Chapter 11: Chapter Eleven, Oliver Vs Marco

Oliver charged his arm as Marco ran at him, pushing forward and knocking him back again. 


As Marco hit the ground a second time, he groaned. "Shit…" 


He ran back over, and the two of them started fighting. Now that Oliver was prepared, the battle was evened out more. Marco took a blow to the face after missing Oliver's gut. 


I'm already fucked up from that little bitch back there, and now I've gotta fight this bastard… He's way stronger than she was, too… 


Oliver, on the other hand, started to think he was getting the upper hand. He was keeping Marco on his toes, hitting him at all the right times, and in all the right places. As he kicked him in the jaw, Marco stopped. 


Shit… I'm gonna have to use it, he thought. "THUNDER STRIKE!" He yelled. He formed a fist, and punched Oliver as hard as he could in the stomach. 


Oliver didn't have time to react. 


Along with the total impact of the punch, burning electricity coursed through his entire body, like a million red ants. 


"GAAAAH!!" He screamed, clutching himself as he fell to the floor. "Shit!" 


Marco laughed. "What's wrong, demon? Shocked?" 


He started walking towards Oliver, paralyzed and unable to move. He was ready to end this. But out of nowhere, Marilyn flew at him, tackling Marco to the ground. She hit him hard enough to buy a couple seconds to help Oliver. She ran over.


"Are you okay, Oliver?" 


He started to get feeling in his joints again. "Y-yeah, I think so." 


"Okay!" She slapped him across the face. 


Shocked, he looked up at her. "What the hell was that?!" 


"Why did you hug her?!" 




She frowned. "WHY DID YOU HUG HER?!?" 


"C'mon, Marilyn, it's no big dea—"


"No, it's not "No big deal"! She's a stupid angel. Besides, you never hug me like that!" She pouted. 


"Yeah, because that'd just be weird, Marilyn. Besides, don't you get enough hugs from me when you sleep in my bed, without my permission???" 


May watched them bicker from a distance. Is… is that Oliver’s girlfriend? They seem so close… 


"Errr, DO YOU GUYS THINK THIS IS SOME SORT OF GAME?!" Marco yelled as he pushed himself up on his elbows. 


"Oh yeah," said Marilyn, "I forgot about this clown." 


She walked over, kicking his face in with her boot. Blood ran down his nose. She lifted a fist. "Red Dragon Fist!" She yelled, hitting Marco in the face. 


Growling, he pulled Marilyn’s legs, making her fall. He got up. "Thunder Stri—"


Oliver charged at him before he could finish, punching him in the face. Marco turned around, battering his sternum. Oliver kicked Marco in the gut, and he fell to the floor. He charged up one final punch, and blasted him with it. 


When Marco collapsed, and wouldn't move for a good 2 minutes, Oliver started to breathe.


"I think I knocked him out," he said. 


"Now kill him!" Marilyn yelled. 


"No, Marilyn! I'm not gonna—HEY!" As Oliver turned around, he saw Marilyn chasing May, as May screamed. 




She stopped running and looked over innocently. "I'm trying to take that leaf off her head!" 


May ran over to Oliver, like a scared puppy. 


"That's her bow, Marilyn!" 


"It looks weird!" 


"It's her bow, so leave it alone!" He yelled. He analyzed May. Despite what Marco had done to her, she seemed to be doing fine. He assumed it must just be an advanced healing ability, something that has to do with her being an angel. 


"Fine," she pouted, crossing her arms. "Can I at least kill her?" 


May hid behind Oliver, holding his shoulders. 




"Oliver!" She whined. "I just want to kill one angel! Please! Just let me kill this one!" 


"NO MEANS NO! Now obey your captain!" 


"...yes, captain," she muttered. 


Oliver checked May again, trying to make sure she was fine. 




Oliver saw Marco, standing, fully awake. 


He extended his wings from his back. They were long and majestic, shimmering white in the moonlight. He crouched, then blasted off into the sky, like an albatross. 




"Huh?" Oliver asked, "What's going on?!" 


She stared up into the sky anxiously. "H-he's going to s-set off an explo-plosion big e-enough to destroy the entire c-city!!" 




