Chapter 13: Chapter 11 – System Mall


Alex tried to draw he really did, but he couldn't keep up with the current brush technique embedded in his mind. after 30 minutes his right hand started to hurt and he couldn't keep drawing it, He wondered if he had digital tools would it help? the Manga in this world still relies on traditional pen and paper and has only begun to use the digital pen, even so, those technologies are still experimental, he once heard that it was a newly LCD tablet just like a smartphone with a nibbler, fairly modern even by his previous world standards but the prices were just too astronomical compared to what was offered back in his old world.

Alex wondered if the Tablet from his old world was sold in the system mall? He wondered what sort of item is sold in the system mall now that it garnered his interest. He wanted a tablet badly, drawing and pen and paper is fine but he misses the speed and shortcut offered using digital art, not to mention it's faster too. and with his hand like this, any edge would be a welcome addition right? Perhaps he could also check out if there are supplements to make him stronger. A healthier body equals a healthier mind, not to mention his current body is simply too weak.

He was sitting in his small little room, now that he looked around, it was pretty small, smaller than he gave it any thought. How did people in japan ever live like this he wondered, He knew the rooms were small but not this small, he could barely move around, there's only a place to lay down his tatami and a place to put up a table and a chair, that's all. He should check out the system mall now. 

Alex gotta figure out how to access the damn thing first, so he asks in his mind

" Hey system, how do I access the system mall? is there a prompt?"

Welcome to the system mall User Alex Kenichi

access is restricted to the ordinary system mall.

User access is limited

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