Chapter 8: Chapter 7 – Ordinary Days and Family

The school thing was still a drag, he didn't talk with anyone and avoided any trouble, especially those who used to bully him, Thankfully nothing happened so far. Let's keep it that way. He doesn't want any trouble, not yet anyway. He was just staying lowkey like the previous Alex, and most of his classmates happened to ignore him, and he liked that.

Less time socializing, more time he can focus on his artwork. Ueno-san dropped by during lunchtime and they ate together on the rooftop. She said that it's been a while since they do it. A lot of people are saying that both of us are dating but that's not true. She was just reviewing her Seiyuu practical performance while Alex try to comment and give some feedback since he watched countless Anime.

" You could try to be more natural, and reduce the tone since you're acting as a Gyaru, be more wild and free"

Ueno could only pout and drank some water before she tap on Alex's shoulder in protest

"You're so mean! I was really trying hard to sound like a Yankee!"

Alex could only laugh as she said, A Yankee? it doesn't sound like a Yankee, no no, it sounds like a rabbit trying to act tough, a really cute rabbit

"You sounded too cute to be a Yankee, be more dominant and rough! like you wanna hit something!"

Ueno could only blush at his remark, being called cute can still catch her off guard, and Alex is very handsome these days.

"I-I'm not trying to be cute! Muuu!!"

"come on, lunchtime is almost over, Try practicing different roles when you have time, maybe as a space alien dragon or something"

Ueno could only look at him with great favor, she really enjoy these talks with Alex and he really knew what sort of things to look for,weird things mostly, but still things that she wouldn't think she could improve on, like being an alien space dragon! Anime will certainly have roles like that, why hasn't she thought about it?

"That was pretty specific Alex-kun, but okay! How does someone act like an Alien Space dragon anyway?"

Alex could think of a few that Dragon maid series back in his old world.

School ended after that, and it was far in the evening when they got back. Yukari glomped him back and Ueno proceeded to go to our kitchen to prepare for dinner, today we had some club activities but I mostly spend my time in the art room finishing the final touches on the second art for the My world project when so suddenly my little sister decided to drop a bomb on me.

" Oni-chan, will you take a bath with me?"

Said Yukari innocently towards her older brother. Naturally, he refused, of course, His sister's pranks are getting bolder and bolder as they interacted more freely as the days go by At home, Alex does not know that someone is worried about him. On the contrary, he is still struggling with a particular little problem, that is...Do you want to take a bath with your little sister? When he graduated from college from his previous life, he was always living alone, he never had any relationship up to his current age of 32, He was always the loner, didn't have parents, didn't have anyone to take care of him, not even a friend he could truly call when there's a problem. except for his manager.

Now suddenly he has a sister, a young neighbor, and a mother. Alex didn't know how to deal with all of these connections. Getting asked suddenly by his twelve-year-old sister who wanted to take a bath with him? He should say no right? that's what you say right? she's already almost a grown-up now, shouldn't someone teach her about human decency? Alex doesn't want the FBI to come barging in. Wait, why does it gotta be the FBI? This is Japan, so it should be those officers assigned to a KOBAN MPD right? eh, whatever.

" Moshi Moshi, Oni-chan, are you at home? FREEZE MOTHERFUKER! GET DOWN ON YOUR KNEES NOW!"

that thought played in his mind over and over as a meme in his old world.

"Ahem, you're much too older to be taking a bath with me Yukari,"

Yukari started to tear up as if she's done something wrong. Alex could only surmise that this family is weird for acting that way. Alex touched his chin and thought about it because according to the memory gained from the inheritance from the original Alex he remembered that all three of the family still used to bathe together even when he was already almost 18 years old. It's his mother. It's definitely his mother doing this. He needed to right this wrong. But he now feels that he can't make up his mind because he feels that he should cultivate the child's gender awareness from an early age.

Although both of them are brothers and sisters, siblings too should also pay attention to these sorts of things in the future. After all, in this world...there was this Oreimo, just no.

"What you're thinking won't happen here! It won't happen in this reality!" 

Alex quickly smashed that stupid idea and then asked the Ueno from next door to help him out. Ueno was surprised, she didn't expect that Alex would go to her and mention that sort of problem to her. She was rather embarrassed for a while when she heard about it, and then he left his room and shove his sister towards Ueno.

