Rei managed to get some rest as Ivanko took them towards Luffy's treatment area.
"Hey Eve, has the system finished compiling the bloodlines?" Rei asked excited about a new power.
{Hai hai~ displaying AFFORDABLE bloodlines, so not all of then ok?}
[Bloodlines-World Grade
-Gol.D Roger]
"Hmmm are these all the ones I can afford?"
{Yep! However! 2 of these bloodlines have been added here because this will be your first World Grade ability.}
"Sate sate sate, Eve can you explain advantages of them?"
{Hai~ it's on system menu now~}
[Uzumaki- Large chakra, sealing talent, chakra chains.
Zeus- Lighting control, longer lifespan.
Zeref- Ability to use any magic, immortalityWarning- Power will lose control often unless user disregards all life.
Alucard/Dracula- True immortality, intangibility, blood control, dead army, absorb souls, turn body to mist, gravity manipulation-more to be seen. Warning-User must absorb blood every few years or user will enter hibernation for 20 to 30 years. Powers are weakened which will increase as host increases in power.
Gol,D Roger- Maximum talent in haki, sea king manipulation. ]
"Eve, isn't Alucard's bloodline too powerful?" Rei asked in shock seeing the benefits of the Alucard bloodline.
{Yep! It's a half step sovereign bloodline after all. It was on the high end of the world rank so the system decided to include it as an option for your first world ability, lucky Rei.} Eve explained.}
"Then of course i'll pick the Alucard bloodline." Rei said wondering why the system still gave him choices even though Alucard was the most beneficial one that Rei could see.
{Hai hai~ The process of intergration should take till the end of Luffy's treatment. But Rei i'll warn you, while you maybe immortal you can still be sealed away.} Eve warned sternly.
Nodding Rei took the warning to heart.
"Oi Ivanko, I'll be refining me body a bit, is there another room like Luffy's?" Rei asked looking at the okama queen.
"Of course, it is just on vthe side over vthere." Ivanko said pointing at a door.
"Thanks, also lock it as heavy as you can." Rei said stepping into the room.
"Ok." Ivanko said nodding wondering why he would need to lock it as heavy as he could.
"Haaaa Eve you ready?"Rei said sitting down.
{Hai hai anytime, remember try not to pass out for maximum effects.} Eve said about to integrate the bloodline.
"Yeah, now go ahead." Rei said preparing for the bloodline.
"AAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGG!" He screamed out as it felt like all his blood vessals were just torn out of his body. His skin ripped as red lines traced all of his veins while his eyes became bloodshot.
"Oi oi~ Rei if you're integrating with a bloodline you could have told me. I was woken up with such a nasty surprise." Lucifer called out from Rei's mind.
"NOT-AG-THE-AHG-TIME!!!!" Rei shouted body twisting in pain.
"Fine here this should help dull the pain a little." Lucifer said snapping his fingers which helped Rei dull his pain receptors before going back to sleep.
"AAARRRRRGGGGGGG!" However, even if it was dulled it still hurt like lava poured in Rei's veins.
He started to thrash around the area hoping to distract himself to no avail.
"AAARRRRGGGG!" Rei continued to shout as the bloodline integrated into him. As it was a bloodline and not a skill turned bloodline like Lucifer was, Rei didn't gain a mentor to help him explore the bloodline.
Time ticked by as both Luffy's and Rei's screams continued as the observers became unnerved as they could hear Rei hitting the room causing heaving banging sounds to echo. As the time hit 20hrs into Luffy's treatment all fell silent as blood poured from Luffy's cell.
"Luffy...." Bon said on the verge of tears thinking that Luffy's dead.
"Don't worry. Luffy's not dead yet." Rei suddenly said behind Bon, who in turn was shocked at how Rei appeared behind him without sound.
"VWhat! How did he get out from the room.... VThe door is still locked...." Ivanko thought looking at Rei in shock.
"MMMMEEEEEEEESSSSSSHHHHHHIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(FOOD!)" Luffy shouted out from his room.
"And there we go." Rei said with a smile before walking off into a corner.
"Eve so this is Alucard's bloodline....I know currently I have true immortality, weakened regeneration, slight increase in body power, intangibility/turn to mist and weakened blood manipulation." Rei thought moving his body around to get used to it.
{Yep! The rest will be unlocked as you get stronger.} Eve replied.
"Hmmm but damn watching Luffy eat all this is both amazing and fucking disturbing." Rei said looking at the meat 3 times the size of a car disappear inside Luffy's room.
{Indeed....Rei you also need to absorb some blood soon.} Eve said cautioning Rei.
"Yep but not now, no way in hell am I going to drink the blood of an okama." Rei said shivering.
"Ah Luffy's back." Rei thought approaching Luffy.
You are reading story The Divine Anime System at
"Oi Luffy you ok now?" Rei asked.
