May woke up to early morning sunlight on her eyelids. She opened them, feeling a sense of confusion as she adjusted to her unfamiliar setting. But then she remembered where she was, and why she wasn't waking up in her room instead. She was in Oliver's living room. May couldn't help but smile at the thought.
Oh, she thought, didn't Oliver say something about school today? Maybe I should make sure he wakes up…
To her delight, her legs were feeling much better, and she was able to walk.
She tiptoed down the hall to Oliver's room, turning the knob slowly. "O-Oliver?" She whispered. She peered in and saw him asleep in bed. Her heart started to beat faster as she looked away from his ruffled hair and exposed torso.
Stealing another glance, this time she noticed an arm around Oliver's waist.
Each step she took felt pushed forward. She creeped forward, slowly and reluctantly. Getting a closer look, she saw Marilyn in bed next to Oliver, both of them nearly naked as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
May flushed and staggered backwards. Sh-she…th-they…she's so lucky…she thought. But I c-can’t let her have him! She bawled her small hands into fists and frowned, storming into the living room like an angry mouse.
She shut the door behind her and sat on the couch, red in the face from a cocktail of emotions.
Oliver’s alarm rang angrily.
"Oliver, shut it off," Marilyn mumbled sleepily.
It continued to ring as Oliver didn't stir.
"Oliver, shut it off!" She said, louder this time.
"Fine!" He said, hitting the button.
"Thank you," she said, snuggling back into a comfortable position next to Oliver. Her face rested on his back, between his shoulder blades.
"The floor is too hard and cold," she mumbled, "so I decided to sleep in your bed."
"Too cold. It's warm up here with you," she smiled.
All at once, Oliver became aware of the fact that not just he, but both of them were a step away from naked. The warm sensation of Marilyn's bare skin on his sent alarms screaming through his body, making his face light up like a gas fire.
"Why are you NAKED?!?" He tried disconnecting her arms from his abdomen.
"My clothes burned, remember?"
"Oh yeah," he said. "Wait, LET GO OF ME!!!" He turned and started to tickle her again, making her scream abdomen laugh once again.
"W-wait no!! Oliver—OLIVER STOP! STOP!!!" She laughed, rolling away from him and holding her sides like a kid.
Oliver stood up, flustered and red in nothing but his boxers.
"Stop doing that, Marilyn!" He cried.
"Buy me a bed and I'll stop!"
"We don't have that much room in the apartment! I can't fit a whole other bed!"
"Then too bad, Oliver!"
"Ugh. Whatever, Marilyn—we don't have time to argue. Just get some clothes on and let's go to school."
"How many times do I have to say I don't have any clothes here?!" She protested.
"Then go home and get some!"
"It's a 30 minute walk: we'll be late."
"Shit!" He looked away.
"I can just wear your hoodie again," she suggested.
"You can't, Marilyn," he tried to explain. "People are gonna get the wrong idea."
"But we're friends, Oliver!"
"That doesn't matter. People will think we're dating, because couples do that."
"Shit," she said.
They both thought as the clock ticked. "Hey," Oliver said. "Maybe May has some extra clothes you can borrow!"
Marilyn remembered last night, and that May was here. But it was still a good idea. "Okay, let's see!"
"I'll go ask her," Oliver said, wanting to avoid any conflict between the two. He threw on something to wear and walked to the living room.
"Hey May," he said as he entered. "Good morning."
She turned on the couch to face him. "Oh, uh, g-good morning, Oliver."
"Did you sleep okay?" He asked.
Any anger she had dissipated in his presence. "Y-yes," she answered.
"Good," he smiled. "I need to ask you a question."
She blushed nervously. "O-oh…wh-what is i-it?"
"Do you have any extra clothes?"
"Um…not…on me," she said.
He swore under his breath. "Shit…alright." He got up and walked back to his room. "Hey Marilyn, she said she doesn't have any."
Marilyn’s eyes narrowed. She got up and walked unabashedly to the door, opening it and facing Oliver. "Well," she said Loyd enough for May to hear, "I bet she does have some clothes, and she's just saying that because she hates me because I'm a demon!"
"I-I’m telling the truth!" May called from the couch.
