Chapter 70: Chapter 69 – Cooperative Relationship

Shi looks uncomfortable, but speaks quickly.

“Well… like I had mentioned previously, the group is and has been watching you for quite a while now. Occasionally, our leader gets excited about someone and focuses her attention on them. The issue with this, is that she had trouble containing her illusion when she’s overly excited about something. We know she’s nearing a breakthrough where it can be maintained in any state, but is not there yet.

“So, our people, typically clear an area when we know she’s heading somewhere. In fact, there’s a specific division of people just for that purpose.”

Going from there, Shi continues by hinting at the internal situation. Apparently, it is well known that Wu Qing has a relationship with Sister Fang’s group. Or, as I know her, Big Sister Crane. There is speculation that they may have grown up together or that they were trained under the same master.

I don’t know about those rumors… the relationship seemed a bit more one-sided. I’m not even sure if that was ‘sisterly’ interaction. I mean, the way Big Sis Crane acts towards Gong is clearly warmer and more two-sided.

Thinking on Wu Qing’s illusion state… I have doubts that she can’t control it. It seems strangely advantageous for it to be widely known that she has issues with it. While that may definitely be the case with the cultivation method, I’m sure she is strategically using it to probe for information.

She doesn’t seem like one who does things ‘accidentally’. Even if she tries to give off an air-headed and playful impression.

Regardless of my thoughts, Shi gives out more information. She mentions that she is speaking on all of this since she understands there might have been trust lost with the recent encounter.

That she is on my side and wants a good relationship with me. Shi proceeds to tell me specifics on what’s going on. Some of which shocks me, but in some senses, really shouldn’t have.

Within the group as a whole, many people actually thought that the disease came from me. In this world, manipulations like that are not uncommon. Creating an issue and then being the ‘big-hearted’ savior in solving it.

Behind the scenes, large amounts of money were being poured in to discern my true nature.

Ultimately, Ai, Lin, and Gong assumptions were right. The various information groups looked into the basics of my relationship with Lin and Ai, but could not determine why there was such a vast change.

What was frightening was that they even looked into Old Rong and his relationship in the area. And his sudden disappearance. They could not find the body, for some reason.

There’s always the possibility that they are probing for information, even in this conversation. Considering what Wu Qing told me about how she determined what I was thinking, I need to reduce both the verbal and non-verbal cues I give off.

This is part of the way that I actually learn from my mistakes.

The time for naiveness has long been over.


Using my intuitive scan on myself, I consciously attempt to identify and control my tics. Luckily, my practice with the awareness technique makes this slightly easier.

I find that I have the tendency to subconsciously nod when I hear confirming information, and my lips twitch when I hear conflicting information. Among hundreds of other tiny tics. So. Many. Tics.


While identifying my tics was relatively simple because of my skill, removing them is far more than I can achieve at this time.

For this moment, though, I focus on reducing my nodding and lip twitching.


In response to the information Shi gave, I give a conscious nod to not appear suspicious. She pauses for a moment, as if to prompt me to speak.

I blink at her, clearly indicating for the conversation to move on.


Her lips tighten as she speaks further. 

While they weren’t able to discover any information about my past, they could dispel their suspicions that I caused their issues.

Because of my relationship with Big Sister Crane, this was dispelled. Not so much disproved, but more of, “If he’s the one that did it, I’ll take care of it.”

Which is honestly scary in its own right. Both because her relationship with Gong is strong enough that she’d vouch for me, but that she’d also end me.

Though it makes sense. This seems to be a more relationship driven society. Way more than the one in America.

Which means I need to be more careful of who I make relationships with and how I treat them.

You are reading story Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World at

I’m pretty sure my ‘foreignness’ will allow me to get away with much. But that will only go so far.


With this information dump complete, things fall silent. We are just standing out here, alone, facing each other awkwardly.

Which is actually quite strange, because it is getting closer to evening. The sun is clearly on the downturn, and this seems like the best time to get people out onto the streets. For their ‘business’ to be conducted.

Ah. They are probably waiting for us to leave.


“So, I guess we better head back to the entrance then? I wouldn’t want to keep the workers from their jobs.”

Shi seems to shake herself out of a small stupor at my words. Quickly nodding, she heads in the entrance’s direction.

The giant spider I had brought with me crawls from around an alleyway and rejoins us.

Taking a glance behind me, I can see some people wave others from the buildings on the left. The women file back into a flow, as we continually move forwards. Resuming their normal activities, it reminds me of waters flowing back through a parched riverbed.


Eventually, we make it to the entrance and the flow of people has resumed around us to normal levels. To the point, that we were once again having to make our ways through crowds.

Standing by the curtain, she pauses and turns to me.

“I’m guessing you might not be back for a while?”

Ugh… I’m pretty tired. It feels like every time I go outside or do something, that there is always ‘something’ happening.

It’s exhausting.

I also know that it is mostly my own fault. I’m the one who goes out and heals people willy-nilly. Likely, if I minded my business, I wouldn’t be in all the situations I’ve found myself in.

Nonetheless, I’ve made decisions. And I plan to stick to my convictions.

I’ll be resting. But, not now.


I speak up after stopping to think.

“Not exactly. I didn’t actually manage to reach the market, so I will likely need to come back through here tomorrow. However, I need to make it to the market by midday.”

I can practically see her face turn from a dim sadness, to glowing excitement. Quickly, I see her face fall for a moment.

I sigh. “And yes, I have time to heal some more people. I will most definitely need your help throughout the day.”

I can see her gulp.

“O-okay. That sounds great! Thank you for your patrona… ah, I mean help!”

From there we wrap up and I head back down the safest path, back to Gong’s place.


As I walk away, I take a glance behind me. I can see the badass, tough, and simultaneously nervous woman waving behind me.

I can feel a chuckle erupt from me as I turn back to face the way home.