Sent back to their "Masters":
The name of the girls that shot the goddess with a gun right now is ............. Rina Akane.
A fair girl with long black hair and a brown eye, she always wears a black eyepatch, covering her right eye.
She just took out a gun from her bag and shot the goddess.
Hearing the sound of the gunshot.
My eyes widen up in realization.
A tiny hope ignites in my chest.
I rose my head with the hope of seeing the Goddess shot in her head.
My lips curl up in anticipation.
The faint smile turns into a grit.
....That Goddess is still standing. Standing there, cackling in mad glee.
The tiny hope disappears from my eyes.
Legs, shaking and knees giving out.
The gun flies away from Akane's hand and lands on the Goddess's palm.
Still cackling, she examines the gun with curious eyes.
"Fufufu~ Ruger SR22... huh... Hmm! ~ Low recoil and makes it an ideal Pistol for newbies. How did you obtain it, little one? I thought, we have already forbidden these toys. Well, no restrictions can be perfectly followed so... no surprise you still find some of these here and there, but still, such a young child shouldn't be possessing one of these... *gasp* Don't tell me you have been sinning all along?~ I think, I will be a little more strict with the Guardian Associations from now on."
All the life disappears from Akane-san. She has no resistance left. How else could she resist?
By throwing a fit?
By crying mindlessly?
By begging shamelessly?
Will begging even do something?
How does she have a gun? I don't want to know.
How can she stay calm in such a situation and shoot the Goddess with such steady arms and such an opportunity? The opportunity that showed itself when the Goddess was busy creating the portal, I don't want to know that too.
I just want to know the way out of kill them....
"fufufu~ I never expected an innocent schoolgirl to carry such a dangerous toy! But at least unlike that boring Imposter, you were somewhat Interesting. That was some good twist in the monotonous plot, wasn't it? Fufufu~"
"But~ if you really wanted to hurt me, you should have tried a railgun instead. Not like they would do much damage? Ah! I forgot they will never be released to the public. Sorry, I spoiled it for you. Ahahaha...fufu~"
"Hah~.....fufu~, now~ enough wasting time, turn around and go inside the portal, will you?"
'I need to do something, I need to escape!'
"Harrison~, Ronald~, escort them inside the portal."
The Apostles standing at the lowest of the stairs nod their heads and march towards us.
Seeing them come towards here, anxiety and panic makes me step back.
I stepped back.
'Think, think, think, think, think...'
'Please don't throw me.'
"P-please don't throw m-me aw-away!" I pleaded.
I raise my arms to prevent them from coming closer to me, all while pleading for my life.
Hah, as if doing that will make them reconsider.
A poor boy in fear of death is Pleading for his life.
The boy,
and shaking,
is crying, begging for his life....
....... At least that's what they must be thinking as I've raised my arms aiming towards them.
They are the Apostles of that Bitch, but they still are living beings. I may not be able to kill them right away, and my skill might kill them after I am already dead, so what? I don't care if I die right now. I will at least take one of them with me.
But there is one concern, what if they don't die even after my skill is connected?
Screw that.
As soon as they come near my skill's range.....
My range is 60cm, an extremely low range......but...
*step* *step*
They are just a few steps away from my skill's range.
*step* *step*
Now... They are in my RANGE...
"Please don't....*INHALE*.........<DISINT-------------." ???????????
'wha?' wha?..... I can't speak!'
"I~ said~ shut up and turn around and walk inside that portal~"
Why are my legs turning towards the portal?
'I don't want to go. I don't want to go. I don't want to go!!'
'why are my feet turning around? '
'Why am I walking towards that death portal?'
'Why isn't my body listening to me?'
'Why does it feel like I am, being controlled by someone else?'
'!?...!? controlled by someone else!?'
'..... that fucking!!!! Goddess!!!'
I can't even speak.
She has complete control over my body.
My legs are moving on their own in the direction I don't want them to.
There are only a few steps remaining till I enter that portal.
My Heart races in dread, and my lungs gasp for air...
NO, NO, aaaarrrr
' AAArrrrggggghhhhhh, dooonnn'ttt mooovvvveee yyyou cccrrrapyyyy bboodddyyy.'
'give mee mmyy bbooddyy bbaacckk yyoouu bbiittcchh!!!!'
'waaahhhhhh, ssttoopp yyyoouu sshhiittyy lleeggss.'
' madarchod ;) grr rrr rw aaaa aaaa aa aaa aaa aa a aaaaaaa '
I am finally able to get some feel of my legs.
I try to turn back with all the power I've got.
Bleeding from my nose.
Drooling from my mouth...I give my all to shout.
To tell the fucking goddess,
Before I get lost in that portal.
You are reading story HOW TO KILL A GODDESS OF ANOTHER ‘EARTH’ at
I can see her brows tilt.
I push the floor to gather power to speak. Doing everything I could to get my mouth back.
My body is constantly trembling, fighting itself for control. I could feel blood trickling down from my ears too now.
"... Gahhhhh, Give me my body back to me, you fucking bitch! I'll kill you! I'll kill motherfucking bitch."
I finally got my mouth back from her.
It appears she didn't expect that, judging from her eyes that are wide in surprise.
I can see it.
The shock in her eyes.
Maybe for the first time since we arrived here, her expressions changed unconsciously.
...But soon, just amusement remained in her eyes, the same amusement when Akane tried to shoot her.
The amusement, that one has when one sees an interesting scene in a 'boring, repetitive' movie or in a monotonous plot, in her words, nothing else.
Getting out of her amusement, she realizes what I said just now. She frowns a bit, barely noticeable.
Her crooked smile comes back to her.
