Reika stared into Soru's eyes. She has a premonition that this Soru that's standing in front of her now isn't the same Soru she saw when they were still on Earth, nor the one she saw in the Goddess' Palace or before they got teleported.
Soru, with a calm expression on his face, turned back to the gruesome scenery of the splattered monsters.
"I'm still Shin Soru. "
Reika didn't trust what Soru said about her, as she felt that what Soru said to her was empty words. She attempted to ask him further when suddenly, a loud roar interrupted her.
She was surprised by the loud and strange howl that echoed through the entire forest. She immediately turned her head to the right, where she believed the frightening howl originated from. Suddenly, the ground starts to shake lightly and the sounds of trees breaking up from the ground are also being heard.
Reika looked up at the sky and saw the birds fleeing in the opposite direction of where the strange howl originated from, followed by the loud footsteps that shook the ground, as if something was running towards them. As time goes by, the shaking becomes more violent and the footsteps become louder, indicating that the mysterious being is drawing closer to them. Suddenly, the loud footsteps and the tremors on the ground stopped. Reika looked around, wondering where the creature went.
She looked around her, looking at the trees and the dark shade deep within the trees, and afterwards, the pitch-black shade deep within the forest. The stench of the deceased beast was lingering around, but Reika didn't pay attention to it. While she was looking around, she noticed that the area had turned dark, as if something so large had blocked the sun from above.
Reika looked up in the sky, and she felt a strong gust of wind coming from the huge object that was hovering above them. The strong burst of wind reached them immediately, and the dust scattered as the wind reached the ground.
She couldn't see the surroundings and covered her eyes with her right shoulder, as the dust might enter her eyes. She checked on Soru, who she also saw was covering his eyes from the dust. After a while, the dust began to settle. As the view became clearer, she saw a humongous and terrifying creature above them.
The large creature had wings and two hind legs in its lower body. On its wings, there are huge claws that are embedded at the tips of them. The mysterious beast's skin was ash-grey. As she was looking at its elongated neck, she immediately noticed its glowing crimson eyes, as if it was staring deeply into her soul, which made her legs tremble. She didn't know that it was a monster called "Wyvern".
The wyvern was quietly flying when it sensed the lizard-like creature, called "Basilisk", and the pack of wolf-like creatures, called "Rabid Wolves" fighting. The wyvern decides to land on the ground far from where these creatures, who were still fighting, take place. The wyvern waited for the fight to subside, as it was so hungry and didn't want to exhaust its energy by fighting these two. Instead, it will wait until one or both of the party members die or become exhausted, and then it will charge to eat them.
After a while, using its heightened sense of smell, the wyvern knew that both of the parties had died, but the wyvern felt that something was off. There were other two unfamiliar entities in the area, and when they arrived, both the monsters died. To its surprise, the wyvern became vigilant and quietly crept to the depths of the woods. Using its unique eyesight, the wyvern saw two humanoid figures standing between the splattered bodies of the Basilisk and the pack of Rabid Wolves. The wyvern got furious and angrily rushed over to these two humans. It was angry because it couldn't eat the disgorged monsters anymore. Instead, the wyvern decided to kill these two humans because he assumed that they were responsible for killing its meal and ate them. Though they aren't enough to satiate its hunger, at least they will quell it, even just a little.
As Reika observed the wyvern, she noticed that the flapping of its wings became faster than before, and afterwards, she saw that its mouth opened, and a glowing, yellowish-red orb, which she assumed was a fireball, emerged from its mouth. Without a chance to react, the wyvern instantly spit its fiery breath onto them. It lasted for many seconds, and afterwards, the flame from its mouth subsided.
When Reika opened her eyes, she became baffled at the bizarre situation.
Her body didn't burn out, along with her clothes, which seemed intact without a trace of burning. She was confused, and looked towards Soru, who she saw staring at the wyvern and who was also unscathed from the wyvern's fiery breath. As she looked behind Soru, she realized that a few of the trees behind him were burning.
Reika became more confused. She looked behind her, on her left, and in front of her. The trees around them seemed fine; only the right portion of the trees that surrounded the area were burning.
She felt a huge gust of wind again and looked above. She saw that the flap of the wyvern's wings became faster again, and she saw that its mouth was wide open, indicating that the wyvern was about to unleash another round of its fiery breath. She attempted to run in order to avoid the second breath, but it was too late.
The breath immediately reached them, but as the fiery breath continued, Reika felt that her body wasn't burning at all; instead she felt warm. The burning seemed fiercer than before, but she noticed that the breath lasted shorter than the last one.
The flame subsided afterwards, and what she saw was shocking. For some unknown reason, the wyvern that attacked them was set ablaze. Its entire body was burning, as if it was being attacked by someone using a flame. The wyvern flew around them, wailing and roaring in agony as the flames continued to burn its body. The wyvern was slowly losing its altitude as its wings were burned so badly. Reika could see the wyvern glowing in the sky, brighter than the sun. After a while, the wyvern hit the ground. She heard a huge slam, followed by ground tremors. She tried to get closer, and she saw that it was twitching in pain as the flames were still burning its body. The heat from the wyvern's flames as it continued to burn its body was still reaching her skin. In an instant, the wyvern stopped moving.
