Chapter 17: Chapter Seventeen, Angel In My Team?!

A week had gone by since Oliver invited May to stay with him, and she’d more or less gotten pretty used to it. 


Now she was always smiling, no matter if she was reading or cleaning. She took care of herself and would cook for the three of them at least once a day. Things had gotten so great, Oliver even started giving her an allowance for helping out so much. 


She didn’t want to take it, but Oliver insisted, telling her how much of a help she was around the house. She eventually caved, accepting the weekly money gratuitously.  


Oliver even signed May up for school. She will be starting on the following Monday. 


On Friday morning, Oliver woke up a few minutes before his alarm. He didn’t know what is what yet…but something felt off. He opened his eyes. He was laying on his side, so as soon as he did, he was eye-to-eye with May, who was crouched on the floor by his bed. 


“Uh, good morning, May?” 


Her eyes widened. “Uh, g-g-g-good m-m-morning.” She blushed and stood up suddenly. 


“So, um…what’s going on?” Oliver asked. 


She tripped over her feet, backing away. “O-oh! U-um, n-nothing!!” 


Something still felt off, though. He sat up in bed and looked around; and that’s when it hit him. 


“Wait, where’s Marilyn?” 


She stopped backing up. “Oh. O-on the c-couch.” 


“Really?!” he smiled, glad she finally listened to him. “Ever since I’ve been hanging out with Marilyn, she’s been sleeping over. And I guess that’s fine, but she’s been sleeping in my bed.” 


“O-oh?” she smiled nervously. Good thing I moved—




Marilyn burst into his room, clothesless and terrified. 


“Oliver—!” she said, pointing back to the couch. “I fell asleep in your bed last night, a-and then I just WOKE UP on the COUCH. I think I teleported in my sleep!!!” 


“Wait, seriously?” Oliver asked. 


“Yeah!!! See,” she explained, “last night, I got up to go to your bed because I was cold—well, actually, first I got some pizza from the fridge, because I was hungry, and then—” 


“WAIT, my pizza?!?” he asked. “The one I bought at the convenience store?!?” 


Busted. “Um…yes?” 


“Marilyn! I was saving that for the new episode of Retired Samurai today!!” he yelled. “Now you owe me a new pizza.” 


“Fine!” she yelled back. 


Oliver threw the blankets off him, storming off to the bathroom. 


May watched him skittishly. “W-wait, Oliver! Where are you g-going??” 


“I’m taking a shower!!” he yelled.


“Oh…d-do you want me to bring you some clothes?” 


“No, it’s fine.”


“Oh…Then, um…I-I’ll get breakfast ready!!” 


20 minutes later, Oliver wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into his room. As he started digging around for some clean clothes, a chill ran down his spine. He stood up straight. 


Shit…why does it feel like I’m being watched? 


He looked around, slowly shifting his eyes around the room. That’s when he saw the edge of a green bow peeking out from behind a wall. 




Slowly, her blonde head peeked out from behind the wall. “Y-ye-e-e-e-es?” she asked innocently. 


“Uh, what…are you doing in here?” 


They both stood, staring at each other. 


“Oh, I….I, u-um….I-I j-just…” 


Tell him you came to tell him breakfast was ready! 


“...j-just came to tell you that b-breakfast was ready!” 


“Oh…alright. I’ll be out in a second.” 


He expected her to leave, standing there with his clothes in hand. But she couldn’t help but stare at him…stare at hi—


“Um, M-May?”


She snapped out of it, her face going completely red. “Y-y-yes??!” 


“…Can you step out for a second? I’m gonna be changing.”


“S-s-ure!” she said, hurrying out the door with her face turned away from him. 


He walked over and closed the door behind her. I keep forgetting to close my door…May does this every time I get out of the shower!! He thought about it for a second. …ehh, whatever. 


He opened his door, fully dressed, and walked into the living room. 


“BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!” Marilyn laughed at the TV. 


“What’s so funny?” Oliver asked, walking over. He looked at the screen and rolled his eyes. “Bobby’s in the Lobby?? How do you find that shit funny?!” 


“Because it is!” she yelled. 


“No it’s not. All his jokes are trash. Plus, what’s up with all those random pauses where he just stares at the camera?” 


