Chapter 25: CHAPTER XIII – Hunter and Hunted

Making her way to the top of the gate, Sphaere stared out at the horizon that the sun had yet to peek over. It wouldn’t be long, though, as the distant sky was fighting back against the night. The approaching sunset reminded her of her mother, who adored both the rising and setting sun. After letting out a wistful and reminiscent sigh, she was surprised by a small voice wrapped up in her arms. “Ray-ray.” Cekell called up to her.

Smiling softly, Sphaere replied, “What’s up short stuff?”

In response to the sadness welling up in her heart, Cekell wrapped his arms and tendril around her neck, hugged her tightly, and asked, “Ray-ray Okay?”

“Aww!” Sphaere melted and gushed. “Was ya worried ‘bout little ol’ me?” Shoving her worries aside, she hugged him back tightly until he cooed from joy. “As long as we’re together, ever’thang’ll be jus’ fine!” 

Their attention was commanded skyward as a distant flash of lightning split the sky and sundered the night. “Ooh! That was a big one!” Sphaere exclaimed. Cekell let out excited chatter in agreement. 

A few moments later, a low, dull rumbling was ushered in on the wind and reverberated through their very bodies. Harbinger of the coming storm. 

As if in reply to the trembling sky, voices boomed in unison from the mouth of the cave, “Prey! Prey! Prey!” The scale train had arrived with a singular purpose.

“Ya ready ta go huntin’?!” Sphaere asked as she latched onto the hype. 

Cekell squealed in delight, threw his hands up, and chanted with them, except he was saying, “Ray! Ray! Ray!” Sphaere laughed before squeezing another excited chirp out of him, lifting him up and setting him on her shoulders and playfully casting her hair over him.

As conductor of the scale train, R208 was out front and center, holding his cherished weapon high as he put his everything into chanting the loudest. 

One last look at the horizon and Sphaere could tell that the sun could peek over at any moment. As the unruly mob drew close, she headed down from the upper level of the gate to meet R208. “It’s way too early fer a parade!” She informed him.

“Ha! We’ve waited all night for this moment! We brought our new weapons out to play,” The train behind him obliged with a cheer as they held up the shields, both those with and without spikes that Rhystea had etched for them. “And you got everyone’s hopes up for some nectar!” R208 accounted as his scalekin changed their chanting to, “Nectar! Nectar! Nectar!”

“That’s great! If it’s good ‘nuff ta warrant this commotion, maybe I can get excited, too!” Sphaere admitted.

“Every sunrise should be greeted with excitement, what better way to greet the new day?” R208 asked.

The sun finally made its presence known as it broke the horizon, driving the scale heads into a cheering frenzy. A212 came jogging by with an aggravated look on his face and headed over to his group of Aves, motioned to them, and they all dispersed into the shadows at once. Shaking his head, he started making his way back to Sphaere and R208. “Are you trying to scare away all the easy game?” A212 muttered.

R208 turned to his fellow Series and bellowed, “Are we trying to scare away all the weak prey?!”

His scale train replied by actively trying to be loud, and while each individual had a different way of saying it, they each agreed with an overwhelming, “Hell yea!”

“What’s that? They can’t hear you!!” R208 fired back.

Each scalekin threw its head back and roared, before breaking out in a new chant, “Weak prey, go away!”

R208 turned around to face a cross A212 and answered with, “Yea, I think they just want strong prey.” And gave a satisfied snort to emphasize.

“You know, there’s plenty to eat out there, in fact most of my scouts will be field dressing something while they wait for you to get off your tails.” A212 stated with blatant aggravation.

“That’s right, you take care of the side dishes while we drum up the main course!” R208, along with every scale head in earshot erupted into laughter.

“Any sign of those giant bugs?” Sphaere asked.

A212’s eyes went wide with panic as he blurted out, “Wait, you’re not hunting those, are you?!”

