Chapter 67: Chapter 66 – Shrugging it Off

With the sudden realization that there is no way I’m going to be able to actually get to the market and that it is getting late, I attempt to close up shop.

With this in mind, I finish up working on this last woman, who was having chronic migraines. What she needed was a change in lifestyle habits, such as drinking more water, reducing stress, and exercising more.


As I walk this woman to the door, I stop the two women who were helping me from grabbing the next patient.

They seemed surprised at first, but then quickly begin to realize that it is getting late.

They actually start to help me collect all the ingredients and paperwork that has been strewn about. Shi is keeping guard at the entrance of the door.

My mind briefly drifts to the woman that was taken away. The whole time while I was working, I felt that tingle. Almost letting me know that someone was watching.

Turning my mind away from this, I focus back on the two women in front of me.

What I’m shocked to see is that somehow, they’ve already changed into more… comfortable clothing.

“Sir, where would you like to stay the night, tonight? We are here to assist in whatever way you might need.”

Somehow, in the way they conveyed their words, I can sense deep anticipation.

Well, I can’t blame them. I would think I’d be missing out on a big catch, if I let someone who did what I did go.

Nonetheless, there’s no way in hell I’m staying the night here.

Almost as if they can sense my hesitation, they move closer to me, practically in sync with each other. They seem strangely attractive to me, more so than they were before.

 Even Shi, has a look in her eyes, as I can see her looking back at us all.

As they approach, my intuitive scan catches the slightest, almost imperceptible glint in the air. One that is slowly diminishing over time.

With the women hovering in-between ethereally attractive and normal, a thought comes to mind.

This… could be some sort of mind affecting agent.

My eyes drift to the side of one of the women. A small bottle, filled the smallest amount of silvery liquid is open. With my enhanced eyes, I can see small sparkles coming out of it.


 The only question is, why is it going away?

I begin to realize it has to be because of my healing constitution.

At that moment, I can feel the tingle grow the slightest bit stronger, before disappearing completely.

Oh no. I feel the person watching me got the answer they were looking for.

They want me to stay the night here.

No way. Especially, with the hidden watcher most likely knowing my secret, I definitely cannot stay here.

I attempt, for the first time, to use my intuitive scan to see if someone is tracking me via spiritual scan.




… Yeah. They were.


Why did they stop? If I dive deeper, it feels like they were… cut off. Or cut off the connection themselves.


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Unfortunately, this is the extent of my abilities before going into migraine territory. And I refuse to go that far again, in a place I’m unfamiliar with.

Ending that train of thought there, I shake my head at the two women.

“You two have been amazingly helpful thus far, but at this time I really just want to sleep in my own bed. I will need to come through this area again, maybe even tomorrow.

“Instead of helping in how you guys might have originally been thinking or wanted, would you guys be open to helping me the next time I come through here, in the same way you already have today?”

This causes them to freeze in place. Their eyes wide, I slowly see them shake out of a stupor. The one with an open bottle subtly caps it, as they both frantically nod.

Looking towards Shi, I add, “Of course, that includes you as well. In fact, I will need your help in getting back to the entrance where I met you.”

In response, I can see her lick her lips before expressing her affirmation.

 Somehow, it looks like I was able to bring these three women over to my side, if only slightly. I shouldn’t delude myself into thinking they are loyal to me, though.

The only people I can trust, really, would be my friends back home.

Before I head out, I reviewed with the two women what things we saw today and making sure that they properly recorded the information I was giving out. Many of the women I saw had similar issues, that I could quickly check and pass on to the two women to handle. Since there were already methods to help with that, they were given the advice and moved to another place… maybe with people helping with that. If possible, I don’t want to duplicate work.

If was earning money off of this, that would be one thing. But since there’s no profit motive, I just want to get things done right and efficiently.

Huh, I feel like there’s some hidden lesson here. I’m sure I’ll figure it out later.

I make sure to clearly reiterate that I expect that everything I’ve given today will be held within the organization, as long as this is possible. Frantic head nodding, ensues.

It at this moment, I notice the growing din from outside. With the reduction of movement into and out of the bathroom, it is clear the line outside is becoming restless. I peek my head out to see the scale of people.

There is a sea of women out here, with a line reminiscent of the ones found at an amusement park for a mouse and friends. Catching sight of me seems to have made the situation worse. All composed of an absurd amount of above average to conventionally attractive women…

It is something that would normally cause one’s heart to beat fast for one reason, but is now beating fast for another, far more frightening one.

The crowd began to grow in volume, both in number and sound, as if waves flow through them.

I can see them surge forward, as if in slow motion, like the waters of a great ocean rearing its head… before a bunch of guards suddenly appear out of nowhere in droves.

A voice calls out and is repeated, like a chant or a slogan, “Got into line? Get healed. Get out of line? Get out of here!”

Like a wall of stone, they hold the growing masses at bay, with the large amounts of women already starting to line up.

Shi pushes me out of the bathroom, with several women from the guard group surging inside. Some have equipment with them. My intuitive scan shows some of the notes taken earlier, in the hands of one of the women. It is clear, that they are planning on treating people using the new information.

Lines seem to grow in number, even as it contracts into orderly formations. We can see some people in the distance hurrying to get into line.

With more coming…

Now free from the crowds. Shi and I begin traveling back down the road to the entrance from which we came.

Before I leave the building, one guard placed something in my hand. A Jade Bracelet with Yellow Sashes engraving.

I can see a hint of a smile from the guard before they disappear into the crowd.


Too tired to think about it, I slip it on and keep moving.

Trudging along, we barely see anyone else running around as we move away from the crowd. While we still can see some women running in and out of the doors to the Main Street, it appears the majority might have actually headed to the treatment line.


I expected this much. What I’m doing here is building allies and doing the right thing.


I hope that doing the right thing won’t come back to bite me before I can position myself better. I get the feeling that this will pay dividends, though.