"Sure you are!"
"No really, I-I don't have any other clothes! All I have is what I'm wearing!"
Marilyn’s face beamed. "That's it!" She cried. "How about May just letting me wear her dress until I can get my clothes after school??"
May wasn't stoked with this idea.
"That could work," Oliver said, "but I don't know if May's okay with it."
They both turned to May, who didn't know what to do. On the one hand, she'd be doing Oliver a favor. On the other…she'd be doing Marilyn a favor.
"Hurry, May—we don't have much time!" Marilyn cried. May was stuck…she didn't know if she should say yes or no. "Come on! In the meantime, you can wear Oliver’s clothes!"
"Yup!" She said with a smirk.
Marilyn and Oliver both breathed sighs of relief. "Yes!" Marilyn cheered. "Okay, hurry and take off your clothes so I can change!" She ran over to May and lifted her up off the couch, starting to unzip her dress.
"W-wait! N-not here!"
"What? Why?!"
May glanced at Oliver, blushing.
"Oh shit," he said, blushing too. "My bad." He covered his eyes and turned around, facing the opposite direction.
"There, are you happy now?!" Marilyn asked, starting to unzip May's dress again.
"N-no! Not here! I-I can't be with him in the room!!"
May rolled her eyes and groaned. "Fine! Let's go to Oliver's room then!" She stormed past Oliver (who was still covering his eyes) into his room. She turned for May, but saw that she was still standing in the middle of the living room.
She marched back, grabbed May's arm, and yanked her into Oliver's room, slamming the door. They were alone without Oliver.
"Okay, are you happy? Now take off your dress and hand it over." Marilyn held out her hand.
May struggled to move. "L-l-look a-away!" she said.
Marilyn nearly pulled her hair out. "May!" She begged, "We don't have time for this! Here!" She continued to unzip her dress.
"I can't wait! Oliver and I are going to be late!!!!" In a few seconds, she had most of May's clothes off. "See?" she said. "That wasn't so bad, was it? I don't know why you're so shy."
May sat on the floor in nothing but her underwear, like Marilyn. Except she was holding her sides and had her knees to her chest, refusing to look up.
"I-I've n-never done this b-before…" she said.
Marilyn was annoyed, but couldn't help but not get mad. "Ah, come on, May—we're both girls. It's no big deal."
"Yeah, b-but it feels w-weird!" She cried.
"No it doesn't!"
"W-well…to me, it does. Besides…your body us w-way better than mine…" she said, referring to Marilyn's shape.
"Really??" Marilyn looked down at her own body, then looked at May's for comparison. She did this at least three times. "To be honest, I don't really see a difference."
May looked up at Marilyn sadly. "You look way prettier than me…"
"WHAT?!? Okay, now you're just seeing things. Everyone at school thinks I'm weird: not pretty. Not a single person would even talk to me until Oliver. Once I turned him into a demon, I finally found out what it was like to have a friend…because everyone else thought I was too weird to even give one chance."
"Wait, r-really?"
"Yeah," she said, "but it doesn't matter anymore. Now I have Oliver. He understands me and treats me like a human instead of a demon, and…the feeling I get around him is a really good one. One that makes me feel happy to be alive!"
May stared at her. Oliver made Marilyn feel exactly how he made her feel. She looked down, somber. "M-Marilyn, be honest…d-do you love Oliver?"
"WHAT???? Of course not!!! Demons never fall in love."
"Th-they don’t?" She asked.
"Th-they better not!!."
Marilyn studied her for a second. "It is Oliver, isn't it? He's the demon you're in love with? The one that's turning your wings black?"
She stared at the floor as Marilyn stood thoughtfully.
"Well, just saying," she said, "I'm not gonna let you take him away from me."
"W-what? But y-you don’t even have feelings for him!!"
"Yeah, I know." Marilyn pulled the dress over her head while she talked. "But he's my only friend, and I don't ever want to lose him."
She was about to leave, but stopped and turned around. "Oh, imma need this too!" She said, plucking the bow off May’s head. "See ya!"
"W-wait, Marilyn!!" The door slammed shut, leaving May alone. She's hiding something…I know she is! May got up and stormed out to confront her.
