Chapter 3: Holding the Pen Again
‘My World’ was a Light novel project, your traditional fantasy setting the light novel in your average syotesu platform. It's a dime in a dozen story but the artwork that came of these stories often run with your generic open-ended covers. And in this competition, One needs to create a one-shot series based on that "My World" theme series.
The "blank point" was a blank piece of art in anime and novels. For example, a man and a woman entered a cave. What happened next? imagined this part as the blank effect. A relatively easy-to-use method when creating a perspective in some cover art. So why choose a blank point effect? Because it's easy and generic.
Alex settled on the most generic tropes cover art perspective in every anime and light novel cover there is. Why? because he's an amateur right now. skills are something you gain and sharpen. so he needed something easy to do. At his current state and level playing field? he needed to rely on tropes, what works, what is popular.
The protagonist and the female lead evaded the pursuit of the three-headed lion and entered the cave. the plot does not need to be interesting! as something like this did not have a proper description and skipped the clip entirely! everything else is all up to ones imagination! or so Alex thought,
But with this extra skip, all sorts of inspiration can be achieved! a gap in the viewer's imagination will fill in the blank. hence the " blank point" What happened inside? Anything could have happened. Maybe three-headed lions ate the MC, oh no! I don't know you tell me? maybe the MC is the three-headed lion, anything is possible.
‘See what I mean? eh, it could work"
’ said Alex as alone as the other students just stare at what he's drawing right now, perplexed by his sudden change in personality and his personal mumblings talking on his own.
" Neh, what is wrong with that weird gaijin kid.." one of the kids muttered on about
" That's no gaijin Yasuki-san, he's that hikikomori guy, the one where the dad died, Alex Kenichi"
Alex ignored all thoughts that could give him any distraction. he doesn't care about small-time rumors. He's an adult inside. these petty things really don't matter to him. Kids will be kids, high school kids especially love to gossip, school, after all, is a very boring place, at least it was to him, no matter what country or what era, he couldn't grasp the interest of having a proper school life, perhaps this time he might, but, he had other priorities, like getting out of being poor for one. The condition of his home is rather abysmal.
This time, Alex thoroughly exerted his imagination by using his insights gained from the gift he received, he has the outline of what he needed to draw next. he sketched the art as fast as he could and outline it as cleanly as he can and rushed out of the class immediately. Alex needs a G pen, he needs the proper pen to finish this. Tools he needed in the art room right now. Tools that he could gain 60 000 yen. Alex simply got up and left the classroom, he ignored everyone as they were just staring at him, class is about to start but Alex was playing truant now.
" h-hey! where are you going, gaijin kid! Class is almost starting! Yasumoto Sensei is almost here! hey!"
Alex ignored the student and simply ran towards the art room class, currently, it is empty, even if it wasn't he just need permission to borrow the use these tools, He would have done it at home using his father's tools but, he needed to be in school or lest he gets expelled. This still counts as coming to school right? eh, whatever. Alex didn't bother much with the finer details.
Alex tied a red headband on his head. D nibs, G nose tips, dots, utility knife, and various comic tools switched swiftly in his hands like it was just yesterday when he stopped drawing. It came naturally. The memory from his mind was still there. The muscle memory will just need to keep up with his skills.
However, after only two hours of work, his physical problems of becoming Alex Kenichi started to become quite noticeable, his right hand began to lag, and could no longer keep up with the rhythm. His eyes were fluttering a little and his head seems to be aching. the pain in his hands came back, even with some strength that came back to him, he couldn't keep it up. His right hand was totally busted. he kept relying on his left hand instead, but without proper practice, progress was rather slow.
"I know that my physical fitness is poor, but is it far worse than this?"
Alex leaned against the chair and did not dare to lie on the table where his art was, he didn't want to dirty his artwork, this terrible lethargicness is terrible, what a terrible body he inhibit. He endured all kinds of discomfort, his body ached all around the bones and muscles, he is simply very tired right now. exhausted just by drawing a single cover.
“I need to lie down and rest for a while. Whenever my body is better, I will pick up the G pen and continue drawing.”
But he couldn't afford to rest, time was running out, he went to school but skipped class. At this point in time, the other students would have ratted him out, he never had any friends or allies here in this school. The kid was an anti-social outcast, He was often bullied when he was younger and choose to do nothing for himself. that was the person Alex Kenichi was before all of this. He doesn't resent the little kid, he just feel a little disappointed and sad for him. All he could do now is just focus on his artwork.
By the time he was finished, he simply felt like dying. His body ached and his temperature was burning.
"Oh...hey..." Alex heard a sly voice...
The art teacher Momo is here, of course,of course, they would send someone to check on the art room, Mrs momo was the art teacher in this school. an old lady who taught in this school for 20 years. She's been living in Sapporo since the beginning, here in Sapporo west Nishi High school.
" Student are you fine? aren't you that kid Alex? you haven't been here in this school for two months"
Alex could simply nod he was too tired. Momo simply hand me a glass of water from the nearby water dispenser and gave Alex a cup, he graciously accepts it and drinks it. After drinking, Alex put down the cup and hugged his head on his lap in pain. The water helps but he doesn't feel any better.