She looked at Oliver. "We've gotta leave, right now!" She yelled. 


"We can't do that! I can't let him destroy my city!!" 


"If we stay here, we'll die!" She pleaded. 


"Well, I've gotta do everything I can to stop him! There's thousands of people in this city!" 


May bit her fingernail. He won't go… He won't listen! That means I'll have to take him by force… 


She unfolded her own wings and grabbed Oliver.


"Huh? May, what are you doing?" 


"I'm sorry, Oliver," she said, starting to crouch, "But I don't want you to die here!" 


She flew upwards about 50 feet, flapping her wings gracefully. "Wait, May! We can't just let innocent people die!!!" He looked down, getting dizzy from the height. That was when he saw a dot of blue and green on the grass. "WAIT, MARILYN! WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE MARILYN!!!!" He screamed. 


"I-I'm sorry, Oliver, but we have to go!" 


No… there was no way he could leave Marilyn to die. He struggled to pry May's arms off him. 


"Oliver, stop! Y-you'll fall!" 


He didn't care. He unlatched her arms, and he plummeted through the sky, landing on the grass on his feet. "Oh shit," he cried, feeling the pain shoot through his heels and legs. He stumbled. 


"No… no, it doesn't matter. I've gotta get Marilyn. I could never sleep at night if I let her die." He started to limp towards Marilyn, who seemed completely focused on something else. 


"Oliver!" May cried, flying down to the floor. "Oliver, hang on! Let's just go!" She couldn't let him die… he was the best thing that ever happened to her, and she'd only known him for an hour. But it didn't matter… she needed him. She couldn't let him die. 


"I'm not leaving Marilyn behind!" He yelled. 


May looked up. "It's… it's too late Oliver." 




She looked him in the eyes. "It was nice meeting you," she said. 

You are reading story Half Demon, Even Demon Can Be Heroes at


Marco was about 5,000 feet in the air. "This should be high enough," he said to himself. "Now she'll see… they'll all see!" He closed his wings and tucked them away, soaring headfirst like a bullet down to the earth. 


As he picked up speed, electricity started to generate around him. 


"The time has come!" He said. "FINAL ATTACK: THE GOD OF THUNDER, THOR’S THUNDERBOLT!!!!!!" Oliver and May watched as Marco absorbed all the electricity around him, turning into a literal bolt of lightning headed for the ground. 


In particular, he was aiming for Oliver. 


Oliver couldn't move, frozen in shock as a massive bolt of lightning head straight for him. But to both of their surprises, the bolt started to tilt away. It was now headed straight for Marilyn. 




"MARILYN, NO!!!" Oliver streamed. 


The bolt hit Marilyn head on, completely consumed by her body. Marco shot to the side, scraping the pavement. 


Her clothes singed off her body completely as the lightning struck her. She began to glow, radiating more and more with each second. "Oh shit, yes," she exhaled, "THE POWER!!!" 


Completely aglow, she turned to Marco. Her eyes rolled back. 




Her skin went from milky white to a metallic black, and her eyes glowed white. She charged at Marco with such ferocity and power, she looked like a bolt of black lightning herself. 


"W-we're alive!" Oliver cried, patting his body. "But what the hell happened to Marilyn??" He watched as she rained utter hell on Marco. 


"She's winning!" May exclaimed. "She saved us all!" 


After the initial flurry of attacks, Marilyn started to slow down as the effects of the lightning faded away. Her skin got lighter and lighter as she got slower and slower. She threw one last punch at Marco before falling to the grass, exhausted. 


"Sh-she… errr… she'll p-pay for… this…" He turned to May and Oliver, and noticed Oliver's hurt legs. He got an idea. 


Digging deep inside him for a second wind, he charged at Oliver, tackling him to the floor. Oliver was too pain-struck to fight back. 




She stammered. "N-no! I… I don't want to do it!" 


He wrapped his hands around Oliver's throat. "DO IT OR I'LL FUCKING KILL YOUR PRECIOUS LITTLE DEMON!!!" 


She was torn. "If… if I do it, will you let him live?" She asked. 


"If you do this, I'll only kill the bitch demon over there—this one can live. I promise," he said venomously. 