Reika was shocked by the sudden demise of the wyvern because it had been burned brutally and died. She looked around, suspecting if there were other monsters attacking the wyvern. But only she, the splattered monsters, the dead wyvern, and Soru are on the scene.
She couldn't utter a word, as she was stunned and confused about the situation. She looked in the direction Soru was standing, but like before, he was unscathed. She saw Soru staring at the burning, dead wyvern, and after a while, he turned around, looking for something on the ground.
Soru saw the wyvern that was burning, but he ignored it. But instead of wondering about the confusing situation, he turned around, looking for something while staring at the ground.
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He was looking for a long stick, like a twig. After a while, he saw it right at the bottom of a tree trunk, far from where he was standing.
"Ah, found it. "
He walked to where he saw the twig, picked it up, and walked back, right where he was standing before. He held the upper end of the twig while the lower end was touching the ground. After that, he immediately released his hand, dropping the twig and lying on the ground. The upper end of the stick, where Soru touched before, pointed to his right side. Soru looked back, and he saw Reika, still confused about the situation.
"Let's go, Reika."
Soru started walking towards the direction where the twig pointed to. Reika followed him into the deep part of the forest.
The forest was dark, with little to no light reaching its bottom because there were thick, large leaves and branches covering the sunlight. The trees, however, are taller compared to the trees they saw around them before. Deep in the forest, you can hear some crittering sounds made by bugs, the fluttering of leaves, and some faint, screeching noises. Soru didn't pay attention to them, and continued to move forward.
Reika, still wondering about the situation, tries to calm her mind. She concluded that they were lucky, or that some benevolent being passed by and helped them by killing the wyvern. She was unsure, but she did it to ease her mind. After a while, she continued to follow Soru quietly.
As they were walking, Reika heard leaves fluttering from a distance. The fluttering became louder, which made her feel scared. She tried to get closer to Soru, but she was surprised when a large, dark creature appeared on her left side, and the strange shadow immediately pounced right where Soru was standing.
Reika was shocked, and immediately fell on the ground, as her legs were trembling in fear. She saw a strange shadow with glowing red eyes on it, which turned out to be the wolf-like creature she saw before, the Rabid Wolf. Reika was scared, as the rabid wolf bit Soru's upper body. She thought it would be the end of her life.
Out of fear, she closed her eyes, hoping the situation would end soon, while thinking about if Soru would survive or get eaten alive. She couldn't help because she was weak and powerless to help him. She only hoped that even the slightest miracle would help him, as begging to the heavens wouldn't help, as the gods had already forsaken them.
Moments later, she opened her eyes, wondering why it was silent, and was shocked by what she saw just now. She saw Soru was still standing, and there was no blood or guts coming out of his body. He was still intact, without inflicting injuries, as if his body was entirely made of steel. The confusion she felt before came back, and she was even more baffled by the strange phenomenon she saw this time. Without her noticing, the rabid wolf immediately collapsed.
She immediately snapped out of her thinking after she heard the loud thud from the ground. She saw the bizarre situation of the rabid wolf that bit Soru. She immediately stood up and walked towards the dead monster. Fearing that the monster is still alive, she remains vigilante around the corpse.
She saw the monster's upper body being torn in half, as if it had been bitten by something. What's more confusing was that she didn't see any monster that possibly attacked the rabid wolf, and only canine creatures would inflict this kind of injury.
She held her mouth, trying not to barf again, as she saw the guts starting to gush out from its torn body along with the purple blood, and the stench was extremely foul. She tried to forget the gruesome scene in front of her by turning around, and she saw Soru, tidying up his uniform. After he fixed it, Soru started walking again, as if nothing had happened.
She quietly followed him, while thinking about the situation. She noticed something.
Right from the start, when they were still falling, she noticed that Soru, despite experiencing a life-to-death situation, didn't even panic at all, instead he remained calm. Right where they should have hit the ground and died, she found out that they were okay. But still, Soru didn't change his expression at all, as if he knew everything. Still, facing the splattered monsters, Soru didn't flinch at all. Also, the bizarre situation of the wyvern and the unknown cause of its death. And right now, he didn't suffer any injuries at all, and the rabid wolf immediately died due to being bitten by something.
How come he was still okay while being attacked by that wolf-like creature just now? Was he hiding something from me? Is he the one who helped me survive the fall and the large bird-like lizard attack? Does he have any superpowers or something?
Reika looked around, and she saw several creatures that looked like wolves lying around. They have the same situation as the rabid wolf that was killed before, being bitten and torn in half.
This bizarre situation and these questions that have been piling up in my mind... I think he knew something about it. I don't have any solid evidence that he's the one responsible for any of this situation. I must remain vigilant and observe him carefully. But first I'll try to ask him.
"Ah, Soru- "
Reika stopped as he saw Soru suddenly stopped in its tracks and stood up, while looking at her from the back.
"Here we are. "
Reika wondered what Soru was referring to. So she stood beside him in order to see the place, and was blinded by the rays of the sun, and immediately covered her eyes with her right hand. After a while, when her eyes adjusted to the lighting, she finally saw the scenery and was mesmerized as she dropped her hand. In front of them was a vast plain covered with grass. The sky was light-blue and few of the clouds were seen above. There was a narrow path in front of them, leading to a wall made of logs. She saw smoke rising from inside the wall of logs. It was a village.