"Does your head hurt dearie? oh no??"
Alex simply nodded again, his eyes drifted towards the drawing on the table, 3 cover art finally done. with all the art supplies strewn around. it doesn't seem like Teacher momo blamed him for it. She started looking at the cover and her eyes go wide in with a smile, she was impressed by the artwork.
" Did you draw this? It's really good. I used to draw anime too, this is really pretty"
I could only smile wryly and shakes my head
" I could do better if my hand didn't hurt so much sensei, much to my dismay- the lack of exercise made me this way"
The teacher didn't say anything and simply clean up the art supplies for him, he took the artwork and rolled it into a small little blueprint container for the three covers he did, Alex gave her a questionable look. Alex was truly grateful that the teacher didn't turn out into a person who would judge him, he doesn't exactly have the best reputation in this school. The teacher hold something in a pouch, it was some art supplies from the classroom albeit newer. The teacher Mr's Momo drops that pouch in front of him.
"it's a gift, that's a nice cover you did. Come on, let me bring you to the infirmary, you need some food too on their body of yours, if you're going to be an artist, a real Mangaka, you need to eat."
Alex was stunned by what the woman said and simply nodded, She was just smiling cheerfully as she brought him up slowly and escort him to the Infirmary. Alex can't help but say
" You're really nice Mr's Momo, did anything ever tell you that?"
" Only my husband and your father"
" Oh? you knew my father?"
"Everyone knew him, dearie, he came to this school too you know? He did the same thing you did, drawing alone in this classroom, it just reminded me of something in the past, the two of you are really similar"
" Good to know"
"Come on dear, let me bring you to the infirmary, I knew the school Nurse brought some duck and cake today"
"???? uhh...cake?"
His art teacher Mr's Momo ordered three roasted ducks Half an hour later, the delivery man arrived He's sitting before his teacher momo, the principal, and his homeroom teacher Yasumoto sensei at the infirmary, surrounding a table eating roast ducks together. Especially when Miss Momo gave the two duck legs to Alex, he felt the warmth inside his heart. It's good to be a student sometimes! free food?
"Come on little Alex, have some duck legs! your teacher will just nibble on some of it! you youngsters should eat more! Eat before the summer holidays begin! I'm glad you actually come to school today!"
Said the principal jovially, what is wrong with the teachers in this school? everyone is so nice and carefree? Alex could get used to this. too bad the summer holiday is about to begin, he never thought that he would miss going to school.
You are reading story Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats at
Alex put the duck legs back into his bowl. Duck, why duck though? Not complaining. Alex is more worried about why all of these teachers suddenly decided to hang around him. He eats those ducks. all of it.Delicious. But something is nagging from behind his mind as the teachers all look towards him with silence until the Principal says it
" We were going to suspend you if you didn't come to class today, Although you attended school today, it wasn't exactly correct that you came to class today, Why haven't you attended class? you have already arrived here at school"
Teacher momo looked at the Principal Mr. Gojo disapprovingly, but Alex understands why he was upset. He didn't exactly come to school for class, he needed to use the art room. he needed to draw as if his life depended on it. From a kid's perspective sure, you go to school you get good grades, you grow up. you go to a good University, you find a good job, and you live a good life. That's what I was taught when I was a kid my whole life by the adults, by teachers.
But as I grew up, it wasn't like that at all. You grew up you still like the same thing, still do the same things you do at twelve years old, and at eighteen, it doesn't matter. Your hobbies don't just disappear when you grew up, All Alex knew when he grew up is...the toys get bigger and pricier. Your hobbies? became your life, and for those who can afford it? you fight to retain that lifestyle.
To Alex, school wasn't the goal anymore. Being a famous mangaka and earning a better life for his family was the goal. So he simply smiles. And point at the art he drew from the blueprint container. he simply said.
" My hopes and dreams, my livelihood. now and forever, I want to be a Mangaka. School isn't a priority to me"
with a simple cheesy line, Alex knew he was deadset on doing this even if he was expelled. The Headmaster simply looked at him and shakes his head and sighed deeply. Mr. Yamashita the homeroom teacher simply nodded approvingly for some reason. it seems like his homeroom teacher agrees with his hobby. he's not a bad guy, even teacher momo smiles at me caringly. The principal then said
" I won't expel you if you keep coming to class for tomorrow, will that be okay with you? Just come as a student and everything is fine, you can keep drawing if you want to as long as your grades are kept to a bare minimum"
Alex simply nodded. there's nothing to say. It's not like he doesn't want to come to school anyway, he just needed to do this, Alex knew it and is thankful to the Principal. He finished his meal, got up, and simply bowed.
" thank you, I won't let you down"
His Principal nodded satisfied, He then ask.