“I’m not opposed to running into them, but we’re not out here on a pleasure hunt; we are looking for another iron hoof, but we would settle for a few steel fleece.” R208 stopped explaining himself to turn and face A212 with a widening grin, and even his brethren fell silent as he finished, “And then we’re going to raid a hive!” Which ignited another round of cheering and chanting from his fellow Series. R208 continued with, "Besides, there's really not much to them, no meat, they're all crunchy, and I doubt they taste much better than you Aves!" 

Ignoring the rubbish, A212 fixated on the important part and remarked, "Raid a hive, you say?" With piqued curiosity.

"That is the plan!" R208 informed him confidently.

This shut the Aves up, who fell silent in contemplation. Turning to Sphaere and eyeing the warborn atop her shoulders suspiciously, a long moment passed before before A212 spoke up, "It has been awhile, and something to take people’s minds off the current situation is certainly not a bad idea. A success here could really curb the dissension among my Series... Are you sure they’re up to it?”

“Ha!” R208 laughed off his question. “I think we’ve only begun to see what they are capable of. You don’t think I pushed this off on them, do you? Come now, you know the Reptilia better than that! This one took a rather keen interest in nectar, and I have a mind to see her get it!”

Everyone’s attention focused on Sphaere and caught her off guard. In a bid to change this, she was quick to remind them that, “You jus’ focus on yer hunt, first an’ foremost, Ceke an’ I are on bug patrol. Let’s get what we need first, then we’ll worry ‘bout the rest.”

“Ha! See? Not even a bit of concern! I’d like to share in their confidence, you can count on the Reptilia to do their part!” R208 stated, prompting his Series to show their own confidence with yet another round of cheers. “Or are you worried that a hive might give your scouts the slip and escape?”

“Big words.” A212 said as he turned towards the jungle looming before them. “Even you will have trouble choking them down if you can’t make good on them… but I'll do what I can to see that you don't. Maybe there's a lone iron hoof nearby, wait here and I'll send a scout back."

Sphaere called out to him as the Aves started off for the jungle. "I'm comin' too!" She squeezed down on Cekell's foot, figuring he'd remember and make her weightless."

"Keep up if you can!" A212 replied, turning back only to flash a haughty smile.

Sphaere intended to, and Cekell had not intended on letting her down, but this time when he meant to lower her weight to they of a feather, he flat broke gravity's hold on her; and when she took her first step - a small one, in attempt to acclimate - she started floating slowly upwards. It took her a moment to realize that something was wrong, but once she did, she was quick to alert Cekell with, “I’d say yer lettin’ me down here, but that would jus’ not be an accurate description o’ the sitchy-ation. Let’s go, ‘r ‘e’s gonna leave us behind!”

Cekell grumbled a little bit and let out a low whistle, as if losing steam. He hadn’t meant to remove gravity completely, and attributed it to the Umbral Point. Unable to communicate specific details, he took a moment to feel out his control of gravity. 

Impatiently waiting for something to happen, Sphaere inquired, “Ya didn’ seem ta wanna come out here earlier, either. Somethin’ a matter?”

Unable to simply answer her question, Cekell unintentionally ignored her and focused on manipulating gravity. His concentration was shattered when a hand snatched his tendril and pulled it down face to face with Sphaere. “Oi.” Was all she said in a bid to get his attention or at least jog him loose from whatever was holding them up.

Having noticed the hold up, A212 had stopped, turned back and called out to them, “You coming?”

Having grown tired of the situation, Cekell let out a discontent screech as he erected a barrier around them before slingshotting himself and Sphaere through the air, straight past A212 and into the trees, bowling several of them over as they barreled through. Wooden splinters shot out like shrapnel and leaves rained down around them. What had finally stopped them was a young Iron Oak, which had not made it out unscathed. While it didn’t get mowed down, it was mangled from the impact. 

Sphaere had clamped her mouth shut to keep her heart from leaping out of it. Cekell berated her with a nagging chatter. Sphaere had just swallowed her heart back down and caught her breath when A212 charged after them.

“I tell ya what. I’ll let you drive, an’ I’ll enjoy the ride.” Sphaere said calmly as she scanned the path of destruction they had left in their wake. 