"Hey Ueno, you can take a bath with my sister, Can you kindly explain to her why I can't bath with her anymore?, I'll take the next shower after this"

After the brief shower, Ueno talked about the simple matters of bathing with his brother, Yukari seems to take it quite well, the little girl has already fallen asleep after being hugged by Ueno all day, Alex put his little sister to bed, Deep down there is a little thought he usually made as his daily promise that he will take care of his little sister, no matter what happens. Alex felt some comfort from this girl, his sister. he kissed her forehead and bade her goodnight. Today he will have to start focusing on his art. He bade Ueno farewell after dinner after they talked a little, it's mostly some question he asked about her training school to become a voice actor. They say their goodbyes and Alex proceed to go into his small study room.

In the study room, Alex moved slightly slower due to a sore wrist he endured today,  He spread the A4 paper, and opened the ink cover. The G tip and the D nib and various painting tools were arranged to start drawing something new, Miss Momo gave him some supplies of hers as some starting kit for his manga career. He needs to pay her back soon. That teacher is a good educator. All of them are great, Alex was very grateful to have met these very responsible and caring adults. In his past life, people like that are too few and far in between.

Right now, all he can do is focus on his craft. When he tried illustrating the second one, his health could not support it anymore, He did not try to force himself. After reaching the limit, he went to rest and continued to paint during the day and take brief rest in the middle of the drawing. Right now he's just doing it according to his own progress, as long he can complete it within the dateline he set, that would be fine, and the deposit is enough for one month's expenses after he bought all of the supplies, Soon he will be able to earn more soon enough without getting a part-time job.

During the daytime, just focus on drafting, when he is tired, he will rest and get to know his mother and sister even more intimately. One day mother was taking a break from her two jobs and sat down early in the morning, I was making breakfast for her, just eggs and bacon, the usual western breakfast, not your typical traditional Japanese breakfast. it took a while to find the right Konbini ( convenience store) just to find traditional bacon and beans. they didn't talk much, but she understands what I'm doing.

" You're following your father's footstep?"

Alex could only nod at her mother. She knew about his father's work as a mangaka before he quit and become a typical salaryman. There was a joy on her face when she heard that he was taking up his former husband's interest. She simply patted Alex's head, for the first time in a long time, Alex felt quite emotional, he almost cried when this woman touched his head.

" Do your best Alex, Mother will always support you. You don't have to force yourself"

Alex could only keep everything bottled up and nodded, his eyes teared up but he hold it back. Real men don't cry. He cries alone when no one is looking. at least that's what his manager told him back in the old world, the only man who he regarded as his father. but in this world, he has a mother, and this mother of his loves him and supports what he does. It's a very comforting feeling. Part of that feeling was coming from the previous Alex's personality too, he seemed to be melding with both old and current ones. So far, it isn't a bad deal.

You are reading story Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats at

" Wait here for a moment Alex"

His mother stood up from the chair at the dining table and went to her room, she took out a small box, inside the box there were posters and comics of various manga, they all had something common upon the front of the book " Tochigi" this was his father's manga. Alex took the box from his mother's hands, she smiled gently as he gave them over to him

" Maybe you would like to study these"

The designs and art style are so similar to his style, no wonder that Aya person said that he was a genius, they had the same style of art, well, his art was a little rougher and more American, but he can see where his base style came from, it is similar. A few of these he saw in some bookstores like this one " Teardrop volume 2. Alex thanked his mother as she gave him a good hug, clearly very proud of him. 

"I knew you would get out of that dark place eventually, I'm sorry I was always working all the time"

Alex simply shakes his head

"It's okay mother, this time I'll help out with the money"

His mother gave him a quizzical look but he could only smile broadly at her

"Trust me, soon you won't need to work two jobs"


The days go by rather mundanely after that. he went to school, came home, and back to drawing practice. It's the summer holiday soon. The school will be out soon. He attended classes at the bare minimum and work most of his skills in the art room with Ueno, occasionally chatting with Mr's Momo and the Principal eating duck legs and cake, they don't seem to mind if it's him. The other kids started to ignore him and call him "Teachers Pet" he doesn't mind it one bit, That? or just name jerking about being a loser couple to a girl like Ueno, I don't mind, and Ueno certainly doesn't pay any attention at all. Just dumb kids being kids. Thankfully it's just words, no one actually came forward to confront me or anything like that, the teachers were watching after all.