" Are you entering the My World competition? my daughter is entering it as well"
Alex could only smile. Technically, it is a competition with a prize pool of 60 000 yen. So the principal's daughter is entering? That's really nice. Just when he was about to say something a girl came running here and knocked on the door. It was one of his classmates. what's her name again?
"Wait...Alex san inside?"
Alex simply wiped the oil on his hand with some tissues and then opened the door.
As soon as he opened the door, a girl in a school uniform stood in front of him. The girl's face was stunning, and the absolute field between the short skirt and the black student stockings was looming before him. She smelled of lavender perfume of some sort, very pleasing and calming to the mind, even his headache seemed to lessen for a bit. Short black hair, remarkable brown eyes, a blue earing in one ear with cherry lipstick on her lips. very beautiful and cute.
What was in the girl's hand?
"Yume chan! ! You are here!"
Before waiting for Alex to react, the two teachers left the table happily after seeing the girl and ran past Alex. Why are the two teachers running away from the principal when this girl shows up? Yume put down the bag in her hand and reached out to hold the two teachers down. as they pat her gently on her head and went out of their way.
" Alex-san, get better soon and go back home, Yume chan here can escort you since the two of you are neighbors!"
Alex could only look at the girl dumbfounded, even the Principal gave him a nod and left the infirmary. now there were only the two of them inside. the girl was smiling at him lovingly. what's the deal with this girl?
At this moment, Alex thought about it and remembered. This is the Yume Ueno who lived next door to him. Her hometown was in Osaka. She wanted to be a seiyuu, but because her family was not willing to agree to her dreams, she went to Hokkaido all alone here, to attend high school alone, and worked while attending school as well. She also participated in the training of seiyuu schools here in Sapporo in Tanikikujji Street.
And most importantly, she was Alex's childhood friend. When she learned that her neighbor was attending school again, she happily gave him a thirty-second hug Alex was one of the first friends who acknowledge her future acting career as a seiyuu since Alex was an avid anime fan. When the day she found out that he lost his dad, Yume did not see him attending school anymore. He stopped coming outside and there was no one to share her dream with. None of Yume's current friends could relate to the anime industry. Otaku culture is still being shunned here in japan, so she couldn't engage with that hobby openly.
Teacher Momo was also the school music teacher, she send him a text saying that a mangaka artist might be birthed here today in this school and his name was Alex Kenichi, Teacher momo knew about her obsession with being a seiyuu and perhaps they could be friends, little do they know that these two already knew each other.
However, she did not give up her dream of being a seiyuu and still persisted. She believed that wholeheartedly! In general, this was a very strong, independent, and stubborn little girl. Alex thought that was cool of her. Usually, She would come and cook for his sister and him from time to time as their neighbor. She lived next door alone and sometimes mother would ask her to come and eat with us together.
"Oh! yabai!! we haven't met for a long time! it's been two months! How are you feeling Alex san! ..are you alright right now?"
Alex simply nodded
" Yeah, I'm good. Started drawing these days, so the teachers wanted to see me due to my deteriorating health."
She nodded, she knew about his bad deteriorating health. Unlike Alex in the previous world, in this world, Alex is a wimp and someone who's always sickly, especially after the accident, it has just gotten worse with the lack of exercise and poor health maintenance due to their family's financial situation. That is all going to change soon.
before Alex could say anything, she picked up the Cover art contained and took it out.
She glared at him when she looked at the art, her face blushing but she was angry at me, Mr's Momo could hide it better but not Ueno, she's just a high school kid, a little ecchi would definitely rile up an expression like hers. He totally forgot it was that type of artwork.
“Oh shit!”
The My World painting is sort of ecchi because the three Cover Art he did on his own are the first three pages of the book, they have some NSFW work and story art. Although there is no 18+ banned content, it is also full of color! There are some ecchi contents in it! and to be honest, Alex loves the ecchi stuff. What? sex sells! gotta play the trope baby! He has zero shamelessness when it comes to the sexy stuff. More ecchi more cash, cute and lewd sells.
He didn't even hide the picture! He has a bold plan!
" I'm drawing so that I could make a manga and anime so you could be the seiyuu in it!"
After Yume heard this, she held her mouth and looked at him with a look of surprise. There were still tears in her eyes
" really?"
Hook line and sinker... It works every time! just like the manga in real life! Nah Nah, he was just fishing for it, It's not like he tried to follow the Bakuman manga series in his original world. But Alex knew her dreams are for real. Who would leave home to pursue her dreams and do double the work, one in school and in the evening cramming inside a seiyuu training program? No one is that determined unless they are serious, and he could tell that this girl was very serious about her dreams.
"Really, I'm not making fun of you, I'm simply stating that...perhaps I too should take a stance and do my best and stop moping around, if you're this passionate about becoming a seiyuu, perhaps even I could become a mangaka just like my father"
"but your father doesn't draw ecchi manga"
" uhh...a creative choice!"
Alex stammered for a moment, Ueno couldn't hold back her laughter and simply blurt out in intense giggling. She was very bubbly and cheerful, Alex could only smile at this wonderful innocent girl.
" You're back Alex, I miss you"