Intentionally ignoring her this time, Cekell had reverted his focus back to manipulating gravity. Brushing off the Iron Oak that was wrapped around them as if it were no more than a mere blanket, they shot up a short distance into the air until they were just above the treeline. A212 watched in awe as they hung in the air for a moment until Cekell was comfortable with his handling.

Finally leaning forward and embracing Sphaere with both his arms and his tendril, he let out a soft chip as they began to slowly descend. Sphaere reeled in her slack jaw as they landed gently next to a bewildered A212. “So, who’s ‘pposed ta be keepin’ up with who, here?” Sphaere asked with a sheepish smirk.

“Well take it out on the trees, why don’t you?!” A212 retorted, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Well they was in the way. They sure ain’t no more, though. What do ya say we make like a tree, an’ leaf, eh?” Not getting the reaction she wanted, she followed up with another, “Eh?” 

A212 just continued to silently shake his head, and Cekell was oblivious to everything but being comfortably perched on Sphaere’s shoulders. “Damn, tough crowd. Alright then, let’s git.” Sphaere noted, before turning and heading further into the trees.

Bounding from limb to limb as she weaved between the tree trunks, Sphaere made her way to a familiar vantage point atop the tallest tree in the area. Checking the vicinity, she confirmed that A212 had not followed her, nor was he anywhere to be seen. Using the supple treetop as a springboard, she vaulted with all her might. Reaching the pinnacle of her jump, the world seemed to stand still as gravity reclaimed her, and she began a feather’s descent back to the ground. 

Her heart fluttered as she looked out at the scenery unfolding beneath her. Never before had she gotten the sun’s perspective as it rose, and it took her breath away. Cekell squealed in glee and Sphaere responded with, “Ya can say that again! The city can have it’s damned walls, I want ta be free as the wind! How does that sound, Ceke? Let’s jus’ go wherever the breeze takes us!”

Cekell cried out in complete agreement, but Sphaere’s heart fell faster than her body. She laughed disparagingly before admitting, “It’s a nice thought, though, ain’t it? But I suppose they need us.” While her mind was plagued by thoughts of unfulfilled obligations and neglected responsibilities that await her return, which wasn’t exactly guaranteed. “Well, they need you, anyway.”

Cekell could feel her heart waver as though he were holding it in his hand. Unsure of what to say, he reminded her of what he needed by squeezing her tightly. They fell silent as they fell slowly, and Cekell found the words. “My Ray-ray.”

“Aww!” Sphaere gushed. “I suppose I do owe ya my life.” She paused for a moment while she gathered her thoughts. “We need ta get back home, Ceke. Rhystea’s worried ‘bout ‘er family, too. I’m sure our families are worried ‘bout us. We cain’t stay here. We cain’t get outta here, neither, not on our own... Thank ya can help us get outta here in one piece?”

An excited chirp was given in affirmation, causing Sphaere to laugh lightly. “Oh, if only it were that easy. It could always be worse, though, cain’t it? At least we ain’t spendin’ our time in fear fer our lives. An’ look at this view!” She turned and looked out at the horizon, of which the Sun had almost broken free of, revealing a dark and brooding cloud. It was almost ominous, to her, being at the clouds level and seeing it cast it’s shadow upwards, while the bottom of the cloud glittered in the light. 

As if waiting for her attention, the cloud reached out with a crack of lightning and announced it’s approach with a clap of thunder that Sphaere could feel in her bones. Taking it as a challenge, Cekell yelled back at with a shrill screech, prompting a laugh out of Sphaere. “I do believe ya could actually win that fight!”

Sinking silently, Sphaere watched the storm cloud against the sun rise for a bit longer, before remembering her purpose. Turning her focus down to the jungle of cast shadows sprawling out beneath her, she strained her eyes to see into the shadows. There wasn’t a lot of light cutting in between the trees, but there was enough that she could see the scale train marching through the jungle. It didn’t take her long to hone in on them, but it was their volume that ultimately gave away their location.

