Chapter 11: Chapter 9.1 – Aprils fool Chapter “My World”

"Hey! stop it! what are you doing!! let go of me!"

a girl cried out in the streets when a man stopped her from heading out of the store,

"hehe, it's okay, I've been watching you, you're so cute out here, It must be fate that we met out here, Let's talk about what you're doing out here, you're awfully suspicious."

A girl is in trouble right in front of me, being harassed by some random thug, Then again, the girl seems like she could handle herself, should I interfere?. 

"Ugh, what should I do, a girl is in trouble right in front of me."

I should help her but I'm not brave enough. my name is Takuto Aisnland, I was relaxing around in a weapons store when something like this suddenly happened. something terrible, a girl is being harassed in public and I was the only one on the second floor of this store, I decided to help the girl out.

"Umm, I don't think she likes what you're doing to her"

"huh? buzz off, why are you interfering with me?"

"Staff!! someone is in trouble here!! come quickly!! owner?! OWNER?! Someone stealing your magical mace on the second floor! come quickly~"

the owner came in from below with a sword, with a gaunt face and an angry look on his face.

"HUH? what's going on here? if you ain't buying get lost! oh, it's just you Takuto. huh? who's the punk?"

the thug just glared at me and left

" I'll remember this! you got in my way today, tch!"

the girl was pretty, the prettiest girl I've ever met here in the frontier town. I was just a newbie adventurer, a fledging mage if you will, I'm not very good at fighting and could only support from the backline, I could also do some minor healing, but I wanted to be stronger, that's why I hang out in the weapons store, I thought I could be a..warrior mage? but even things like this were too scary for me, it sure is nice that the owner is really dependable.

The girl came forward and her hood came off, I could truly see her face much clearer now, green eyes and black violet hair, she's very beautiful. 

" Thanks for saving me," she said, her voice was rather sharp and soft.

"A-anyone would be scared if they were suddenly attacked like that, I...I didn't do much to save you"

the girl simply smile and said.

" I'm sorry to interrupt your Sunday, Do you come here to buy a weapon?"

I nodded as I was here merely to browse and buy a staff

" Yeah, I heard the owner came here with some brand new crystal, I thought to equip it to my staff to strengthen my magic"

"Oh? you're a mage? you certainly don't feel like one, you seem more like a rogue to me"

The owner simply left as he grumbled

"damn kids, stop flirting in my store, if you wanna buy something do it now! I'm busy!"

I simply bowed and took the crystal stacks and brought them to the counter to buy them. The girl could only smile and said

"Thanks again! hope to see you soon!"

and then she left. I haven't seen her since then.


I did a good thing back then, it was a week since that happened. Today I'm supposed to join a regiment on the outskirts of the city under the toughest meanest captain of them all. My career as a student of the arcane wasn't very good, I didn't have enough experience nor do I have a very powerful arsenal of magic due to the lack of resources I have since I'm just a commoner. So I've joined the state's Army!

On top of that, today I will be assigned next to the scariest most brutal knight Captain in the state, and I happen to sit next to her bunker each day. So, I'm quite nervous every day. her name is Ayane Eucletis, There was a rumor she was involved in a lot of battles and skirmishes, and she was very vicious and doesn't take any prisoners. No one could get close to her because she is too scary.

She made eye contact with me and I simply flinched. that bloodshot emerald eye seems to fill with bloodlust with that full-bodied armor, she's so scary. there were rumors that she also beats up her own people for fun. This isn't my day at all.

"D-dont look at her, don't even make eye contact! she's your captain but she's so scary!"


she slams her sword to the ground making the ground somewhat quake due to the sheer monstrous power of her aura.


I screamed like a little bitch at her sudden provocation

"Whatcha doing?" she asked innocently, oblivious to how scary she looked with that full plate armor on.

