“Kade, we have a problem.” Verakry insisted, somewhat stern with a twinge of worry, as the shadow robed figure appeared out of thin air next to a grizzled and decorated soldier.
“Do you ever come to me with anything else?” The stoic soldier asked, intently keeping his gaze on what was behind the observation glass.
“We need to introduce them soon. I fear the Astral’s growth has been explosive compared to the Umbral’s. If the Umbral does not come up with something, and soon, their meeting would simply be feeding the Umbral Point to the Astral Point.” Verakry stopped to see if Kade was understanding it’s point.
“I thought you wanted them together in a single being?” Kade finished, peering coldly in front of him.
“I need to confirm something with the Umbral before that happens. At this rate, I won’t get a chance.” Verakry explained.
There was a pause before Kade icily replied with, “Hear that Devose? He thinks your brother is going to eat you. Are you prey? Some ripened fruit, ready to be plucked and consumed, perhaps?”
“I am the weapon to end all wars.” The warborn answered calmly.
“Did you give it to him?” Verakry asked.
“Of course, and you were right, it was a gift. He didn’t take this seriously until he had some idea what he was up against. Now that he knows, well… see for yourself.” Kade answered.
Verakry turned it’s attention to the warborn on the other side of the observation glass. He was fast, weaving between the legs of the vastly larger insects. Without striking at his foes, without even touching them - each one he passed by was mowed down in an instant.
In this manner, Devose cut down insect after insect until none remained. Corpses of twenty or so giant black bugs littered the ground. Not one was left in enough pieces to so much as try and flee. He stopped, and something akin to his shadow concentrated around him until it became tangible, and enveloped him completely. The warborn turned, excruciatingly slowly, as though the dark encasing had slowed him down immensely.
Looking up to the observation window, Devose calmly stated, “Let us see just who is to be fodder.”
Verakry smiled and disappeared after stating, “Let him go and see who your Jungle Law favors. You should probably keep their playdate away from the dwelling of your pets though, or you will lose many of them.”
“Asshole.” Kade mumbled to himself before speaking up, “Think you can handle that?”
Devose answered not with words but action as his armor evaporated from around him. He turned and disappeared from sight with haste. The sun had just broken free from the horizon. It was going to be an eventful day.
Sphaere woke first. Sunlight beamed in from the opening in the ceiling of the basking chamber flooding the room with light, but she still couldn’t quite make out what was going on from the muffled voices around her.
Slowly opening her eyes, Sphaere saw Cekell standing up with one foot on her and the other on Rhystea. He was all bowed up, and was apparently being antagonized by some of the Lizardmen, who were only slightly attempting to muffle their voices.
After some snickering, they stepped back, and Cekell slowly lowered himself into a squatting position. In response, one of the Lizardmen stepped brazenly forward, and Cekell took a stand, bowing back up. As he did, it became apparent that he was tethered to a still slumbering Rhystea, who had his probe trapped between her head and shoulder as she used it for a makeshift pillow. This time she noticed a barrier form around them.
With more snickering, the lizardman stepped back. There was a slight pause before the barrier was dispelled and Cekell dropped back to a squatting position while glaring up at the scalekin.
Everyone’s attention was on Cekell, and even though he was standing on top of Sphaere, no one seemed to notice her eyes had opened. The Lizardman meant to approach again for another laugh, certain that the warborn was still leashed to Rhystea.
As Cekell started to stand up, Sphaere quickly dislodged his probe from between Rhystea’s head and shoulder, rousing her in the process. Without missing a beat, Cekell lunged at the face of the lizardman, who fell back on his tail out of surprise.
Rhystea was not fully awake when the other Reptilia Series in the room, as well as Sphaere, spurred her up with a roar of laughter. Cekell was wrapped around the snout of one of the scaleheads and frenzy chattering while staring him down, probe to eye.
Turning to an awoken yet puzzled Rhystea, Sphaere greeted her with, “Mornin’ princess, how’dja sleep?”
“On a rock… ugh…” Rhystea said with a stretch.
Not finding the situation nearly as funny as he had mere moments before, the lizardman was attempting to dislodge Cekell from his face by pulling on his tendril; but wholly underestimating the warborn’s determined grip. His buddies were laughing hysterically.
Cekell was not about to let up on him, thoroughly chewing him out with an exceedingly agitated bantering. The lizardman had finally grabbed Cekell’s tendril in both hands and was about to really have a go at him Rhystea called out his name.
“Cekell.” Rhystea called out, not entirely sure of what was going on. As the lizardman moved in an attempt to dislodge Cekell from his face, Cekell leapt from his perch and back to Rhystea, his tendril sliding right through the lizardman’s fingers.
“Are you picking on those poor Reptilians? What did they do to deserve that?” Rhystea asked Cekell as though she were asking a pet; contradicting her words with an enthusiastic tone, she scratched his forehead at the base of his tendril.
“Actually, they was pickin’ on ‘im while ya had a hold o’ ‘e’s tentacle.” Sphaere stated, matter-of-factly.
