Hinder, with Clay and Jam following him from behind, was also walking non-stop to get out of the forest and for Hinder to offer the flower to her madam, Madam Hina.
But when they were about to exit the cave, they realize that the cave was blocked by piles of rocks which surprise them.
They began to use their strength to move the boulders but when they were about to finish, they realize that there is a secret passage.
The passage was behind the door-like wall. It was narrow as it only fit a person and was dark as you can't see the front, if it has a trap or not.
The three were alarmed by this as the door-like wall suddenly collapse and fell to the ground with a loud thud.
The three look at the passage and become filled with curiosity.
"Sir Hinder, how about we go on this passage first?" Clay asked as he was curious about the passage.
"Okay." Hinder lead their group.
Hinder makes a torch first using his energy that lights their way.
The passage wall was full of mysterious and profound drawings that make anyone immersed in it, and if not for the fact that these three were at least an eight pillar ultimate god, maybe they will be just standing still while looking at the picture for a hundred of years.
The three continue to walk and were amazed by the length of the passage. They were already walking for at least 2-3 hours yet they still don't see any sign of its ends. And not only it was long, but it also only had one direction and didn't even have a trap.
The three while walking will get themselves in talking to kill their boredom.
A day had passed and finally, they had reached the end. The three were so exhausted as they didn't rest nor eat or drink because all they want is to end their endless walking.
When they step out of the passage, the first thing that greeted them is a beautiful garden filled with a variety of beautiful and fragrant flowers.
Almost all the flower were present in the garden. The flower was the one that colors the garden and makes it beautiful.
Their visions were just filled with flowers and only a path that leads in an unknown direction.
The three were not fond of flowers, no matter how much beautiful it is, for them it was just for a girl, so they continue their walk and take the path.
The three walks for another day, exhausted all over as their bodies become weak and tired since they didn't take a rest just to get out of the garden immediately and to reach the end or to be exact, to see the treasure.
The three just enter the passage as they thought it will lead them to treasure, that's why they are still persistent and will continue until they will get sight of the treasure so that their efforts were not in vain.
They finally get out of the garden and were now standing in a drawing of an arrow that points towards north. The arrow was big and long making the edge almost not visible when standing at the foot of the arrow.
At the edge of the arrow, there was an altar with five objects, exuding a profound and old aura making the three extremely satisfied and agreeing to take it already.
On the altar, there was a rectangular paper with only arrows and boundaries, a small bottle of black fluid, a silver curved blade, a 1.5 m piece of wood, and lastly a bolo.
The silver curved blade exudes a frightening aura, as it has an extremely sharp edge. The blade was covered by a death imprint making it more frightening.
The wood exudes an old aura, while its outer body was filled with different stamps or designs. Its inner body was colored crimson making it looks as if it was covered by the blood.
You are reading story The Strongest Weapon Of The Strongest Duo at novel35.com
The bolo was not big nor not small. At most, it was at a 60 cm measurement. Its hilt was made from unknown wood as it was covered by an unknown pattern and was dyed in blood color. Its blade has a sharp yet dull edge, making it looks as if it was not dangerous at all but still dangerous.
The three walked closer to the treasure and were extremely satisfied with what they saw.
"Sir Hinder, it's really a treasure!" Jam said as his eyes were shining when he looks at the treasure.
"Yeah, and these two are a rare treasure. This curved blade and wood are Higher level materials."
"Yeah, Sir Hinder. But these two, although exuding a profound aura, it was useless for us. According to legend, there's still no one who can use these two." Clay points his index finger to the rectangular paper and small bottle of black fluid.
"You two can take those two, and I'll take the wood, the bolo, and the curved blade."
"Oka..y, Sir Hinder." the two sadly and reluctantly take the paper and the fluid.
"Don't worry, although those two were pretty useless since you don't know how to use it, it can still be pretty useful for you in the future once you know how to use it."
"Oka..y, Sir Hinder. Then what are you going to do with those three?" Clay just watches Hinder taking the three and hiding them in his spatial storage bag.
"I'll make a scythe since those two are good materials. As for the bolo, I'll just offer it to a farmer at a high price. Although it can be used as a weapon and was a Medium level weapon, it was still better for a farmer." Hinder explained.
"Then, why don't we just buy it from you?"
"Do you have money?! Are you sure about that?!" Hinder asked while hoping that he makes a large sum of money from this bolo.
"Yes, just tell me the price."
"How about a 1000 Rare crystal?" Hinder asked.
"What?! A million common crystals?"
"Why?! Don't you have money?! Then, we don't have a deal."
"It's not I don't have money, Sir Hinder. But it's just that, isn't it a bit expensive?"
"So what?! Are you going to buy it or not?"
"If you're not going to buy it, I'll be the one to buy it." Clay threatened as he find the bolo interesting. Because how will a bolo be placed there if it is not a good thing?
"Wait... I.. I have a million common crystals here. I'll buy it." Jam said as he took out all his common crystals.
"Oh! You have so many crystals! Hahaha, looks like I'll earn a large profit this time."
Then the two exchange and after that, they finally decided to go back and get out of the forest.
"Treasures Were Always Placed At The Unexpected Place!"