I was just carrying some equipment to the bunker, the caravan is moving out soon and our unit is supposed to scout the southern borders soon,

"I- I was just carrying this stuff to the Caravan"

The scary woman simply look at the boxes I have behind me and said

"Let me help you"


I was terrified of her sudden appearance and let her carry the stuff while I was just doing what I was told. But she really did help me out and move those boxes without asking any questions. Is she really helping me out?

"T...thanks for helping me"

"Oh, no problem. Right, it's lunchtime. come up to the roof, let's have lunch over there! I'll be waiting for you!"


Does that mean that I have to join her? can I refuse? is it just the two of us, if so, why me?! What did I've done to deserve this? also..what lunch?! I've only prepared some egg omelet for today's lunch since I can't afford any! oh man...what should I do?



"That omelet is so nice"

She said to me as she eyed my pathetic lunch, I'm too scared to even eat my food, I can't even imagine why I came here, Why did I come?! what was I thinking?! I wasn't sure what she will do to me if I didn't come. I'm so scared that I couldn't even taste the food!

"F-feel free to try it! ha..ha.."

the woman simply left her sword aside took off her helmet and ate it without saying anything, I've seen her for the first time, she looks so familiar, where have I seen her before? Her eyes are emerald and her hair blonde and shiny like the sun.

She's very pretty, dangerous...but very pretty.

Okay! MMmm, It's so delicious! Come and try some of my food, I'll even share with you my hamburger as a thank you!"

"HUH?! no no no! you don't need to share anything with me! I'm good with just my eggs!"

the woman smiling happily stopped smiling and suddenly turned cold, she then said.

"What? is my food too good for you or something?" 

I- couldn't refute her under that threat and malice, In the end, I was forced to eat it,

"Oh? it's delicious"

It really is, I could really feel the tangy beef and steak all in my mouth, moist and watery full of flavors.

"Right? I'm proud of it!"

"Did you make it? wow! it's great!

"Then I'll make it again tomorrow!"


"We can have lunch again for tomorrow,"


"What? don't you like my cooking? don't you want to have lunch together?"

I could only nod in agreement, I wouldn't want to make the captain angry

"Uhh no! sure I do! let's have lunch every day captain!"

She smiled and said

"Don't call me captain, just call me Ayane! what's your name?"


"Then Takuto, you can start looking forward to tomorrow!"


she smiled more brightly than ever, but, I think I might fall into depression, Is it okay to be eating lunch with her every single day? I'm too scared to ask why she had chosen me? From that day on, I was eating lunch with Captain Ayane every single day. wasn't that bad, The next day and the next day, even though I have no choice, it was surprisingly fun. Ayane san is a good cook and I learned a lot about cooking, we even traded recipes.


One day, one of my colleagues started asking me,

"hey, you and the captain have been eating together lately, Is there something going on with the two of you?"

One of my mates in the same regiment asked

"There's a rumor going on lately, are you okay?"

"Yeah...I'm okay"

The man was simply too perplexed as to why I was okay with it.

"Why are you even eating together? Don't tell me the captain has some dirt on you and is blackmailing you?"

"I don't know why we're eating together but I'm not threatened by her"

"HUH?! what's going on? are you dating?"

" What?! no, we're not! I can tell you she not as scary as you think and...she's a good cook"

"WHAT?! what sort of relationship is this? are you saying she's in love with you?"

"That's not what I'm saying at all! I don't even understand the whole situation either!"

You are reading story Reborn a tale of a Mangaka with Cheats at

My colleague left me as he had some business to take care of, it made me ponder some things, It certainly wasn't how I expected it would be, Ayane-san uses strong words and often criticize and act rowdy at times, but she isn't particularly scary. She helps me in many ways so I think she's quite the kind person at heart.

Could it mean that all the brutality she did was only rumored that isn't true? even the part about her beating her own subordinates? The lunches she made were so delicious that I didn't feel uncomfortable any longer. We even change magical theories as she is actually a paladin class with some magical powers.

The next day, we had lunch again as usual. It's becoming routine for us that I don't even mind it.

'The food you made is delicious as always Ayane san"

"Thank you! are you free this Sunday?"