School is almost over, Summer holidays are upon us soon. Alex wonders what he should do in the coming holidays?, it was not like he had any friends except Ueno, either going to the rooftop for lunch or just practicing his art during club activities time, on ordinary days he tries to enjoy ordinary Japanese school life. It was pretty relaxing, he enjoyed the slower pace and ordinary days of a student. Something he didn't experience much during his previous life, even as a kid back then, he had to hustle and make a living, school wasn't a priority at all. Frankly? he couldn't even remember what's school experience like in the states.

At home, occasionally he chatted with his mom and sister when there was nothing to do, and Ueno came and do the cooking during dinner sometimes, It’s just that when his sister and mother are by his side, he has to hide the contents of the NSFW material first. When he draws, He can only draw the background, and he simply doesn’t dare to try to draw any characters, some of the progress was slowed down because of that. the NSFW stuff is mostly for the "My World" theme that he needed to do for the cash prize and clout, nothing more. He wouldn't pursue the Ecchi part of the anime industry. He considers himself a SEISO Artist, at least Alex would like to think that way,

and eventually, the days go by and Summer is here, Schools are out.

Because it is summer vacation, Ueno does not need to go to school for class after today. After returning from school in the afternoon today, she will make lunch for Alex and his sister, and Alex has no qualms about that. If he remembers correctly, according to the memory of the previous Alex today will be the end of the semester and school break starts.

The drawing is completed slowly day by day he couldn't do it with finesse due to the injury on his hand,  On the tenth day, all 30 pages have been completed. Three drafts a day, is it fast? No, it’s not too fast, and there’s a blessing in disguise with the Manga system big gift package. You don’t have to think about plots and composition. Just draw mindlessly. Everything is provided by knowledge skill and memory, some of the systems automated the skill in his brain so it was relatively easy, the only problem is switching from technical drawing and precision drawing, styles that he could only emulate on his right hand and not his left.

The "My World" project is all completed, of course with this, he can sign a contract for a manuscript and submit a proper short story for the "My World" project, if Aya strongly asked to read the manuscript he needed to be ready, Alex found himself drawing and painting the manga with a heaven and hell mentality! It's 100% NSFW That's dangerous! What if his mother and sister found out! Ueno already gave him some uneasy glances when he drew it, he didn't want his reputation in his family and friend to fall even further! Even if Aya is his Editor he wouldn't want her to look unfavorably towards him!

Also, Ueno must not know about this!! If his image in her heart collapsed! It also pollutes the heart of a pure girl! This is a big sin! Ueno is definitely off limits!!! She cannot know that I'm about to submit this!

So right now? , Ueno only knows that Alex is practicing and just drawing for fun, not doing any draft for a one-shot manga, nope. Definitely not drawing something incredible nope. After the manuscripts were all placed in the file pocket, Alex fell into a tangled state, what the hell is he doing right now? He's tired.

Since Ueno is still working part-time when the summer holiday starts, the two siblings have a lot of free time to themselves. should Alex bring his sister along to Satelight? After all, that is the subsidiary of JAMP Magazine! There are not only many industry elites douchebags and weirdos working there, but also a lot of greasy uncles reading comics like a damn otaku all day! And her sister is super cute! 

Just when Alex was thinking about all of this as he doted upon his sister, a phone call came over.

"Hey, is this Alex Kenichi? My name is Aya Gozen, May I please ask for your manuscript for today?"

"Oh, the manuscript, it's done. if you can, I think..."

"Your manuscript is ...done? what do you mean done? did you really draw a whole draft for a one-shot as I asked you to? huh?

"Yees?? no..maybe? "

I will go and meet you directly! Don't go anywhere!." tu* tu* tu*

Aya Gozen just hanged up. She said to wait here in his own house. "In my own house? is she coming here?" Aya Gozen seems rather flustered from the other side of the phone, Alex wondered what he did wrong, didn't she say she wanted a draft of his work? according to professional etiquette, that's what an editor would ask right? oh crap..Alex isn't an editor anymore.

Did she only mean it as a courtesy? and only wanted his cover art? crap, I better clean my room!"

On the other side, a 30-year-old woman was jumping for joy alone in her office, her heart is pumping, not to mention how excited she is, she thought to herself.

" He...he actually did it, a real manuscript. I...I want to see it!"

She immediately rushes off to see Alex, she has his address and is heading there. She knocked over some manuscripts from her table but didn't even bother to pick them up, they were rejected, one of them was Kameda-Kura's manuscript for the My World project. She didn't even give it a look, as soon as the title says "Ntr" she threw it to the side and never look back. 

After getting into her Car she drove off her heart beats excitedly for that new manuscript, she can't wait!