“Ugh, tentacle sounds weird, call it a tail or something.” Rhystea replied grumpily.
“Yes, yer highness.” Sphaere replied, otherwise ignoring her. She stood up, patted the dust off, and helped Rhystea to her feet. “Lets go get summa that fruit, an’ decide what ta do. I don’ think they gonna be stickin’ ‘round long ‘fore headin’ out ta hunt.” Rhystea gawked at her for a second before turning and heading out of the room. “Wut?” Sphaere asked, puzzled.
“Sorry, it’s early in the morning and I just can’t handle the way you talk. I’m sorry, I know silly, and it’s me, not you. It’s just how I was raised.” Rhystea admitted sheepishly.
“You was raised ta teach grammar?” Sphaere questioned with a smile.
“No, it’s like…” Rhystea paused briefly. “Your sarcasm. You use humor as a defense mechanism to deflect or placate the rest of us, or even yourself.” Sphaere had never quite looked at it like that, but it wasn’t… incorrect, so she frowned for a moment before deciding not to let it bother her.
Rhystea turned her analysis inward. “I am constantly looking for imperfections and… verbally making a mental note. I’m not any easier on myself, and I’m not trying to flaunt my intelligence. It’s more of an insinuated ‘in case you wanted to know’ kind of thing.”
There was a pause before Sphaere replied, “I cain’t tell if yer naggin’ ‘r ‘pologizin’.”
“I’m trying to explain. Sorry, I do that a lot.” Rhystea answered before sighing dejectedly.
Sphaere laughed before explaining, “I was jus’ teasin’ ya!”
“It’s too early for this. What were you wanting to make a decision on?” Rhystea deflected.
Sphaere laughed again before answering with, “I didn’ know if ya wanted ta go with us, but I also didn’ know how I felt ‘bout leavin’ ya here.”
“R010 isn’t going and will have a few contingent men sticking around. It looked like he had gotten somewhere with getting aid from the Aves, and had planned on helping prepare others. I was going to assist with that, and I had an idea for a weapon that would help them fight these insects.” Rhystea suggested.
“Yer not gonna show ‘em how ta make guns, are ya?” Sphaere asked, slightly concerned.
“I can’t tell if you're being serious or not, but no. Gunpowder would be hard to make, even for me. I did, however, notice a few really big shields. I was going to put a sigil on them to make them lighter and see about mounting some spearheads on them. Ram those into the insects for heavy damage while being safely protected.” Rhystea responded.
“Not a bad plan.” Sphaere noted, impressed. “But what ‘bout that buildin’? Checkin’ that out not our next step ta gettin’ out o’ here?” She concluded.
Rhystea stopped. They had just entered the feedlot, and Sphaere had given her something to ponder. She was mainly concerned with their safety, but Cekell had proven more than capable of negating the insect threat in it’s entirety, all on his own. She had not yet thought about escaping their current predicament, and this realization hit her like a stone. “Hmmm.” Was all she said.
Sphaere grabbed a few pieces of fruit, and her hand hesitated as she passed over the skewers. Deciding she still wasn’t ready for meat, she turned back to Rhystea, who was putting together a light breakfast for herself before flagging the attention of the scalekin cooking the skewers. Upon receiving his full and undivided attention, she asked if they had any boiling water, and was surprised when a cup of it was procured.
“Wazzat fer?” Sphaere asked, quizzically.
Ignoring her, Rhystea made her way to an empty table. “I have only been concerned about making it through the night, I hadn’t given much thought to actually leaving this place.” Rhystea confessed bashfully as she sat down with her meal. Peeling Cekell off of her shoulder, Rhystea sat him down next to her. Taking the cup with both of her hands, she firmly presented it at such, sternly ordering, “Both hands!” Before handing it off to Cekell.
With an excited chirp, Cekell quickly set the cup of hot water down on the rock they were seated at, and abruptly slid both of his hands into it. Water overflowed the top, but not enough to make them jump up and away. He smiled up at Rhystea and chirped out a thank you.
“Howzat make ya feel?” Sphaere asked with a laugh.
Shaking her head with a smile, Rhystea confidently decided, “Yea, let's have a look at this building and maybe we can figure something out.”
They finished their breakfast while voicing their concerns, after which, Cekell was scooped up before they set out to find R010 to apprise him of their plans.
R010 was on the upper level of the gate with R208 and A212. R208 was psyching up his fellow scaleheads, they were just outside the gate performing last minute checks on their equipment before heading out. Even the curious turtle was waiting at the foot of the stairs to silently stare them down.
Rhystea approached with Cekell in tow and Sphaere trailing behind, climbing the stairs with an enthusiastic, “Good morning!”
R010 turned and likewise greeted them with a hearty, “Good morning!”
R208 was engrossed in being as loud as he could, and A212 ignored them all.
“Gimme Ceke, I’m gonna go take a quick look-see.” Sphere insisted.
“Aves scouts are out performing reconnaissance, there’s no need.” A212 chimed in without even looking at them.