"Marilyn, wait!" She yelled.
Marilyn and Oliver were standing in the living room getting ready to go when May stormed out. They both looked over as she yelled, she and Oliver making eye contact. Unfortunately for May, it was at that exact moment she remembered she had next to nothing on.
It took a second to register in Oliver's brain. But then it did.
He looked away as she covered herself, running back into the bedroom, both of their faces flushing bright red. The door slammed, and Marilyn pulled Oliver's arms.
"C'mon! We're gonna be late!"
He wouldn't take his hands away. "Sh-shit," he muttered.
"Would you calm down!" She yelled. "She was just in her underwear! You see me in my underwear all the time, so shouldn't you just be used to it by now?!"
"I-I don't want her to feel weird here!"
Marilyn grabbed his arm. "Let's just go already! You're worrying over nothing!"
Oliver gave in, grabbing his backpack and getting ready to leave. He thought about locking the door as they left, but figured it'd be fine since May was here. They stormed onto the sidewalk. He looked over at Marilyn while they waited at a crosswalk.
"Wait, where's your backpack?!"
"Huh?" she said. "Oh, I don't need one! I have everything I need here!!" She held out her hand to Oliver, showing him her wrist.
You are reading story Half Demon, Even Demon Can Be Heroes at
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!" He screamed.
"What?" It was a tattoo of an eye…or something that looked like an eye.
"Why does it look so weird?!"
"Oh, because it's a good contract. It's called Red Eye's Eye. It's got infinite summons, but you wouldn't believe what I had to go through to get it…"
10 minutes of walking had passed.
"Okay, let me get this straight: you fought all those wild demon dogs for nothing, and it turned out Red Eyes said that he’d give you the contract for free if you just cleaned his shoes??”
Marilyn and Oliver had made it to school. They walked in the gate unnoticed at first. But of course, as soon as someone realized who it was, everyone was staring at Oliver. Word got around fast at school that he told the weird girl to hit Erica, even though most people assumed the part about the mall wall was just an exaggeration. But the two of them were too deep in conversation to notice.
“And he said you can pay this year’s cost next year?”
“Yeah, and that’s a win in my book!” she smiled.
“How much do you have to pay, again?”
“I think he said about $100,000 a year.”
Oliver nodded. “That's pretty good, as far as contracts go,” he said, opening the school door for her. On their way to the principal’s office, all heads turned towards them; and not just because of the suspension.
“Uh, who the hell is the new girl?” a girl said to her friends. Everyone else was thinking the same thing as they saw this girl in a white and green dress, with a green bow on her head.
Marilyn and Oliver made it to the principal's office. She knocked on the door. It was a few seconds before it opened a crack, and the principal popped his head out. “Who is it?” he asked.
“It’s us, Marilyn and Oliver,” she said. “Our suspension is over!”
He glanced between them. “Oh, welcome back. And, er, stay out of trouble!” He shut the door.
They stood there. “What’s his problem?” Oliver asked.
“I dunno, he’s probably busy with something. Let's head to class.”
Oliver shrugged, and the two of them headed towards their English class.
Meanwhile, back at Oliver’s house, May opened Oliver’s closet delicately. She looked through his clothes, trying to find something to wear. She tried to avoid the drawers, though. In the end, she put on one of his black shirts and a pair of his shorts. Then she looked in the mirror.
The clothes were baggy on her. But still, she couldn’t help but feel fuzzy as she looked in the mirror. A shy smile creeped on her face.
She walked out into the living room, remembering what happened before they left. “O-O-Oliver saw me n-naked…” she blushed. I wonder what he thought…
She snapped back. “Wh-what am I thinking?? He…he probably thinks I look weird! Not like Marilyn…
“What am I gonna do?!” she cried. “I can’t face him!!”
She couldn’t believe herself…how could she do something so stupid?? She knew Oliver was out there—why didn’t she think before running after Marilyn?! Now Oliver probably thought she was weird looking…he probably would never look at her the same again…he’d probably think Marilyn was prettier than her…
She paced anxiously, biting her thumb nail until her eyes rested on a bookshelf in the room. “B-books?” she asked.
