Chapter 24: Chapter 24: Nay’s Naughty Nachos

Alric accompanied Nay and Gracie as they purchased product. Gracie had made them buy something called rock cakes from a sweets vendor. They were made of flaky dough and had a marzipan-like crème filling in the center that came in different flavors. Shaved stone nuts that were similar to almonds were sprinkled on top.

Nay desperately wished her sense of taste was present for moments like this. She adored good pastries. When she took a bite, the dough flaked and crumbled to give way to a soft and pillowy mouth feel. There was crunch with the stone nuts and the filling had a sweet, nutty aroma. She suspected this was the kind of thing Quincy’s Lodge should have available for their continental breakfasts.

Her and Gracie worked out a deal with Nisse, the baker and sweets vendor, and bought a few dozen of the pastries for the Lodge.

Nay would have to make sure Nom didn’t make too large of a dent when he was trying them out. His enthusiasm sometimes had a way of getting away from him.

As they munched on their second portion of rock cakes and strolled, Alric explained he had several appointments in town throughout the day. “I’m meeting with one of the foreman at the lumber mill, then with the Stitchgal’s Anti-Temperance Movement – “

“Anti-temperance?” Nay said.

“Yes,” Alric said. “They are alcohol enjoyers and believe that imbibing spirits and liquor and things that have been fermented can help one be more truthful. There’s a sect of monks in the Veritax who believe the same thing and always include ale and wine in their rituals.”

“I guess people tend to be more honest when they’re drunk,” Nay said. “Filters seem to disappear, anyways.”

Alric nodded. “Verity is in it, no doubt. Now whether it’s the effects of the alcohol or that the person is more willing to align their soul with the truth, who knows. I think I lean more towards the latter.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever bothered to try and concoct elaborate lies while I’ve been three sheets to the wind,” Nay said. “But then again, there’s a reason why my mind is always hazy trying to remember those moments.”

“Listen,” Alric said, “it wasn’t happenstance that I ran into you at the market.”

Gracie perked up at that and gave Nay a look as she bit into what was left of her rock cake.

“Are you following me now, Alric?” Nay said.

“Am I following you?” Alric said. “No, no. It’s not like that. I was gonna stop by the Lodge and was passing through the market when I saw your scene with Wint. The sheriffs are right, don’t go looking for that man. Best to avoid altogether.”

“So everyone keeps telling me,” Nay said.

“I received word from Fort Nixxiom that they expect heightened monster activity in Stitchdale over the coming weeks,” Alric said.

“Why?” Nay said.

“Every now and then, more monsters come out of The Scar. I’m not privy to why it happens. It’s just something that does.”

“So what does that mean for me? And the townsfolk? We stay inside more?”

“Especially at night. Mostly at night. You should be fine during the day unless the monsters decide to get bold. But there will most likely be a Gloom Ranger presence in the town, but it’s always a good idea to stay indoors, keep a low profile. Do you know what I mean?”

“Loud and clear.”

“I was going to stop by the Lodge to tell Quincy, but I can see now that Verity wanted me to tell you myself.”

“How come you didn’t tell the sheriffs?”

“They most likely already know. Fort Nix sends their own messages to them. As Veritax’s representative to Lucerna’s End, it’s part of my duty to keep a log of all happenings in the town and in the valley. For the church’s records, you see.”

“The church likes to keep tabs on current events, huh?”

“It’s what they’ve been doing for centuries, tracing and tracking the footprints of Verity.”

“Thanks for the head’s up. I’ll try and stay out of trouble.”

“Sorry I didn’t get a chance to try your food last night. I was at the chapel. But I’ll try and stop by tonight so I can try your cooking.”

Alric excused himself and headed off in a different direction to conduct his Veritax business. Nay watched the earnest monk round a corner and vanish into the street traffic.

“Forgive me, chef,” Gracie said, “but I think he likes you.”

Nay laughed. “He’s cute in an innocent way. Too bad he’s a man of the cloth.”

“Man of the cloth?”

“He’s a monk. He’s more interested in his precious Verity than girls.”

Gracie giggled. “What an eventful morning! Life has certainly gotten more interesting with you around.”

“It’s only been a day. You’ll be bored of me soon enough. Come on, let’s get back to the Lodge and I’ll go over tonight’s menu with you and Nom.”


Word of Nay’s cooking had spread.

Or it had at least reached enough ears and expectant stomachs that Quincy’s Lodge was almost at full capacity. A third of the tables were still empty, but there were more diners at more tables compared to the previous night.

Service was in full swing.

Nay had taught Nom and Gracie how to make tortilla chips out of a tweaked recipe of the winter corn batter they had used the previous night to make tortillas. Nom had been in charge of frying the batter in oil and drying the chips out on racks. They were being used in tonight’s appetizer if people wanted something else other than the garlic knots.

[Chef’s Delight Recipes]

[Nay’s Naughty Nachos] [Base Rank]

Nay’s Naughty Nachos are the snack of choice for those who love a good chip n’ dip. A pleasing plate of heaping tortilla chips loaded with ice tundra peppers, seasoned ground beef and an ooey gooey melted blend of cheese, this appetizer will hit eaters with a kick while also stimulating their appetite for more.

