Chapter 47: Chapter 44: Goliath

As the light coming from behind me faded I slipped back on my shirt.

The moment after I did so Athena handed me my status sheet.

When she did I looked at it.


Name: Morax Lapis

Level: Two

Strength: A895>S900

Endurance: A868>A878

Dexterity: A832>A840

Agility: A892>S901

Magic: A898>S910


Geo Force: Allows the user to create and manipulate earth constructs such as weapons. The more complex the constructs are the faster Mind is drained.

Chant: Ground and soil, heed my command and come forth!

Slot 2: ?

Slot 3: ?


Geo Archon: Increases the effect and power of any earth-based magic. It also doubles the user's strength and agility stats anytime they are in combat within rocky terrain. This allows one to be able to sense people within a 50 meter radius upon rocky terrain, but only if they are part of one's familia.

Gaia's Embrace: When inside of rocky terrain the user's mind and physical stamina is actively but slowly restored faster than normal.

Developmental Abilities:

Hunter: Rank H


'Yes!' I thought.

Finally after all the training and dungeon diving the stats I've wanted to reach S rank have. Not to mention my developmental ability hunter is now H rank.

That wasn't there during my last update.

So yeah, with this I know I am ready to level up.

Giving my status sheet to Athena she disposed of it.

"Good luck, and stay safe." Athena said.

"Always, goddess." I said.

I then stood up and we left her room.

Maneuvering through our now mansion-sized home we returned to the foyer where the others were waiting for me, all geared up and ready to go.

"Ok, let's head out." I said.

Everyone nodded.

As they did so Ms. Reina opened up the door for us.

"Take care mom." Rogue told his mother.

"You as well." She responded.

Everyone went through the door, and being the last I looked at Reina. "As always Ms. Reina please watch over this place until we return."

"Of course." She said, giving me a smile as she did so.

Nodding I headed out the door.

I then started leading the others, toward the dungeon.

Our goal, defeating the Goliath.


(3rd Person: POV)

Standing outside the entrance to the Goliath's spawning chamber Morax looked at his fellow familia members.

All of them had nervous expressions on their faces.

But Morax chose not to comment, since he is nervous as well.

This is the first time he and his companions are facing a true monster Rex after all.

One that is rated to be level four.

They all know that if they make one mistake then only death awaits.

Even so they are ready to face the challenge. It's why they all became adventurers in the first place.

Taking in a deep breathe Morax exhaled. "So I'm not going to give you guys some bullshit speech. All I will say is this. Stick to the plan, and no matter what survive. I don't want to have to mourn any of you guys."

"The same to you." Ryuu said.

Everyone else nodding in agreement.

"Alright then, let's do this." Morax said.

Gripping the shaft of his spear tightly he led his comrades into the boss room.

Sliding down the staircase they found themselves face-to-face with the Big Wall of Grief.

Moving into the middle of the room, the Athena familia took note of the wall cracking in front of them.

Then before they knew it the face of the monster rex, Goliath became visible. It's red eyes locking onto them.

Eventually Goliath freed itself from the Wall of Grief.

Once it did, the battle officially began.

"In formation!" Morax shouted.

As soon as he did so the Athena familia moved to their designated posts.

Ryner and Echidna moved farther back, preparing their magic after they did so. Covering them in a protective circle is Diluc, William, and Rogue.

Meanwhile Morax charged forward with Ryuu, Leonmitchelli, Gaul, and Millhiore beside him.


Releasing a mighty shout Goliath stomped forward and formed a fist with its left hand.

Swinging it down it attempted to strike Morax's group.

But all of them dodged its attack.

Once that happened Ryuu and Gaul moved toward Goliath's heels and began attacking them. While Ryuu used her blade to slash at its left heel, Gaul delivered punches and kicks to its right.

Despite this, the wounds were shallow.

And as soon as Goliath moved to attack them, the two moved back.

'The wounds aren't even that deep. But of course this isn't going to be easy. This is a monster rex after all.' Morax thought.

"That just means it's time for us to surpass our limits." He said.

As soon as he did so he raised up his free right-hand and began chanting.

