Chapter 183: Chapter 181 – Probably Bad

The Boundless Healing technique.


The only cultivation method that has no restrictions at the later levels to resurrecting someone. Even the strongest healing methods have restrictions, such as needing something of the person other than just knowledge of them. Even if the only thing that’s left is the barest impressions of their cultivator soul.

Others have restrictions on how long it’s been since they’ve died or massive heavenly material requirements. All have some measures of the other restrictions/requirements in them.

 Compared to such things, it is clear that the boundless healing technique, which only requires Qi and the technique itself, is superior.

This doesn’t even include the fact that the method is even better on the healing side than even my healing aura. Specifically for healing, not optimizing.

Where my healing aura will need to grow to treat mental trauma, this method can already help with it starting out. It actually calms the person and implants positive triggers that will help them through the source of their pain.

 Honestly, it treads perilously close to the realm of mind control/hypnotism. It seems to only allow positive effects, though.

Which ties back into the one restriction that this ability has on its user. Which, compared to what it can ultimately do, isn’t that bad. For sure, any sect would massacre millions of its members to even get a taste of a technique like this.

Hell, they’d likely do it even for one of the other, lesser types of healing methods that could resurrect people.

The biggest problem with this cultivation method for me personally is that I’m alone and it wouldn’t allow me to gain any strength I could use to protect myself…

Despite being part of the sect, I am not the organization itself. I’m an asset for this Sect. which means the higher my value grows, the more control they want to have over how the asset is used.

That doesn’t even include all my other secrets, which could be revealed if a high enough cultivator did a deep scan to figure out my history, potentially learning all my abilities.

I don’t need to think on this further to know how absolutely horrible that would be in a world like this.

Without the strength to prevent someone from doing such a thing or being able to grow to that strength, then I’d just be turned into a brainless tool for the powerful people around me.

 Despite this risk, my scan is definitively telling me that this would be the best choice for me for my long-term survival and growth.

There has to be a reason this is the ‘best’ choice.

I’m sure my scan is taking into account my taming and scanning abilities.

 Luckily for me, because I have the method here, I can ascertain more of what could happen.

… Looks like this isn’t as bad as I thought. 

I overreacted again.

My healing constitution will provide me a similar level of strength as if I was body cultivating with a cultivation method. There are also ways within using my healing aura and constitution that I can achieve similar effects.

 My taming ability will continue to grow, which also means I can contract with stronger and stronger creatures. Even if I can’t use offensive Qi cultivation taming techniques, my taming ability can create the equivalent.

I also have my alchemy. There’s nothing saying I can’t poison my enemies to death.

Talismans and arrays are still on the table. Though, those can only be created at later stages of cultivation. I can use talismans at any stage, but not make them until then.


Last, martial arts from my world can technically be used. The difference between them and the combat techniques of this world is that combat techniques utilize qi to make the movements stronger or achieve certain effects.

The only way to use qi with martial arts is to force qi out of my body in no particular fashion. An extremely excessive and wasteful use of it. I may not even have the amounts to handle doing a single punch this way.

The best usage would be to not do anything fantastical, but use my internal Qi reserves to protect myself from qi attacks while I subdue them.

With my body cultivation-like fists.

And feet.


There are other restrictions, but there are also more things I can do. But this reveals enough that I can still protect myself and, hopefully, others.


Strangely enough, even with all the information that came up and is at my fingertips about this cultivation method, there’s still massive quantities of information I don’t have access to.

They are locked behind first learning the method in a deeper way. The information is esoteric, so a lot of what the book has about the method is worded in strange ways. My scan is helping me interpret it.

It isn’t at the strength where it can tell me everything about it. Once I start to practice it, it will have a significantly lower cost to learning the following information.


 And that’s it.

I stand here in this interim space, with the method in my hand.

 The world melts around me, revealing the true state of things, where the old man is still watching me. Paused, but now moving ever faster until it reaches a normal time.

From what I could gather, rather than slowing down time, the book slowed my perception of time while having me in its space.

 Instantaneously, the old man’s eyes lock onto the book in my hand. Like dust, it begins to scatter away before floating to my chest to ultimately disappear.

 As it was completing this transformation, I could see a flash of shock, then understanding on his face, with a large amount of greed.

Immediately, I use my scan to help with this. It lets me know what to do.

You are reading story Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World at

I bow just as deeply as I did when I was apologizing earlier to him.

“Honored Teacher, thank you for your treasured gift, as it has given me great understanding of cultivation.”

At me calling him teacher, his eyes seemed to flash and his back straightens up.

 Based on his reaction, it doesn’t seem like he’s ever been called a teacher before.

With how clearly powerful and likely old he is… seriously, what kind of guy is this man?

Using my scan to hideaway my thoughts, I still keep the look of honoring him on my face.

In terms of my body reactions, which I wouldn’t be able to control, I still felt immense respect and gratefulness to this man who’s given me this opportunity. Regardless of his background.

All of this seems to go unnoticed, as he appears to be in his own world of happiness.

He can’t seem to keep a smile off his face, despite his great skill. All the Greed in his eyes from before, have now disappeared in the wake of this new feeling.

“No, no, no. You don’t need to call me a Teacher from such a small thing.”


This is a lie. He clearly wants me to say it again.

I didn’t even need a scan to see that.

I used it anyway.

“No, no, no, no. I’m just grateful to have met such a wise and gracious Teacher as yourself. I truly shall never forget this. As they say, a Teacher for a day, a father for life. The mere fact you were willing to mentor one such as I, speaks leagues about your outstanding character.”

If his eyes were flashing before, now they are slightly reminiscent of his reawakening. Like lasers.

“Hohohohoho. You truly know how to say some good words. If only my daughter were as filial…”

He pauses and goes silent. Becoming contemplative.

I say nothing and just wait for him to set the pace.


To my surprise, he places a gentle hand on my head.

“Child, I have many things to do. Take care of yourself and make sure to not mention our meeting to others. It could be quite dangerous for you. I won’t be watching, so I won’t be able to help you.”

He quickly turns and is clearly about to head off. He stops before leaving.

“It’s clear there is some fate between us. We’ll see each other again.”


He disappears soon after, like an afterimage.


And I’m left alone here.

It’s a bit of a strange feeling. He had actual familial affection toward me when he left.

I’m not sure what my scan just had me do, but it looks like my words may have had a deeper meaning than I intended.

… I guess it might be the difference in cultures. Though, there might be something more personal involved, as well.

I’ll return the feeling as he had given it. He doesn’t seem like a bad sort.

Having met truly evil cultivators, this isn’t as bad.



… Actually, I should still maintain my caution. Just because a person is nice doesn’t mean they are a good person. Either way, I’ll still treat him the same. There’s not much else I can do in this situation.


I quickly begin using the method, but then stop… as I realize that I’m still being chased and likely tracked. I will need to hurry to the teleporter to get to the forest.

If I try to use my method now, it will put me in a partially subdued state for half a day. Far too long to handle here.


I run through the streets at high speeds, matching the airflow and maintaining as much stealth as I can through my scan.