“What do you mean? That’s funny!”


“Ugh, whatever,” he said, walking to the table. “I’m gonna eat!!” He sat down, and May walked over with a plate of pancakes. 


“U-um, here!” she set it down in front of him quickly. 


Oliver looked down. His pancakes were shaped like a heart, with a pat of butter on top and drenched in maple syrup. “This looks good, May!!!” he said obliviously, picking up his fork. 


Marilyn was drawn over by the smell. “I wanna see!” she said, looking at Oliver’s pancakes. “Ooooohhhhh, yummy!!!! I want some!!” she said. 


“I made some for you too!” May said, bringing over another plate. “Here!!”




May set the plate down and Marilyn got ready to eat. But her pancakes weren’t the same. They weren’t hearts with butter; all she saw was normal pancakes. They looked so sad on the plate compared to Oliver’s. “Hey, May, what is this?!?” 




“Then why do Oliver’s look so much better than mine!!” she pouted. 




“Because I pay her, and you don’t!” Oliver joked. 


Marilyn glared at May. “Oh yeah, sure that’s it. It’s definitely not because May lik—” 


May kicked Mariyln’s ankle. 




May leaned in. “Shh!” she whispered. “Be quiet!!!!” 


“Hey!” Oliver said, getting up. “Don’t fight, you two—okay?” He looked at Marilyn. “Look, if it’s that big of a deal, you can have my pancakes, and I’ll just eat yours.” 


“Really?!” she exclaimed with a smile. 


“Yeah, it’s fine,” he said. 


“Yayyyyyy!!!!!” She ran over and sat at his seat, starting to eat his pancakes. She stuck out her tongue at May. 


Meanwhile, May watched in horror. “B-but, Oliver………I-I m-m-made th-those pancakes for you!!”


“Yeah, but…” he lowered his voice, “You know how Marilyn gets when she’s mad.” They both watched as Marilyn scarfed down the pancakes, ripping the heart into bites. 


“Oliver?” May said, still watching Marilyn. 




Her eyes rested on her. “I d-don’t like Marilyn.” 




Marilyn looked up when Oliver screamed. “What?” she asked. 


“Oh shit, um, n-nothing!” he said. 


She shrugged and occupied herself with the pancakes again. Oliver turned back to May and whispered. 


“Why do you hate her?” he asked. 


She struggled to find an answer. “B-because……” she said, “sh-she’s a meanie!!” 


Oliver laughed. “Well, she can be at times,” he smiled, “but once you get to know her better, she starts to be cool.”


“Hmph…” she pouted. She wanted to let it all out. “No, Oliver! She’s rude and I don’t like her!!”


He sighed. Oliver knew where she was coming from, but… “May, look,” he said, “if you want to live here, you’re gonna have to live with Marilyn, too. I know she has her own house, but she hates being alone. That’s why she’s living here, and that’s why she’s being rude to you! She’s scared you’ll take me away from her, and she’ll be alone again.” 


She thought about it. 


“Oh shit,” he said, “that reminds me!” He walked into his room, and came out a few seconds later with something in his hand. “Marilyn! May! Come here!” 


They walked over to him, and he handed them both something small and dainty. 


“What is it—” she gasped. “DOGGY!!!!!!!!” 


“Marilyn, it’s a bracelet,” he said. 




May looked at her bracelet. It was like Marilyn’s, except instead of dog charms, hers had one green bow charm. She admired it. 


“Oh yeah!!” Oliver said, running into his room again. He came back with the red bow and handed it to May. 


She took it reluctantly. “Wh-why did you buy me so much stuff?” she asked. 


“I only bought you the bracelet,” he said. “I’ve had the bow for a while now. It was just sitting in my room this whole time, so I wanted to give it to you since you like bows. Besides, I think girls look cute with bows on.” May blushed bashfully. 


Marilyn looked from Oliver to the bow. Then she walked up to May. “Let me try on the bow!” she said. 


“Wh-what?? Of c-course not!” she yelled, clutching the bow. “I-it’s a gift from Oliver, a-and I’m going to take care of it!!” 


“Come on, May!!” she argued, trying to snatch it away. 




“Hurry up and get dressed, Marilyn—we have to go to school!” Oliver said. 