She lowers her posture a bit, powering her legs, she disappears from the platform. The platform cracks into pieces like the cracks on a mirror. The next moment, she appears a few centimetres from me, a powerful shock wave follows.
But my eyes don't flinch. They glare with rage instead.
A stinging pain that resurfaces again and again from each part of my body, starts to affect my eyes too. I hope that they don't start bleeding too.
Her face is just a few centimetres away from my face.
She is a head taller than me.
Lowering her posture to match my eye level, she examines my face and speaks.
'If I just had my arms in control, right now... I would shoot this bitch with my skill.'
"Ara?~ you will kill me, huh? You worthless F-Grade will kill me, huh?"
Just as she said those words, an enormous pressure assaults my whole being. I see my DEATH multiple times, by the hands of the Goddess, in the most brutal ways I could imagine.
I gasp for breath, coming out of that cursed vision. I shiver and sweat heavily.
hahh hahhh haahhh... panting, I regain a bit of my mind.
The Goddess stands just like before, seems as all those visions happened in a moment as the atmosphere of the room is still the same, the same atmosphere of throwing disgusting rats out of the house.
While gasping for air, the same fragrance of the Goddess enters my nose. A pretty strange odour, I think I inhaled it earlier too but that time it was pleasing me to no end and now it disgusts me to no end.
"Oh my god! Just look at that imposter glaring at the kind goddess like that... it's disgusting!!"
"Yeah, I know right, that one-eyed girl even had a real gun what is she? A murderer? She even tried to kill the Goddess!"
"Yeah, they're monster's servant what else you would expect."
"Who knows what would have happened to us if they stayed with us and attacked one of us with the psychopathic brains of theirs. Thank god, Goddess Helastia is sending them away from us!"
"Don't worry if that were to ever happen, I know for sure that Akira-kun would've saved us."
The Goddess turns back to me.
She looks at me and whispers in my ears while cackling in a crescent grin.
"See~ this drama...I like it! ... They already hate you... I didn't even do much... and they still already hate you!... You finally became interesting though, seeing that you broke free from my two abilities at once... Tell me, was that because of your skill?"
"Ahhhh~ so you won't tell me huh..."
"Haaaahhh, I'LL KILL YOU, BITCH. Know this, No One Messes with Me c-cause you mess with me I mess your w-whole life...blargghhh,"
Keeping my body in control was taking a lot of toll. I vomited some blood. Sadly it didn't fall on the bitch as she was too fast and moved away just in time.
"Yuk! So, disgusting, couldn't he have done that in that dungeon he is going to. Look, the floor is all dirty."
"I want to smack him myself. Just now, he could have spilt blood on the beautiful Goddess. I would've killed him if that happened, I am sure that the A-Rank me, KAMITANI TAKA, would have no problem in killing that worthless piece of shit."
"Ano... I will support you Taka-kun"
"Ah! d-do you w-whatever you want, kirin-chan"
'Some motherfuckers are creating their romantic zone while my whole life is being fucked upside down by this fucking goddess.'
blewrghh, huff, huff,...
"eweeepppp!!! he's gone crazy!!"
"Go die, motherfucker, I don't care if you come back, I'll kill you myself if you do!"
"yeah! too bad we won't be able to their unsightly deaths. I would like to see it, too bad~"
'TAKA KAMITANI.... I'll not forget your words....'
I lost the little control I had over my body as it turned around and walked to its death, yes, that eerie blackish-blue portal.
Even after the two so-called "Imposters" have left the 'Summoning Chamber' and the portal is closed back.
The Goddess is still cackling in mad glee.
She is cackling in excitement, as she had never witnessed nor had she ever thought that a mere mortal could get out of her two abilities at the same time. One of them being her <Body-Control> ability. The other is an ability that she hates to use but has to use very often.
How did he escape her ability?
Nah..., this is not some anime or manga, none of these could ever work in real life.
She is a genuine Goddess and has used her skill on many other insanely powerful beings. Beings, who had much more desperation. Beings, who had much more determination. Beings, who had much more anger. All those beings had never once escaped her ability when caught, and she knows that.
Was it due to him being a reincarnated one?
'No that can't be the reason too, since I've already used my abilities on other Reincarnated Irregulars too. They couldn't escape my abilities too... then what could be the reason?', the goddess thought.
She had something new to ponder for a while now. About how the Irregular got out of her ability. Well, her ability is related to death and that, in turn, is related to the soul. Hmm, the soul is a complex research subject, it might keep her busy for a while.
But more than that, her whole day has been quite pleasing and entertaining too.
She got four S-Ranker in this time's summon and saw a lot of drama more than she could have seen in a 'movie' on her 'laptop'.
'Ah! That "touching reunion" and that "friend arguing against gods" moment were my favourite ones of today! Ahaha~'
Few heroes look a bit uneased because of the sight of the trash spouting about coming back and all, but she was assured that those trashes would never come out of that dungeon, alive that is. That trash did manage to escape her ability, but well, if an Irregular doesn't do something new, then for what purpose would he be even called one. It is just that she will have to find a way so that no other Irregular popping up in the future summoning will be able to escape her ability. After all, she is a goddess she can't have a loophole in her skill.
'That trash wasn't anything new or some special one. He was just trash, trash who gave me something to research on, nothing else. Both of them, TRASH Trough and Through. I know, he would never be able to escape that dungeon, he has to die there. The Prophecy of Irregular could never come to pass!', Goddess Helastia's mood soured after remembering something. She shook her head in exasperation.
'Still, so much work left to do,*sigh*', The Goddess finally came out of her thoughts and gave her usual angelic smile to Heroes.