They had been descending for a good while and weren’t much higher up than the tops of the trees, which would be obstructing Sphaere’s line of sight before long. “Thank ya can take us down real quick? I’d like to get us back up-” Sphaere started, not realizing her mistake until it was to late.

Without waiting to hear the rest, Cekell threw his hands in the air - this was the critical moment that Sphaere thought about her choice of words, something that Rhystea had been desperately trying to impress upon her the importance of - and laughed like a giddy child. 

The sky seemed to pull away from them as they plummeted like a stone, leaving Sphaere’s breath behind along with her voice as the ground seemingly reached up to claim them. Faster than she could blink, she found herself standing on solid ground. Gripped tightly in a state of disbelief, she quivered as her breath caught back up to her. Sucking in air, she yanked Cekell by the tendril from atop her shoulders and drew him in close, face to face.

Still enjoying the ride, Cekell squealed in delight and clapped his hands as he dangled contently from the fist she had clenched around his tendril. Sphaere stared him down for a moment before he chirped excitedly, as if to ask, “Again?”

Calmly as she could, and through clenched teeth, Sphaere noted, “I realize I may have rushed ya earlier, but, do ya thank that maybe ya could give a girl a warnin’ ‘fore we go shootin’ through the air like that?” Calming down, she inhaled sharply and slowly exhaled before batting her eyes and, laying on as much southern charm as she could muster, added, “Pretty please?”

Cekell again squealed happily, and strained his little arms as he reached out for Sphaere, still dangling from her grasp. Sphaere’s frustration thawed and melted in that instant, and with a sigh, she reeled him in tightly, prompting him to chatter blissfully. “I suppose it’d be in my own best interest ta choose my words a mite more carefully… But Rhystea don’ need ta know that, m’kay?”

Without arguing or otherwise offering any resistance, Cekell curled up in Sphaere’s embrace and fell silent as she approached a nearby tree. “Alrighty, let’s try that again.” To which Cekell responded with an excited chirp. “No! Don’ even think about it! Yer cruisin’ fer a bruisin’, buster, ya hear me?!” 

With a sigh and a quick check of her immediate surroundings, Sphaere clamped down on Cekell, charged and leapt up into the limbs. Rising rapidly, she broke through the canopy and launched herself even higher. As their ascension slowed, she asked, “Thank ya could make it so we stay up here?”

Without getting so much as a peep in reply, their movement ceased and they hung in the air. “Awesome! Thanks Ceke!” Sphaere lavished him with praise and affection, then added, “Later, yer so gonna hafta throw Rhystea ‘round like this fer me. It’ll be a good experience fer ‘er.” And smiled to herself.

Changing her focus back to the task at hand, Sphaere searched for and quickly found the group of Reptilia she was supposed to be watching over. Once again, she heard them before she found them. They were near a lone iron hoof that was grazing, surrounding a tree that the largest of them - which could only be R208 - was climbing. “Interestin’.” She noted.

Sphaere watched in silent curiosity as those on the ground surrounding the tree scattered. Shortly after, it seemed as though R208 had found a suitable perch in his tree, and signaled some of his fellow scalekin, who had been hiding on the far side of the iron hoof. Upon receipt of the signal, they jumped up, roared, and rushed the beast, who was content to ignore them and continue grazing. 

As the rowdy Reptilia approached the iron hoof, they planted their fleet and came to a complete stop. And flung something at the feet of the beast. Sphaere recognized the sound to be that of one of Rhystea’s rocksplosives, which sufficiently started the beast and sent it charging towards the tree R208 had been occupying. “Oh, ‘e wouldn’... would ‘e? Oh, I dunno if I can watch this!” Sphaere remarked, voice full of doubt and concern. 

But watch she did, unblinkingly so. Time seemed to grind to a halt as her eyes began to dry, still she couldn’t take them off what was about to happen. After what seemed like an eternity, the iron hoof made it to the tree, R208 lunged at it, and Sphaere cringed.

R208 landed on the rear of the mountain of muscle that was the iron hoof, which immediately responded by bucking hard. With nothing to hang on to, R208 was sent careening a rather great distance through the air. “Oh, please don’ die!” Sphaere muttered under her breath. 