She growled. “Errr…why did you give her the bow, Oliver?!?”


“Because she wears bows!” he yelled.


“B-but, I wanna be cute, too!” she cried. 


She wasn’t gonna give this up. He looked her over. “Ehhhh…..y-your sweater is cute…” 


She looked down at her sweater, then looked back at Oliver and smiled. “I am?!” 


“Uhh…y-yeah?” Marilyn grinned happily while May frowned at Oliver. “Now hurry up, Marilyn, we need to go!” 


“Okay, okay!!” 


They walked to the front door, about to leave. “U-um, Oliver?” May asked. He turned around, and she handed him a box wrapped in a towel. 

“What’s this?” he asked. 


She continued frowning. “I-it’s lunch, d-dummy!” 


“Oh. But why?” 


“B-because, I wanted to m-make something for you!”


“Oh, alright. Thank you!” he smiled. He gave her a hug, catching her off guard. Slowly, she hugged him back. He pulled back, still smiling. 


She blushed. “Well, u-um, y-you better eat it all!!” 


“I will!” The two of them left for school, Oliver with his lunch in hand. 


Somewhere in the city, meanwhile, a store owner was starting to lose his patience. “Get out of my store—now!!” 


“C-come on, sir! I really want it!!” 


“No, you vagrant!” he said, looking up at him. “You always come here with no money, expecting to get something out of me. Now get out!!!” 


“B-but sir!!”


The bell of the door jangled. “Ralph?!” a girl yelled. 


The guy at the counter turned around. His white hair fell over his face.  “Ayaka! Tell this guy to give me those chips!” 


“Uhh…Ralph…” She shook her head and walked up to the counter. “How much are the chips?” 


“$1.24,” he said. 


“What the hell?!?” she cried, looking back at Ralph. She turned back to the owner. “That’s way too much!!”


The owner stared blankly. “Too much?! What are you talking about!! A baby could afford that!” 


“No they couldn’t!” Ayaka said. “Babies can’t even walk, stupid!!! You know what? Here!” she threw the money at the man. “Ralph, get your chips and let’s go, we don’t have any time to waste!” 


“Yeah, let’s go!” He grabbed the chips and the two of them stormed out of the convenience store, leaving the owner baffled. 


“Okay Ralph, now go back home,” Ayaka said. “I’ve gotta go to school.” 


“Huh?” He opened his chips. “Why? It’s boring there!” 


“Look, Ralph—if you go, I’ll ask my friend Oliver to let me borrow that video game you’ve been wanting.”


“Really?? Does Oliver really have it??” 


“Yeah, he posted it on his social media the other day. I’ll ask him—but you have to go home.” 


He agreed. They turned to part ways, but then she remembered something. 

You are reading story Half Demon, Even Demon Can Be Heroes at


“Wait!” she said, running back. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. 


He blushed. “H-have a good day at school,” he said, embarrassed. 


“I will. Love you.”


“U-uh…I l-love you too,” he looked down at his shoes. 


They went in their own directions, Ralph to their home and Ayaka to the high school. 


“Hey Marilyn,” Oliver asked as they walked to school.


“Yeah?” She was focusing on stepping on every crack on the sidewalk. 


“Can angels get a demon rank?” 


“Hmm…” she thought, still focusing. “I think they can now because of Matthew—that’s the ruler—but they’ll never get a good rank since they’re so weak.” 


“Oh,” Oliver said. “Well in that case, I’ve been thinking of letting May join our team.” 


Her eyes flew up at him. “WHAT?!? NO!!” she cried. “NO, OLIVER—YOU BETTER NOT!!” 






“Yeah. She’s nice, Marilyn.”


“I’m nice, Oliver!”


“U-uh…yeah…” he scratched his neck. “But May cleans the house and cooks for us! You live with me, but you don’t do that!” 


“I don’t know how to do that, Oliver!!” she cried.


“Yes you do, Marilyn!! I know you know how to clean—you take showers and use my soap!!”


“It smells good!”


“It’s mine!!!!”


“You’re mine!!!!” She wrapped her arms around Oliver tightly. 


“Yeah, I am your friend, but that gives you no right to use my stuff,” he said. “Look—I’m gonna add May to our team, and that’s that.” 


