Chapter 5: CH 4: The Reincarnated Imposter.

The Reincarnated Imposter:

The Goddess and the classmates were gone to some other place for appraisal and stuff. 

There are once again only the three of us left in the whole chamber.

With nothing in hand, I thought of clicking that star-like button that was displayed above the skill and blessing section.

After saying "Status", I touched the star button above the skill- "Disintegration lvl1". And as expected another window dropped down from it. 

[                                        ]

      NAME: Ren Itsuki            

      AGE: 17

      SEX: Male


      ORIGIN: EARTH-818


      The not Summoned One



      LEVEL: 1


      HP: 6/6

      MP: 10/10

      STR: 0

      DEX: 1

      DEF: 0

      AGI: 1  

      INT: 5

      LUCK: not defined

      ABNORMAL STATE: none


   Disintegration lvl 1:

<                                               >

♦ A unique skill, that disintegrates living targets into non-existence. To invoke this skill, you need to verbally call out the skill's activation phrase - "DISINTEGRATE", while aiming at the target that you need disintegrated with the hand. The point at which the skill is connected becomes the disintegration centre. And the target undergoes disintegration with the disintegration point being the disintegration centre. Note, the target does not die immediately once the skill connects, but when, it is completely disintegrated. Note, there cannot be more than one disintegration centre in a single target.

♦ Current disintegration rate: 60cm³/s.

♦ Current range: 60 cm 

♦ Number of shots: 3/3

♦ MP cost: 3

♦ Cooldown period: 3 days

<                                        >




[                                         ]

'Looks nice, I guess?... hmm? At a closer look isn't the rate a bit too low? Let's see it would take a few hours to completely disintegrate a human-sized enemy. What's more, it says that the enemy won't die instantly, huh. What? The range is just 60cms? khek! I could just move one step forward and it would still be better than this... well, at least it doesn't require physical contact. It might increase after I am 10 or 20 levels anyway. Shit! Cooldown period is 3 fucking days!! fuck, I'm screwed!'

'Even a knife would kill more efficiently and quickly. My skill is just not efficient..... that is, at least for now... If I could just level it up to a few decent times it could become a formidable skill! I mean, it could finish off any living enemy, even if it takes time, right?'


Let's check what the blessing does... it's pretty clear from the name itself but still.



< >

 All-father has blessed you with the ability to understand all languages that exist in, EARTH-01Z. You can communicate and write in any language that you already know or have come to know through the blessing. 

 < >

"Ohohoho, it's quite a blessing, eh. Now, I could watch foreign movies without subtitles! Heck yeah!"

Akane-san flinched at my unintentional exclamation. And the Apostle, Edmund, ignored me and her as if we don't exist, just as he did for all this time.

'Ah, shit... I said it out loud.'

"Sorry...", I apologized.

The eyepatch girl just shook her head. 

'Oh well, she doesn't talk to anyone... so of course, she won't open her mouth here as well.'


My classmates were still in their uniforms... meaning not much time had passed in my old world even though 17 years passed in this world since I was born. 

'how should I greet them?... what should I say to them?... how will they react seeing me alive?'

'Will they recognise me? I haven't changed much from how I looked in my previous life, so, they should, right?'

'I have to ask so many questions from them... How's my Mom doing? She is not missing me too much, right?' 

Thankfully, even though I was a teenager, I had life insurance in my previous life. Being a single mother, losing the only son must've been hell for Mom, but the life insurance might've helped her even if only a bit... at least I hope it did.

Izuku Midoriya-kun might know. He was the only friend during my time of death. It wasn't that I wasn't sociable enough that I didn't have more friends in my past life. It was just due to an incident that all my "friends", started to avoid me. At that time only Midoriya-kun was the one who talked with me so, we eventually became best friends. Well, he too was involved in that incident, so, yeah.





Several minutes later, a cloudy bluish-black portal opened once again. The Goddess stepped out from it, following her, came the eleven other Apostles and following them, my classmates and teacher came out of the portal. 

Goddess Helastia walked to the platform and then said, "It's my pleasure to inform you that this time's summoning gave splendid results! We have 4 S-Rank Heroes, 2 A-Rank Heroes, 8 B-Rank Heroes, 12 C-Rank Heroes and also 5 D-Rank Heroes. First time in history we have had this many S-Rank Heroes in the same summons. This would help us defeat the Devil lord with a bit of less difficulty......Thank you, heroes! I thank you, for being summoned in this world! I and the people of this world shall be eternally grateful to you." 