R208 lie motionless on the ground. His brethren came rushing to his side. It seemed like it took an even longer eternity for them to reach him. Right as another Reptilia reached his side, R208 snapped up to a sitting position. Everything must have been alright, as the Reptilia Series cheered for his recklessness. 

You are reading story Candle in the Rain, Inferno in the Wind at

Sphaere sighed in relief, “Alrighty, no more plantin’ dumb ideas in their thick scaled noggins.” She winced when her thoughts drifted to Rhystea, “Damn, I really gotta watch my mouth, don’ I?”

Fortunately the Aves had convinced the Reptilia to at least drive the beast towards home, not that it had run very far before it resumed grazing. They were already regrouping with R208 leading the way. He must have had the wind knocked out of him, Sphaere did not help fail to notice the fact that she couldn’t hear him. 

When the iron hoof noticed their reapproach, it was not so oblivious as to ignore them again. Turning to face them, the iron hoof stamped at the ground, warning them that if they came any closer, it would charge. Not quite heeding the warning presented to them, the Reptilia Series kept walking around it, giving it a wide berth, and fanning out as they encircled the beast. 

They didn’t all go in the same direction, with R208 heading towards another tree, and several others making their way to the far side of the beast. “Persistent lot, I’ll give ‘em that. Maybe if ‘e lands square on the thing’s shoulders, ‘e won’ experience the definition of insanity. What do ya thank, Ceke? Will ‘e cowboy up, ‘r will ‘e go flyin’ again?” Sphaere inquired.

Cekell replied with a lackadaisical chirp. Turning her attention down to the warborn in her arms, Sphaere coddled him and posed the question, “Aww, was ya almost asleep? I sorry, didn’ mean ta wake ya.”

Sphaere’s eyes widened as she was struck by a flash of concern. “If ya go ta sleep, are we gonna fall outta the sky?” She wasn’t sure what to make of it when Cekell emitted more of a yawn than a chirp. Squeezing down on him, she got his attention with a sharp, “Oi.”

Opening his eyes and contently peering up at her, he responded with a bewildered chirp as if to ask, “What?”

“If ya won’ drop me, then I won’ drop you, deal?” Sphaere bargained. Cekell chirped back in affirmation, but did nothing to convince the concerned Sphaere. “Ya better not drop me!” She announced her demand before swapping her focus back to the situation unfolding beneath them. 

R208 was already climbing the tree as the other Reptilia formed a line with the intention of walling off the direction they did not want the iron hoof to go, which had seemingly already forgotten about them, and returned once again to grazing.

“Please, don’ die.” Sphaere whispered to herself. Before she would find out, something caught her eye. Numerous insects were closing on them from behind, while the scalekin had their attention on the iron hoof. They were still at a distance but they were swiftly closing the gap. A shiver ran down her spine and her heart skipped a beat. 

Tension didn’t have time to build up within her, as Cekell had taken note of her concern and chirped sharply up at her. “That’s right, now it’s our turn! Ya ready?” Sphaere asked.

It didn’t take Cekell long to probe out what had Sphaere worried. Locking on to his target, he slingshot them down, directly in front of four giant insects that came to a literal screeching halt when Cekell and Sphaere arrived, bringing an entire tree down along with the limbs of several others behind them. 

Sphaere would have screeched back, had surprise not stolen away her breath. Debris from their smash landing glancing off the barrier which contained them, creating something of a surreal situation. She felt a rush as the insects leapt backwards as the wake of her entrance caught up with them. 

Cekell started nagging at them with a barrage of banter. The closest of the insects replied by raising it’s scythed claws and hissing. Cekell squawked in annoyance, leaned forward and propped himself up on Sphaere’s arms, which she still had wrapped around him. As if to mock the insect, Cekell hissed back before hammering down on the overgrown bug with increased gravity, not killing it, but pressing it to the ground and pinning it in place. 