“That’s awesome!” Sphaere declared, “I’m gonna go take a quick look-see. I’ll be right back.” Taking Cekell from Rhystea, she placed him on her shoulders. Without waiting for another word, she leapt over the side of the gate and charged a nearby tall tree.
“Well that one is raring to go!” R010 noted with a laugh.
The preparing Reptilia series and even a few Aves watched in awe as Sphaere stormed past them, ran straight up a tree, and flung herself high into the air as they arched back towards the gate.
Sphaere looked carefully, attempting to take in as much in as she could as fast as she could. She could see far, but she was looking for something rather specific. She could see the hot springs they had been using, and other water sources all complete with steam billowing out. She couldn’t make out any remains of the insects Cekell had disposed of the previous night.
Drifting slowly through the air, Sphaere could see a large bison not far from the gate, with others dotting the area. She could see two Aves darting around, and another perched up in a tall tree. Scanning for a full minute without blinking, she couldn't see any insects. An invisible weight seemed to have lifted itself off of her.
They were past the pinnacle of their jump and slowly descending back towards the gate, all eyes glued to them. “That didn’ look so bad, hopefully this’ll be jus’ a nice walk fer us!” Sphaere exclaimed as she took Cekell off her shoulders and hugged him tight, prompting an excited chirp out of him.
Sphaere landed on top of the gate, on one foot, right in front of A212. “yer scouts don’ seem ta be back yet. They shouldn’ be long, though; right?” She inquired haughtily.
“Showoff!” Rhystea exclaimed with a laugh.
“See anything?” R010’s eyes were lit up, not unlike an excited child’s.
“See anything strong and tasty?” R208 called from below, wearing the same look as R010.
Hopping down from the gate, Sphaere landed softly near R208. “Yea, there was one o’ those big, hairy critters not far from here. Looked like it had a few smaller ones grazin’ ‘round it too! Saw some o’ yer feathered friends runnin’ ‘round like headless chickens. Not one single insect though!” She answered gleefully.
“Ah, if it’s not far from here, maybe we can have it back before lunch!” R010 spoke excitedly.
“Then we can go get another!” R208 let out with a cheer, prompting his silent brethren to do the same.
“We still gotta investigate that bug base.” Sphaere added.
R010 and R208 fell silent. Even A212 opened his eyes and stared at her questioningly.
“I think we’d be satisfied just knowing where they’re coming from. I’m not so sure about paying them a visit…” R010 admitted.
“That’s fine.” Rhystea replied. “But there could be clues as to how we can get back to our homes there.” She had no doubt, in fact, she was confident.
“Are you going to stir them up and bring them back to our doorstep?” A212 asked.
“I thoughtcha overgrown road runners ate bugs?” Sphaere retorted.
R208 got a kick out of that, but before he could incite the rest of his Series, R010 cut them off. “I don’t think you would provoke an attack and bring it to our home. But I don’t think that I can knowingly send my Series into their den.”
“That’s fine.” Rhystea responded, “That’s our fight and we have no intention of dragging anyone else into it.”
“It wouldn’ hurt fer ya ta see where they’re holed up anyway.” Sphaere insisted. “Can yer men take down that big beast by themselves, or didja want us ta get that fer ya?” Sphaere remarked snidely.
There was a pause. The Reptilia Series had indeed taken down one of the creatures Sphaere was referring to, but it had taken much planning and preparation. “Are you saying you can take down an iron hoof on your own?” A212 scoffed.
“Where I’m from, they separate the men from the boys and show off by seeing who could ride on one of them angry critters fer the longest. They call the thang rodeo!” Sphaere half cried out.
“You ride on things like that?!” R208’s eyes lit up.
“Don’t get any bright ideas!” Rhystea connected the dots and there was cause for alarm.
“Ahem!” R010 commanded in a bid to calm them. “Is there a reason we shouldn’t do it the easy way and work together? We both stand to gain from bringing one down, and I wouldn’t have you overexert yourself before running off to stir up a nest of trouble.”
“It’s not that I don’ wanna work together, it’s jus’ that…” Sphaere started as she lift Cekell up, “I jus’ don’ know how well ‘e’ll work with a group. Cekell chirped in vehement agreement.
“That…” Rhystea paused in a fleeting attempt to logically ascertain what could possibly go wrong. “Could cause issues.” She admitted with a sigh.
“So the rest of us are just there to carry back your prey?” A212 sneered.
“Could we…” R208 looked as though he were about to beg. “Ride it back?”
“Scalehead!” Sphaere commented with something reminiscent of affection.
“Think you could drive it to us and have Cekell put it down right outside the gate?” Rhystea suggested.
“You always come up with something!” R010 boomed before composing himself by clearing his throat. Rhystea beamed. The three Aves scouts that Sphaere had spotted earlier approached, and A212 darted off to meet them at the base of the gate.
“Are you really going to go seeking out those giant insects?” R010 asked them, calm yet clearly concerned.
“I am.” Sphaere insisted.