"Ah Rei! Yep we need to go save Ace, he's still below us." Luffy said showing the vivre card.
"Ne Iva chan are you going to escape as well? Bon chan was looking to save you." Luffy said towards Ivanko.
"No not yet. That man has yet to move, the commander of the revolutionary's,one of themost wanted people in the world, vmy companion, DRAGON!" Ivanko said revealing Dragon's name.
"Ahhh my dad then." Luffy said hearing about Dragon.
"Hahahaha, Luffy can't tell the atmosphere as all ways." Rei thought as he wondered about who's blood he should take.
"Eto Eve? You don't mind if I sucked the blood of Chief Guard Sadi right?" Rei asked since he really didn't want to drink some old man's blood by the neck.
{.....Fine...I don't want you to suckle on the neck of some fucked up looking dude from desperation.} Eve said knowing that Rei needed to drink blood.
"Thanks Eve." Rei smiled as he tried to curb his urge until they saw Sadi.
"Right Rei lets go to save Ace!" Luffy shouted towards Rei.
"Hai hai, I'm coming now." Rei said jogging after Luffy. It
was easy entering level 6, with the four of them. Rei, Luffy, Ivanko and Inazuma.
"AAACCCCCEEEEEE!!!" Luffy shouts out as he enters level 6.
"Luffy, I believe ace had already been taken away from here." Rei said walking towards the cell which held Ace.
"See Ace isn't here." Rei said turning back to Luffy.
"They took him through the elevator go quickly!" Jinbe said seeing how Luffy fits the description Ace gave about Luffy.
"Thanks!" Luffy shouted before running to the elevator only to be held back by Rei.
"Rei what are you doing?!?! We need to go save Ace." Luffy said struggling.
"Luffy do you think they can't see us? There are camera snails everywhere and the moment you enter that lift they can kill you easily." Rei said looking at Luffy seriously.
"We will need to climb back up to the top of the prison manually." Rei pointed towards the exit.
"Urg...Fine lets go quickly." Luffy said about to run.
"Take me with you in that case, I want to save Ace kun too. And I will gladly die to save him." Jinbe suddenly called out.
"Warlord Jinbe..." Ivanko said looking at Jinbe.
"Luffy, you should take him. He will be a great help to save Ace." Rei said.
"I'll wait for you at the entrance level 6 ok?" Rei said whilst walking off.
"Fucking hell...." Rei said as he felt an increase in urge to drink blood.
{We'll need to hurry Rei since this will be you're first drink of blood.} Eve said as Rei walked to the entrance of level 6.
"Yeah, Luffy should be here soon. God damn I almost went for his blood then." Rei said shaking his head.
Soon steps could be heard as they arrived.
"Alright come on lets get out of here." Rei said as he stood up.
"VI vwill need to gather the people at Newkama land first." Ivanko said with Inazuma nodding.
"Fine then me, Luffy, Jinbe and whoever the fuck this guy is will go to level 4 first." Rei said pointing at Crocodile.
"Guys grab onto me i'll bring you guys there quickly." Rei called out preparing to leave.
Luffy then stretched his arms around Rei while Crocodile and Jinbe grab onto Luffy. Pumping energy into his legs, neon blue circuits appeared as he dashed off with a resounding bang.
"Grab on tight." He shouted sprinting while Luffy was shouting out in surprise. It didn't take long for them to arrive back on level 4. Seeing Sadi Rei though,
"Meal time...."
"Luffy go ahead with Jinbe and this guy. I'll take care of this chick." Rei said stopping.
"Sure! Be careful ok." Luffy said continuing to run.
"Sate sate sate, young lady...Care to show me your neck." Rei said with a wide smile showing his fangs.
"You shall call me mistress you trash." She said while she send her whip towards Rei.
"Hahahahahaha, feisty..." Rei said as he turned into mist. Haki wouldn't work on him since this isn't a logia fruit. But he also can't attack in this state until he increases his strength and control of the bloodline.
"What the hell?!?!?" Sadi said watching Rei turn to mist and drift towards her. She had used haki but it didn't work.
"WHY WON'T HAKI WORK!!!" She shouted as she tried to hit him repeatedly with haki.
"Hahahahaha, i'll dig in now...." Rei said flashing at full speed behind Sadi and bit down into her neck.
"AARRGGG!" She shouted feeling her blood being drained. She tries to claw at Rei's face only for her arms to held by his while he drained her. It wasn't long until she stopped moving and died.
"Ahhhh that was the shit." Rei said wiping his mouth.
"Glad I didn't stay near Luffy or I would have killed him." Rei thought.
{Indeed, the first feeding would be the biggest one you have but from now on it should be more controlled.} Eve explain.
"That's good then. Now let's go join the war." Rei said as he ran towards where Luffy would be.