Like any other living being, dungeons have one core desire and that is to spread themselves outward.
There are typically two ways a dungeon will develop, as it presses itself out beneath the surface of the world.
Horizontally: The dungeon will spread itself flat and very wide, just beneath the surface of the world.
Vertically: In these cases, the dungeon will burrow deeper and deeper in a small area, like a needle being pressed towards the heart of the world.
There have been no identified reasonings in a dungeon’s approach to growing. They seem to just identify a pattern that is to their liking and then proceed with that in mind, like a school-boy choosing his favorite path home. As for differences, the principle is the same, but many adventurers will attest that vertical dungeons are much more exhausting to delve, because of the many, many staircases.
Horizontal dungeons can be treacherous in their own way, as they can quickly become very complicated mazes and labyrinths of rooms and chambers.
In general, most dungeons only have one, single entrance and exit; the dungeon-gate.
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