Imbues the eater with a Stamina Buff and a Hunger Debuff.

Turns out that Nay’s Naughty Nachos were being ordered in addition to the garlic knots. The combination was priming bellies for more food, which resulted in even more orders of appetizers in addition to the main course.

[Chef’s Delight Recipes]

[Mother’s Monster Meatloaf] [Base Rank]

[Robochun’s Mashed Potatoes] [Base Rank]

You are reading story MONSTER MENU at

Mother’s Monster Meatloaf is made with prime beef that was raised with love on Moonglum Farms. Now here it is, prepared and cooked with a touch of magic and you can tell your hungry audience it’s traditional farm to table eating. Mixed with a proprietary blend of spices and seasonings, there’s never been a meat cake that gets straight to the spirit of things. It’s meatloaf like ma used to make with a little extra love. Topped with a brown sugar glaze.

Imbues the eater with a Spirit Buff.

The protein was of course accompanied by a side of starches.

Creamy, buttery starches, that is.

Robochun’s Mashed Potatoes is made with enough salt and butter to clog your arteries and send you to the undertaker’s with a heart congealed in cream and fat. But don’t worry, the ride’s not over as you’re revived with a new ticker and a renewed sense of purpose, feeling better than ever. These are so creamy you’ll never settle for regular potatoes again. Perfect to dip a nice braised short rib or a finger into.

Imbues the eater with a Stamina Buff.

Nay had racks of the personal loaves of meat ready to go, and a cauldron full of the mashed potatoes. She made sure to over-compensate their servings because, again, she was scared of running out of food.

Nom had his protuberance’s full handling the app stations. He was constantly moving, preparing and cooking both the nachos and garlic knots. “These babies are flying off the racks. These people love their apps.”

Nay knew that probably half of the reason they had more customers tonight because of the curious townsfolk that wanted to try the knots.

She thought she could probably open a side business selling prepackaged ones for people’s hearths at home. It was something to think about, if she could figure out a way to package them and have them keep for a decent amount of time.

“No one is ordering the fish tonight,” Gracie said. She was working the expo table arranging all the plates for the serving team.

Bryja skipped in and grabbed two trays. “Minekeeper’s Daughter is singing a song about the nachos!”

Nay looked up. “Really?”

Minekeeper’s Daughter was the name of the group of stitchfolk bards who performed as a band.

Nay hadn’t had a chance to listen to their lyrics, but it had sounded like they were singing of legendary deeds and bloody battles and lost loves, the typical bardic fare. But as she listened now, she picked out a few of the lyrics:


Nay’s naughty nachos

they leave ye wanting more

one plate, two plates, three plates, four!

best watch yer belly

when you're hungry like a whore

Quincy's got the wheelbarrow

to roll ye out the door!


Nay chuckled. “It’s randy but not as raunchy as some rap songs I’ve heard.”

“Rap songs?” Gracie said. “What’s rap? Is that the music in Reith?”


Nom looked at Nay and Nay shrugged.

She pulled a bunch of piping hot meatloaf trays out of one of the alcove ovens. Steam rose off the meatloaves, and their tops glistened with the dark brown glaze. After they cooled a little, she popped them out of the molds and plated them. She scooped out some of the mashed potatoes on each plate and she sprinkled them with a little pecarino cheese and a garnish of fresh parsley.

This type of homestyle cooking was one of her specialties as opposed to some of the fine dining places she had trained in. There was pressure to perform here but none of the crazy abuse and toxicity that would happen in some of those kitchens she used to work in.

All in all, cooking in Quincy’s Lodge was pretty cozy.

For desert tonight, Nay had prepped a few dozen pies her Chef’s Delight ability had showed her when she was staring at the crystal berries.

[Chef’s Delight Recipes]

[Moonsliver Pie] [Base Rank]

Moonsliver Pie is just the thing you want in your belly on a frigid night. Made from a crystal berry pie filling and a special Stitchdale pie dough, a bite of this will keep the belly warm like a pleasant flame. Sweet, fruity and with a warm gooey mouth feel.

Imbues eater with a Satiated Buff.

Although Nay wanted the diners to eat more, she wanted them to feel satisfied by the end of their experience. She didn’t want them to leave hungry, so she needed a desert that would help the diners feel full when it was time for them to retire for the night.

Hilde came through the double-doors and put a ticket in. She gestured at Nay. “Alric wanted you to know he is here. He got one of everything and says he can’t wait to try your food.”

Gracie’s eyes sparkled at Nay. “I told you the boy likes you.”

“They do say the quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Hilde said, winking.

“Very funny, ladies,” Nay said. “The last thing I need is more complications in my life and the last time I checked a Veritax monk with a crush is on the list of complications.”

Ullabella strode in, catching this bit of the conversation. “At least you would know he would always tell you the truth. Which is a lot more than most men will do here in town. This place is full of liars and scoundrels. He’s the only honest one in the bunch.”

“Liars and scoundrels is more my speed,” Nay said.

“It’s just something for you to think about,” Bryja said.

“He’s a monk, Bryja,” Nay said.

“He might not be after he eats your food.”

The girls laughed.