Leaves were still raining down around them, and Sphaere was still stun locked. She almost laughed when Cekell went back to nagging at the giant insect with more incessant chirping, when reality caught back up with her.

Wrenching down on Cekell in a hold meant to be more of a grappling lock, Sphaere half screamed, “What’d I tell ya ‘bout given’ a girl a warnin’ ‘fore ya go pullin’ a stunt like that, eh?” She had all but forgotten about the giant insects until they shrieked and charged at her. 

“Oh no ya don’!” Sphaere yelled at them through clenched teeth as she snatched Cekell up by the tendril and pointed him directly at the oncoming insects. “Git ‘em!”

Cekell squealed and obliged, throwing his arms out, he expanded his gravity field to encompass the remaining insects, which only made it a few steps before collapsing to the ground. The trees around them almost seem to bow down as sticks and limbs snapped off and came crashing down. One of the insects was impaled by a large falling limb and fell still, while the others struggled on in vain, unable to accomplish more than to tremble and groan.

“Ok, I could get used ta this.” Sphaere stated, astonishment plastered across her face. She reeled Cekell back in, who chirped out his concurrence, while she marveled at the scene laid out before her. “Yer jus’ full o’ surprises, aint’cha..? What do we do now that ya’ve got ‘em pinned?”

As they waited and pondered, a tree fell over and solved another of their problems. “Two down, two ta go!” Sphaere announced. Bringing his tendril in close, meeting Sphaere at eye level, he chirped up at her excitedly. “Nuh-uh, don’ ya even look at me like that, I’m not goin’ anywhere near ‘em! I’ll wait right here while ya figure somethin’ out. Don’ ferget that we need ta be watchin’ out fer-”

A sickening crunch interrupted and silenced her, as well as the remaining giant insects. Sphaere quickly averted her eyes and turned away. Cekell snuggled up to her heartbeat and chirped softly.

A moment passed by in silence as Sphaere gathered her resolve. She took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds, and exhaled her concerns. “Ok, we’ve still gotta job ta do. Let’s git it done.” She declared before charging at a tree she used to launch herself high into the air. 

They were still ascending when Sphaere had again found the scale train, which had moved even closer to Demi Home and currently surrounded a fallen iron hoof. She let out a sigh of relief when she spotted a standing R208, whom she was just sure would need to be carried home, even in the best case scenario. Having laid eyes on her biggest cause for concern, she quickly scanned the area for anymore giant insects. 

Their ascent had slowed, and Cekell was just about to pin them in place to observe the world below when Sphaere pointed to the group of Reptilia and suggested, “We should regroup ‘fore decidin’ what ta do next.”

Cekell traced with his eyes an invisible line that connected Sphaere’s finger to where she was pointing before looking up at her and chirping inquisitively. “That was yer way o’ askin’ if I’s ready, ain’t it?” Sphaere replied.

When Cekell chirped back in affirmation, Sphaere mentally prepared herself and drew in a deep breath, exhaled forcefully, redrew in another deep breath and held it this time before nodding to Cekell, who just stared back up at her patiently. 

They were locked in this stalemate for a moment before Sphaere realized she hadn’t verbally communicated that she was ready. She rolled her eyes all the way around their sockets, and when they again landed on Cekell, she opened her mouth and got out, “Let’s-” 

A split second later, she found her feet on solid ground in the midst of a bunch of Reptilia, with eyes wide in surprise and weapons at the ready, which were pointed at her with intent. “G-go…” Sphaere stammered as limbs crashed down behind them in a cacophony that nearly scared the scales off of her companions.

Sphaere looked behind them and admired the path Cekell had cleaved out for their arrival before turning back to her slack jawed cave compatriots to brandish but a single word that had been steeped in sarcasm, “What?”

Baffled scalekin were exchanging glances in silent surprise when A212 came charging in to pose the obvious question, “What in the hell was that?!” He was answered by everyone silently pointing their eyes at the lone girl bearing a quicksilver tot. 

“Jus’ us!” Sphaere answered with a sheepish smile as she strolled casually towards him. “Looks like yer hunt was a success!”