“But Oliver—!”


“Sorry, but too bad! We ca—”




Oliver and Marilyn turned around. “Oh, Ayaka,” Oliver said. “I didn’t know you were going to this school.”


“Yeah, I had to do something here,” she answered. 


“Oh. Well, would you like to join us?”




Marilyn grabbed Oliver’s arm. “Oliver, who is she?” she asked in a low voice. 


“This is Ayaka, a friend from middle school,” he answered. 


“Hey Oliver?” Ayaka asked. “Um, do you care if I borrow another video game?” 


“For your boyfriend?”




“Oh, that reminds me,” Oliver said, “tell your boyfriend that he got his ass carried hard last time we played Battle is Calling.” 


“Oh…u-um, okay…” she said. 


“Anyways, what game does he want?” 


“Um…” she thought. “A game called Return of the Hero. I think that’s what it’s called.”


“Oh yeah, that’s what it’s called,” he said. “Yeah, he can borrow it. It’s really good, actually. I’ll get it for you after school.”


“Thanks!” she smiled. 


The first half of the school day came and passed. At lunch, Marilyn walked up to Oliver. 


“Oliver, did you hear?? The school is gonna add more food to the menu! I hope it’s yummy food!!”


Oliver shook his head. “It's probably just gonna be trash like always.” 


“The cheeseburgers are good!” she said. 


“No they aren’t.”


“Yes they are!!”


“Hey, Oliver,” Erica interrupted, walking over. “Where’s your little girlfriend?” 


The two of them groaned internally. “She’s, uh…at home,” Oliver answered. 


“Oh. Well why isn’t she at school?” she asked. 


“B-because, uh…..” Oliver struggled to think of a lie. “Because she’s a…transfer student.”


“Yeah!” Marilyn interjected. “She’ll be here on Monday!” 


“Oh really?” 


“Yup!” Marilyn grinned. 


Erica grinned back. “Well, I can’t wait to get to know her.” 


“Actually,” Marilyn said, “I’m pretty sure she said you’re ugly!” 


Oliver and Erica both snapped their heads at her. 


“She said…what?” Erica asked slowly, an edge to her voice. 


Oliver continued to stare at her. “Yeah, she said you look like an ugly, fat dog!”


The awkward silence was palpable. 


“You know what?” Erica said, slinging her bad over her shoulder to leave, “I’m gonna make her eat those words. Tell her I’ll see her on Monday.” She stormed off, and Oliver turned back to Marilyn. 


“Marilyn! What the hell was that?!?!” 




“May never said that!!!!!”

“I know…” 


He grabbed his hair. “Then why would you tell Erica that?!?!” 


“I, uh, wasn’t thinking,” she said weakly. 


“Marilyn, you knew exactly what you were doing!! Who knows what Erica is gonna do to May!!” He started frantically thinking for solutions. 


“May will be fine, watch,” she said. “I did this for a reason.”


“Why? To make May look dumb at school??” 


“Nope! To make Erica look bad.” She stopped him before he could interrupt. “Just watch—you’ll see on Monday. Trust me.”




Oliver and Marilyn met Ayaka outside the school gates. 


“Hey,” he said to her, “let’s go.” They walked, mostly in silence, to Oliver’s apartment. He opened the door and walked in, yelling, “May! We’re home!” 


May walked over. “W-welcome home,” she said. “D-did you eat the lunch I made you?” Her eyes landed on Ayaka in the doorway. She was dressed in a red school uniform, and had long, black hair. She was very pretty, May noticed. 


“Yeah, it was great! Thank you!” Oliver walked up and hugged her. 


May went red. “O-o-o-h…” she stammered. Marilyn’s face twitched angrily. 


Oliver let go and walked over to the cabinet, pulling out the video game. “Here,” he said, handing it to Ayaka. May watched the incident in confused shock. 


“Thank you, Oliver!” she said happily. “I’ll, um…give it back in about a week. Is that okay?” 


“Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll see you later!”


“See ya!” 


Ayaka closed the door as she left, leaving Oliver, Marilyn, and May alone. May turned to Oliver. 


“Oliver? Um, who was that?” 


