Darkbound, who had been slain just now quickly reassembled himself, scaring everybody that though that he was gone forever now. Lucifer, Emeraldine, and Partner were about to jump on him and attack him, but I quickly stopped them before they killed him again.
"Woah, woah! Stop right there! I raised him again!" I said. "He's part of my Undead Army now."
"Say what?!" Lucifer was shocked.
"Y-You raised him back up at full strength? His aura got… a bit stronger even!" Said Emeraldine.
"No… Am I being replaced by this better Undead?" Wondered Partner.<sub>.</sub>
"W-What are you talking about, Partner? I would never replace you for anything in the world…" I sighed. "And yeah, I used my Necromancy powers to raise him back up. I'll explain the details later…"
"W-Wow…" Said Emeraldine, as she admired the great height of Darkbound.
"Well, this is a bit insane, since when did you learned to recreate an Undead so well?" He asked.
"I am filled with surprises, my dear dragon husband." I laughed maliciously as Lucifer began to feel a bit cringe about what I said.
"O-Okay, now that this is done… Err, why is it staying still?" Wondered Partner.<sub></sub>
"Oh right… Darkbound! Wake up." I said. I had realized undead created through the Soul Grimoire would keep on "standby" until I gave them a signal to begin moving, as if they were robots or something. but once I do, they'll begin acting like normal forever so there shouldn't be a problem.
Darkbound groaned loudly, raising his arms, and then directing them towards me.
"Maria, watch out!" Lucifer tried to stop Darkbound but he suddenly realized there was no threat from this big skelly.
Darkbound petted my head and then allowed me to sit over his arm, as he lifted me up into his vast shoulders and I sat down there.<sub></sub>
"Good boy! You're such a good boy!" I said, petting Darkbound's skull as he began making groans that seemed to be of joy.
You are reading story Reborn As A Ghost: Time To Build My Undead Army! at novel35.com
"Oohoh… Oooho…" He was laughing very weirdly, but it was somehow cute.
"Is he a puppy or something?!" Asked Partner in shock. "W-Was I like this back then?"
"You were." I said. "Well, you still like to be spoiled, don't you? All the Undead I raise are always my sweethearts, I treat them well and give them a lot of love so they're always very loyal… Well, you're obviously my special cinnamon roll."
"T-That's a bit embarrassing to say out loud…" Sighed Partner while blushing.
Lucifer seemed a bit displeased, I even detected a hint of jealously on his glare, perhaps he wanted to be the one carrying me around or something. I really wouldn't mind if he tried to be honest. He always carries me on his dragon form though so maybe he feels like Darkbound is going to steal his place.
"W-Well, do whatever you want with him, as long as he doesn't do anything bad…" Sighed Lucifer. "However, we should investigate the place, there's a big amount of souls you caught, right? Have you thought about seeing their memories to see if they saw any Necromancer?"
"Oh yeah, we'll do that later with Darkbound. From what I saw it seems he's made of over a hundred souls from people that were all sacrificed… inside the dungeon." I sighed. "We'll discuss more of that later, but perhaps that was the reason behind the little dungeon where you came from suddenly becoming big and menacing… There are some weird experiments going on by a mysterious dark organization, and those mysterious guys are probably related to the Vampires. Honestly I am tired of blood suckers, can't they chill for a second or something? Always doing stupidly bad things…"
"Well, yeah, it is tiring that Vampires are behind everything." Sighed Lucifer. "I can't believe how low they have fallen as Majin. It seems that the vampires of the past are no more, they had grown corrupted and strangely wicked and vicious. I wonder if I'll ever find an ancient vampire. I remember they were honorable knights of the Demon King, but now they had devolved into ruffians, bandits, and drug dealers."
"Maybe that's just their way of adapting to the human supremacy of the continent and trying to fit in and survive…" Said Emeraldine. "Have you not thought about the big hole that the Demon King left behind after dying? Most of the races that were not outright killed and managed to escape had to somehow survive on their own ways… Vampires simply adapted and perhaps are somewhat trying to have their revenge by destroying humanity's society from the inside out."
"Hmmm… If you put it like that it doesn't sound so bad." Said Lucifer. "But I cannot relate to them, I am not like humans who hate entire races because a few of such race members angered or disgusted them. Hating all of humanity would be futile and stupid. There are many innocent people, and I am not inherently malicious to want to hurt those that don't deserve it."
"Ditto!" I said. "Now, let's get back to Julia, the entire place should be cleansed by now… Boys and girls! Come back to mommy's shadow!" I called all my Undead, as they quickly began to crawl back to me. My shadows spread through the Shadow Storage Skill, and all the Undead suddenly disappeared by sinking into the darkness that spread out almost in the entirety of the Graveyard. I also got all the remaining corpses and magic crystals before any of Julia's subjects try to grab them for themselves. These are my loot after all. If they want it they'll have to pay a price. Also the Undead corpses can serve as more materials to mass produce new Undead.
When we walked back to Julia, she was so horrified by what happened that she was looking at me with eyes wide open, almost falling off her skull.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"T-That's… You… Eh…? Eeeh? Ahahh… I… I need a bit of time to process everything I saw…"