“We are.” Rhystea corrected her.
“You hairheads are really something else! I can’t wait to see you riding that thing!” R208 misconstrued.
“Nobody is riding anything!” Rhystea corrected him. Cekell let out a chirp from atop Sphaere’s shoulders as if to correct her.
“Think ya can handle bringin’ that thang here?” Sphaere questioned R208.
“Yea, iron hooves aren’t too smart. They just charge headlong after whatever aggravated them and trample everything in between.” R208 explained.
“I can only imagine!” Rhystea retorted with a laugh.
A212 was ascending the stairs when he chimed in, “Sounds like we have ourselves a plan.”
“That’s right, delivery boy! Yer gonna bring us some prey, an’ we’re gonna do the heavy liftin’!” Sphaere detailed the plan.
“Lets get on with it then.” A212 replied as he turned and headed back down the stairs. R208 cheered inaudibly, inciting his brethren to reciprocate, before following after A212.
“This gives me time to ask the smithy about those shields, and perhaps prepare some more rocks.” Rhystea stated before heading off to do just that.
Sphaere and R010 were left alone atop the gate to watch over the hunting party that was heading out. “Should I follow ‘em?” Sphaere asked.
“Do you doubt them?” R010 questioned.
“I don’ doubt that there’s more than one thang ta be ‘fraid of ‘round here.” Sphaere riposted.
“But the nest of those insects isn’t one of them?” R010 countered.
“Never said I weren’ ‘fraid o’ them, I jus’ cain’t let that fear stop me.” Sphaere shot back.
“Well said!” R010 stated, with a smile.
There was a short pause before Sphaere admitted, “I feel like I should follow ‘em.”
“Why don’t you take another look from up on high?” R010 suggested.
Sphaere turned and faced him. “Now yer talkin’!” She smiled before hopping over the side of the gate to go and have another look-see.
Unbeknownst to everyone but Verakry, Devose watched these events unfold from a well hidden distance. This warborn was as still as a statue on his perch up in a tree. Verakry could barely contain the rising exciting within.
“You still want to try getting on top of it?” A212 asked R208 as they approached the iron hoof.
“How would I get on top of it?” R208 asked, reluctant to give up. “I can’t very well climb up his legs, he might have something to say about that.
The creature they were referring to towered over even R208, and had paid them little mind since taking notice of them, and instead prioritizing the act of turning grass into fertilizer. “You go climb that tree, and we’ll maneuver this thing underneath it - though we’ll have to aim it back that way.” A212 proposed as he pointed in the direction of Demihome. “Are you sure you really want to do this?”
“I can’t NOT do this!” R208 proclaimed as he headed towards the tree A212 was talking about.
“Alright.” Was all A212 said as he shook his head and turned to give orders to the others.
Slowly they grouped up and approached the iron hoof. It eyed them suspiciously before snorting and opting to keep its distance. Exploiting it’s caution, the scale train - conducted by A212 - steered the creature into position.
Without hesitating, R208 lunged from the tree and onto the back of the buffalo’s neck and attempted to yell the beast into submission as he held on for all he was worth. Spooked, the iron hoof reared back on its hind legs before slamming down with all it’s might and flinging R208 hard to the ground.
A212 figured something like this was going to happen, and before the iron hoof could trample R208 into mud, he had sprinted to, leapt up and drove both feet hard into the side of the creature's head. Kicking off to launch himself into a run, he raced back to Demihome without so much as looking back. He could hear the creature's fury bearing down on him from behind.
You are reading story Candle in the Rain, Inferno in the Wind at novel35.com
Rhystea had etched sigils into the shields, and the looks she got as she hauled them all, unwieldy as they were, into smithy all by her lonesome, were priceless. She explained her request to the Reptilia running the forge, of wanting to mount some spear heads on the font of these shields. Upon seeing how light they were, the smith hopped to work with loud enthusiasm, and not just the kind where hammer met steel.
Rhystea then proceeded back to the gate, with several rocks in tow to work on while she waited. She approached the stairs leading up shortly after Sphaere had landed from taking her look-see.
“Well?” R010 questioned her.
Sphaere sighed, dejectedly. “That bad, huh?” Rhystea chimed in.
“Well… they had just gotten ta the critter… and R208 was climbing a tree.” Sphaere detailed what she saw.
“Uh-huh.” Rhystea urged her on with a laugh.
Sphaere went on to explain, “I’d go have another look-see… but I imagine I ain’t got time. They’ll probably be here soon.”
“You ought to get in position then.” Rhystea insisted.
“You ain’t gettin’ this one?” Sphaere asked with a laugh.
“Heck no! Besides, this is your show!” Rhystea insisted again.
“Pft! This was yer idea!” Sphaere insisted back.
“I would rather teach them to make guns.” Rhystea remarked defiantly.
“Ok, ok! Yain’t gotta declare war over there, Ms. merchant o’ death!” Sphaere shot back before hopping over the side of the gate.