“It wasn’t a clean kill!” R208 spat out and almost seemed to pout.

“You had your chances, and both times you failed.” A212 squawked back at him, annoyed.

“It was MY prey!” R208 roared back.

“Did you find it on your own, or did someone take you to it?” A212 retorted.

R208 opened his mouth to fire back when Sphaere interjected, “Children, children, it’s gonna be alright! The sun’s barely up, ya’ve got plenty o’ time ta find another an’ get thrown ‘round ta yer heart’s content! Let’s be thankful that we already got this one, an’ not forget that we have other targets ta hunt.”

“Nectar…” Several of them murmured under their breath, including the annoyed Aves and riled Reptilia.

“That’s right!” Sphaere announced with a nod before finishing, “So air out yer grievances an’ tell me what happened. I saw up to the point that ya were climbin’ yer second tree after the first time ya got sent flyin’. That’s when Ceke here found some bugs ta step on, an’ by the time we took care o’ business, someone had already brought down this beastie. It sounds like ya had another shot, so what happened?”

R208 took a deep breath as he loaded his explanation, but before he could fire, A212 spoke up, “After he got kicked off, again, one of my scouts got impatient. With a well placed rock, one of those provided by your friend, the beast was felled with ease.”

“I see.” Sphaere responded, turning her attention to a jaded R208 and following up with, “I guess that wouldn’ sit well with ya, would it? Let’s not forget that, while we’re out here huntin’ beasties, them giant bugs is huntin’ us. We gotta ‘member that we ain’t out here on a pleasure hunt, we’re out here ta get a job done, an’ get back. How many times do ya expect us ta watch ya get thrown off the thing? The early bird gets the worm, now ain’t that right?”

“To truly consume the beast’s essence, it must first be subdued. Without that, it’s just meat!” R208 yelled back in agitation.

“Well correct me if I’m wrong, but, we ain’t out here fer essence, we’re out here fer meat, right?” Sphaere explained.

We’re out here to hunt a specific variety of prey, of which I do believe we discussed the details of before we headed out.” R208 insisted.

Sphaere sighed, “Well, ya ain’t wrong. Then again, it does sound like ya did rely on the Aves scouts in order ta find this prey, an’ that they didn’ need ya ta take it down… So, maybe go find yer own prey? Havin’ already accomplished their first goal, I’m kind o’ hopin’ they’ll help me find a hive now, an’ I don’ know if we can spare a scout ta do yer huntin’ fer ya.”

With no ground to stand on, R208’s argument devolved into a discontented snort. “Well hives don’t exactly run and hide, so I could take you to the closest of them, or perhaps the largest.” A212 reported.

Sphaere slowly turned to lock eyes with him before asking, “Do ya wanna watch ‘im get thrown around some more?”

“It was rather entertaining… but it’s not a priority. We need to get this kill back home, and while we aren’t far, we have had instances of garm showing up in attempts to steal a fresh kill, and this would be a prime target.” A212 answered.

“Well ain’t nobody got time fer that!” Sphaere announced before wielding Cekell by the tendril and aiming him at the carcass of the iron hoof. “Alright short stuff, do yer thing an’ help us move this mountain o’ meat!”

Dangling from her hand, Cekell chirped excitedly before enveloping the carcass in a field that strongly reduced the effects of gravity. It almost seemed to come alive as the carcass was no longer encumbered by its own weight and moved accordingly, causing the onlookers to gasp and take a step back.

Sphaere asked, “Alrighty, Ceke made it light ‘nough fer even me ta carry. Do ya thank ya can handle transportin’ it? I’m gettin’ a li’l nervous without an eye in the sky, an’ apparently it ain’t jus’ giant bugs we gotta be worried ‘bout.” But the only responses she received were curious looks.

After a few moments of no one speaking up, a still discontent R208 let out a snort before stepping up to the beast’s carcass. Grabbing the thing with both hands, he took in a deep breath… and realized he had inadvertently lifted the carcass off the ground as though it were no more than a feather, prompting ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ from those that bore witness. 