After completing her speech she gestured to the Apostle standing behind us to come to her. Edmund finally left us by ourselves and went to the Goddess. Since the goddess wasn't talking to anyone, I thought this was my chance to finally say hello to my old classmates. 

As I proceeded to walk towards them, a student noticed me and gasped in surprise, this caused all of them to look behind them which surprised them too. 

'Looks like seeing me alive is more of a surprise than getting summoned in another world, huh.'

They were looking at me as if I were a ghost, which wasn't their fault, I mean, I did come back from the dead, didn't I?  

"Oh my gosh!! That's Haruto-kun, right?"

'Rui Haruto, my name in my previous life, so long since I heard it, heh.'

"Wha-what? H-how how?? He died just a few months ago, didn't he? What the fuch is he doing here!!!"


"Wait a moment you guys, he seems real... do you think he somehow got summoned here too?" 

"You're somewhat right, Sakamoto-kun."


"Gh, shut up, Botani! Stop yelling!!", I told to scaredy-cat, Botani Hoshi.

"So, how are you alive aga--"

"I-Is that really you R-Rui?", cutting the words of Sakamoto-kun, finally my friend Midoriya came from the back of the crowd. The same old skinny Otaku. He looks like he will just break in tears.

"......... Yeah", I smiled.

He came closer and showed me his hand, we did our signature handshake. Before I could say anything else, he hugged me and started crying. I hugged him back. It has been so long, huh... After a few moments, we separated. 

'That handshake, did he did that to test me just now? He has become quite smart.'

"How's my Mom? Is she fine?", I asked.

"*sniffffff* yeah, she is well and fine, I visit her often."

"She doesn't miss me too much, does she?"

"She missed you a bit too much in the beginning, now she better."

"Is that so, huh... good to hear that she's doing fine.", I smiled.

"So-uh, what happened? How are you here? Alive? We all saw you die in front of us..."

"Oh yeah... it seems like after dying, I got reincarnated in this world."

"Like Mushoku Tensei?"

"Yeah bastard, right just like Mushoku Tensei hehe... hm? Hey Midoriya, what are you holding there?", I snatched the paper he was holding.


{ NAME: Izuku Midoriya}

{ AGE: 17 }

You are reading story HOW TO KILL A GODDESS OF ANOTHER ‘EARTH’ at

{ HP: 500 }

{ MP: 500 }

{ STR: 500 }

{ DEX: 500 }

{ DEF: 500 }

{ AGI: 500 }

{ INT: 500}


'Are these his stats? They're freaking large! Mine don't even compare..'

"Oh, this? This is the stats sheet, the goddess gave this to us. Since we can't show our status to anyone else and she wanted to look at our level 1 stats, that's what it is used for. They are huge, right. I'm an S-Rank hero, by the way."

"Oh, great! Looks like the bullied wimpy guy is up to something great, heh!" 

"Umm, Haruto-kun...", Aoi Sano, barged in between my conversation with Izuku.

"Yeah, Class Rep... Aoi-san--"


Goddess Helastia cleared her throat to get our attention. I and others looked towards her... 

'Despite her "ahem" being so soft, it still got everyone's attention, huh.'

"Oh, My~ it seems the Heroes and.... that... already know each other, may I know, how~?..... Ren Itsuki, I suppose? Please come forward."


I nodded and moved to the front. Looking up to the Goddess from the white floor, I told her everything about my circumstances. Honestly, I didn't want to tell some stranger about me but the cat was already out of the bag, and the Goddess... she just looked so divine, that I didn't want to refuse her too. Once I started, I blabbered like a fool, telling her even more than needed. 

"----and aside from my hobbies like gaming and programming, I also liked reading novels and mangas. Those were way more interesting in my past world than in this world, sources of entertainment are a bit lacking in this world if I say so myself."

As I blabbered, Goddess Helastia looked at me with a motherly gaze. Even from down below, I could smell her pleasant odour.

'fuck it, she never asked about my hobbies! That's embarrassing!'

"Hmm~ Oh, really? You think sources of entertainment are lacking in this world... Hmm~ Well, I can't deny that myself too... ahaha~"

'Ah! I made her giggle!'

"Now then~ I understand your whole circumstances. Hmm~ so, this time there is a "Reincarnated Imposter" too, huh. Well, they have appeared in the past too, so nothing new there... you're just.... boring."


As soon as she said the word "Imposter", my body temperature rose in anxiety, and my breathing became heavy in fear. I don't know why it happened. 