“Who? Ayaka?” he asked. “She’s my friend.” May was about to say something, but Oliver cut her off. “Oh yeah!” he said, grabbing his backpack. “I have something for you May. Here!” 


He handed her a heart-shaped chocolate bar. 


May blushed furiously, staring at the candy. “Th-thank you…” she muttered, taking them shyly. 


Lily had given the chocolates to Oliver earlier, but he thought it’d be better to give it to May instead, as a part of his offer. “Hey May?” he asked. 


She looked up from chocolate. 


“So…I’ve been thinking about you joining our team.”




“Yeah! I think you could help us!” 


“OLIVER!!!!!” Marilyn looked pissed. “NO! YOU BETTER NOT ADD HER TO THIS TEAM!!!” 


“Why not?!” he yelled back. 


She looked at May angrily, flustered. “B-because! She’s gonna hold us back and you can’t trust her anyway—she’s an angel!!!”


“Marilyn, you better shut up about that!” he snapped. “If we’re gonna get to Rank One eventually, we’re gonna need as much help as we can get.”


“Y-yeah, b-but not the help of an angel!!” 


“She’s not just an angel, Marilyn!! She’s my friend, and I don’t care what you say, she’s going to be a member of this team!”


Her eyes flared. “ERRRRRR—!!!!” Everything built and exploded out of her. Without thinking, she balled her fist, punching Oliver hard in the face. He grabbed his jaw silently. She swung again.


This time he caught her fist, yanking it and pulling her into a tight hug to everyone’s surprise. Her face went red as he held her. 


“Look, Marilyn,” he said, still hugging her, “I’m not going to forget about you. Ever. Get that through your head.” 


Marilyn was frozen. Her eyes started to water. 


“Y-y-yes you will!!” she yelled, clinging to him tightly. “I kn-know you will!!!” 


May watched the exchange without a word. 


“No I won’t, Marilyn. And even if I wanted to, you wouldn’t ever let me,” he chuckled. “Just trust me, Marilyn. I won’t forget about you.” 


She dug her fingers into his back, clinging to him. “Y-you promise?” 


“I promise.”


She pulled back, looking him in the eyes. They smiled silently, and she hugged him again. When she did, she looked over at May, who was trying not to look furious. Marilyn smirked and stuck out her tongue. 


May’s jaw dropped, followed by a tight lipped growl. 


“Okay, May,” Oliver said, pulling away. “What do you say? Do you wanna join the team?”


Behind Oliver, Marilyn shook her head, motioning angrily that she better say no. 


“Yes!” May said. 


Oliver smiled while Marilyn glared. May stuck out her tongue at her. 


“Okay Marilyn, what do we do next?” he asked. 


May and Marilyn still glared at each other. “I ain’t telling,” she pouted. 


“Marilyn! Come on!” 


“Nope! I don’t want her on my team!”


“Well, I’m the captain,” he said, “so you better tell me.”


“I don’t have to if I don’t want to and you can’t make me!” she yelled. 


“What!? You forced me to become a demo—wait…” 


Marilyn knew he knew. “Shit, Oliver, no!” He bit his finger roughly, breaking the skin and causing it to bleed—it was messier than Marilyn’s since he didn’t have a fang to help him. “Oliver, stop!! That’s for human’s only, not angels!!!” 


He held out his finger to May quickly. “May hurry!” he yelled. “Drink this!” 


May stared at the blood, starting to get worried. 


“OLIVER, NO!!!” 


Marilyn tried to run over, but Oliver stopped her with his free hand, holding her back with a struggle. “May, hurry!” he yelled urgently. 


Breathing quickly, May opened her mouth, sucking the blood from his finger. He pulled back and let Marilyn go, who nearly fell. 


They stood in silence, waiting for something to happen. A minute passed…and nothing. 




May’s eyes fluttered as she fell into Oliver’s outstretched arms. 


“Shit!” Marilyn yelled, kicking the coffee table. 


“Don’t worry, May,” Oliver said to her as she faded. “Everything is gonna be okay. You’re just gonna go to sleep. You’ll wake up in a couple of hours.”


She looked into his eyes, vision blurred. “O-o-okay…O-Oliver…” she mumbled before passing out. 


End of chapter 17