Getting into position, Sphaere recalled Cekell from her shoulders. Snatching his probe, she aimed it at the direction the beast would be coming from. Cekell gave her a curious chirp in response. “Don’t miss.” Sphaere articulated as she spoke slowly, careful so as to not be misunderstood.
Cekell peered up at her with a confused look on his face. “Ya better not miss!” Sphaere commanded.
Cekell forgot what they were talking about and curled up in her arms. He pointed his probe at her and questioningly cocked it to one side. “Yain’t gonna miss!” Sphaere tried reassuring herself.
Cekell answered with a chirp. “An’ I never doubtedja!” Sphaere insisted. Confident that Cekell wouldn’t let her get pulverized, Sphaere waited anxiously. She wouldn’t wait long, for soon after, she could hear the beast pounding its way toward her.
A212 broke out of the tree line first, but the iron hoof was not far behind. The few other Aves Series were only a short distance behind them, but no Reptilia Series were amongst them.
Sphaere grabbed and pointed Cekell’s probe at the beast bearing down on them. “All I ask is thatcha don’ let ‘im murder us.” As A212 and the buffalo approached, Cekell wiggled free from Sphaere’s grasp, and plopped down on the ground in front of her.
“E’s getting’ close.” Sphaere was getting tense. Cekell looked up at her as he sat seemingly unaware on the ground. He let out a happy chirp and smiled up at her.
Her hair stood on end as the beast barreled towards them. Sphaere closed her eyes and took a deep breath. A212 shot passed with concern plastered across his beak. The beast crashed hard, bringing it’s full weight to bear, it was still stopped cold as it slammed head long into Cekell’s barrier. Cekell sat seemingly unaware as the beast slumped down to the ground behind him.
Sphaere cracked open one eye, then the other. Cekell chirped up curiously at her. The warborn in the distance had inadvertently coalesced his black armor, and consequently snapped the branch he was perched on as he observed the events from up in a tree before plummeting to the ground below. Verakry too was nearly bowled over by surprise.
It was only for an instant, and it did nothing to stop the breeze that had been stirred up. It didn’t even have the capability of stopping the dust that breeze carried. It was truly just a bare framework for a denial of entry, and it was neither the breeze nor the dust that was of concern.
There was a moment before the scale train could be heard making its approach, but their cheers turned into questions as they broke the treeline to find that the beast had already been laid low.
Taking stock of the situation that lay at her feet, Sphaere inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply. With a quizzical chirp, Cekell turned to investigate the creature for himself. “Ya didn’ miss!” Sphaere exclaimed, relieved. She reached down and scooped Cekell up in her arms, receiving a pleased chirp for her efforts.
Rhystea and R010 both were still gawking with mouths agape as they leaned as far forward as they were able to, without falling over the edge of the gate. A212 and the other Aves stood in silent contemplation as they peered on curiously.
R208 approached Sphaere and in all seriousness declared, “I attempted to ride the beast, I could not hold for more than a moment. The moment it took me to pick myself up and off of the ground, cost me my place to bear witness to this display of skill. I see not a mark on this monster’s hide. I am humbled. Tell me, did you put this thing down all on your own?”
Sphaere laughed and squeezed a chirp out of Cekell. “It was all this li’l guy, really.”
“How did you make such a clean kill? It’s like it ran itself to death at your feet!” R208 inquired.
While in truth having closed her eyes for that critical moment, Sphaere answered with, “‘Fraid that’s a trade secret my friend. While it was my dad who taught me how ta defend myself, that particular trick I learned from my mom.”
“Regardless of how you did it, it’s impressive nonetheless!” R208 praised her.
“Were the other, smaller ones still there?” Sphaere inquired.
“Yes, I believe there was a female and two younglings grazing nearby, we left them alone and it happened so fast, they are probably waiting for him to return to them.” R208 answered.
“Two younglin’s, ya say?” Sphaere liked the word youngling. “Think you an’ yer men can catch ‘em alive?”
A fire was lit in R208’s eyes as he exclaimed, “And when they get bigger-!”
“Sure, ya can ride ‘em. Use ‘em as beasts o’ burden. Use their droppin’s as fertilizer. Some o’ them ya can even milk!”
“And EAT them!” R208 added with hysterical excitement, even though he had no idea what fertilizer or milk were.
“Rhystea mentioned somethin’ ‘bout makin’ yer shields lighter, but she wanted ta mount spikes on ‘em, you might go save one ‘r two o’ them ta use fer herdin’.”
Liking the idea with and without spikes, R208 promptly dashed off to the caves, full sprint, as he barked out orders for a couple of his scalekin to follow him and the others to assemble at the gate. The turtle seemed as if it were pouting, being told to wait behind, and leaned stoically, a knot of frozen irritation, against the gate as it stared down Sphaere.
Sphaere turned to A212 and requested, “Wouldja mind sendin’ yer awesome scouts ta find the smaller ones?”
Without a word, A212 nodded to his fellow Aves, all three of which darted off silently.