{Ground that we walk upon, heed my command and come forth!}

[Geo Force]

As Morax finished casting his spell several earth spears erupted from the ground around Goliath and pierced its legs.

Only small wounds were made, but it is progress.

Releasing another furious roar the Goliath broke the earth spears piercing its legs and then lashed out with a kick with its left foot.

Seeing this everyone moved to dodge, but Leonmitchelli wasn't fast enough.

Raising up her sword she used it to lessen the impact of the kick, but still she was sent flying and landed in the wall.

"Gaul, assist Leon!" Morax commanded. "Magic users, attack!" He said.

Moving with speed Gaul went to assist his sister.

While Ryner and Echidna let loose their magic on the Goliath.


Ryner cried.


Echidna shouted.

A torrent of flames appearing a the tip of Gloom, and racing towards the Goliath after they did so.

This is Echidna's first spell. A super-short chant attack-type fire spell known as Goa.

As to why she is using this instead of [Jiwald] its because Morax instructed her to save it for when the Goliath is weakened or if other monsters intrude on their battle with the monster rex. Since that spell can handle multiple opponents at once.

Fire and lighting struck the Goliath simultaneously. As they did so the beast roared as sing marks appeared on its chest.

Even so the beast is nowhere near ready to fall.

Reaching his sister Gaul helped her out of the hole in the wall she was in.

"Sis are you ok?" Gaul asked her.

Wiping some blood from her mouth Leonmitchelli nodded and then stood back to her feet.

Deciding to take his sister word Gaul said nothing.

Instead he followed her and rejoined the battle.

Feeling the magic attacks the Goliah staggered backwards.

When it did Morax dashed forward, Ryuu and Millhiore following right beside him.

Getting in close they began delivering slashes to the left left leg of the monster rex.

Ignoring the blood spraying out from the wounds the three of them continued to do as much damage as possible, until the Goliath attempted to strike them with its hands.

But as soon as it ready its attack they moved out its range.

You are reading story Danmachi: Rise of The Rampart at

Hit-and-run tactics, that is the way to beat a big but slow monster like the Goliath.

Ignoring its bleeding leg the Goliath stood back to its full height and roared.

It then picked up several nearby rocks.

Following the monsters gaze Morax immediately knew where it was going to throw those rocks.

At Ryner and Echidna.

"Move now!" He shouted at the rear-guard.

But it was too late.

The Goliath threw several rocks at them.

Seeing this Rogue moved forward and slashed one in half with his katana.

While William and DIluc moved to get Ryner and Echidna out of the line of fire.

All of them making it out without a scratch.

Once they did they began trying to get back into their formation, but the Goliath would not allow that to happen.

It began throwing several rocks at the Athena familia, intending to separate them or outright kill them.

As they dodged the onslaught Morax began thinking of ways to turn the situation around.

A minute passed before an idea popped into his head.

"Well, I'm not that good but I guess this is make it or break it." Morax told him.

He then began to chant.

Cocurrent chanting.

Although Morax and the others magic users in the Athena familia had been learning from Echidna how to preform this feat ever since she joined two months ago, none of them had come close to perfecting it like her.

Even with all the training they put into it.

Morax himself only manages to complete cocurrent chanting 3 out of 10 times, and those were against low level monsters.

To use such a method against a monster rex is dangerous.

He knows this.

But if he doesn't do something about the rocks then his familia won't stand a chance.

That's why he's going to move forward here and now.

{Ground that we walk upon, heed my command and come forth!}

[Geo Force]

Morax shouted.

As he did so he smiled, since he achieved the desired result.

The moment he finished his magic a large and thick rock wall appeared in front of him, stopping a rock thrown from the Goliath from hitting him.

Seeing what their captain summoned all the Athena familia members moved to hide behind the rock wall from the Goliath's ranged attack.

"Nice captain." Diluc said, panting. "If you hadn't created this wall we'd bee in trouble."

"Don't think me just yet Diluc, this battle is far from over." Morax replied.

"Yeah, so what's the next move?" Ryner asked.