She walked over, her mind distracted by this new discovery. She didn’t know Oliver had books. She ran her finger across the spines of rows of books, hardcovers and paperbacks, of all different sizes. She picked one out at random, a paperback, and sat down on the couch with it. She opened it up randomly in the middle.
“It's a picture book…”
She went to the front so she could read it properly, and opened the front cover.
“O-oh, sorry,” she said, flipping the book backwards. She started at the first panel.
“The world…it's full of selfish people…All they care about is fame and money…
That’s all bullshit for me, though. I don’t care about any of those things.
I-I…I just wanna be loved for once!!!”
May’s eyes darted from panel to panel.
“I’m tired of being alone!!! All I want is to be happy for once!
It’s to the point where I made this person in my own head! I know they aren’t real, but if it was…maybe I could finally be happy for once!!!
“Matt! Stop daydreaming in my class!””
Back at school, Marilyn and Oliver ducked their way past the stares of their peers as they made it to class. When they walked into the classroom, 27 pairs of eyes silently rested on the two of them. Slowly, awkwardly, they separated and walked to opposite sides of the room, taking their seats.
Why the hell is everyone looking at me? Oliver thought, putting his backpack on his desk. The kid in the desk next to Oliver, meanwhile, was staring at Marilyn from across the room.
“Bro,” he said, “who is that girl?”
“Huh?” Oliver asked.
“Her, the girl who just walked in with,” he nudged his head in her direction.
He blinked. “Marilyn?”
“Marilyn? No, bro, that girl!”
He pointed at Marilyn, who was aimlessly playing with her pencil.
“You seriously don’t recognize her?”
“Nah, bro,” he said distantly, “She’s cute, though. Really cute.”
Oliver couldn’t believe it. “Dude, that’s Marilyn you dumbass! It’s literally just Marilyn in a dress!”
“Bro, stop playing—no way in hell that’s Marilyn,” he said.
“Dude! Short blue hair?!? That’s Marilyn!!!”
“Yeah? Prove it then.”
“Alright, I will.” He turned over. “HEY MARILYN!!!”
She looked over, taken aback. “What?”
“Do you have a pencil I can borrow?”
Everyone was staring at her. She wasn’t used to this much attention…this many eyes. “Um, yeah.” She took her pencil and shuffled over quickly. All the eyes followed her, shocked. “H-here…” she handed Oliver the pencil. She made her way back to her desk.
“Thank you, MARILYNN,” he called, looking smugly at the kid. He shook his head in disbelief.
“No way that’s her,” he muttered.
7 Hours Later
“Matt, I….I—
What Lulu said after that changed my life…
To be Continued…”
“TO BE CONTINUED?!?!?” May screamed. “WHY???!?!” She’d read through 5 books in the series, following Matt and Lulu. “Why does the book do this to me?!?” She ran to the bookshelf, scouring for the 6th one. “Come on, come on…it has to be here! I have to know what she tells him!! I have—”
May froze. Where did that sound come from?
BINGBONG. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. “Anyone home? I’ve got a package for an…Oliver Rojas.”
The gruff voice behind the door startled her. P-package? For Oliver? She was intimidated, but walked over to the door.
She hesitated before opening it, but took a deep breath and did it. A burly, younger man stood there, package in hand.
“U-um, hello…” she blushed.
“Hello—package for Oliver Rojas,” he said. She hesitated, making him skeptical of her. “Do you know Oliver Rojas? Are you his girlfriend or something?”
“G-g-girl-...friend?” She chewed it over for a second. “U-um…yeah…I’m his girlfriend…” She reddened like a tomato. Again.
“Oh. Okay then, here’s his package.” He handed it to her, wished her a good day, and left, leaving May in the doorway with the cardboard box.
“Th-thank you…” she called softly.
She stepped into the apartment and shut the door, glancing down at the box. “I wonder what’s in here…” She shook it lightly. She couldn’t tell anything about it from the sound it made. “Sh-should I open it…?”
Back at school, Oliver and Marilyn were leaving the main building together, ready to go home. They walked in silence, and Marilyn stared straight ahead wordlessly.