“So dependable!” Sphaere gushed. She was surprised when he quickly turned away from her.
Regaining his center, A212 turned back to her and asked, “So now we’re to bring them back alive?”
“No, that’s what they’re doin’. I’m gonna go speak with my associate. Then you, an’ me, an’ maybe she, are gonna go check out the hole those insects crawled outta.” Sphaere subjected him to her whims. A212 froze up at the thought of paying the bugs a visit. Sphaere turned and walked back to the gate. With Cekell in tow, it didn’t take her long to bound up to the top where her associate and R010 both waited with bated breath.
“Wow! How did you stand your ground like that? I think I would have wet myself, the way that thing came crashing into a big wall of nope mere inches away from you!” Rhystea confirmed Sphaere’s suspicions as to what had happened.
“Never doubted ‘im! ‘E never misses the chance ta keep me from gettin’ murdered.” Sphaere answered before turning to R010. “Yer boy’s gone ta get some o’ them shields Rhystea here scribbled on, an’ then they’re gonna go try an’ catch some o’ those hairy critters alive, I’m told there were a pair o’ younglin’s an’ their momma. Think ya can have a place prepared fer ‘em ta be penned up?”
Impressed at the idea of it, R010 responded enthusiastically with, “You can be sure we’ll get something figured out!”
The slight from her art being reduced to mere scribblings still fresh in her mind, Rhystea silently removed and cleaned her glasses. “Livestock, not a bad idea. You’re very adept at looking to tomorrow.” She noted dryly.
“Preparedness is half the battle.” Sphaere insisted.
“I’ll see to getting some men to carve up this gift you have given us, and get someone on preparing a place for others to be contained. What will you do?” R010 inquired as he turned to descend the stairs to the ground.
It was about this time that three of the scale squad, led by R208, came screaming out of the caves; giant metal shields held high, as though it were no more than a mere defense against a gentle rain that a sweeping gust might carry away.
“Well with the awesome toys Rhystea has hooked ‘em up with, I think they can handle a couple younglin’s on their own. I was gonna take bird boy an’ see if Rhystea wanted ta go inspect the hole those bugs crawled outta.” Sphaere both answered, and asked, with the same statement.
“So you really are going to go there? I just don’t think we can keep up with you!” R010 remarked with a laugh before departing.
“It’s early, and they do seem more active in the dark. We won’t get a better chance than now, will we?” Rhystea noted, not as worried as she thought she’d be, but concerned all the same.
“Nope. An’ if we wanna win this game, we cain’t just play defense. We gotta go fer the goal.” Sphaere tried encouraging her, and her words carried both wisdom and weight, even if they lacked proper pronunciation.
Rhystea had already made her decision. Finding her resolve to see it though, she lowered her glasses a bit, and looking Sphaere in the eye from just over her rims she confidently spat out, “Let’s get this over with.”
Leading her down and to A212, Sphaere used the stairs instead of leaping off while dragging poor Rhystea behind her. She had a plan, and she was ready to carry it out. Before they headed off, Sphaere detailed how she would take the high road and signal them if it was clear and for A212 and Rhystea to follow. When Sphaere reached her landing point, she would then launch herself as high as she could in order to watch and, if necessary, signal A212 and Rhystea to retreat if something worrisome was discovered.
Putting her plan into motion, Sphaere took a couple smaller etched rocks from Rhystea to use as signals before charging off towards a tree she intended to use as a ramp to take to the skies.
“Don’t you dare drop those!” Rhystea cried out after her. Turning to her new compatriot with a smile and a gift of a few etched rocks of his own, she stated, “I think you’ll be able to make good use of these, but hopefully they’re an unnecessary precaution. Please be careful not to drop them, as they are activated.”
A212 received them, but was rather shocked. All his life it had been about trying the hardest, being the best, and earning his place. For no other reason than ‘just in case,’ Rhystea had freely given him a rather powerful tool. He did not know how to respond.
Producing another rock along with her etching fork, Rhystea set out in the direction Sphaere was headed, making sure to take an occasional look as she tried to focus on her sigil and not on walking through a hostile wilderness that was home to numerous creatures that would devour her with a smile.
Sphaere soared through the air with a sense of lightheartedness, now that she could see that nothing was in the way as they headed to try and get some real answers and possibly a chance at getting back home. She took the sign of only a few animals even in sight as a good omen.
Cekell sat on Sphaere’s shoulders as they glided towards their destination. His arms were stretched out wide as though they were wings and his tendril tailed behind them. He noticed the other warborn was almost directly below them. He could even tell where Verakry was as the shadow shrouded figure peered down on them from far higher, outside of the barrier that caged them. He just didn’t think it was worth mentioning, as they had not approached or given cause for concern.
Rhystea was anxious of the situation, but she marched on defiantly. In an attempt to ward off her anxiety, she was trying to focus on anything else. Having mastered this sigil after etching it into many rocks, she could almost complete it on a kind of ‘auto mode’ level of multitasking where she worked with her peripherals and focused on something else. Being as she could almost etch this sigil in her sleep, her thoughts kept sliding into the pit of ‘what if,’ so she decided a change of tactics were in order. “So how long have you lived here?” She tried striking up a conversation with A212.