"I don't have plans this Sunday except fixing my staff"

Ayane then grab my hand and said

"Why don't you come shopping with me on the day, can fix your staff in the evening, how about that?"

"That? I uhh... won't be much of help to you, I don't know anything about shopping"

She then started pouting, it was pretty cute...wait, cute? what am I saying, she's your captain! pay some respect to her damn it!

"But I want you to come with me! I'll wait for you in front of the plaza in a frontier town in the afternoon this Sunday"



This Sunday- the Plaza

I am actually going out on a date with a girl. I was so nervous I couldn't even sleep! this is the first time I'm going out with Ayane san, Of all the girls it could have been, why does it have to be with my own Captain? Should I take charge of the date since I'm a guy? Oh...I don't know!

"Takuto! Did I keep you waiting?"

"eh? that voice...Ayane...san?"

She...looks different. Instead of the usual blonde hair, it was black, violet-black. She's wearing a pretty dress, there isn't those bulky plate armor she usually wears, she actually looks like a really cute girl, an ordinary girl going out on a date normally. This is normal.

"W..what...? are you? You don't look like the Ayane san I know..what happened to your hair?

"Are you surprised? Nevermind! don't worry about it, it's just magic! let's go and play!'

What the heck is going on?!

Despite my confusion, she dragged me all over to various stores in the frontier town. We went to a few restaurants and shops, ate lunch and I bought her a hairpin, it was the shape of a sword, we even went to buy some snacks and play at the bazaar, I got some good deals on some magical crystals, Surprisingly, I was enjoying myself with her company, just the shopping itself.

We decided to take a break and sat on a nearby bench at the central plaza,

"Today was fun, I bought a bunch of stuff and ate all sorts of snacks!"

she said as she flung her hair back,

"I was surprised you knew all the shops, did you come here a lot?"

"Yeah, I came here a lot, know this place like the back of my hand during my adventuring days"

The more we spent together the more I learned about her. I didn't know much about her before and found myself becoming more and more attracted to her, just like the main character from one of those novels they sold in town, we talk and talk until the sun goes down, it was already late evening.

" I Didn't know you were I can't believe you were a fearsome warrior, I heard you even killed a whole regiment by yourself brutally"

That's because it was just a lie"


it was all just a lie?

She sat there silently on the bench, I waited till she is ready to talk, she then slowly look at the sky and said it.

"It's just a rumor I was the scariest swordsman here, truth is, I've been doing swordsmanship since I was a kid my family is a family of knights, I am a noble's daughter, The only thing that relieves my fatigue was tales of this berserker Hero who took down a three-headed Dog and took justice in his own hands, back then I thought it was pretty cool to act that way.

"One day, on my way to the Capital, the nearby town was attacked by bandits, I rushed into the town without any backup and took the whole bandit gang out and saved countless people, sure I killed some people, but that's how the rumor started, Perhaps to those townspeople, I was a berserker who slaughtered those bandits senselessly."

I could only listen to her tale as she narrated it all.

"I should have stopped it back then but I didn't do it and let it happen, I wanted to be a different version of myself I guess, back then I thought it was better to be feared, But the truth is, I just want to be an ordinary girl. I want you to understand that, I think I'm an idiot"

" I didn't know that"

" I don't wanna be someone that is feared anymore! especially to you! I wanted to be strong and kind, but actually, I'm just a timid girl, at least, I want you to understand that "


"Takuto-kun, you're -

"there you are,! Mr. Takuto, the city! it's being attacked by monsters!! We have section some parts of the southern gate but the monsters will be here soon! we need our top mage and our captain to lead the charge! If you see the captain, tell her to come by! we can't seem"

the woman simply leap away and flew towards the south gate at top speed

the guard that saw that stammered and said

"T...that...who was .."

I could only sigh and stood up, reading my magic as I took a spare staff from my item ring and prepare to fly away as well before I left him a little bomb.

"That...was the captain"

I followed her and flew towards the southern gate leaving the gaping guard with his mouth wide open in shock. He couldn't even process it, poor guy.



