Chapter 11: Grand ma ma

It's been a week since I've started training with sensei and so far it's just been conditioning workouts I have gained considerable strength, stamina, and endurance but not much else he said he'll start to teach me actual techniques in a year or so because if my body isn't prepared for before using the art he's going to teach me it could break my entire body into pieces so I had to condition myself first.

At the moment I'm waiting outside my house with my family, a car pulled up and a woman stepped out she had curly brown hair with white streaks, she looked beautiful, as she got out of the car and walked towards us at the front door of our house her hips shook and giggled and her breasts bobbing with every step, if you thought Susan had a good chest then Gramma had a godly chest her size was a DDD, it was mouth-watering, but unfortunately her baggy clothes hid her assets, she wore a baggy grey sweater with a long baggy skirt, the Amish would be proud, but I'm not worried I'd see her goods soon.

"Hey Gramma long time, no see," Mom said, I ran up to Gramma and I hugged her I also innocently kneaded her ass slightly when I hugged her because of the height difference my head reached a little higher than her belly button just underneath her amazonian titis she just thought it was an innocent hug but little did she know, her ass felt amazing it soft, firm, and big I wanna have her ass all to myself and oh I will soon, "I love you Gramma please stay with us forever", "Oh I wish I could sweaty but I'll only be staying a week".

We all made our way inside the house to have a full family breakfast with Gramma, it was currently 8 in the morning, and the sun was shining through the kitchen window, "Mom it's so nice for you to have visited us, so how's dad doing I know it's been bad lately", 'oh yea I forgot Gramma was a widow in the books that's good for me so I won't have any competition for that ass of hers.

"How's  your dog doing, by the way, I hear he's eating great.... a little too great," Dad said whispering at the end, "Oh he's doing great, but how's my  favorite daughter Susan doing" Gramma excitedly, "Oh I'm doing great mom with Greg being such the excellent child life hasn't been better," she said with a longing gaze looking at me, "I wouldn't doubt it Greg seems like such the amazing, gifted and the cutest child in the world," Gramma said pinching my cheek, "No I'm not I'm just trying to be the best I can be for my family," I said blushing, "Oh he's such a cute little thing," mom and Gramma said in tandem.

It had been a full day of going around town with the Heffley family including Gramma, we went to a restaurant and I sat on Gramma's lap and would always snuggle in under her breasts, we went to the movies where I played the popcorn trick on Gramma and when she went for popcorn she would sometimes glaze my cock a little and so did mom unfortunately for dad and Rodrick I would say no it's only for mama and Gramma, and then we went to the zoo and I and mom sneaked to the side of the path and I fucked her while she held on to dear life onto the tree and ended up filling her pussy with milk 5 times before we met back with the rest of the family, so all and all quite the day.

When we got home it was a about 9 and everyone was exhausted and was getting ready for bed, but I begged Gramma to let me watch a kid's movie before I went to bed, and she managed to convince mom to allow it, so we both sat ourselves down snuggled net to each other for a 2-hour movie called to let the fishes out, the first half-hour of the movie we just focused on the movie, the second-half I started my plan.

"Hey, Gramma I have something to tell you", "Well what is it sweetie", "Well.... ummm promise not to tell anyone else this because.. I trust you with all my heart", "Okay I promise, I even cross my heart" Gramma got more serious, "Gramma... whenever I'm close to you my crotch starts hurting and I get butterflies in my stomach and... and... I... I don't know what to do" I said in disarray and uneasiness and looking deep into her eyes with dejection.

Gramma was stunned and almost spoke many times and I could tell she was going through mental gymnastics to rationalize the idea's in her head, she took a deep breath and let it all out, "Greg does your crotch hurt now", I shook my head up and down, she sighed again, she took another moment to think, "I think you need to ask you're mo", "NO! I can't at least tell me why this happens and how to fix it, please Gramma you're the only one I can count on" I said trying to guilt her to do something.

She thought for a little more, "Okay Greg the thing in your pants is called a penis and when it gets hard that's called getting an erection and you get

erections to things that make you feel a certain way and I guess you feel that way when you're around me" she spoke nervously and in a hushed voice, "So ho... how do I get rid of it", "Well most men rub their penis up and down at their own pace until something comes out or just think about something gross to stop feeling a certain way", "But Gramma I try to think about something else like the ABC's but it doesn't go away so please teach me the first option, please Gramma I begging you".

You are reading story Diary of the not so wimpy kid at

Gramma was thinking so hard you could see smoke coming out of her ears, "Okay Gregory..... this is something you can tell nobody else", "I won't, I trust you with every last drop of blood in my heart", "Listen to everything I say Gregory and don't stray from it, now first pull down your pants and underwear", I did as I was told and pulled down both to my ankles still siting on the couch, and as my cock was revealed Gramma was left speechless at the size, "This is impossible for a 5-year-old to be this big at this age" she mumbled to herself.

Gramma cleared her throat, "Now ummm... wrap one hand around the base of your penis and stroke it up and down", "Umm.. Okay", I then began to do what she said but in a very weird way I griping too hard I would slip off it and it sometimes just like a three stages bit, "YOUCH" I yelled in pain, Gramma looked at me in terror, 'I knew she could stand her beloved angel in pain she had to help me.

"Okay Greg I'll show you", she placed her hand at the base of my cock, her hand soft delicate and warm, she slowly began to stroke my cock, it was amazing it was like my cock was entering heaven the touch of Gramma's hand was amazing, it was like I was getting a professional massage on my cock in multiple places at the same time, "Gramma..Gramma ohh Gramma this is... amazing please keep going", she smiled at my plea and kept going.

It was a full 5 minutes of my moans, it took another 5 full minutes for me to come close to cumming after feeling this goddess's hands rubbing all over my cock, "Gramma I feel something coming what is it?", "It's called semen it's used to make babies", "Bu...ahhh.but how Gramma", "well women have different things down there and it's called a vagina and when men put it in there they feel immense pleasure and once the thing that's about to come out of you goes into the vagina it makes them pregnant but only those truly in love put it in there", she said as she was still rubbing my cock.

"BUT GRAMMA AREN'T WE IN TRUE LOVE" I yelled as I came all over the coffee table in front of the couch we were on, "Greg we are in love but true love is meant for people like you're mom and dad" she explained so to  deter me but we all know that's not gonna work, she then sent me off to bed while she cleaned up my mess.

I walked to my room, thinking about my next move to get her into my order of women and I think about what other family members will I being into my order of women, but even Alexzander the Great needs some sleep.

Imagine a scene in the living room with a woman cleaning a coffee table with wooden edges and a glass in the middle with very white milk on it  in the dark with only the tv in front of her illuminating her surroundings and it played Let the Fishes Out, but the tv was silent and It's Just a Burning Memory was playing throughout the room.


Zoo Wee Mama please rate and comment,“Sex and sleep alone make me conscious that I am mortal.”