There was a pause before he answered her, but the area was clear of concern; and he felt that answering her questions was the least he could do after she generously gave him something, not to mention his life. “All my life.” He answered both casually and honestly.
Unable to discern much from that, Rhystea altered her question to, “How old are you?”
A moment went by while A212 thought about her question before answering with, “I am not sure. I just know that I’m the oldest of my generation. Well at least of the ones that are still here.”
“You don’t keep track of how old you are? Interesting. Do you have measurements for increments of time? Days, weeks, months, years? Decades?” Rhystea asked with growing curiosity.
There was only a slight pause before A212 replied with, “I mean, everybody knows what a day is. I’ve heard the elders talk about weeks, but only in regards to when the Observers come. The other terms you used are unfamiliar to me entirely.”
“Observers?” Rhystea repeated back to him. So many thoughts raced through her mind, but that lone question rang out above the rest.
“I recall asking about them when I was a youngling. I remember being told that they come every four weeks, and it was only with questions pertaining to the Observers that the word ‘weeks’ has been said, at least that I’ve heard.” A212 paused a moment to think.
“As I recall, a week is so many days. Can’t say I ever really thought about it more than having my own questions about the Observers. They come every so often and aren’t even here for very long. Some make a point in not being around when they show up, it’s not like they surprise us. They usually bring us iron to shape into tools, and all they take in return is asking a few of each Series to stand still for a moment. They don’t even touch us or anything, they’ve only ever been beneficial for us, so most don’t mind them.” A212 finished.
After spending a moment to take in all the information Rhystea had just been provided, she finally replied, “What do they look like?”
There was a longer pause here as A212 tried to cobble together an answer that would satisfy her. He finally answered with, “Hard to say. I don’t think that what we see when we see them is what they actually look like.”
“Please, elaborate.” Rhystea wanted details. She placed the rock she had finished etching on in her pocket along with her etching tool.
“Well… It’s like they are inside what we’re looking at, and all we can see is what’s containing them.” A212 elaborated.
“Like a suit?!” Rhystea deduced.
“What’s a suit?” A212 inquired.
“Nevermind.” Rhystea was trying not to get caught up in the small things, “Do you know where they come from?”
“No, I don’t think anyone has ever really followed them. They rarely bring us new generations, and only the eldest of our elders remember any direct communication with them. Everyone since has just been dropped off to be received by their Series.” A212 explained. “Some still try to ask them questions, and I’m told that they used to answer, any more they just stay silent and ignore our words.”
“Intriguing.” Was all Rhystea responded with. Her head was full of questions that she believed A212 couldn’t answer. “May I meet with these honored Elders?” She requested after a pause.
“Sure, they don’t do much besides talk anyway, and you’re bound to find some answers there.” A212 commented with a laugh.
“Ahh, you’re not giving them due credit. Yes, accumulating knowledge is first and foremost, but you can’t pass it on if you don’t have it. Passing knowledge down to the next generation is the duty of the wise, even more so when they are too old to… hunt.” Rhystea insisted.
“I’m not saying they’re bad guys, I’m just not fond of someone who ‘knows better’ getting to tell me what to do. Just because you ‘know better’ doesn’t mean you know everything, or even what’s best.” A212 shot back.
“True, but that doesn’t make knowledge any less of a precious resource. It shouldn’t be used irresponsibly, but then, what should?” Rhystea remarked with a laugh. “Knowledge is the culmination of society. No, it's not the food we eat, but it may as well be the table we eat off of, for knowledge will keep you fed. Knowledge is the sharpest-” The next word caught in her throat. “Knowledge is the strongest shield with which we have to protect ourselves.” She corrected herself.
“Yea, but you really only need so much of it.” A212 argued.
“Ridiculous! You can never have too much knowledge.” Rhystea rebutted. She removed her glasses to clean them before returning them.
“I don’t know, I could live without knowing what every foul thing smelled like. I could do without knowing anything unpleasant, so there’s quite a bit of knowledge I just don’t want!” A212 reposted.
“Nonsense. If you didn’t know the foul thing smelled foul, you might have to put it in your mouth to find out it was foul. Where would that get you?” Rhystea retorted.
“I mean, I think I could get by with my eyes telling me what’s foul and what’s not.” A212 insisted.
“But what if you didn’t know?!” Rhystea half exclaimed, tension rising.
“Apparently I’d stick it in my mouth.” A212 inferred with a laugh.
Rhystea sighed heavily after taking a deep breath. Observers and foul things aside, she still had plenty of questions, and A212 was more than happy to talk about his Series.
They had seen very little wildlife, it’s almost like most of it was avoiding the area. They did happen upon a large ram, and Rhystea got to ask plenty of questions; starting with, “What’s that?”
“Steel fleece.” A212 answered without giving it much thought.