'Why am I panting?' 

'Why is heart beating out of control?'

'Was it the word "Imposter" that caused it?'

I looked at the goddess. I don't understand why but, the goddess who seemed so lovely, so pretty, and angelic a moment ago, now terrified me to the core.

"What  do you mean Reincarnated Imposter? I am not posing to be someone else--", shaking, I asked the goddess.

"Imposter, huh~...", she contorted her face in disgust. Her attitude, her expressions, her whole visage turned entirely different from her previous cheerful persona. As if... As if her previous airhead-yet-elegant goddess attitude was just a facade. She gestured for someone to come forward.

I hear footsteps coming towards here. 

I could guess whom she called, it was Akane-san. 

Akane-san came to the front, she stood beside me and looked at the floor with a pale expression.

"Humanity's Traitors.... they are the servants of the Devils that somehow manage to trick the system and obtain the powers of the heroes and use it for their 'Master's', The Devil lord's benefits. Sometimes, they come along with the Heroes, posing to be Heroes too, just because they have the same kind powers that heroes posses. The power they have isn't even their own, they scavenge the heroes' leftover powers when All-father transfers it to the heroes. But here is a funny thing, even though they scavenged someone else's powers, they would still remain extremely weak as their growth rate is extremely poor, fufufu~ *sigh* This time they have sent a Reincarnated Imposter too, posing to be your dead classmate! Ugh! They are absolute sinners, they are filthy scavengers and their goal is the annihilation of humankind. They mustn't be let free. They are  Trash. They should just perish...", saying that the goddess gave a 'smile', a smile that gave me chills in the spine.

"Goddess Helastia! Listen to me I have no connection to the Devils nor I am some scavenger or imposter or humanity's traitor... That beam of light!... I didn't do anything it just fell on me from above on its own!! You can ask anyone who knows me--"

"Well~~ Well~~ that's what all the sinners and traitors say when their beans are spilt."

"Oh, Shit!! That explains why that dude has Haruto-Kun's face!"

"Oh mah Gawd! Does that mean he impersonated the dead Haruto? Fucking dumb he should at least impersonate someone who was alive... Khe heh ehehaa~"

"That's actually a bit terrifying don't you think so too, Taka-kun?"

"khe heh... Nah, Kirin, the goddess said that he's weak as shit and besides, I have the power to kill him in one shot and also I'm an A-Rank hero there's no way a dumb devil's servant could ever hope to defeat "Me"."

"Yeah, that's for sure, b-baby."


They... they already believe her...?

'That's all bullshit!'

Shit! Why wouldn't they, what she said sounds all too real.

My eyes widen up in realization. There is no question but a sure realization.  

'But.....why? just why?'

My heart starts racing in anxiety, and cold sweat slides down my cheek. Nothing I say will make them believe me... No matter how much I plead the Goddess won't let me live...

I can't think of any possible way to get out of this situation. I can't escape. I know no way out. 

Where would I run?

I didn't notice it earlier but there is no door here! Why would they even need one when they could just those damned portals.

I can't kill them too.

'She is powerful, she could kill me in a snap... no! she can't kill a being existing in this world...No!... but... then-then, t-they could kill me, those 'beautiful' Apostles.'

But to survive, I need to kill them...

'How will I kill them? With a drawing compass? With a paper knife?'

'Or with my skill that was granted..., no, that I scavenged from the leftovers of the other heroes? The skill is absolutely shitty! This skill's range is 60 cm, that Goddess is standing well above 2 meters. And even if I somehow manage to get close to her and shoot her with this skill, neither will she die immediately nor will I be able to survive those "Protectors" of hers. I only have three shots, it won't be near enough to kill these bastards, and also, I don't know if my skill works against a Goddess or not, what if I shoot her with my skill and she just brushes it off, I'll die. Works against a Goddess? I don't even fucking know if it even works at all or not!'

'I see no way to survive!'

'If only the rate of my skill was high enough so that they wouldn't get a chance to react.' 

'If only I had range enough to get them from here.' 

'If only I had enough shots to kill all of them.' 

'These mother fuckers! if only they weren't alive.'

'If only I had any other way to kill them!'

With this skill, I can't even kill a rat, right now. How will I kill them...!?...





How can I think of... killing someone so... easily...?









No! this is for survival.









Morals? What morals?

I need to survive from these people.

This goddess and her men, for some bullshit reason, wants me dead, I need to survive them..........But HOW!!!