Southern gate- 

The monsters started to attack but with my magic and the captain's powerful swings with her sword, we manage to push them back into a cave, but there, we encountered a three-headed lion, just like the tales the Captain just told me, that monster seems to be the leader of the pack and this cave is probably one of the newer dungeons that was created, the cave overflowed when there isn't anyone to keep tabs of it, the Adventurers Guild should have noticed this sooner but there's nothing we could do, Right now we are pushing them back,

I and the captain chased the Monsters back as they flee into a cave when suddenly another three-headed lion ambush us, the captain tried to save me as she pushed me ahead in time, her armor melted under all that acid, and she was injured badly. 

"Damn Monsters you're messing with someone that I care about!! I hope you're ready for what's coming to you!"


Ayane ignored her wounds and simply swung her massive sword and decapitate the three-headed lion, but it wasn't enough, I put forth my staff forward and shot a powerful icicle strike impaling the monster's body as it collapse.

the rest of the monsters flee, I immediately brought her to a nearby cave with a waterfall and flew there to treat her wounds, using healing magic to the best of my abilities, I tried to heal her using all of the crystal I have with me, it was working. I wanted to get away from those monsters as far away as possible and treat her wounds quickly.


"What's the wrong captain? are you hurt? tell me where..?"

She rise up from the ground and started to hug me with her naked body, all that armor melted away the pieces and she was left naked from the body upward, thankfully nothing happened to her skin, but to be hugged by a pretty girl like her, I was feeling overwhelmed.

"You don't like scary girls like me do you?"

"What? No, I thought you were very cool, I'm not scared of you ya know? you saved me ya know? I thought...I should be stronger so that I could protect you..."


"I...fell in love with you, you're so kind...and cute"

She was taken aback by what I said and tried to pull away but I forcefully held her hand towards me,

"You're lying aren't you?"

" I'm not lying Ayane-san, you're the first girl I ever confessed my love to, I wanna cherish you, and just be there for you"

I could feel her body relaxed and her tears starting to come out of her eyes, full of sorrow and regret.

"I..I'm going back to being the real me, I don't wanna live a lie anymore..."

"Ayane san-

the two of them made love that day,

- skipping 

The following week, The captain stopped dressing with full plate armor, stopped using a big giant sword, and decided to retire, for some reason I was promoted to the captain spot myself. Apparently many people saw what I could do with my magic.

I even saved the captain with my spells, turns out? I was a pretty good mage, The captain decided to marry me instead despite her lineage as a Noble, she decided to marry me as a mere commoner such as I and live an ordinary life, I was granted the hero's title by the King after we successfully repelled the Monsters onslaught and we live happily ever-


Alex Kenichi look at the stupid retarded story he just drew in this Tankabon for the "My World" project, he can't believe this was the first story from the anthology JAMP Magazine decided to focus on was his story, half of the pages were filled with the damn hentai NSFW scenes of Takuto and the knight captain Ayane, His face was red with embarrassment, Thankfully Ueno-san and his sister isn't here, he wouldn't know how to react if they see this.

"Hey, haven't you heard? the first story was so good! Have you seen those scenes? those hentai pictures-

Alex simply stormed out of the bookstore in embarrassment, What a day it is. He swears he will never draw anything hentai ever again! Then he overheard two girls talking nearby who bought that, his couldn't help but wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.

"That Takuto guy is so sweet! I wish I have a boyfriend like that!"

All Alex could think was...why the hell did he write such a loser? he kinda feels bad for his characters now, especially that Ayane girl. All he did was harbor all those misunderstandings and- 

"Well, even if he's weak, he still tries to stand up towards such a thing, guys these days just don't try...girls like to be pampered too ya know?"

Alex then thought to himself

" isn't so bad after all, perhaps I did alright?"

Today has been a very trying day, and it has only begun

"Alex-Kun! what are you doing over there! Come on! let's go shopping!"

"Oni-chan! Over here!"

I can't let them know that I drew this, definitely not!!