"Magic users, prepare spells. Then as soon as the Goliath moves to re-load on rocks strike at it." Morax instructed. "Use this rock wall for defense. Then we'll stick with the same formation, except for one change. William start aiming your arrows for that bastards eyes."

"On it." William replied.

"Good. Break." Morax said.

Then as soon as he did so he peeked around the rock wall and saw the Goliath moved to gather more stones.

"Ok, now!" Morax shouted.

Hearing this Echidna and Ryner quickly moved from behind the rock wall and cast their magic once more.

{What I seek is thunder, Izuchi!}




Fire and lighting once again move toward the Goliath and struck the beast in the chest.

As soon as this happened Morax's vanguard went on the attack again.

They moved in close and started damaging both the Goliath's legs once more. Stabbing, cutting, and punching they used all their might to try and bring the monster rex to its knees.

While they did this William continually shot arrow volley at the monsters eyes to keep it off guard.

Swinging its arms widely the Goliath tried to attack the Athena familia, but missed each and every time.

Even so it does not mean the vanguard is unscathed.

They have various cuts and bruises on their bodies from the debris the Goliath is kicking up with its stomping as they cutting its legs.

Still, it is a small price to pay to bring the beast down.

The vanguard continued cutting at the Goliath's legs for five minutes straight until the beasts took several steps back.

Once it did it roared again.

The Goliath then stomped with its right foot, creating a mini tremor on the ground.

This caused members of the Athena familia to stagger.

As they did so the Goliath threw a punch right toward Ryuu.

Seeing this the elf quickly steadied herself and moved to dodge.

But before she could the Goliath managed to hit her left leg.


An audbile pop reverberated through the cavern as Ryuu's left leg was broken, which caused her to let out a blood curdling scream.


Flying backwards Ryuu landed in the wall opposite of the Big Wall of Grief.

"Ryuu!!!" Everyone shouted in worry.

Except for Morax.

He remained completely silent.

All sounds faded from his hearing.

Seeing Ryuu thrown into the wall, and hearing her cry out in pain.

It caused something in him to awaken.

Turning his gaze to the Goliath Morax felt calm, eerily calm.

Despite the burning rage and the urge he has to rip the Goliath apart right now.

He had seen Ryuu hurt before of course. It's nothing new to him. They are adventurers after all.

But this is the first time Morax had heard Ryuu cry out in pain like that.

And he didn't like it one bit.

"Millhiore, Gaul go and assist Ryuu now!" He shouted. Keeping the calmness in his voice.

Seeing their captain like this no one argued.

Gaul and Millhiore moved to assist Ryuu, while Leonmitchelli turned her gaze to Morax.

"Hey Morax." She called out. Words being left unspoken but their meaning being implied.

Are you ok to keep going?

"I'm fine." He said. "I'm just ready to tear this fucking this apart." Morax said.

Then right after he did so he felt a change take place inside of him.

As soon as he did so he turned his gaze to Leonmitchelli. "Move back and protect the others. I've got this." He said.

Leonmitchelli wanted to refute Morax's words. Yet from the way he spoke, and the change in the air around him she decided to follow his words.

She moved back.


Letting out a roar the Goliath began stomping forward.

As it did so Morax turned to face it, placing the tip of his spear in the ground as he did so.

"You shall not pass!" He shouted.

A golden veil then encompassed Morax's entire body.

Once it did so he slowly began to transform.

Seeing this the other Athena familia members couldn't believe their eyes. Yet no matter how much they denied what was happening in front of them, it was still happening.

Before their vary eyes Morax transformed into a seven meter long dragon.

[Morax Lapis Dragon Form from Genshin Impact]

Everyone has been left speechless.

They all knew how certain species of animal based demi-human could used a skill known as [Beastification] to transform, werewolves being a prime example.

But none of them had ever heard of a human with a similar skill, let alone one who can transform into a dragon.

Needless to say, this is a sight none of them will ever forget.

While his companions stood in awe of his transformation Morax himself was also curious.

But he put that curiosity aside due to the opponent in front of him.

The Goliath.

The battle between titan and dragon is about to take place.