Shit, he thought. She’s been avoiding me all day…she’s probably pissed at me about this morning… He looked at her again.
She was frowning grumpily.
“Um…h-hey Marilyn!” he said, getting an idea.
“Do you…wanna go get ice cream? I still owe you, remember?”
Her eyes lit up. “Yeah!! Let’s go!!!!” She smiled and grabbed his arm, tugging him eagerly.
She’s…she’s so easy to make happy! Oliver thought, smiling to himself. They started to walk away, making their way to the gate as Marilyn yanked him excitedly. Down the pavement they went.
“Hey, there you are!”
Marilyn and Oliver turned. A guy ran towards them. Oliver recognized him—it was David. David?! he thought. He jogged over, panting slightly when he reached them.
“Um, h-hey,” he said, looking at Marilyn and rubbing his knuckles. “Uh, can I ask you something?”
“Uhh…su-u-ure?” she looked to Oliver for approval, who was just as confused as she was.
He threw a quick glance at Oliver. Then faced Marilyn again, saying, “Uh…can you come with me? It’s kinda personal.”
“Uhhh….s-sure, I guess…” The two of them started to walk away awkwardly, and she looked back at Oliver. “Oliver! Wait for me, yeah??”
“Yeah…” he said. He watched the two of them disappear behind a corner. What is he trying to do?
Meanwhile, David walked Marilyn to the library, all the way in the back. For however quiet the library normally was, back there was infinitely more quiet. Especially after school. He looked around, making sure no other kids were around. Marilyn stood impatiently—she wanted her ice cream, and didn’t want to be here.
“So, here’s the thing…” he said, blushing. “I…I think you’re cute, o-k-kay?”
“No I'm not.”
“I’m not cute,” she said. “I’m Marilyn.”
He stared blankly. “No, that's not what I—” he sighed. “What I mean is, uhh…well, I wanted to maybe s-start dating you…” He blushed.
“Uh, okay. I don’t know why you’re telling me that, though.”
He stared at her, eyebrows furrowed. “....because I like you. That’s why I’m telling you. I like you.”
The silence thickened.
“Oh…uh, good for you, I guess?” she shrugged. She turned and started to walk to the exit.
David was shocked. “W-wait, what?!?”
“What?” she turned back.
He was flustered. He knew this would be hard, but holy hell, he didn’t know it was gonna be this hard. “I-I finally build up the courage to ask you out, a-and you just say ‘good for you’?! Wh-what kind of answer is that?!” He balled his fists, red faced from embarrassment.
“Yeah, what of it?” she said spitefully. “I mean,” she scoffed, “if you really liked me, where were you when I really needed a friend, huh? Where were you when the WHOLE DAMN SCHOOL was making fun of me, calling me a freak and a loser and whatever else?!” She shook her head. “What about that one time? That time I came up to YOU, and asked YOU if you wanted to be a demon. Remember that?
“You just looked at me and laughed.” She was furious. “Oh yeah, you really like me.”
“H-hey, I—!”
“I don’t NEED anyone else, asshole! I have Oliver, and he was the ONLY ONE who ever gave a DAMN about me. He’s the ONLY ONE who understands me, even when he doesn’t get it. He’s the ONLY ONE I need.” She was shaking. “I HATE people like you!!!”
He was frozen, speechless as Marilyn turned around and walked towards the exit.
She stormed out, walking down the halls until she saw the front doors. She threw them open and marched over to Oliver, walking past him. “Let’s go,” she said.
He looked up, surprised by her arrival. “Oh, a-alright,” he said, catching up to her. They walked in the direction of the ice cream parlor. Oliver was still curious about what David had wanted though.
“So Marilyn…” He looked over, and noticed the scowl across her face. Shit!! She’s pissed again!
“What?” she said, annoyed.
“Uhhh…what…flavor of ice cream are you going to get?”
The look vanished. “Oh. Um…rocky road!!” She smiled. “Yummm!!!”
Oliver smiled at her. “Yeah, I think I’ll get that too!”
“It’s so yummy!” she said. She grabbed his hand and pulled him. “Let’s hurry! I want my ice cream!!!!
End of chapter 15