Having had a moment to process the situation before him, he lifted the carcass way up over the top of his head with but a single hand and declared for all the world to hear, “MEAT!!!” And quickly shot up onto the tips of his toes in order to latch onto the carcass that almost floated out of his grasp in order to quickly pull it back down and firmly into his control. 

The rest of the scale train cheered as they lined up behind him, and began chanting, “Meat! Meat! Meat!”

“Just don’t forget who brought it down.” A212 reminded his scale clad comrade. 

“Credit where credit is due, my friend!” R208 stated with an almost childlike smile. “Would you like to be the one to bring it home? I must admit, my accumulated injuries aren’t making it any easier!”

A212 laughed heartily, “Ha! Those scratches? Sounds like an excuse to go see a specific healer who probably has better things to do. Besides, if we didn’t let you Reptilia Series take care of the light work, why would we bother bringing you out here in the first place?” 

Rare were the moments that a scalekin was so thoroughly shut up and Sphaere doubled over in laughter, she could have sworn R208’s scales turned a shade of red.

“Well it wouldn’t hurt to have a few more of these iron hoof felling rocks, like I said credit where credit is due, and without those, you Aves are just errand boys!” R208 attempted a misdirect without denying anything, but his discolored scales betrayed him.

“I really hope this nectar is what I’m thinkin’ it is. Rhystea’s never had anythin’ like it, o’ that, I’m shore. Tonight will be such fun! That bein’ said, first things first! We need ta get this show on the road. So far, so good, but we cain’t afford ta let our guard down, an’ ta that end, me an’ little bit here’re gonna go put eyes in the sky.” Having said that, Sphaere didn’t wait for a reaction and darted up a tree to make good on her word, leaving behind dropped jaws and gawking eyes.

Reclaiming her vantage point from on high, Sphaere scanned the immediate vicinity for threats, and when she didn’t find any, started looking ahead to the path her scaled and feathered friends would be taking home. Still, there was nothing troublesome in sight, but that did nothing to ease the rising tension in Sphaere’s gut. 

Her thoughts wandered to the comment about the garms trying to steal some of their kills and carefully scanned the trees for anything she could find. Her discerning eyes were quick to hone in on anything that moved and were quick to differentiate between flailing foliage and the movements of animals.

Where the trees were thinner and the light penetrated the best, she could see small herds of steel fleece and scattered iron hooves that were out grazing in the morning sun. Each non threat she found did nothing to ease the nagging feeling in the back of her mind.

A dull rumbling had her turn back as she remembered the coming storm, still making it’s approach, but closer now. Something wasn’t right. She could feel it in her bones. Sphaere swallowed hard and felt a knot tighten in the back of her throat. 

Taking notice of the tension building within her, Cekell squeaked up at her in concern. Then it happened all at once, and because of how high up they were, it immediately washed over them. There was a mechanical groaning, and by the time Sphaere recognized it as familiar, a brief rain poured down onto them, but was parted by Cekell’s barrier.

Sphaere couldn’t help but laugh at herself, yet, she still could not get rid of this nagging feeling. Reeling Cekell in tightly, she divulged, “Every single bit o’ this has been beyond crazy. Thanks fer always keepin’ my feet on… somethin’ not unlike solid ground.”

Cekell let out a muffled squeak and curled up against her heartbeat. Sphaere squeezed him tightly like this as she went back to scanning the trees. After doing so for a few minutes and not finding anything worrisome, she finally began to allow herself to relax.

It was when she lowered her head to speak to Cekell that she caught a glint of light out of the corner of her eye, not far from their location. Her heart skipped a beat. Cekell recoiled. She didn’t know what it was, but searched frantically. Whatever it was, it was metallic, or at least reflected light as such. Her thoughts were pulled to the glossy exoskeletons of the giant insects. 

The realization of what had been bothering her came crashing down like an avalanche that sent a shiver down her spine and made her skin crawl. “We’re bein’ watched.” Sphaere declared assertively. She knew she was right, what she didn’t know is that it was the other quicksilver tot that was keeping an eye on her.