“Why is it called a steel fleece?” Rhystea fired off another round.
“It’s hair is like thin strands of steel.” A212 replied.
“Should have seen that coming. Are they tasty? They have the look of something that gets preyed upon by the rest of the food chain.” Rhystea was trying to sound smart after asking such seemingly silly questions.
“Actually, with the way they store energy in their fleece, we can’t use metal weapons to hunt them. They’re not predatory, but not much else messes with them. Most of our dealings with them are to keep them out of our foraging zones. Since it’s usually the younger ones that leave their territory, they’re not too hard to subdue, but I hear the bigger ones will kill you if you touch them bare handed or with a metal weapon.” A212 explained.
“That’s the kind of interesting stuff I’m looking for!” Rhystea insisted with excitement.
“The kind of stuff that can kill us?” A212 got in a question.
“No, no, just the more descriptive details on the creature. It sounds like it stores up static electricity in it’s fleece, and tazes any one it comes into contact with, truly fascinating! That would even make it’s fleece quite valuable, imagine growing steel as opposed to digging it out of the ground!” Rhystea explained.
“You find strange things to be interesting!” A212 announced with a laugh.
Removing and cleaning her glasses once more before returning them, Rhystea started to reply; when she tripped on a large, heavy iron orb. “Ouch! Wow, that was solid, what is this?” The iron orb was to heavy for her to lift, but she could barely manage to roll it around and examine it.
“That’s a seed.” A212 replied as if he were talking to a small child.
Starting to get annoyed, Rhystea opted to observe her surroundings before she ask anymore questions that made her seem like an ignoramus. She looked up the great tree she was near and noticed a few other iron orbs attached like acorns. It’s bark reflected sunlight with a metallic glint. She was overwhelmed with curiosity and excitedly blurted out, “What is that?”
“We call it a tree.” A212 answered earnestly, but didn’t know what to think about the kinds of questions he was receiving. Rhystea sighed dejectedly, and found another rock to start etching on. This time she contemplated silently.
It wouldn’t be long before she spoke again, as a loud, familiar humming caused a curse to escape her lips. Even though Sphaere was still a great distance away, Rhystea could hear her laughing as a short but heavy rain pelted her.
On their walk to meet up with Sphaere, A212 divulged much about the Aves. His father was a harsh leader, but there were reasons. Life at Demihome wasn’t exactly easy, but his regular duties involved acting as a guard for the weaker clans that couldn’t hunt on their own. He frequently assisted not only the gatherer’s of his Series, but others as well. There was a safety in numbers, and it’s not like it caused him extra work, as he was standing guard all the same.
A212 revealed that with the Series Eminent before his father, there was an incident where a hunting group consisting of several of the Series had been attacked by shadow garms, and the Aves were hit the hardest. To compound matters, because so many had gotten hurt and couldn’t hunt, there was a shortage of food. The Aves had received little help from the other Series, but it’s not like there was a lot they could do. In fact it was the Observers that intervened and brought food that saved all of them.
The conversation had come back to the mysterious Observers, and Rhystea’s question engine was firing on all cylinders; but before she could start pouring them out, a familiar chirp was heard from overhead. Rhystea looked up in surprise to see Sphaere and Cekell slowly descending.
“Well y’all seem ta be gettin’ on alright. Ain’t seen nothin’ worth mentionin’, but we still gotta ways ta go.” Sphaere spouted out her reconnaissance report, “It’s almost like something’ spooked the wildlife, an’ it’s gone inta hidin’.”
“But you didn’t see any of those insects, right?” Rhystea asked, less concern than she thought she’d have.
“Not a one!” Sphaere insisted as she touched down, “An’ they stick out like a sore thumb. That shiny bug armor reflects a lot of light, not ta mention they ain’t exactly small.”
“Makes things easier for us then. I take it we’re ready to start the next leg of our journey?” A212 suggested.
“I’ll be waitin’!” Sphaere declared before charging off and up a tree.
After a long moment passed and Sphaere had not signaled them, Rhystea and A212 followed after her.
The walk to the second checkpoint was uneventful, as was the walk to the third. They strategized here, as it was rather close to their destination. A212 would be parting ways with them soon, and as they were this close, they wanted to take extra precaution.
Sphaere was going to lay eyes on the building and come back to them, signaling them and giving them a head start if something troublesome was found. She returned in just a few minutes, relieved that she still hadn’t seen any insects.
From here, they all walked together to the opening in the side of the building disguised as a great rock. They stayed as silent as they could, not speaking a single word. Once A212 had seen the opening for himself, he stopped and watched in disbelief as the two girls haphazardly entered what could very well have been the maw of oblivion.
Peeking back out before disappearing into the building, Rhystea waved to A212; signaling that so far, everything was ok. Upon receiving this, A212 turned and departed with as much haste as he could muster.
The hallway they entered was dark, with the only source of light being the entrance that had been literally rent open by something large that really didn’t want to be there. Cekell was quick to set his probe to glow, and with one more look at the light of the sun, they pressed forward.