She knew. She knew that Marilyn meant a lot to Oliver—he risked his own life to save her… but she couldn't deny it… she couldn't let Marco kill him… 


"I'm sorry, Oliver." She opened her wings. 


"Wait… what are you gonna do??" She flew up into the sky wordlessly. He looked at Marco. "What is she gonna do?!" 


He smiled. "You'll see." He started to get off of him, stepping a few feet away. 


Oliver looked up into the sky at May as she got higher and higher. A lump formed in his gut as a full minute passed. Then, he noticed something that looked like stars, or maybe ashes. They were floating to the ground. As it got closer and closer, even landing on him, he could tell. 


"S-snow? It's snowing? But it's—" 


He noticed instantly. 


I can't move. I can't move!! He tried budging, getting up, moving a finger—anything. Marco laughed. 


"She's a snow angel. You know what that means?" He said. "It means she makes a type of snow that freezes demons. Quickly too. So now, you can't stop me from fucking up your bitch. And neither can she." 


Marco looked over at Marilyn, immobile and naked on the grass. A wicked smile flashed across his face, and he looked at Oliver. 


"Actually, why don't I have a little fun with her first?" 


YOU LAY ONE MOTHERFUCKING FINGER ON HER, AND I SWEAR—but it was no use, he couldn't move. He couldn't do anything. All he could do was watch as Marco slowly made his way over to Marilyn. 




He could feel his entire body burning with fury. I'LL KILL YOU!! I'LL RIP YOU APART IF YOU SO MUCH AS TOUCH HER!!! I-I’LL MURDER YOU!!!!!! 


He felt something run down his face. He wondered if he was crying. What he didn't know was that his eye had turned completely back, with a black liquid oozing out from the socket. 


His vision dimmed, except for Marco, who burned bright white. He was kneeling down next to Marilyn. 


"YOU GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!" He screamed, able to move his mouth. He was shocked, and tried moving his body. I'm not stuck anymore… He got up. 


Marco noticed. "WHAT THE HELL??? HOW?!?!!!" 




Time went slow for Oliver as he rushed over to Marco, beating the living hell out of him. He was so fast, Marco had no time to even react. As he did, some of the black liquid dripped onto Marco’s face, and he screamed in pain. 


"WHAT THE HELL IS COMING OUT OF YOUR EYE?!?" He screamed, maddened by rage. 


Oliver didn't know either, but he knew it hurt. He wiped it off his face with his hands, rubbing it all over. With his hands covered in it, he let loose on Marco again. 


He screamed bloody murder. But Oliver wouldn't stop. 


He only stopped when Marco stopped moving. He got up, watching Marco’s breathing. 


"Shit… did I kill him?" 


He checked his pulse. Still breathing. 


He went to Marilyn, immobile and possibly asleep. With his vision, she just looked like a white outline of Marilyn. Shit… I can leave her like that. He took off his shirt and put it over Marilyn. The snow stopped falling as he did, and he heard the soft thud of footsteps behind him. 


He turned and saw May's white outline behind him. "Th-that's all I c-can do…" she said, looking down. 


He looked back at Marilyn. 


She noticed his eye. It was black, with a blinding white pupil, and black liquid still leaking from it. "What happened?" She asked. 


"Oh, I kicked Marco’s ass!" He said. 


"No, but your eye…" 


"What about it?" He asked. 


"It's black." 


"Oh, really?" He said. As he calmed down, his vision and eye went back to normal. 


They stood awkwardly. 


"Well, May—I've gotta go. I hope we'll see each other again some day," he said. 


"O-Oh… are you gonna take Marco with you?" 


"Yeah, sorry but I have to." He grabbed Marco’s leg, ready to drag him away. "My work here is done. See ya, May." He picked up Marilyn, hoisting her over his shoulder. With Marilyn and Marco in hand, he was ready to go. 


May watched him as he walked away. 




She opened her wings and flew away quickly, leaving a feather behind. It fluttered down to Oliver's feet. 


He dropped Marco’s leg and picked it up. It was big, as tall as his head, half-white and half-black. 


He dropped it and picked up Marco’s leg again, dragging him away. 


"I bet people are gonna be looking for me," he said to himself. 

End of chapter 11